
This is a ROS message definition.


# See:
#  -
#  -
# for more information on using this message with rviz.

int32 ARROW=0
int32 CUBE=1
int32 SPHERE=2
int32 CYLINDER=3
int32 LINE_STRIP=4
int32 LINE_LIST=5
int32 CUBE_LIST=6
int32 POINTS=8
int32 ARROW_STRIP=12

int32 ADD=0
int32 MODIFY=0
int32 DELETE=2

# Header for timestamp and frame id.
std_msgs/Header header
# Namespace in which to place the object.
# Used in conjunction with id to create a unique name for the object.
string ns
# Object ID used in conjunction with the namespace for manipulating and deleting the object later.
int32 id
# Type of object.
int32 type
# Action to take; one of:
#  - 0 add/modify an object
#  - 1 (deprecated)
#  - 2 deletes an object (with the given ns and id)
#  - 3 deletes all objects (or those with the given ns if any)
int32 action
# Pose of the object with respect the frame_id specified in the header.
geometry_msgs/Pose pose
# Scale of the object; 1,1,1 means default (usually 1 meter square).
geometry_msgs/Vector3 scale
# Color of the object; in the range: [0.0-1.0]
std_msgs/ColorRGBA color
# How long the object should last before being automatically deleted.
# 0 indicates forever.
builtin_interfaces/Duration lifetime
# If this marker should be frame-locked, i.e. retransformed into its frame every timestep.
bool frame_locked

# Only used if the type specified has some use for them (eg. POINTS, LINE_STRIP, ARROW_STRIP, etc.)
geometry_msgs/Point[] points
# Only used if the type specified has some use for them (eg. POINTS, LINE_STRIP, etc.)
# The number of colors provided must either be 0 or equal to the number of points provided.
# NOTE: alpha is not yet used
std_msgs/ColorRGBA[] colors

# Texture resource is a special URI that can either reference a texture file in
# a format acceptable to (resource retriever)[]
# or an embedded texture via a string matching the format:
#   "embedded://texture_name"
string texture_resource
# An image to be loaded into the rendering engine as the texture for this marker.
# This will be used iff texture_resource is set to embedded.
sensor_msgs/CompressedImage texture
# Location of each vertex within the texture; in the range: [0.0-1.0]
UVCoordinate[] uv_coordinates

# Only used for text markers
string text

# Only used for MESH_RESOURCE markers.
# Similar to texture_resource, mesh_resource uses resource retriever to load a mesh.
# Optionally, a mesh file can be sent in-message via the mesh_file field. If doing so,
# use the following format for mesh_resource:
#   "embedded://mesh_name"
string mesh_resource
MeshFile mesh_file
bool mesh_use_embedded_materials