Class PinholeCameraModel

Class Documentation

class PinholeCameraModel

Simplifies interpreting images geometrically using the parameters from sensor_msgs/CameraInfo.

Public Functions

IMAGE_GEOMETRY_PUBLIC PinholeCameraModel(const PinholeCameraModel &other)
IMAGE_GEOMETRY_PUBLIC PinholeCameraModel & operator= (const PinholeCameraModel &other)
IMAGE_GEOMETRY_PUBLIC bool fromCameraInfo (const sensor_msgs::msg::CameraInfo &msg)

Set the camera parameters from the sensor_msgs/CameraInfo message.

IMAGE_GEOMETRY_PUBLIC bool fromCameraInfo (const sensor_msgs::msg::CameraInfo::ConstSharedPtr &msg)

Set the camera parameters from the sensor_msgs/CameraInfo message.

inline IMAGE_GEOMETRY_PUBLIC std::string tfFrame () const

Get the name of the camera coordinate frame in tf.

inline IMAGE_GEOMETRY_PUBLIC builtin_interfaces::msg::Time stamp () const

Get the time stamp associated with this camera model.

IMAGE_GEOMETRY_PUBLIC cv::Size fullResolution () const

The resolution at which the camera was calibrated.

The maximum resolution at which the camera can be used with the current calibration; normally this is the same as the imager resolution.

IMAGE_GEOMETRY_PUBLIC cv::Size reducedResolution () const

The resolution of the current rectified image.

The size of the rectified image associated with the latest CameraInfo, as reduced by binning/ROI and affected by distortion. If binning and ROI are not in use, this is the same as fullResolution().

IMAGE_GEOMETRY_PUBLIC cv::Point2d toFullResolution (const cv::Point2d &uv_reduced) const
IMAGE_GEOMETRY_PUBLIC cv::Rect toFullResolution (const cv::Rect &roi_reduced) const
IMAGE_GEOMETRY_PUBLIC cv::Point2d toReducedResolution (const cv::Point2d &uv_full) const
IMAGE_GEOMETRY_PUBLIC cv::Rect toReducedResolution (const cv::Rect &roi_full) const
IMAGE_GEOMETRY_PUBLIC cv::Rect rawRoi () const

The current raw ROI, as used for capture by the camera driver.

IMAGE_GEOMETRY_PUBLIC cv::Rect rectifiedRoi () const

The current rectified ROI, which best fits the raw ROI.

IMAGE_GEOMETRY_PUBLIC cv::Point2d project3dToPixel (const cv::Point3d &xyz) const

Project a 3d point to rectified pixel coordinates.

This is the inverse of projectPixelTo3dRay().


xyz – 3d point in the camera coordinate frame


(u,v) in rectified pixel coordinates

IMAGE_GEOMETRY_PUBLIC cv::Point3d projectPixelTo3dRay (const cv::Point2d &uv_rect) const

Project a rectified pixel to a 3d ray.

Returns the unit vector in the camera coordinate frame in the direction of rectified pixel (u,v) in the image plane. This is the inverse of project3dToPixel().

In 1.4.x, the vector has z = 1.0. Previously, this function returned a unit vector.


uv_rect – Rectified pixel coordinates


3d ray passing through (u,v)

cv::Point3d projectPixelTo3dRay(const cv::Point2d &uv_rect, const cv::Matx34d &P) const
IMAGE_GEOMETRY_PUBLIC void rectifyImage (const cv::Mat &raw, cv::Mat &rectified, int interpolation=cv::INTER_LINEAR) const

Rectify a raw camera image.

IMAGE_GEOMETRY_PUBLIC void unrectifyImage (const cv::Mat &rectified, cv::Mat &raw, int interpolation=cv::INTER_LINEAR) const

Apply camera distortion to a rectified image.

IMAGE_GEOMETRY_PUBLIC cv::Point2d rectifyPoint (const cv::Point2d &uv_raw) const

Compute the rectified image coordinates of a pixel in the raw image.

cv::Point2d rectifyPoint(const cv::Point2d &uv_raw, const cv::Matx33d &K, const cv::Matx34d &P) const
IMAGE_GEOMETRY_PUBLIC cv::Point2d unrectifyPoint (const cv::Point2d &uv_rect) const

Compute the raw image coordinates of a pixel in the rectified image.

cv::Point2d unrectifyPoint(const cv::Point2d &uv_rect, const cv::Matx33d &K, const cv::Matx34d &P) const
IMAGE_GEOMETRY_PUBLIC cv::Rect rectifyRoi (const cv::Rect &roi_raw) const

Compute the rectified ROI best fitting a raw ROI.

