Program Listing for File motion-tpl.hpp
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// Copyright (c) 2015-2018 CNRS
// Copyright (c) 2015-2016 Wandercraft, 86 rue de Paris 91400 Orsay, France.
#ifndef __pinocchio_motion_tpl_hpp__
#define __pinocchio_motion_tpl_hpp__
namespace pinocchio
template<typename _Scalar, int _Options>
struct traits< MotionTpl<_Scalar, _Options> >
typedef _Scalar Scalar;
typedef Eigen::Matrix<Scalar,3,1,_Options> Vector3;
typedef Eigen::Matrix<Scalar,6,1,_Options> Vector6;
typedef Eigen::Matrix<Scalar,4,4,_Options> Matrix4;
typedef Eigen::Matrix<Scalar,6,6,_Options> Matrix6;
typedef Matrix6 ActionMatrixType;
typedef Matrix4 HomogeneousMatrixType;
typedef typename PINOCCHIO_EIGEN_REF_CONST_TYPE(Vector6) ToVectorConstReturnType;
typedef typename PINOCCHIO_EIGEN_REF_TYPE(Vector6) ToVectorReturnType;
typedef typename Vector6::template FixedSegmentReturnType<3>::Type LinearType;
typedef typename Vector6::template FixedSegmentReturnType<3>::Type AngularType;
typedef typename Vector6::template ConstFixedSegmentReturnType<3>::Type ConstLinearType;
typedef typename Vector6::template ConstFixedSegmentReturnType<3>::Type ConstAngularType;
typedef MotionTpl<Scalar,_Options> MotionPlain;
typedef const MotionPlain & PlainReturnType;
enum {
Options = _Options
typedef MotionRef<Vector6> MotionRefType;
}; // traits MotionTpl
template<typename _Scalar, int _Options>
class MotionTpl : public MotionDense< MotionTpl< _Scalar, _Options > >
typedef MotionDense<MotionTpl> Base;
enum { Options = _Options };
using Base::operator=;
using Base::linear;
using Base::angular;
using Base::__plus__;
using Base::__opposite__;
using Base::__minus__;
using Base::__pequ__;
using Base::__mequ__;
using Base::__mult__;
// Constructors
MotionTpl() : m_data() {}
template<typename V1,typename V2>
MotionTpl(const Eigen::MatrixBase<V1> & v, const Eigen::MatrixBase<V2> & w)
assert(v.size() == 3);
assert(w.size() == 3);
linear() = v; angular() = w;
template<typename V6>
explicit MotionTpl(const Eigen::MatrixBase<V6> & v)
: m_data(v)
assert(v.size() == 6);
template<int O2>
explicit MotionTpl(const MotionTpl<Scalar,O2> & clone)
: m_data(clone.toVector())
// Same explanation as converting constructor from MotionBase
template <typename M2,
typename std::enable_if<
!std::is_convertible<MotionDense<M2>, MotionTpl>::value,
bool>::type = true>
explicit MotionTpl(const MotionDense<M2> & clone)
{ linear() = clone.linear(); angular() = clone.angular(); }
// MotionBase implement a conversion function to PlainReturnType.
// Usually, PlainReturnType is defined as MotionTpl.
// In this case, this converting constructor is redundant and
// create a warning with -Wconversion
template <typename M2,
typename std::enable_if<
!std::is_convertible<MotionBase<M2>, MotionTpl>::value,
bool>::type = true>
explicit MotionTpl(const MotionBase<M2> & clone)
{ *this = clone; }
// initializers
static MotionTpl Zero() { return MotionTpl(Vector6::Zero()); }
static MotionTpl Random() { return MotionTpl(Vector6::Random()); }
inline PlainReturnType plain() const { return *this; }
ToVectorConstReturnType toVector_impl() const { return m_data; }
ToVectorReturnType toVector_impl() { return m_data; }
// Getters
ConstAngularType angular_impl() const { return m_data.template segment<3> (ANGULAR); }
ConstLinearType linear_impl() const { return m_data.template segment<3> (LINEAR); }
AngularType angular_impl() { return m_data.template segment<3> (ANGULAR); }
LinearType linear_impl() { return m_data.template segment<3> (LINEAR); }
template<typename V3>
void angular_impl(const Eigen::MatrixBase<V3> & w)
template<typename V3>
void linear_impl(const Eigen::MatrixBase<V3> & v)
// Specific operators for MotionTpl and MotionRef
template<int O2>
MotionPlain __plus__(const MotionTpl<Scalar,O2> & v) const
{ return MotionPlain(m_data+v.toVector()); }
template<typename Vector6ArgType>
MotionPlain __plus__(const MotionRef<Vector6ArgType> & v) const
{ return MotionPlain(m_data+v.toVector()); }
template<int O2>
MotionPlain __minus__(const MotionTpl<Scalar,O2> & v) const
{ return MotionPlain(m_data-v.toVector()); }
template<typename Vector6ArgType>
MotionPlain __minus__(const MotionRef<Vector6ArgType> & v) const
{ return MotionPlain(m_data-v.toVector()); }
template<int O2>
MotionTpl & __pequ__(const MotionTpl<Scalar,O2> & v)
{ m_data += v.toVector(); return *this; }
template<typename Vector6ArgType>
MotionTpl & __pequ__(const MotionRef<Vector6ArgType> & v)
{ m_data += v.toVector(); return *this; }
template<int O2>
MotionTpl & __mequ__(const MotionTpl<Scalar,O2> & v)
{ m_data -= v.toVector(); return *this; }
template<typename Vector6ArgType>
MotionTpl & __mequ__(const MotionRef<Vector6ArgType> & v)
{ m_data -= v.toVector(); return *this; }
template<typename OtherScalar>
MotionPlain __mult__(const OtherScalar & alpha) const
{ return MotionPlain(alpha*m_data); }
MotionRef<Vector6> ref() { return MotionRef<Vector6>(m_data); }
template<typename NewScalar>
MotionTpl<NewScalar,Options> cast() const
typedef MotionTpl<NewScalar,Options> ReturnType;
ReturnType res(linear().template cast<NewScalar>(),
angular().template cast<NewScalar>());
return res;
Vector6 m_data;
}; // class MotionTpl
} // namespace pinocchio
#endif // ifndef __pinocchio_motion_tpl_hpp__