Public Slots | Signals | Public Member Functions | Private Types | Private Member Functions | Private Attributes
stdr_gui::CGuiController Class Reference

#include <stdr_gui_controller.h>

List of all members.

Public Slots

void co2PlaceSet (QPoint p)
 Gets the point at which the new CO2 source is placed. Connects to the CMapConnector::co2PlaceSet signal.
void co2SensorVisibilityClicked (QString robotName, QString co2SensorName)
 Informs CGuiController that a CO2Sensor visibility status has \ been clicked. Connects to the CInfoConnector::co2SensorVisibilityClicked\ signal.
void itemClicked (QPoint p, Qt::MouseButton b)
 Informs CGuiController that click has performed in the map. Connects to the CMapConnector::itemClicked signal.
void laserVisibilityClicked (QString robotName, QString laserName)
 Informs CGuiController that a laser visibility status has been clicked. Connects to the CInfoConnector::laserVisibilityClicked signal.
void laserVisualizerClicked (QString robotName, QString laserName)
 Informs CGuiController that a laser visualizer has been clicked. Connects to the CInfoConnector::laserVisualizerClicked signal.
void loadCo2Pressed (void)
 Informs CGuiController that a CO2 source is going to be placed in the environment. Connects to the CGuiConnector::loadCo2Pressed signal.
void loadRfidPressed (void)
 Informs CGuiController that an RFID is going to be placed in the environment. Connects to the CGuiConnector::loadRfidPressed signal.
void loadRobotFromFilePressed (stdr_msgs::RobotMsg newRobotMsg)
 Informs CGuiController that a robot is loaded from a yaml file. Connects to the CGuiConnector::robotFromFile signal.
void loadRobotPressed (stdr_msgs::RobotMsg newRobotMsg)
 Loads a robot from robot creator into map. Connects to the CGuiConnector::CRobotCreatorConnector::loadRobotPressed signal.
void loadSoundPressed (void)
 Informs CGuiController that a sound source is going to be placed in the environment. Connects to the CGuiConnector::loadSoundPressed signal.
void loadThermalPressed (void)
 Informs CGuiController that a thermal source is going to be placed in the environment. Connects to the CGuiConnector::loadThermalPressed signal.
void rfidPlaceSet (QPoint p)
 Gets the point at which the new RFID tag is placed. Connects to the CMapConnector::robotPlaceSet signal.
void rfidReaderVisibilityClicked (QString robotName, QString rfidReaderName)
 Informs CGuiController that a rfidReader visibility status has \ been clicked. Connects to the CInfoConnector::rfidReaderVisibilityClicked\ signal.
void robotPlaceSet (QPoint p)
 Gets the point at which the new robot is placed. Connects to the CMapConnector::robotPlaceSet signal.
void robotReplaceSet (QPoint p, std::string robotName)
 Informs CGuiController about the new pose of a robot. Connects to the CMapConnector::robotReplaceSet signal.
void robotVisibilityClicked (QString robotName)
 Informs CGuiController that a robot visibility status has been clicked. Connects to the CInfoConnector::robotVisibilityClicked signal.
void robotVisualizerClicked (QString robotName)
 Informs CGuiController that a robot visualizer has been clicked. Connects to the CInfoConnector::robotVisualizerClicked signal.
void saveRobotPressed (stdr_msgs::RobotMsg newRobotMsg, QString file_name)
 Saves the robot in a yaml file. Connects to the CGuiConnector::CRobotCreatorConnector::saveRobotPressed signal.
void sonarVisibilityClicked (QString robotName, QString sonarName)
 Informs CGuiController that a sonar visibility status has been clicked. Connects to the CInfoConnector::sonarVisibilityClicked signal.
void sonarVisualizerClicked (QString robotName, QString sonarName)
 Informs CGuiController that a sonar visualizer has been clicked. Connects to the CInfoConnector::sonarVisualizerClicked signal.
void soundPlaceSet (QPoint p)
 Gets the point at which the new sound source is placed. Connects to the CMapConnector::soundPlaceSet signal.
void soundSensorVisibilityClicked (QString robotName, QString soundSensorName)
 Informs CGuiController that a sound Sensor visibility status has \ been clicked. Connects to the CInfoConnector::soundSensorVisibilityClicked\ signal.
void thermalPlaceSet (QPoint p)
 Gets the point at which the new thermal source is placed. Connects to the CMapConnector::thermalPlaceSet signal.
void thermalSensorVisibilityClicked (QString robotName, QString thermalSensorName)
 Informs CGuiController that a Thermal Sensor visibility status has \ been clicked. Connects to the CInfoConnector::thermalSensorVisibilityClicked\ signal.
void updateMapInternal (void)
 Updates the map to be shown in GUI. Connects to the timeout signal of timer_.
void zoomInPressed (QPoint p)
 Performs zoom in when the button is pressed. Connects to the CMapConnector::zoomInPressed signal.
void zoomOutPressed (QPoint p)
 Performs zoom out when the button is pressed. Connects to the CMapConnector::zoomOutPressed signal.