IMAGE_GEOMETRY_PUBLIC cv::Rect unrectifyRoi (const cv::Rect &roi_rect) const

Compute the raw ROI best fitting a rectified ROI.

inline IMAGE_GEOMETRY_PUBLIC const sensor_msgs::msg::CameraInfo & cameraInfo () const

Returns the camera info message held internally.

inline IMAGE_GEOMETRY_PUBLIC const cv::Matx33d & intrinsicMatrix () const

Returns the original camera matrix.

inline IMAGE_GEOMETRY_PUBLIC const cv::Mat_< double > & distortionCoeffs () const

Returns the distortion coefficients.

inline IMAGE_GEOMETRY_PUBLIC const cv::Matx33d & rotationMatrix () const

Returns the rotation matrix.

inline IMAGE_GEOMETRY_PUBLIC const cv::Matx34d & projectionMatrix () const

Returns the projection matrix.

inline IMAGE_GEOMETRY_PUBLIC const cv::Matx33d & fullIntrinsicMatrix () const

Returns the original camera matrix for full resolution.

inline IMAGE_GEOMETRY_PUBLIC const cv::Matx34d & fullProjectionMatrix () const

Returns the projection matrix for full resolution.

inline IMAGE_GEOMETRY_PUBLIC double fx () const

Returns the focal length (pixels) in x direction of the rectified image.

inline IMAGE_GEOMETRY_PUBLIC double fy () const

Returns the focal length (pixels) in y direction of the rectified image.

inline IMAGE_GEOMETRY_PUBLIC double cx () const

Returns the x coordinate of the optical center.

inline IMAGE_GEOMETRY_PUBLIC double cy () const

Returns the y coordinate of the optical center.

inline IMAGE_GEOMETRY_PUBLIC double Tx () const

Returns the x-translation term of the projection matrix.

inline IMAGE_GEOMETRY_PUBLIC double Ty () const

Returns the y-translation term of the projection matrix.

inline double fovX() const

Returns the horizontal field of view in radians.

inline double fovY() const

Returns the vertical field of view in radians.

inline IMAGE_GEOMETRY_PUBLIC uint32_t binningX () const

Returns the number of columns in each bin.

inline IMAGE_GEOMETRY_PUBLIC uint32_t binningY () const

Returns the number of rows in each bin.

inline IMAGE_GEOMETRY_PUBLIC double getDeltaU (double deltaX, double Z) const

Compute delta u, given Z and delta X in Cartesian space.

For given Z, this is the inverse of getDeltaX().

  • deltaX – Delta X, in Cartesian space

  • Z – Z (depth), in Cartesian space

inline IMAGE_GEOMETRY_PUBLIC double getDeltaV (double deltaY, double Z) const

Compute delta v, given Z and delta Y in Cartesian space.

For given Z, this is the inverse of getDeltaY().

  • deltaY – Delta Y, in Cartesian space

  • Z – Z (depth), in Cartesian space

inline IMAGE_GEOMETRY_PUBLIC double getDeltaX (double deltaU, double Z) const

Compute delta X, given Z in Cartesian space and delta u in pixels.

For given Z, this is the inverse of getDeltaU().

  • deltaU – Delta u, in pixels

  • Z – Z (depth), in Cartesian space

inline IMAGE_GEOMETRY_PUBLIC double getDeltaY (double deltaV, double Z) const

Compute delta Y, given Z in Cartesian space and delta v in pixels.

For given Z, this is the inverse of getDeltaV().

  • deltaV – Delta v, in pixels

  • Z – Z (depth), in Cartesian space

inline IMAGE_GEOMETRY_PUBLIC bool initialized () const

Returns true if the camera has been initialized.

Protected Functions

IMAGE_GEOMETRY_PUBLIC void initRectificationMaps () const
void initUnrectificationMaps() const

Protected Attributes

sensor_msgs::msg::CameraInfo cam_info_
cv::Mat_<double> D_
cv::Matx33d R_
cv::Matx33d K_
cv::Matx34d P_
cv::Matx33d K_full_
cv::Matx34d P_full_
std::shared_ptr<Cache> cache_


friend class StereoCameraModel