Struct EgocentricPolarCoordinates

Struct Documentation

struct EgocentricPolarCoordinates

Egocentric polar coordinates defined as the difference between the robot pose and the target pose relative to the robot position and orientation.

Public Functions

inline EgocentricPolarCoordinates(const float &r_in = 0.0, const float &phi_in = 0.0, const float &delta_in = 0.0)
inline explicit EgocentricPolarCoordinates(const geometry_msgs::msg::Pose &target, const geometry_msgs::msg::Pose &current = geometry_msgs::msg::Pose(), bool backward = false)

Construct a new egocentric polar coordinates as the difference between the robot pose and the target pose relative to the robot position and orientation, both referenced to the same frame.

Thus, r, phi and delta are always at the origin of the frame.

  • target – Target pose.

  • current – Current pose. Defaults to the origin.

  • backward – If true, the robot is moving backwards. Defaults to false.

Public Members

float r
float phi
float delta