void replaceRobot (std::string robotFrameId)
 Is emitted when a robot is going to be re-placed. Connects to the CMapConnector::waitForReplace slot.
void setCO2SensorVisibility (QString robotName, QString co2SensorName, char vs)
 Is emitted when a CO2 sensor's visibility status is going to be \ changed. Connects to the CInfoConnector::setCO2SensorVisibility slot.
void setLaserVisibility (QString robotName, QString laserName, char vs)
 Is emitted when a laser's visibility status is going to be changed. Connects to the CInfoConnector::setLaserVisibility slot.
void setRfidReaderVisibility (QString robotName, QString rfidReaderName, char vs)
 Is emitted when a rfid sensor's visibility status is going to be \ changed. Connects to the CInfoConnector::setRfidReaderVisibility slot.
void setRobotVisibility (QString robotName, char vs)
 Is emitted when a robot's visibility status is going to be changed. Connects to the CInfoConnector::setRobotVisibility slot.
void setSonarVisibility (QString robotName, QString sonarName, char vs)
 Is emitted when a sonar's visibility status is going to be changed. Connects to the CInfoConnector::setSonarVisibility slot.
void setSoundSensorVisibility (QString robotName, QString soundSensorName, char vs)
 Is emitted when a sound sensor's visibility status is going to be \ changed. Connects to the CInfoConnector::setSoundSensorVisibility slot.
void setThermalSensorVisibility (QString robotName, QString thermalSensorName, char vs)
 Is emitted when a thermal sensor's visibility status is going to be \ changed. Connects to the CInfoConnector::setThermalSensorVisibility slot.
void waitForCo2Pose (void)
 Is emitted when a new CO2 source is going to be placed. Connects to the CMapConnector::waitForCo2Pose slot.
void waitForRfidPose (void)
 Is emitted when a new rfid tag is going to be placed. Connects to the CMapConnector::waitForRfidPose slot.
void waitForRobotPose (void)
 Is emitted when a new robot is going to be placed. Connects to the CMapConnector::waitForPlace slot.
void waitForSoundPose (void)
 Is emitted when a new sound source is going to be placed. Connects to the CMapConnector::waitForSOundPose slot.
void waitForThermalPose (void)
 Is emitted when a new thermal source is going to be placed. Connects to the CMapConnector::waitForThermalPose slot.

Public Member Functions

 CGuiController (int argc, char **argv)
 Default contructor.
void cleanupVisualizers (const stdr_msgs::RobotIndexedVectorMsg &msg)
 Dumps all visualizers that connect to robots not existent in the input argument message.
bool init ()
 Initializes the ROS spin and Qt threads.
void initializeCommunications (void)
 Initializes the Qt event connections and ROS subscribers and publishers.
void receiveCO2Sources (const stdr_msgs::CO2SourceVector &msg)
 Receives the existent co2 sources.
void receiveMap (const nav_msgs::OccupancyGrid &msg)
 Receives the occupancy grid map from stdr_server. Connects to "map" ROS topic.
void receiveRfids (const stdr_msgs::RfidTagVector &msg)
 Receives the existent rfid tags.
void receiveRobots (const stdr_msgs::RobotIndexedVectorMsg &msg)
 Receives the robots from stdr_server. Connects to "stdr_server/active_robots" ROS topic.
void receiveSoundSources (const stdr_msgs::SoundSourceVector &msg)
 Receives the existent sound sources.
void receiveThermalSources (const stdr_msgs::ThermalSourceVector &msg)
 Receives the existent thermal sources.
void setupWidgets (void)
 Sets up the main window widgets.
 ~CGuiController (void)
 Default destructor.

Private Types

typedef std::map< QString,
CGuiCo2Source >::iterator 
typedef std::map< QString,
CLaserVisualisation * >
typedef std::map< QString,
CGuiRfidTag >::iterator 
typedef std::map< QString,
CRobotVisualisation * >
typedef std::map< QString,
CSonarVisualisation * >
typedef std::map< QString,
CGuiSoundSource >::iterator 
typedef std::map< QString,
CGuiThermalSource >::iterator 
 Number of input arguments.

