Go to the documentation of this file. 29 #ifndef AVT_VMBAPI_LOGGERDEFINES_H 30 #define AVT_VMBAPI_LOGGERDEFINES_H 41 #define LOGGER_DECL FileLogger 42 #define LOGGER_DEF FileLogger( "VimbaCPP.log", true ) 43 #define LOGGER_LOG( logger, loggingInfo ) if ( NULL != (logger) ) (logger)->Log( loggingInfo ); 57 #define LOG_FREE_TEXT( txt ) std::string strExc( txt );\ 58 strExc.append( " in function: " );\ 59 strExc.append( __FUNCTION__ );\ 60 LOGGER_LOG( VimbaSystem::GetInstance().GetLogger(), strExc );
Author(s): Miquel Massot
, Allied Vision Technologies
autogenerated on Mon Jun 10 2019 12:50:39