File: arm_navigation_msgs/GetStateValidity.srv
Raw Message Definition
# Checks whether the specified state is a valid state
# The input state message
arm_navigation_msgs/RobotState robot_state
# Collision checks will be performed if this flag is true
bool check_collisions
# Path constraints will be checked if this flag is true
bool check_path_constraints
# Goal constraints will be checked if this flag is true
bool check_goal_constraints
# Joint limits will be checked if this flag is true
bool check_joint_limits
# OPTIONAL group name used to disable collisions for other links
string group_name
# OPTIONAL specification of a set of path constraints imposed on the robot,
# e.g. joint or pose constraints. These constraints will be tested only if
# check_path_constraints = true
arm_navigation_msgs/Constraints path_constraints
# OPTIONAL specification of a set of goal constraints imposed on the robot,
# e.g. joint or pose constraints. These constraints will be tested only if
# check_goal_constraints = true
arm_navigation_msgs/Constraints goal_constraints
# Integer error code corresponding to the first check that was violated
# The message contains both the returned error code value and a set
# of possible error codes
arm_navigation_msgs/ArmNavigationErrorCodes error_code
# Contact information
arm_navigation_msgs/ContactInformation[] contacts
Compact Message Definition