rqt_py_common::topic_helpers Namespace Reference


def find_slots_by_type_bfs
def find_slots_by_type_dfs
def get_field_type
def get_slot_type
def get_type_class
def is_slot_numeric

Function Documentation

def rqt_py_common.topic_helpers.find_slots_by_type_bfs (   msg_class,
Search inside msg_class for all slots of type slot_type and return their paths.
Uses a breadth first search, so it will find the most shallow matches first.

:param msg_class: The class to search in.
:param slot_type: The type name or class to search for (e.g. 'float64' or Quaternion).
:return: List of paths to slots of type slot_type inside msg_class (e.g. ['header/frame_id']).

Definition at line 156 of file

def rqt_py_common.topic_helpers.find_slots_by_type_dfs (   msg_class,
Search inside msg_class for all slots of type slot_type and return their paths.
Uses a depth first search.

:param msg_class: The class to search in.
:param slot_type: The type name or class to search for (e.g. 'float64' or Quaternion).
:return: List of paths to slots of type slot_type inside msg_class (e.g. ['header/frame_id']).

Definition at line 121 of file

Get the Python type of a specific field in the given registered topic.
If the field is an array, the type of the array's values are returned and the is_array flag is set to True.
This is a static type check, so it works for unpublished topics and with empty arrays.

:param topic_name: name of field of a registered topic, ``str``, i.e. '/rosout/file'
:returns: field_type, is_array

Definition at line 50 of file

def rqt_py_common.topic_helpers.get_slot_type (   message_class,
Get the Python type of a specific slot in the given message class.
If the field is an array, the type of the array's values are returned and the is_array flag is set to True.
This is a static type check, so it works for unpublished topics and with empty arrays.

:param message_class: message class type, ``type``, usually inherits from genpy.message.Message
:param slot_path: path to the slot inside the message class, ``str``, i.e. 'header/seq'
:returns: field_type, is_array

Definition at line 74 of file

Definition at line 38 of file

Check is a slot in the given topic is numeric, or an array of numeric values.
This is a static type check, so it works for unpublished topics and with empty arrays.

:param topic_name: name of field of a registered topic, ``str``, i.e. '/rosout/file'
:returns: is_numeric, is_array, description

Definition at line 102 of file

Author(s): Dorian Scholz, Isaac Saito
autogenerated on Wed May 3 2017 02:24:14