File: arm_navigation_msgs/OrientationConstraint.msg
Raw Message Definition
# This message contains the definition of an orientation constraint.
Header header
# The robot link this constraint refers to
string link_name
# The type of the constraint
int32 type
int32 LINK_FRAME=0
# The desired orientation of the robot link specified as a quaternion
geometry_msgs/Quaternion orientation
# optional RPY error tolerances specified if
float64 absolute_roll_tolerance
float64 absolute_pitch_tolerance
float64 absolute_yaw_tolerance
# Constraint weighting factor - a weight for this constraint
float64 weight
Compact Message Definition
int32 LINK_FRAME=0
std_msgs/Header header
string link_name
int32 type
geometry_msgs/Quaternion orientation
float64 absolute_roll_tolerance
float64 absolute_pitch_tolerance
float64 absolute_yaw_tolerance
float64 weight