Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 // -*- C++ -*-
00012 /*
00013  * $Log$
00014  *
00015  */
00017 #ifndef ManagerServant_cpp
00018 #define ManagerServant_cpp
00020 #include <cppunit/ui/text/TestRunner.h>
00021 #include <cppunit/TextOutputter.h>
00022 #include <cppunit/extensions/TestFactoryRegistry.h>
00023 #include <cppunit/extensions/HelperMacros.h>
00024 #include <cppunit/TestAssert.h>
00025 #include <string>
00026 #include <iostream>
00027 #include <idl/SDOPackageSkel.h>
00028 #include <idl/RTCSkel.h>
00029 #include <rtm/idl/ManagerSkel.h>
00030 #include <rtm/ManagerServant.h>
00031 #include <rtm/NVUtil.h>
00037 namespace ManagerServant
00038 {
00044   class Logger
00045   {
00046   public:
00047     void log(const std::string& msg)
00048     {
00049       m_log.push_back(msg);
00050     }
00052     int countLog(const std::string& msg)
00053     {
00054       int count = 0;
00055       for (int i = 0; i < (int) m_log.size(); ++i)
00056         {
00057           if (m_log[i] == msg) ++count;
00058         }
00059      return count;
00060     }
00062   private:
00063     std::vector<std::string> m_log;
00064   };
00066   class ManagerServantTests
00067    : public CppUnit::TestFixture
00068   {
00069     CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE(ManagerServantTests);
00071     CPPUNIT_TEST(test_add_master_manager);
00072     CPPUNIT_TEST(test_add_slave_manager);
00073     CPPUNIT_TEST(test_get_loadable_modules);
00074     CPPUNIT_TEST(test_load_module);
00075     CPPUNIT_TEST(test_unload_modules);
00076     CPPUNIT_TEST(test_get_loaded_modules);
00077     CPPUNIT_TEST(test_get_factory_profiles);
00078     CPPUNIT_TEST(test_create_component);
00079     CPPUNIT_TEST(test_get_components);
00080     CPPUNIT_TEST(test_get_component_profiles);
00081     CPPUNIT_TEST(test_get_profile);
00082     CPPUNIT_TEST(test_get_configuration);
00083     CPPUNIT_TEST(test_set_configuration);
00084     CPPUNIT_TEST(test_fork);
00085     CPPUNIT_TEST(test_get_service);
00086     CPPUNIT_TEST(test_getObjRef);
00087     CPPUNIT_TEST(test_delete_component);
00089 //    CPPUNIT_TEST(test_shutdown);  //OK
00090 //    CPPUNIT_TEST(test_restart);   //OK
00093   private:
00094     CORBA::ORB_ptr m_pORB;
00095     PortableServer::POA_ptr m_pPOA;
00096     RTM::Manager_ptr m_objref;
00101     bool isFound(const ::RTM::ModuleProfileList* list, const std::string& mod)
00102     {
00103         const char *pch;
00104         for (CORBA::ULong ic = 0; ic < list->length(); ++ic)
00105         {
00106             if( (*list)[ic].properties[0].value >>= pch )
00107             {
00108                 if(mod == ::std::string(pch))
00109                 {
00110                     return true;
00111                 }
00112             }
00113         }
00114         return false;
00115     }
00117   public:
00122     ManagerServantTests()
00123     {
00125       int argc = 0;
00126       char** argv = NULL;
00127       m_pORB = CORBA::ORB_init(argc, argv);
00128       m_pPOA = PortableServer::POA::_narrow(
00129                        m_pORB->resolve_initial_references("RootPOA"));
00130       m_pPOA->the_POAManager()->activate();
00132     }
00137     ~ManagerServantTests()
00138     {
00139     }
00144     virtual void setUp()
00145     {
00146     }
00151     virtual void tearDown()
00152     { 
00153     }
00161     void test_add_master_manager()
00162     {
00163       ::RTM::ManagerServant *pman = new ::RTM::ManagerServant();
00164       RTM::ManagerList* list;
00165       try
00166       {
00167         ::RTC::ReturnCode_t ret;
00168         CORBA::Boolean cbret;
00169         cbret = pman->is_master();
00170         // is_master(), default is false
00171         CPPUNIT_ASSERT(!cbret);
00173         // get_master_managers()
00174         list = pman->get_master_managers();
00175          CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, (int)list->length());
00177         // createINSManager()
00178         bool bret = pman->createINSManager();
00179         CPPUNIT_ASSERT(bret);
00181         bret = pman->createINSManager();
00182         CPPUNIT_ASSERT(!bret);
00184         std::string host_port("localhost:2810");
00185         RTM::Manager_var owner;
00186         // findManager()
00187         owner = pman->findManager(host_port.c_str());
00189         // add_master_manager()
00190         ret = pman->add_master_manager(owner);
