File List
Here is a list of all files with brief descriptions:
async_read_buffer.h [code]Helper object for successive reads from a ReadStream
serial_node.cpp [code]Main entry point for the serial node
serial_session.h [code]Single, reconnecting class for a serial rosserial session
session.h [code]Class representing a session between this node and a templated rosserial client
socket_node.cpp [code]Main entry point for the socket server node
tcp_server.h [code]TCP server for rosserial
topic_handlers.h [code]Classes which manage the Publish and Subscribe relationships that a Session has with its client
udp_socket_node.cpp [code]Main entry point for the UDP socket server node
udp_socket_session.h [code]Reconnecting class for a UDP rosserial session
udp_stream.h [code]Adapter which allows a single-ended UDP connection to present the stream interface

Author(s): Mike Purvis
autogenerated on Sat Oct 7 2017 03:08:51