Private Member Functions

stdr_msgs::LaserSensorMsg getLaserDescription (QString robotName, QString laserName)
 Returns a stdr_msgs::LaserSensorMsg message from robot and laser name.
stdr_msgs::SonarSensorMsg getSonarDescription (QString robotName, QString sonarName)
 Returns a stdr_msgs::SonarSensorMsg message from robot and sonar name.

Private Attributes

stdr_msgs::RobotIndexedVectorMsg all_robots_
 Timer for the drawing event.
int argc_
 Input arguments.
char ** argv_
 Prevents concurrent map writing.
stdr_msgs::CO2SourceVector co2_source_pure_
 CO2 sources in the environment.
std::map< QString, CGuiCo2Sourceco2_sources_
 Sound sources in the environment.
ros::Subscriber co2_sources_subscriber_
 ROS subscriber for thermal sources.
ros::ServiceClient delete_co2_source_client_
 Service client for inserting a new thermal source.
ros::ServiceClient delete_rfid_tag_client_
 Service client for inserting a new co2 source.
ros::ServiceClient delete_sound_source_client_
ros::ServiceClient delete_thermal_source_client_
 Service client for inserting a new sound source.
QTime elapsed_time_
 QIcon for move robot (pop-up menu)
CGuiConnector gui_connector_
 Object of CInfoConnector.
QIcon icon_delete_
 QImage created one time, containing the OGM.
QIcon icon_move_
 QIcon for delete robot (pop-up menu)
CInfoConnector info_connector_
 Object of CMapConnector.
QImage initial_map_
 QImage that initiates as initial_map and the elements are painted on it.
std::map< QString,
CLaserVisualisation * > 
 Sonar visualizers.
tf::TransformListener listener_
 The occypancy grid map.
CMapConnector map_connector_
bool map_initialized_
 All the robots server has.
bool map_lock_
 Prevents actions before map initializes.
nav_msgs::OccupancyGrid map_msg_
 Robot handler from stdr_robot.
ros::Subscriber map_subscriber_
 ROS subscriber to get all robots.
std::set< std::string > my_robots_
 Laser visualizers.
ros::NodeHandle n_
 ROS tf transform listener.
ros::ServiceClient new_co2_source_client_
 Service client for deleting a co2 source.
ros::ServiceClient new_rfid_tag_client_
 Service client for deleting a rfid tag.
ros::ServiceClient new_sound_source_client_
 Service client for deleting a sound source.
ros::ServiceClient new_thermal_source_client_
 Service client for deleting a thermal source.
std::vector< CGuiRobotregistered_robots_
 Robots created from the specific GUI instance.
stdr_msgs::RfidTagVector rfid_tag_pure_
 Thermal sources in the environment.
std::map< QString, CGuiRfidTagrfid_tags_
 The original rfid vector.
ros::Subscriber rfids_subscriber_
 ROS subscriber for co2 sources.
std::string robot_following_
 Service client for inserting a new rfid tag.
stdr_robot::HandleRobot robot_handler_
 All robots in "raw" form.
ros::Subscriber robot_subscriber_
 ROS subscriber for rfids.
std::map< QString,
CRobotVisualisation * > 
 RFID tags in the environment.
QImage running_map_
 Object of CGuiConnector.
std::map< QString,
CSonarVisualisation * > 
 Robot visualizers.
stdr_msgs::SoundSourceVector sound_source_pure_
 Sound sources in the environment.
std::map< QString,
 ROS subscriber for occupancy grid map.
ros::Subscriber sound_sources_subscriber_
 The ROS node handle.
stdr_msgs::ThermalSourceVector thermal_source_pure_
 CO2 sources in the environment.
std::map< QString,
 The original vector.
ros::Subscriber thermal_sources_subscriber_
 ROS subscriber for sound sources.
QTimer * timer_
 Elapsed time from the experiment's start.

Detailed Description

Definition at line 56 of file stdr_gui_controller.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

typedef std::map<QString,CGuiCo2Source>::iterator stdr_gui::CGuiController::Co2SourcesIterator [private]

Definition at line 71 of file stdr_gui_controller.h.

typedef std::map<QString,CLaserVisualisation *>::iterator stdr_gui::CGuiController::LaserVisIterator [private]

Definition at line 65 of file stdr_gui_controller.h.

typedef std::map<QString,CGuiRfidTag>::iterator stdr_gui::CGuiController::RfidTagIterator [private]

Definition at line 70 of file stdr_gui_controller.h.

typedef std::map<QString,CRobotVisualisation *>::iterator stdr_gui::CGuiController::RobotVisIterator [private]

Definition at line 69 of file stdr_gui_controller.h.

typedef std::map<QString,CSonarVisualisation *>::iterator stdr_gui::CGuiController::SonarVisIterator [private]

Definition at line 67 of file stdr_gui_controller.h.

typedef std::map<QString,CGuiSoundSource>::iterator stdr_gui::CGuiController::SoundSourcesIterator [private]

Definition at line 72 of file stdr_gui_controller.h.

typedef std::map<QString,CGuiThermalSource>::iterator stdr_gui::CGuiController::ThermalSourcesIterator [private]

Number of input arguments.

