Template Function pinocchio::calc_zero_order

Function Documentation

template<typename Scalar, int Options, template<typename S, int O> class JointCollectionTpl, typename ConfigVectorType>
inline void pinocchio::calc_zero_order(const JointModelTpl<Scalar, Options, JointCollectionTpl> &jmodel, JointDataTpl<Scalar, Options, JointCollectionTpl> &jdata, const Eigen::MatrixBase<ConfigVectorType> &q)

Visit a JointModelTpl and the corresponding JointDataTpl through JointCalcZeroOrderVisitor to compute the joint data kinematics at order zero.

Template Parameters:
  • JointCollection – Collection of Joint types.

  • ConfigVectorType – Type of the joint configuration vector.

  • jmodel[in] The corresponding JointModelVariant to the JointDataVariant we want to update

  • jdata – The JointDataVariant we want to update

  • q[in] The full model’s (in which the joint belongs to) configuration vector