This is the complete list of members for VIZ::VizHelperRVIZ, including all inherited members.
binDrawn | VIZ::VizHelperRVIZ | static |
calculateAxesPoints(ISM::PointPtr point, ISM::QuaternionPtr quat, float scale) | VIZ::VizHelperRVIZ | static |
confidenceToColor(double confidence) | VIZ::VizHelperRVIZ | static |
createArrowMarkerFromVote(ISM::VoteSpecifierPtr vote, ISM::ObjectPtr o, std::string baseFrame, std::string ns, int32_t id, double bin_size, std_msgs::ColorRGBA binColor, std_msgs::ColorRGBA voteColor=VizHelperRVIZ::createColorRGBA(1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.5)) | VIZ::VizHelperRVIZ | static |
createArrowMarkerToPoint(ISM::PointPtr fromPoint, ISM::PointPtr to, std::string baseFrame, std::string markerNamespace, int id, float xScale, float yScale, float zScale, ColorRGBA color, double markerLifetime) | VIZ::VizHelperRVIZ | static |
createArrowMarkerToPoint(ISM::PointPtr fromPoint, ISM::PointPtr to, std::string baseFrame, std::string markerNamespace, int id, float xScale, float yScale, float zScale, ColorRGBA color, double markerLifetime, double minLength) | VIZ::VizHelperRVIZ | static |
createColorRGBA(float red, float green, float blue, float alpha) | VIZ::VizHelperRVIZ | static |
createColorRGBA(std::vector< float > rgba) | VIZ::VizHelperRVIZ | static |
createConeMarker(ISM::PosePtr pose, std::string baseFrame, std::string markerNamespace, int id, float radius, ColorRGBA color, double markerLifetime) | VIZ::VizHelperRVIZ | static |
createCoordinateArrow(std::vector< std::pair< ISM::PointPtr, std::vector< ISM::PosePtr > > > poses_vec, std::string baseFrame, std::string markerNamespace, float arrowScale, float axisScale, ColorRGBA color, double markerLifetime) | VIZ::VizHelperRVIZ | static |
createCoordinateMarker(ISM::PosePtr pose, std::string baseFrame, std::string markerNamespace, int id, float length, float radius, double markerLifetime) | VIZ::VizHelperRVIZ | static |
createCoordinateMarkerWithAngle(ISM::PosePtr pose, std::string baseFrame, std::string markerNamespace, int id, float length, float openAngle, double markerLifetime) | VIZ::VizHelperRVIZ | static |
createCubeArrow(ISM::PosePtr pose, std::string baseFrame, std::string markerNamespace, int &id, float scale, ColorRGBA cubeColor, ColorRGBA arrowColor, double markerLifetime) | VIZ::VizHelperRVIZ | static |
createCylinderLine(ISM::PosePtr pose, std::string baseFrame, std::string markerNamespace, float scale, float length, ColorRGBA color, double markerLifetime) | VIZ::VizHelperRVIZ | static |
createCylinderMarker(ISM::PosePtr pose, std::string baseFrame, std::string markerNamespace, int id, float radius, float height, ColorRGBA color, double markerLifetime) | VIZ::VizHelperRVIZ | static |
createLine(ISM::PointPtr fromPoint, ISM::PointPtr toPoint, float width, int id, std::string baseFrame, std::string markerNamespace, std_msgs::ColorRGBA color, double markerLifetime) | VIZ::VizHelperRVIZ | static |
createLineArrow(ISM::PointPtr fromPoint, std::vector< ISM::PosePtr > toPoses, std::string baseFrame, std::string markerNamespace, int &id, float arrowScale, ColorRGBA color, double markerLifetime) | VIZ::VizHelperRVIZ | static |