00191         CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(RTC::RTC_OK, ret);
00192         list = pman->get_master_managers();
00193          CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(1, (int)list->length());
00195         // remove_master_manager()
00196         ret = pman->remove_master_manager(RTM::Manager::_duplicate(owner));
00197         CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(RTC::RTC_OK, ret);
00198         list = pman->get_master_managers();
00199          CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, (int)list->length());
00201         CORBA::Object_var obj;
00202         obj = m_pORB->resolve_initial_references("omniINSPOA");
00203         PortableServer::POA_ptr poa = PortableServer::POA::_narrow(obj);
00204         poa->the_POAManager()->deactivate(false, true);
00205       }
00206       catch(CORBA::SystemException& e)
00207       {
00208         std::cout << "test_add_master_manager() SystemException: " << e._name() << std::endl;
00209       }
00210       catch (...)
00211       {
00212         std::cout << "test_add_master_manager() other Exception" << std::endl;
00213       }
00215       delete list;
00216       delete pman;
00217     }
00224     void test_add_slave_manager()
00225     {
00226       ::RTM::ManagerServant *pman = new ::RTM::ManagerServant();
00227       RTM::ManagerList* list;
00228       try
00229       {
00230         ::RTC::ReturnCode_t ret;
00232         // get_slave_managers()
00233         list = pman->get_slave_managers();
00234          CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, (int)list->length());
00236         // createINSManager()
00237         bool bret = pman->createINSManager();
00238         CPPUNIT_ASSERT(!bret);
00240         std::string host_port("localhost:2810");
00241         RTM::Manager_var owner;
00243         // findManager()
00244         owner = pman->findManager(host_port.c_str());
00246         // add_slave_manager()
00247         ret = pman->add_slave_manager(owner);
00248         CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(RTC::RTC_OK, ret);
00249         list = pman->get_slave_managers();
00250          CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(1, (int)list->length());
00252         // remove_slave_manager()
00253         ret = pman->remove_slave_manager(RTM::Manager::_duplicate(owner));
00254         CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(RTC::RTC_OK, ret);
00255         list = pman->get_slave_managers();
00256          CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, (int)list->length());
00258         CORBA::Object_var obj;
00259         obj = m_pORB->resolve_initial_references("omniINSPOA");
00260         PortableServer::POA_ptr poa = PortableServer::POA::_narrow(obj);
00261         poa->the_POAManager()->deactivate(false, true);
00262       }
00263       catch(CORBA::SystemException& e)
00264       {
00265         std::cout << "test_add_slave_manager() SystemException: " << e._name() << std::endl;
00266       }
00267       catch (...)
00268       {
00269         std::cout << "test_add_slave_manager() other Exception" << std::endl;
00270       }
00272       delete list;
00273       delete pman;
00274     }
00282     void test_load_module()
00283     {
00284         ::RTM::ManagerServant *pman = new ::RTM::ManagerServant();
00285         ::RTC::ReturnCode_t ret;
00286         try
00287         {
00288             ret = pman->load_module(".libs/","DummyModule1Init");
00289             CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(::RTC::RTC_OK, ret);
00290             CPPUNIT_ASSERT(isFound(pman->get_loaded_modules(), 
00291                                    ".//.libs/"));
00292         }
00293         catch(...)
00294         {
00295             CPPUNIT_FAIL("Exception thrown.");
00296         }
00298         //illegal file name.
00299         try
00300         {
00301             ret = pman->load_module("","DummyModule1Init");
00302             CPPUNIT_FAIL("Exception not thrown.");
00303         }
00304         catch(...)
00305         {
00306             CPPUNIT_ASSERT(!isFound(pman->get_loaded_modules(), ".//"));
00307         }
00308         //illegal function name.
00309         try
00310         {
00311             ret = pman->load_module("","foo");
00312             CPPUNIT_FAIL("Exception not thrown.");
00313         }
00314         catch(...)
