scenario_execution.utils.logging module

class scenario_execution.utils.logging.BaseLogger(name: str, debug)

Bases: object

Base class for logger for scenario execution For different middleware that does not have logger, inherit from this class and override the virtual methods


name [str]: name of the logger

debug(msg: str) None

virtual method to log debug info


msg [str]: msg to print

error(msg: str) None

Virtual method to log error


msg [str]: msg to print

info(msg: str) None

Virtual method to log info


msg [str]: msg to print

warning(msg: str) None

Virtual method to log warning


msg [str]: msg to print

class scenario_execution.utils.logging.Logger(name: str, debug)

Bases: BaseLogger

Class for logger for scenario execution

debug(msg: str) None

Print debug info with logger name and “[DEBUG]” in the front.


msg [str]: msg to print

error(msg: str) None

Print a warning in red color with logger name and “[ERROR]” in the front.


msg [str]: msg to print

info(msg: str) None

Print a info with logger name and “[INFO]” in the front.


msg [str]: msg to print

warning(msg: str) None

Print a warning in yellow color with logger name and “[WARN]” in the front.


msg [str]: msg to print