Definition at line 76 of file stdr_gui_controller.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

stdr_gui::CGuiController::CGuiController ( int  argc,
char **  argv 

Default contructor.

argc[int] Number of input arguments
argv[char **] Input arguments

Definition at line 42 of file stdr_gui_controller.cpp.

Default destructor.


Definition at line 71 of file stdr_gui_controller.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

void stdr_gui::CGuiController::cleanupVisualizers ( const stdr_msgs::RobotIndexedVectorMsg &  msg)

Dumps all visualizers that connect to robots not existent in the input argument message.

msg[const stdr_msgs::RobotIndexedVectorMsg&] The robots message

Definition at line 664 of file stdr_gui_controller.cpp.

void stdr_gui::CGuiController::co2PlaceSet ( QPoint  p) [slot]

Gets the point at which the new CO2 source is placed. Connects to the CMapConnector::co2PlaceSet signal.

Gets the point at which the new CO2 source is placed. Connects to the\ CMapConnector::co2PlaceSet signal.

p[QPoint] The event point in the OGM

< Getting co2 source id

Definition at line 859 of file stdr_gui_controller.cpp.

void stdr_gui::CGuiController::co2SensorVisibilityClicked ( QString  robotName,
QString  co2SensorName 
) [slot]

Informs CGuiController that a CO2Sensor visibility status has \ been clicked. Connects to the CInfoConnector::co2SensorVisibilityClicked\ signal.

Informs CGuiController that a co2 sensor visibility status has \ been clicked. Connects to the CInfoConnector::CO2SensorVisibilityClicked\ signal.

robotName[QString] Frame id of the robot
co2SensorName[QString] Frame id of the co2 sensor

Definition at line 1590 of file stdr_gui_controller.cpp.

stdr_msgs::LaserSensorMsg stdr_gui::CGuiController::getLaserDescription ( QString  robotName,
QString  laserName 
) [private]

Returns a stdr_msgs::LaserSensorMsg message from robot and laser name.

robotName[QString] Frame id of the robot
laserName[QString] Frame id of the laser

Definition at line 1155 of file stdr_gui_controller.cpp.

stdr_msgs::SonarSensorMsg stdr_gui::CGuiController::getSonarDescription ( QString  robotName,
QString  sonarName 
) [private]

Returns a stdr_msgs::SonarSensorMsg message from robot and sonar name.

robotName[QString] Frame id of the robot
sonarName[QString] Frame id of the sonar
stdr_msgs::SonarSensorMsg Frame id of the following robot
robotName[QString] Frame id of the robot
sonarName[QString] Frame id of the sonar

Definition at line 1184 of file stdr_gui_controller.cpp.

Initializes the ROS spin and Qt threads.


Definition at line 349 of file stdr_gui_controller.cpp.

Initializes the Qt event connections and ROS subscribers and publishers.


< Rfid related

< CO2 related

< Thermal related

< Sound related

Definition at line 80 of file stdr_gui_controller.cpp.

void stdr_gui::CGuiController::itemClicked ( QPoint  p,
Qt::MouseButton  b 
) [slot]

Informs CGuiController that click has performed in the map. Connects to the CMapConnector::itemClicked signal.

p[QPoint] The event point in map
b[Qt::MouseButton] The mouse button used to trigger the event

< To avoid crashes as rfid_tags_ changes size

< To avoid crashes as rfid_tags_ changes size

< To avoid crashes as rfid_tags_ changes size

< To avoid crashes as rfid_tags_ changes size

Definition at line 1286 of file stdr_gui_controller.cpp.

void stdr_gui::CGuiController::laserVisibilityClicked ( QString  robotName,
QString  laserName 
) [slot]

Informs CGuiController that a laser visibility status has been clicked. Connects to the CInfoConnector::laserVisibilityClicked signal.

robotName[QString] Frame id of the robot
laserName[QString] Frame id of the laser

Definition at line 1523 of file stdr_gui_controller.cpp.

void stdr_gui::CGuiController::laserVisualizerClicked ( QString  robotName,
QString  laserName 
) [slot]

Informs CGuiController that a laser visualizer has been clicked. Connects to the CInfoConnector::laserVisualizerClicked signal.

robotName[QString] Frame id of the robot
laserName[QString] Frame id of the laser

Definition at line 1213 of file stdr_gui_controller.cpp.

