Program Listing for File joint-derived.hpp

Return to documentation for file (include/pinocchio/bindings/python/multibody/joint/joint-derived.hpp)

// Copyright (c) 2015-2021 CNRS INRIA

#ifndef __pinocchio_python_joint_variants_hpp__
#define __pinocchio_python_joint_variants_hpp__

#include <boost/python.hpp>
#include <eigenpy/exception.hpp>

#include "pinocchio/multibody/joint/joint-collection.hpp"

namespace pinocchio
  namespace python
    namespace bp = boost::python;

    template<class JointModelDerived>
    struct JointModelDerivedPythonVisitor
    : public boost::python::def_visitor< JointModelDerivedPythonVisitor<JointModelDerived> >

      template<class PyClass>
      void visit(PyClass& cl) const
        // All are add_properties cause ReadOnly
                      "Return vector of boolean if joint has configuration limits.")
                      "Return vector of boolean if joint has configuration limits in tangent space.")
             &JointModelDerived::template hasSameIndexes<JointModelDerived>,
             "Check if this has same indexes than other.")
             "Returns string indicating the joint type (class name):"
                "\n\t- JointModelR[*]: Revolute Joint, with rotation axis [*] ∈ [X,Y,Z]"
                "\n\t- JointModelRevoluteUnaligned: Revolute Joint, with rotation axis not aligned with X, Y, nor Z"
                "\n\t- JointModelRUB[*]: Unbounded revolute Joint (without position limits), with rotation axis [*] ∈ [X,Y,Z]"
                "\n\t- JointModelRevoluteUnboundedUnaligned: Unbounded revolute Joint, with rotation axis not aligned with X, Y, nor Z"
                "\n\t- JointModelP[*]: Prismatic Joint, with rotation axis [*] ∈ [X,Y,Z]"
                "\n\t- JointModelPlanar: Planar joint"
                "\n\t- JointModelPrismaticUnaligned: Prismatic joint, with translation axis not aligned with X, Y, nor Z"
                "\n\t- JointModelSphericalZYX: Spherical joint (3D rotation)"
                "\n\t- JointModelTranslation: Translation joint (3D translation)"
                "\n\t- JointModelFreeFlyer: Joint enabling 3D rotation and translations."

        .def(bp::self == bp::self)
        .def(bp::self != bp::self)

      static JointIndex get_id(const JointModelDerived & self)
      { return; }
      static int get_idx_q(const JointModelDerived & self)
      { return self.idx_q(); }
      static int get_idx_v(const JointModelDerived & self)
      { return self.idx_v(); }
      static int get_nq(const JointModelDerived & self)
      { return self.nq(); }
      static int get_nv(const JointModelDerived & self)
      { return self.nv(); }


    template<class JointDataDerived>
    struct JointDataDerivedPythonVisitor
    : public boost::python::def_visitor< JointDataDerivedPythonVisitor<JointDataDerived> >

      template<class PyClass>
      void visit(PyClass& cl) const
          // All are add_properties cause ReadOnly

          .def(bp::self == bp::self)
          .def(bp::self != bp::self)

      static typename JointDataDerived::Constraint_t get_S(const JointDataDerived & self)
      { return self.S_accessor(); }
      static typename JointDataDerived::Transformation_t get_M(const JointDataDerived & self)
      { return self.M_accessor(); }
      static typename JointDataDerived::Motion_t get_v(const JointDataDerived & self)
      { return self.v_accessor(); }
      static typename JointDataDerived::Bias_t get_c(const JointDataDerived & self)
      { return self.c_accessor(); }
      static typename JointDataDerived::U_t get_U(const JointDataDerived & self)
      { return self.U_accessor(); }
      static typename JointDataDerived::D_t get_Dinv(const JointDataDerived & self)
      { return self.Dinv_accessor(); }
      static typename JointDataDerived::UD_t get_UDinv(const JointDataDerived & self)
      { return self.UDinv_accessor(); }

      static void expose()


  }} // namespace pinocchio::python

#endif // ifndef __pinocchio_python_joint_variants_hpp__