00315         {
00316             CPPUNIT_ASSERT(isFound(pman->get_loaded_modules(), 
00317                                    ".//.libs/"));
00318         }
00319         //loading overlaps
00320         ret = pman->load_module(".libs/","DummyModule1Init");
00321         CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(::RTC::RTC_OK, ret);
00322         CPPUNIT_ASSERT(isFound(pman->get_loaded_modules(),
00323                                ".//.libs/"));
00325         //lodding another module
00326         ret = pman->load_module(".libs/","DummyModule2Init");
00327         CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(::RTC::RTC_OK, ret);
00328         CPPUNIT_ASSERT(isFound(pman->get_loaded_modules(),
00329                                ".//.libs/"));
00331         delete pman;
00332     }
00339     void test_unload_modules()
00340     {
00341         ::RTM::ManagerServant *pman = new ::RTM::ManagerServant();
00342         ::RTC::ReturnCode_t ret;
00343         try
00344         {
00345             ret = pman->load_module(".libs/","DummyModule1Init");
00346             CPPUNIT_ASSERT(isFound(pman->get_loaded_modules(),
00347                                    ".//.libs/"));
00348             CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(::RTC::RTC_OK, ret);
00349         }
00350         catch(...)
00351         {
00352             CPPUNIT_FAIL("Exception thrown.");
00353         }
00354         try
00355         {
00356             ret = pman->load_module(".libs/","DummyModule2Init");
00357             CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(::RTC::RTC_OK, ret);
00358             CPPUNIT_ASSERT(isFound(pman->get_loaded_modules(),
00359                                    ".//.libs/"));
00360         }
00361         catch(...)
00362         {
00363             CPPUNIT_FAIL("Exception thrown.");
00364         }
00365         //
00366         try
00367         {
00368             ret = pman->unload_module(".//.libs/");
00369             CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(::RTC::RTC_OK, ret);
00370         }
00371         catch(...)
00372         {
00373             CPPUNIT_FAIL( "unload error" );
00374         }
00375         //
00376         try
00377         {
00378             pman->unload_module("");
00379             CPPUNIT_FAIL("Exception not thrown.");
00380         }
00381         catch(...)
00382         {
00383 //            CPPUNIT_FAIL( "unload error" );  //OK
00384         }
00385         delete pman;
00386     }
00393     void test_get_loaded_modules()
00394     {
00395         ::RTM::ManagerServant *pman = new ::RTM::ManagerServant();
00396         ::RTC::ReturnCode_t ret;
00397         try
00398         {
00399             ret = pman->load_module(".libs/","DummyModule1Init");
00400             CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(::RTC::RTC_OK, ret);
00401             CPPUNIT_ASSERT(isFound(pman->get_loaded_modules(), 
00402                                    ".//.libs/"));
00403         }
00404         catch(...)
00405         {
00406             CPPUNIT_FAIL("Exception thrown.");
00407         }
00408         try
00409         {
00410             ret = pman->load_module(".libs/","DummyModule2Init");
00411             CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(::RTC::RTC_OK, ret);
00412             CPPUNIT_ASSERT(isFound(pman->get_loaded_modules(), 
00413                                    ".//.libs/"));
00414         }
00415         catch(...)
00416         {
00417             CPPUNIT_FAIL("Exception thrown.");
00418         }
00420         //Execute the function
00421         ::RTM::ModuleProfileList* list;
00422         list = pman->get_loaded_modules();
00423         ::RTM::ModuleProfileList modlist(*list);
00424         delete list;
00426         //Check returns(ModuleProfileList).