Informs CGuiController that a CO2 source is going to be placed in the environment. Connects to the CGuiConnector::loadCo2Pressed signal.


Definition at line 609 of file stdr_gui_controller.cpp.

Informs CGuiController that an RFID is going to be placed in the environment. Connects to the CGuiConnector::loadRfidPressed signal.


Definition at line 583 of file stdr_gui_controller.cpp.

void stdr_gui::CGuiController::loadRobotFromFilePressed ( stdr_msgs::RobotMsg  newRobotMsg) [slot]

Informs CGuiController that a robot is loaded from a yaml file. Connects to the CGuiConnector::robotFromFile signal.

newRobotMsg[stdr_msgs::RobotMsg] The robot to be put in the map

Definition at line 568 of file stdr_gui_controller.cpp.

void stdr_gui::CGuiController::loadRobotPressed ( stdr_msgs::RobotMsg  newRobotMsg) [slot]

Loads a robot from robot creator into map. Connects to the CGuiConnector::CRobotCreatorConnector::loadRobotPressed signal.

newRobotMsg[stdr_msgs::RobotMsg] The robot to be put in the map

Definition at line 554 of file stdr_gui_controller.cpp.

Informs CGuiController that a sound source is going to be placed in the environment. Connects to the CGuiConnector::loadSoundPressed signal.


Definition at line 622 of file stdr_gui_controller.cpp.

Informs CGuiController that a thermal source is going to be placed in the environment. Connects to the CGuiConnector::loadThermalPressed signal.


Definition at line 596 of file stdr_gui_controller.cpp.

void stdr_gui::CGuiController::receiveCO2Sources ( const stdr_msgs::CO2SourceVector &  msg)

Receives the existent co2 sources.

msg[const stdr_msgs::CO2SourceVector&] The CO2 source message

Definition at line 391 of file stdr_gui_controller.cpp.

void stdr_gui::CGuiController::receiveMap ( const nav_msgs::OccupancyGrid &  msg)

Receives the occupancy grid map from stdr_server. Connects to "map" ROS topic.

Receives the occupancy grid map from stdr_server. Connects to "map" \ ROS topic.

msg[const nav_msgs::OccupancyGrid&] The OGM message

Definition at line 475 of file stdr_gui_controller.cpp.

void stdr_gui::CGuiController::receiveRfids ( const stdr_msgs::RfidTagVector &  msg)

Receives the existent rfid tags.

msg[const stdr_msgs::RfidTagVector&] The rfid tags message

Definition at line 365 of file stdr_gui_controller.cpp.

void stdr_gui::CGuiController::receiveRobots ( const stdr_msgs::RobotIndexedVectorMsg &  msg)

Receives the robots from stdr_server. Connects to "stdr_server/active_robots" ROS topic.

msg[const stdr_msgs::RobotIndexedVectorMsg&] The robots message

Definition at line 726 of file stdr_gui_controller.cpp.

void stdr_gui::CGuiController::receiveSoundSources ( const stdr_msgs::SoundSourceVector &  msg)

Receives the existent sound sources.

msg[const stdr_msgs::SoundSourceVector&] The sound source message

Definition at line 446 of file stdr_gui_controller.cpp.

void stdr_gui::CGuiController::receiveThermalSources ( const stdr_msgs::ThermalSourceVector &  msg)

Receives the existent thermal sources.

msg[const stdr_msgs::ThermalSourceVector&] The thermal source message

Definition at line 418 of file stdr_gui_controller.cpp.

void stdr_gui::CGuiController::replaceRobot ( std::string  robotFrameId) [signal]

Is emitted when a robot is going to be re-placed. Connects to the CMapConnector::waitForReplace slot.

robotFrameId[std::string] The frame id of the robot to be re-placed
void stdr_gui::CGuiController::rfidPlaceSet ( QPoint  p) [slot]

Gets the point at which the new RFID tag is placed. Connects to the CMapConnector::robotPlaceSet signal.

Gets the point at which the new RFID tag is placed. Connects to \ the CMapConnector::robotPlaceSet signal.

p[QPoint] The event point in the OGM

< Getting RFID tag id

Definition at line 809 of file stdr_gui_controller.cpp.

void stdr_gui::CGuiController::rfidReaderVisibilityClicked ( QString  robotName,
QString  rfidReaderName 
) [slot]

Informs CGuiController that a rfidReader visibility status has \ been clicked. Connects to the CInfoConnector::rfidReaderVisibilityClicked\ signal.

robotName[QString] Frame id of the robot
rfidReaderName[QString] Frame id of the rfidReader

Definition at line 1569 of file stdr_gui_controller.cpp.

