Class LelyDriverBridge

Inheritance Relationships

Base Type

  • public canopen::FiberDriver

Class Documentation

class LelyDriverBridge : public canopen::FiberDriver

Lely Driver Bridge.

This class provides functionalities for bridging between Lelycore drivers and standard C++ functions. This means it provides async and sync functions for interacting with CANopen devices using synchronisation functionalities from C++ standard library.

Public Functions

inline LelyDriverBridge(ev_exec_t *exec, canopen::AsyncMaster &master, uint8_t id, std::string name, std::string eds, std::string bin, std::chrono::milliseconds timeout = 20ms)

Construct a new Lely Bridge object.

  • exec[in] Executor to use

  • master[in] Master to use

  • id[in] NodeId to connect to

  • eds[in] EDS file

  • bin[in] BIN file (concise dcf)

  • timeout[in] Timeout in milliseconds for SDO reads/writes

std::future<bool> async_sdo_write(COData data)

Asynchronous SDO Write.

Writes the data passed to the function via SDO to the connected device.


data[in] Data to written.


std::future<bool> Returns an std::future<bool> that is fulfilled when the write request was done. An error is stored when the write request was unsuccessful.

template<typename T>
inline std::future<bool> async_sdo_write_typed(uint16_t idx, uint8_t subidx, T value)
template<typename T>
inline bool sync_sdo_write_typed(uint16_t idx, uint8_t subidx, T value, std::chrono::milliseconds timeout)
std::future<COData> async_sdo_read(COData data)

Aynchronous SDO Read.

Reads the indicated SDO object from the connected device.


data[in] Data to be read, the data entry is not used.


std::future<COData> Returns an std::future<COData> that is fulfilled when the read request was done. The result of the request is stored in the future. An error is stored when the read request was unsuccessful.

template<typename T>
inline std::future<T> async_sdo_read_typed(uint16_t idx, uint8_t subidx)
template<typename T>
inline bool sync_sdo_read_typed(uint16_t idx, uint8_t subidx, T &value, std::chrono::milliseconds timeout)
std::future<canopen::NmtState> async_request_nmt()

Asynchronous request for NMT.

Waits for an NMT state change to occur. The new state is stored in the future returned by the function.


std::future<canopen::NmtState> The returned future is set when NMT State changes.

std::shared_ptr<SafeQueue<COData>> get_rpdo_queue()

Asynchronous request for RPDO.

Waits for an RPDO write request to be received from the slave. The content of the request are stored in the returned future.


This function should use a threadsafe queue not the icky implementation we have now.


std::future<COData> The returned future is set when an RPDO event is detected.

std::shared_ptr<SafeQueue<COEmcy>> get_emcy_queue()

Asynchronous request for EMCY.


This function should use a threadsafe queue not the icky implementation we have now.


std::future<COEmcy> The returned future is set when an EMCY event is detected.

void tpdo_transmit(COData data)

Executes a TPDO transmission.

This function executes a TPDO transmission. The{false, true} object specified in the input data is sent if it is registered as a TPDO with the master.


data[in] Object and data to be written

void nmt_command(canopen::NmtCommand command)

Executes a NMT Command.

This function sends the NMT command specified as parameter.


command[in] NMT Command to execute

uint8_t get_id()

Get the nodeid.



inline bool wait_for_boot()

Wait for device to be booted.





inline void set_sync_function(std::function<void()> on_sync_function)
inline void unset_sync_function()
inline void Boot()

Request master to boot device.

inline bool is_booted()

Indicates if Device is booted.





template<typename T>
inline void submit_write(COData data)
template<typename T>
inline void submit_read(COData data)
template<typename T>
inline const T universal_get_value(uint16_t index, uint8_t subindex)
template<typename T>
inline void universal_set_value(uint16_t index, uint8_t subindex, T value)

Protected Functions

inline void OnSync(uint8_t cnt, const time_point &t) noexcept override
void OnState(canopen::NmtState state) noexcept override

OnState Callback.

This callback function is called when an Nmt state change is detected on the connected device.


state[in] NMT State

virtual void OnBoot(canopen::NmtState st, char es, const ::std::string &what) noexcept override

OnBoot Callback This callback is called when the Boot process of the slave that was initiated by the master has been success fully finished.

  • st

  • es

  • what

void OnRpdoWrite(uint16_t idx, uint8_t subidx) noexcept override

OnRpdoWrite Callback.

This callback function is called when an RPDO write request is received from the connected device.


This function should use a threadsafe queue not the icky implementation we have now.

  • idx[in] Object Index

  • subidx[in] Object Subindex

void OnEmcy(uint16_t eec, uint8_t er, uint8_t msef[5]) noexcept override

The function invoked when an EMCY message is received from the remote node.


This function should use a threadsafe queue not the icky implementation we have now.

  • eec – the emergency error code.

  • er – the error register.

  • msef – the manufacturer-specific error code.

Protected Attributes

std::unique_ptr<DriverDictionary> dictionary_
std::mutex dictionary_mutex_
std::shared_ptr<PDOMap> pdo_map_
std::shared_ptr<std::promise<COData>> sdo_read_data_promise
std::shared_ptr<std::promise<bool>> sdo_write_data_promise
std::mutex sdo_mutex
bool running
std::condition_variable sdo_cond
std::promise<canopen::NmtState> nmt_state_promise
std::atomic<bool> nmt_state_is_set
std::mutex nmt_mtex
std::promise<COData> rpdo_promise
std::atomic<bool> rpdo_is_set
std::mutex pdo_mtex
std::shared_ptr<SafeQueue<COData>> rpdo_queue
std::promise<COEmcy> emcy_promise
std::atomic<bool> emcy_is_set
std::mutex emcy_mtex
std::shared_ptr<SafeQueue<COEmcy>> emcy_queue
std::atomic<bool> booted
char boot_status
std::string boot_what
canopen::NmtState boot_state
std::condition_variable boot_cond
std::mutex boot_mtex
uint8_t nodeid
std::string name_
std::chrono::milliseconds sdo_timeout
std::function<void()> on_sync_function_