00427         CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL((::CORBA::ULong)2, modlist.length());
00428         CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(::std::string("file_path"), 
00429                              ::std::string(modlist[0].properties[0].name));
00430         const char* ch;
00431         if( modlist[0].properties[0].value >>= ch )
00432         {
00433             CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(::std::string(".//.libs/"), 
00434                                  ::std::string(ch));
00435         }
00436         else
00437         {
00438             CPPUNIT_FAIL( "ModuleProfileList is illegal." );
00439         }
00441         CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(::std::string("file_path"), 
00442                              ::std::string(modlist[1].properties[0].name));
00444         if( modlist[1].properties[0].value >>= ch )
00445         {
00446             CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(::std::string(".//.libs/"), 
00447                                  ::std::string(ch));
00448         }
00449         else
00450         {
00451             CPPUNIT_FAIL( "ModuleProfileList is illegal." );
00452         }
00453         delete pman;
00454     }
00461     void test_get_factory_profiles()
00462     {
00463         typedef struct data_struct {
00464             ::std::string name;
00465             ::std::string value;
00466         } DATA_STRUCT;
00467         DATA_STRUCT composite_spec[] =
00468         {
00469             {"implementation_id", "PeriodicECSharedComposite"},
00470             {"type_name",         "PeriodicECSharedComposite"},
00471             {"description",       "PeriodicECSharedComposite"},
00472             {"version",           "1.0"},
00473             {"vendor",            "jp.go.aist"},
00474             {"category",          "composite.PeriodicECShared"},
00475             {"activity_type",     "DataFlowComponent"},
00476             {"max_instance",      "0"},
00477             {"language",          "C++"},
00478             {"lang_type",         "compile"},
00479             {"exported_ports",    ""},
00480             {"conf.default.members", ""},
00481             {"conf.default.exported_ports", ""},
00482             {"",""},
00483         };
00484         DATA_STRUCT consolein_spec[] =
00485         {
00486             {"implementation_id", "DummyModule1"},
00487             {"type_name",         "DummyModule1"},
00488             {"description",       "Console input component"},
00489             {"version",           "1.0"},
00490             {"vendor",            "Noriaki Ando, AIST"},
00491             {"category",          "example"},
00492             {"activity_type",     "DataFlowComponent"},
00493             {"max_instance",      "10"},
00494             {"language",          "C++"},
00495             {"lang_type",         "compile"},
00496             {"",""},
00497         };
00498         DATA_STRUCT consoleout_spec[] =
00499         {
00500             {"implementation_id", "DummyModule2"},
00501             {"type_name",         "DummyModule2"},
00502             {"description",       "Console output component"},
00503             {"version",           "1.0"},
00504             {"vendor",            "Noriaki Ando, AIST"},
00505             {"category",          "example"},
00506             {"activity_type",     "DataFlowComponent"},
00507             {"max_instance",      "10"},
00508             {"language",          "C++"},
00509             {"lang_type",         "compile"},
00510             {"",""},
00511         };
00512         ::RTM::ManagerServant *pman = new ::RTM::ManagerServant();
00514         //Load modules.
00515         ::RTC::ReturnCode_t ret;
00516         ret = pman->load_module(".libs/","DummyModule1Init");
00517         CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(::RTC::RTC_OK, ret);
00518         CPPUNIT_ASSERT(isFound(pman->get_loaded_modules(),
00519                                ".//.libs/"));
00520         ret = pman->load_module(".libs/","DummyModule2Init");
00521         CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(::RTC::RTC_OK, ret);
00522         CPPUNIT_ASSERT(isFound(pman->get_loaded_modules(),
00523                                ".//.libs/"));
00525         //Execute the function
00526         ::RTM::ModuleProfileList *list;
00527         list = pman->get_factory_profiles(); 
00528         ::RTM::ModuleProfileList profiles(*list);
00529         delete list;
00531         //Check returns(ModuleProfileList).
00532         ::CORBA::ULong len;
00533         CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL((::CORBA::ULong)3, profiles.length());
00534         len = profiles[0].properties.length(); 
00535         CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL((::CORBA::ULong)13, len);
00536         for (CORBA::ULong ic = 0; ic < len; ++ic)
00537         {
00538             CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(composite_spec[ic].name,
00539                            ::std::string(profiles[0].properties[ic].name));
00541             const char* ch;
00542             if( profiles[0].properties[ic].value >>= ch )
00543             {
00544                 CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(composite_spec[ic].value, 
00545                                      ::std::string(ch));
00546             }
00547             else
00548             {
00549                 CPPUNIT_FAIL( "ModuleProfileList is illegal." );
00550             }
00551         }
00552         len =profiles[1].properties.length(); 
00553         CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL((::CORBA::ULong)10, len);
00554         for (CORBA::ULong ic = 0; ic < len; ++ic)
00555         {
00556             CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(consolein_spec[ic].name,
00557                            ::std::string(profiles[1].properties[ic].name));
00559             const char* ch;
00560             if( profiles[1].properties[ic].value >>= ch )
00561             {
00562                 CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(consolein_spec[ic].value, 
00563                                      ::std::string(ch));
00564             }
00565             else
00566             {
00567                 CPPUNIT_FAIL( "ModuleProfileList is illegal." );
00568             }
00569         }
00570         len =profiles[2].properties.length(); 
00571         CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL((::CORBA::ULong)10, len);
00572         for (CORBA::ULong ic = 0; ic < len; ++ic)
00573         {
00574             CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(consoleout_spec[ic].name,
00575                            ::std::string(profiles[2].properties[ic].name));
00577             const char* ch;
00578             if( profiles[2].properties[ic].value >>= ch )
00579             {
00580                 CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(consoleout_spec[ic].value, 
00581                                      ::std::string(ch));
00582             }
00583             else
00584             {
00585                 CPPUNIT_FAIL( "ModuleProfileList is illegal." );
00586             }
00587         }
00588         delete pman;
00589     }
00595     void test_create_component()
00596     {
00597         ::RTM::ManagerServant *pman = new ::RTM::ManagerServant();
00598         //Load modules.