void stdr_gui::CGuiController::robotPlaceSet ( QPoint  p) [slot]

Gets the point at which the new robot is placed. Connects to the CMapConnector::robotPlaceSet signal.

p[QPoint] The event point in the OGM

Definition at line 764 of file stdr_gui_controller.cpp.

void stdr_gui::CGuiController::robotReplaceSet ( QPoint  p,
std::string  robotName 
) [slot]

Informs CGuiController about the new pose of a robot. Connects to the CMapConnector::robotReplaceSet signal.

p[QPoint] The event point in map
robotName[std::string] The frame id of the re-placed robot

Definition at line 1488 of file stdr_gui_controller.cpp.

void stdr_gui::CGuiController::robotVisibilityClicked ( QString  robotName) [slot]

Informs CGuiController that a robot visibility status has been clicked. Connects to the CInfoConnector::robotVisibilityClicked signal.

robotName[QString] Frame id of the robot

Definition at line 1655 of file stdr_gui_controller.cpp.

void stdr_gui::CGuiController::robotVisualizerClicked ( QString  robotName) [slot]

Informs CGuiController that a robot visualizer has been clicked. Connects to the CInfoConnector::robotVisualizerClicked signal.

robotName[QString] Frame id of the robot

Definition at line 1264 of file stdr_gui_controller.cpp.

void stdr_gui::CGuiController::saveRobotPressed ( stdr_msgs::RobotMsg  newRobotMsg,
QString  file_name 
) [slot]

Saves the robot in a yaml file. Connects to the CGuiConnector::CRobotCreatorConnector::saveRobotPressed signal.

Saves the robot in a file. Connects to the CGuiConnector::CRobotCreatorConnector::saveRobotPressed signal.

newRobotMsg[stdr_msgs::RobotMsg] The robot to be saved
file_name[QString] The yaml file for the robot to be saved
newRobotMsg[stdr_msgs::RobotMsg] The robot to be saved
file_name[QString] The file for the robot to be saved

Definition at line 535 of file stdr_gui_controller.cpp.

void stdr_gui::CGuiController::setCO2SensorVisibility ( QString  robotName,
QString  co2SensorName,
char  vs 
) [signal]

Is emitted when a CO2 sensor's visibility status is going to be \ changed. Connects to the CInfoConnector::setCO2SensorVisibility slot.

robotName[QString] The frame id of the robot containing the specific co2 reader
co2SensorName[QString] The frame id of the CO2 sensor
vs[char] The new visibility status
void stdr_gui::CGuiController::setLaserVisibility ( QString  robotName,
QString  laserName,
char  vs 
) [signal]

Is emitted when a laser's visibility status is going to be changed. Connects to the CInfoConnector::setLaserVisibility slot.

robotName[QString] The frame id of the robot containing the specific laser
laserName[QString] The frame id of the laser
vs[char] The new visibility status
void stdr_gui::CGuiController::setRfidReaderVisibility ( QString  robotName,
QString  rfidReaderName,
char  vs 
) [signal]

Is emitted when a rfid sensor's visibility status is going to be \ changed. Connects to the CInfoConnector::setRfidReaderVisibility slot.

robotName[QString] The frame id of the robot containing the specific rfid reader
rfidReaderName[QString] The frame id of the rfidReader
vs[char] The new visibility status
void stdr_gui::CGuiController::setRobotVisibility ( QString  robotName,
char  vs 
) [signal]

Is emitted when a robot's visibility status is going to be changed. Connects to the CInfoConnector::setRobotVisibility slot.

robotName[QString] The frame id of the robot
vs[char] The new visibility status
void stdr_gui::CGuiController::setSonarVisibility ( QString  robotName,
QString  sonarName,
char  vs 
) [signal]

Is emitted when a sonar's visibility status is going to be changed. Connects to the CInfoConnector::setSonarVisibility slot.

robotName[QString] The frame id of the robot containing the specific sonar
sonarName[QString] The frame id of the laser
vs[char] The new visibility status
void stdr_gui::CGuiController::setSoundSensorVisibility ( QString  robotName,
QString  soundSensorName,
char  vs 
) [signal]

Is emitted when a sound sensor's visibility status is going to be \ changed. Connects to the CInfoConnector::setSoundSensorVisibility slot.

robotName[QString] The frame id of the robot containing the specific sensor
soundSensorName[QString] The frame id of the sound sensor
vs[char] The new visibility status
void stdr_gui::CGuiController::setThermalSensorVisibility ( QString  robotName,
QString  thermalSensorName,
char  vs 
) [signal]

Is emitted when a thermal sensor's visibility status is going to be \ changed. Connects to the CInfoConnector::setThermalSensorVisibility slot.

robotName[QString] The frame id of the robot containing the specific sensor
thermalSensorName[QString] The frame id of the thermal sensor
vs[char] The new visibility status

Sets up the main window widgets.


