File: arm_navigation_msgs/PositionConstraint.msg
Raw Message Definition
# This message contains the definition of a position constraint.
Header header
# The robot link this constraint refers to
string link_name
# The offset (in the link frame) for the target point on the link we are planning for
geometry_msgs/Point target_point_offset
# The nominal/target position for the point we are planning for
geometry_msgs/Point position
# The shape of the bounded region that constrains the position of the end-effector
# This region is always centered at the position defined above
arm_navigation_msgs/Shape constraint_region_shape
# The orientation of the bounded region that constrains the position of the end-effector.
# This allows the specification of non-axis aligned constraints
geometry_msgs/Quaternion constraint_region_orientation
# Constraint weighting factor - a weight for this constraint
float64 weight
Compact Message Definition