createLineMarkerFormPair(std::vector< std::pair< ISM::PointPtr, ISM::PointPtr >> pointPair, std::string baseFrame, std::string markerNamespace, float arrowScale, ColorRGBA color, double markerLifetime) | VIZ::VizHelperRVIZ | static |
createMarkerWithoutTypeAndPose(std::string baseFrame, std::string markerNamespace, int id, float xScale, float yScale, float zScale, ColorRGBA color, double markerLifetime) | VIZ::VizHelperRVIZ | static |
createMeshMarker(ISM::PosePtr pose, std::string baseFrame, std::string markerNamespace, int id, ColorRGBA color, double markerLifetime, std::string resourcePath) | VIZ::VizHelperRVIZ | static |
createPoint(double x, double y, double z) | VIZ::VizHelperRVIZ | static |
createPositionVector(ISM::PosePtr pose, std::string baseFrame, std::string markerNamespace, ColorRGBA color, UniformDistributionGenerator *udg, int sampels, int axis, int id, float length, float openAngle, float sphereRadius, double markerLifetime) | VIZ::VizHelperRVIZ | static |
createRingMarker(ISM::PosePtr pose, std::string baseFrame, std::string markerNamespace, float scale, ColorRGBA x, ColorRGBA y, ColorRGBA z, ColorRGBA a, ColorRGBA b, ColorRGBA g, double markerLifetime) | VIZ::VizHelperRVIZ | static |
createSphereMarker(ISM::PointPtr point, std::string baseFrame, std::string markerNamespace, int id, float radius, ColorRGBA color, double markerLifetime) | VIZ::VizHelperRVIZ | static |
createSphereMarkerWithOrientation(ISM::PosePtr pose, std::string baseFrame, std::string markerNamespace, int id, float radius, std_msgs::ColorRGBA color, double markerLifetime, int axesFirstId) | VIZ::VizHelperRVIZ | static |
createTrackMarkers(std::vector< ISM::PosePtr > trackPoses, std::string baseFrame, std::string markerNamespace, float lineWidth, ColorRGBA color, double markerLifetime) | VIZ::VizHelperRVIZ | static |
EVector3DToPointMsg(ISM::PointPtr point, Eigen::Vector3d v3d) | VIZ::VizHelperRVIZ | static |
genCuboidPoint(int xp, int yp, int zp, double x, double y, double z, double xwidth, double ywidth, double zwidth) | VIZ::VizHelperRVIZ | static |
getBinFromPoint(const ISM::PointPtr point, double sensivity, std::string baseFrame, std_msgs::ColorRGBA color) | VIZ::VizHelperRVIZ | static |
getBinMarker(Eigen::Vector3i bin, double bin_size, std::string desc, int id, std::string baseFrame, std_msgs::ColorRGBA color) | VIZ::VizHelperRVIZ | static |
getBinMarker(int x, int y, int z, double bin_size, std::string desc, int id, std::string baseFrame, std_msgs::ColorRGBA color) | VIZ::VizHelperRVIZ | static |
getColorOfObject(const ISM::Object &object) | VIZ::VizHelperRVIZ | static |
getColorOfObject(const ISM::ObjectPtr object_ptr) | VIZ::VizHelperRVIZ | static |
hsvToRGBA(double hue, double saturation, double value) | VIZ::VizHelperRVIZ | static |
pointToCube(std::string ns, int id, std::string frame, double x, double y, double z, double bin_size, std_msgs::ColorRGBA color) | VIZ::VizHelperRVIZ | static |
pointToCuboid(std::string ns, int32_t id, std::string frame, double x, double y, double z, double xwitdh, double ywidth, double zwidth, std_msgs::ColorRGBA color) | VIZ::VizHelperRVIZ | static |
pointToPointMsg(ISM::PointPtr point) | VIZ::VizHelperRVIZ | static |
posesFromTrack(ISM::TrackPtr track) | VIZ::VizHelperRVIZ | static |
quatToQuaternionMsg(ISM::QuaternionPtr quat) | VIZ::VizHelperRVIZ | static |