Definition at line 323 of file stdr_gui_controller.cpp.

void stdr_gui::CGuiController::sonarVisibilityClicked ( QString  robotName,
QString  sonarName 
) [slot]

Informs CGuiController that a sonar visibility status has been clicked. Connects to the CInfoConnector::sonarVisibilityClicked signal.

robotName[QString] Frame id of the robot
sonarName[QString] Frame id of the sonar

Definition at line 1546 of file stdr_gui_controller.cpp.

void stdr_gui::CGuiController::sonarVisualizerClicked ( QString  robotName,
QString  sonarName 
) [slot]

Informs CGuiController that a sonar visualizer has been clicked. Connects to the CInfoConnector::sonarVisualizerClicked signal.

robotName[QString] Frame id of the robot
sonarName[QString] Frame id of the sonar

Definition at line 1239 of file stdr_gui_controller.cpp.

void stdr_gui::CGuiController::soundPlaceSet ( QPoint  p) [slot]

Gets the point at which the new sound source is placed. Connects to the CMapConnector::soundPlaceSet signal.

Gets the point at which the new sound source is placed. Connects to the\ CMapConnector::soundPlaceSet signal.

p[QPoint] The event point in the OGM

< Getting source id

Definition at line 958 of file stdr_gui_controller.cpp.

void stdr_gui::CGuiController::soundSensorVisibilityClicked ( QString  robotName,
QString  soundSensorName 
) [slot]

Informs CGuiController that a sound Sensor visibility status has \ been clicked. Connects to the CInfoConnector::soundSensorVisibilityClicked\ signal.

Informs CGuiController that a sound sensor visibility status has \ been clicked. Connects to the CInfoConnector::soundSensorVisibilityClicked\ signal.

robotName[QString] Frame id of the robot
soundSensorName[QString] Frame id of the sound sensor

Definition at line 1633 of file stdr_gui_controller.cpp.

void stdr_gui::CGuiController::thermalPlaceSet ( QPoint  p) [slot]

Gets the point at which the new thermal source is placed. Connects to the CMapConnector::thermalPlaceSet signal.

Gets the point at which the new thermal source is placed. Connects to the\ CMapConnector::thermalPlaceSet signal.

p[QPoint] The event point in the OGM

< Getting source id

Definition at line 908 of file stdr_gui_controller.cpp.

void stdr_gui::CGuiController::thermalSensorVisibilityClicked ( QString  robotName,
QString  thermalSensorName 
) [slot]

Informs CGuiController that a Thermal Sensor visibility status has \ been clicked. Connects to the CInfoConnector::thermalSensorVisibilityClicked\ signal.

Informs CGuiController that a thermal sensor visibility status has \ been clicked. Connects to the CInfoConnector::thermalSensorVisibilityClicked\ signal.

robotName[QString] Frame id of the robot
thermalSensorName[QString] Frame id of the thermal sensor

Definition at line 1611 of file stdr_gui_controller.cpp.

Updates the map to be shown in GUI. Connects to the timeout signal of timer_.


<--------------------------- Check if all visualisers are active

Definition at line 1006 of file stdr_gui_controller.cpp.

void stdr_gui::CGuiController::waitForCo2Pose ( void  ) [signal]

Is emitted when a new CO2 source is going to be placed. Connects to the CMapConnector::waitForCo2Pose slot.


Is emitted when a new rfid tag is going to be placed. Connects to the CMapConnector::waitForRfidPose slot.


Is emitted when a new robot is going to be placed. Connects to the CMapConnector::waitForPlace slot.


Is emitted when a new sound source is going to be placed. Connects to the CMapConnector::waitForSOundPose slot.


Is emitted when a new thermal source is going to be placed. Connects to the CMapConnector::waitForThermalPose slot.

void stdr_gui::CGuiController::zoomInPressed ( QPoint  p) [slot]

Performs zoom in when the button is pressed. Connects to the CMapConnector::zoomInPressed signal.

p[QPoint] The event point in the OGM

Definition at line 636 of file stdr_gui_controller.cpp.

void stdr_gui::CGuiController::zoomOutPressed ( QPoint  p) [slot]

Performs zoom out when the button is pressed. Connects to the CMapConnector::zoomOutPressed signal.

p[QPoint] The event point in the OGM

Definition at line 650 of file stdr_gui_controller.cpp.

Member Data Documentation

stdr_msgs::RobotIndexedVectorMsg stdr_gui::CGuiController::all_robots_ [private]

Timer for the drawing event.

