Class BaseWriterInterface
Defined in File base_writer_interface.hpp
Inheritance Relationships
Derived Type
public rosbag2_cpp::writers::SequentialWriter
(Class SequentialWriter)
Class Documentation
class BaseWriterInterface
Subclassed by rosbag2_cpp::writers::SequentialWriter
Public Functions
inline virtual ~BaseWriterInterface()
virtual void open(const rosbag2_storage::StorageOptions &storage_options, const ConverterOptions &converter_options) = 0
virtual void close() = 0
virtual void create_topic(const rosbag2_storage::TopicMetadata &topic_with_type) = 0
virtual void create_topic(const rosbag2_storage::TopicMetadata &topic_with_type, const rosbag2_storage::MessageDefinition &message_definition) = 0
virtual void remove_topic(const rosbag2_storage::TopicMetadata &topic_with_type) = 0
virtual bool take_snapshot() = 0
Triggers a snapshot for writers that support it.
- Returns:
true if snapshot is successful, false if snapshot fails or is not supported
virtual void split_bagfile() = 0
Close the current bagfile and opens the next bagfile.
virtual void add_event_callbacks(const bag_events::WriterEventCallbacks &callbacks) = 0
inline virtual ~BaseWriterInterface()