Program Listing for File transform.hpp

Return to documentation for file (include/pinocchio/bindings/python/multibody/fcl/transform.hpp)

// Copyright (c) 2019 INRIA

#ifndef __pinocchio_python_fcl_transform_hpp__
#define __pinocchio_python_fcl_transform_hpp__

#include <boost/python.hpp>

#include "pinocchio/spatial/se3.hpp"
#include <hpp/fcl/math/transform.h>

namespace boost { namespace python { namespace converter {

template<typename Scalar, int Options>
struct implicit< ::hpp::fcl::Transform3f,::pinocchio::SE3Tpl<Scalar,Options> >
  typedef ::hpp::fcl::Transform3f Source;
  typedef ::pinocchio::SE3Tpl<Scalar,Options> Target;

  static void* convertible(PyObject* obj)
    // Find a converter which can produce a Source instance from
    // obj. The user has told us that Source can be converted to
    // Target, and instantiating construct() below, ensures that
    // at compile-time.
    return implicit_rvalue_convertible_from_python(obj,
    ? obj : 0;

  static void construct(PyObject* obj, rvalue_from_python_stage1_data* data)
    void* storage = reinterpret_cast<rvalue_from_python_storage<Target>*>

    arg_from_python<Source> get_source(obj);
    bool convertible = get_source.convertible();

    const Source & t = get_source();
    new (storage) Target(t.getRotation(),t.getTranslation());

    // record successful construction
    data->convertible = storage;

template<typename Scalar, int Options>
struct implicit< ::pinocchio::SE3Tpl<Scalar,Options>,::hpp::fcl::Transform3f >
  typedef ::pinocchio::SE3Tpl<Scalar,Options> Source;
  typedef ::hpp::fcl::Transform3f Target;

  static void* convertible(PyObject* obj)
    // Find a converter which can produce a Source instance from
    // obj. The user has told us that Source can be converted to
    // Target, and instantiating construct() below, ensures that
    // at compile-time.
    return implicit_rvalue_convertible_from_python(obj,
    ? obj : 0;

  static void construct(PyObject* obj, rvalue_from_python_stage1_data* data)
    void* storage = reinterpret_cast<rvalue_from_python_storage<Target>*>

    arg_from_python<Source> get_source(obj);
    bool convertible = get_source.convertible();

    const Source & M = get_source();
    new (storage) Target(M.rotation(),M.translation());

    // record successful construction
    data->convertible = storage;

}}} // namespace boost::python::converter

#endif // ifndef __pinocchio_python_fcl_transform_hpp__