Definition at line 140 of file stdr_gui_controller.h.

Input arguments.

Definition at line 78 of file stdr_gui_controller.h.

Prevents concurrent map writing.

Definition at line 81 of file stdr_gui_controller.h.

stdr_msgs::CO2SourceVector stdr_gui::CGuiController::co2_source_pure_ [private]

CO2 sources in the environment.

Definition at line 108 of file stdr_gui_controller.h.

Sound sources in the environment.

Definition at line 110 of file stdr_gui_controller.h.

ROS subscriber for thermal sources.

Definition at line 123 of file stdr_gui_controller.h.

Service client for inserting a new thermal source.

Definition at line 195 of file stdr_gui_controller.h.

Service client for inserting a new co2 source.

Definition at line 190 of file stdr_gui_controller.h.

Definition at line 203 of file stdr_gui_controller.h.

Service client for inserting a new sound source.

Definition at line 200 of file stdr_gui_controller.h.

QIcon for move robot (pop-up menu)

Definition at line 145 of file stdr_gui_controller.h.

Object of CInfoConnector.

Definition at line 157 of file stdr_gui_controller.h.

QImage created one time, containing the OGM.

Definition at line 150 of file stdr_gui_controller.h.

QIcon for delete robot (pop-up menu)

Definition at line 147 of file stdr_gui_controller.h.

Object of CMapConnector.

Definition at line 159 of file stdr_gui_controller.h.

QImage that initiates as initial_map and the elements are painted on it.

Definition at line 152 of file stdr_gui_controller.h.

Sonar visualizers.

Definition at line 93 of file stdr_gui_controller.h.

The occypancy grid map.

Definition at line 132 of file stdr_gui_controller.h.

Definition at line 160 of file stdr_gui_controller.h.

All the robots server has.

Definition at line 86 of file stdr_gui_controller.h.

Prevents actions before map initializes.

Definition at line 83 of file stdr_gui_controller.h.

nav_msgs::OccupancyGrid stdr_gui::CGuiController::map_msg_ [private]

Robot handler from stdr_robot.

Definition at line 135 of file stdr_gui_controller.h.

ROS subscriber to get all robots.

Definition at line 117 of file stdr_gui_controller.h.

Laser visualizers.

Definition at line 91 of file stdr_gui_controller.h.

ROS tf transform listener.

Definition at line 129 of file stdr_gui_controller.h.

Service client for deleting a co2 source.

Definition at line 192 of file stdr_gui_controller.h.

Service client for deleting a rfid tag.

Definition at line 187 of file stdr_gui_controller.h.

Service client for deleting a sound source.

Definition at line 202 of file stdr_gui_controller.h.

Service client for deleting a thermal source.

Definition at line 197 of file stdr_gui_controller.h.

Robots created from the specific GUI instance.

Definition at line 88 of file stdr_gui_controller.h.

stdr_msgs::RfidTagVector stdr_gui::CGuiController::rfid_tag_pure_ [private]

Thermal sources in the environment.

Definition at line 102 of file stdr_gui_controller.h.

The original rfid vector.

Definition at line 100 of file stdr_gui_controller.h.

ROS subscriber for co2 sources.

Definition at line 121 of file stdr_gui_controller.h.

Service client for inserting a new rfid tag.

Definition at line 185 of file stdr_gui_controller.h.

All robots in "raw" form.

Definition at line 137 of file stdr_gui_controller.h.

ROS subscriber for rfids.

Definition at line 119 of file stdr_gui_controller.h.

RFID tags in the environment.

Definition at line 98 of file stdr_gui_controller.h.

Object of CGuiConnector.

Definition at line 155 of file stdr_gui_controller.h.

Robot visualizers.

Definition at line 95 of file stdr_gui_controller.h.

stdr_msgs::SoundSourceVector stdr_gui::CGuiController::sound_source_pure_ [private]

Sound sources in the environment.

Definition at line 112 of file stdr_gui_controller.h.

ROS subscriber for occupancy grid map.

Definition at line 115 of file stdr_gui_controller.h.

The ROS node handle.

Definition at line 127 of file stdr_gui_controller.h.

stdr_msgs::ThermalSourceVector stdr_gui::CGuiController::thermal_source_pure_ [private]

CO2 sources in the environment.

Definition at line 104 of file stdr_gui_controller.h.

The original vector.

Definition at line 106 of file stdr_gui_controller.h.

ROS subscriber for sound sources.

Definition at line 125 of file stdr_gui_controller.h.

Elapsed time from the experiment's start.

Definition at line 142 of file stdr_gui_controller.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:

Author(s): Manos Tsardoulias
autogenerated on Tue Feb 7 2017 03:46:43