Program Listing for File GridMapCvConverter.hpp
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* GridMapCvConverter.hpp
* Created on: Apr 14, 2016
* Author: Péter Fankhauser
* Institute: ETH Zurich, ANYbotics
#include <grid_map_core/grid_map_core.hpp>
// OpenCV
#include <cv_bridge/cv_bridge.hpp>
// STD
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <limits>
// GCC 13 has false positive warnings around stringop-overflow.
// Suppress them until this is fixed in upstream gcc. See
// for more details.
#if defined(__GNUC__) && !defined(__clang__)
#pragma GCC diagnostic push
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wstringop-overflow"
namespace grid_map
class GridMapCvConverter
static bool initializeFromImage(
const cv::Mat & image, const double resolution,
grid_map::GridMap & gridMap, const grid_map::Position & position)
const double lengthX = resolution * image.rows;
const double lengthY = resolution * image.cols;
Length length(lengthX, lengthY);
gridMap.setGeometry(length, resolution, position);
return true;
template<typename Type_, int NChannels_>
static bool addLayerFromImage(
const cv::Mat & image, const std::string & layer,
grid_map::GridMap & gridMap, const float lowerValue = 0.0,
const float upperValue = 1.0, const double alphaThreshold = 0.5)
if (gridMap.getSize()(0) != image.rows || gridMap.getSize()(1) != image.cols) {
std::cerr << "Image size does not correspond to grid map size!" << std::endl;
return false;
bool isColor = false;
if (image.channels() >= 3) {isColor = true;}
bool hasAlpha = false;
if (image.channels() >= 4) {hasAlpha = true;}
cv::Mat imageMono;
if (isColor && !hasAlpha) {
cv::cvtColor(image, imageMono, CV_BGR2GRAY);
} else if (isColor && hasAlpha) {
cv::cvtColor(image, imageMono, CV_BGRA2GRAY);
} else if (!isColor && !hasAlpha) {
imageMono = image;
} else {
std::cerr << "Something went wrong when adding grid map layer form image!" << std::endl;
return false;
const float mapValueDifference = upperValue - lowerValue;
float maxImageValue;
if (std::is_same<Type_, float>::value || std::is_same<Type_, double>::value) {
maxImageValue = 1.0;
} else if (std::is_same<Type_, uint16_t>::value || std::is_same<Type_, unsigned char>::value) {
maxImageValue = static_cast<float>(std::numeric_limits<Type_>::max());
} else {
std::cerr << "This image type is not supported." << std::endl;
return false;
const Type_ alphaTreshold = (Type_)(alphaThreshold * maxImageValue);
grid_map::Matrix & data = gridMap[layer];
for (GridMapIterator iterator(gridMap); !iterator.isPastEnd(); ++iterator) {
const Index index(*iterator);
// Check for alpha layer.
if (hasAlpha) {
const Type_ alpha =<cv::Vec<Type_, NChannels_>>(index(0), index(1))[NChannels_ - 1];
if (alpha < alphaTreshold) {continue;}
// Compute value.
const Type_ imageValue =<Type_>(index(0), index(1));
const float mapValue = lowerValue + mapValueDifference *
(static_cast<float>(imageValue) / maxImageValue);
data(index(0), index(1)) = mapValue;
return true;
template<typename Type_, int NChannels_>
static bool addColorLayerFromImage(
const cv::Mat & image, const std::string & layer,
grid_map::GridMap & gridMap)
if (gridMap.getSize()(0) != image.rows || gridMap.getSize()(1) != image.cols) {
std::cerr << "Image size does not correspond to grid map size!" << std::endl;
return false;
bool hasAlpha = false;
if (image.channels() >= 4) {hasAlpha = true;}
cv::Mat imageRGB;
if (hasAlpha) {
cv::cvtColor(image, imageRGB, CV_BGRA2RGB);
} else {
imageRGB = image;
for (GridMapIterator iterator(gridMap); !iterator.isPastEnd(); ++iterator) {
const auto & cvColor =<cv::Vec<Type_, 3>>((*iterator)(0), (*iterator)(1));
Eigen::Vector3i colorVector;
colorVector(0) = cvColor[0];
colorVector(1) = cvColor[1];
colorVector(2) = cvColor[2];
colorVectorToValue(colorVector,, *iterator));
return true;
template<typename Type_, int NChannels_>
static bool toImage(
const grid_map::GridMap & gridMap, const std::string & layer,
const int encoding, cv::Mat & image)
const float minValue = gridMap.get(layer).minCoeffOfFinites();
const float maxValue = gridMap.get(layer).maxCoeffOfFinites();
return toImage<Type_, NChannels_>(gridMap, layer, encoding, minValue, maxValue, image);
template<typename Type_, int NChannels_>
static bool toImage(
const grid_map::GridMap & gridMap, const std::string & layer,
const int encoding, const float lowerValue, const float upperValue,
cv::Mat & image)
// Initialize image.
if (gridMap.getSize()(0) > 0 && gridMap.getSize()(1) > 0) {
image = cv::Mat::zeros(gridMap.getSize()(0), gridMap.getSize()(1), encoding);
} else {
std::cerr << "Invalid grid map?" << std::endl;
return false;
// Get max image value.
Type_ imageMax;
if (std::is_same<Type_, float>::value || std::is_same<Type_, double>::value) {
imageMax = 1.0;
} else if (std::is_same<Type_, uint16_t>::value || std::is_same<Type_, unsigned char>::value) {
imageMax = (Type_)std::numeric_limits<Type_>::max();
} else {
std::cerr << "This image type is not supported." << std::endl;
return false;
// Clamp outliers.
grid_map::GridMap map = gridMap;
map.get(layer) = map.get(layer).unaryExpr(grid_map::Clamp<float>(lowerValue, upperValue));
const grid_map::Matrix & data = map[layer];
// Convert to image.
bool isColor = false;
if (image.channels() >= 3) {isColor = true;}
bool hasAlpha = false;
if (image.channels() >= 4) {hasAlpha = true;}
for (GridMapIterator iterator(map); !iterator.isPastEnd(); ++iterator) {
const Index index(*iterator);
if (std::isfinite(data(index(0), index(1)))) {
const float & value = data(index(0), index(1));
const Type_ imageValue =
(Type_) (((value - lowerValue) / (upperValue - lowerValue)) *
const Index imageIndex(iterator.getUnwrappedIndex());
unsigned int channel = 0;<cv::Vec<Type_, NChannels_>>(imageIndex(0), imageIndex(1))[channel] = imageValue;
if (isColor) {<cv::Vec<Type_, NChannels_>>(
imageIndex(1))[++channel] = imageValue;<cv::Vec<Type_, NChannels_>>(
imageIndex(1))[++channel] = imageValue;
if (hasAlpha) {<cv::Vec<Type_, NChannels_>>(imageIndex(0), imageIndex(1))[++channel] = imageMax;
return true;
} // namespace grid_map