00599         ::RTC::ReturnCode_t ret;
00600         ret = pman->load_module(".libs/","DummyModule1Init");
00601         CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(::RTC::RTC_OK, ret);
00602         CPPUNIT_ASSERT(isFound(pman->get_loaded_modules(),
00603                                ".//.libs/"));
00604         ret = pman->load_module(".libs/","DummyModule2Init");
00605         CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(::RTC::RTC_OK, ret);
00606         CPPUNIT_ASSERT(isFound(pman->get_loaded_modules(),
00607                                ".//.libs/"));
00609         //Execute the function
00610         ::RTC::RTObject_ptr inobj;
00611         inobj = pman->create_component("DummyModule1AA");
00612         CPPUNIT_ASSERT(::CORBA::is_nil(inobj));
00613         inobj = pman->create_component("DummyModule1");
00614         CPPUNIT_ASSERT(!::CORBA::is_nil(inobj));
00616         ::RTC::RTObject_ptr outobj;
00617         outobj = pman->create_component("DummyModule2");
00618         CPPUNIT_ASSERT(!::CORBA::is_nil(outobj));
00619         delete pman;
00620     }
00627     void test_delete_component()
00628     {
00629         ::RTM::ManagerServant *pman = new ::RTM::ManagerServant();
00630         //Load modules.
00631         ::RTC::ReturnCode_t ret;
00632         ret = pman->load_module(".libs/","DummyModule1Init");
00633         CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(::RTC::RTC_OK, ret);
00634         CPPUNIT_ASSERT(isFound(pman->get_loaded_modules(),
00635                                ".//.libs/"));
00636         ret = pman->load_module(".libs/","DummyModule2Init");
00637         CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(::RTC::RTC_OK, ret);
00638         CPPUNIT_ASSERT(isFound(pman->get_loaded_modules(),
00639                                ".//.libs/"));
00641         ::RTC::RTObject_ptr inobj;
00642         inobj = pman->create_component("DummyModule1");
00643         CPPUNIT_ASSERT(!::CORBA::is_nil(inobj));
00645         ::RTC::RTObject_ptr outobj;
00646         outobj = pman->create_component("DummyModule2");
00647         CPPUNIT_ASSERT(!::CORBA::is_nil(outobj));
00649         ::RTC::ComponentProfileList *list;
00650         list = pman->get_component_profiles();
00651         CPPUNIT_ASSERT(list!=NULL);
00652         ::RTC::ComponentProfileList profiles(*list);
00653         delete list;
00655 //        m_pPOA->deactivate_object(*m_pPOA->reference_to_id(inobj));
00656         m_pPOA->the_POAManager()->deactivate(false, true);
00657         ret = pman->delete_component(profiles[0].instance_name);
00658         CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(::RTC::RTC_OK, ret);
00660         // deleteComponent()でexit()を実行しているため、これ以降のテストはできません。
00661         // 以降のdelete_component は、実施せず。
00662 //        m_pPOA->deactivate_object(*m_pPOA->reference_to_id(outobj));
00663 //        ret = pman->delete_component(profiles[1].instance_name);
00664 //        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(::RTC::RTC_OK, ret);
00665         delete pman;
00666     }
00673     void test_get_components()
00674     {
00675         ::RTM::ManagerServant *pman = new ::RTM::ManagerServant();
00676         ::RTC::ReturnCode_t ret;
00677         ret = pman->load_module(".libs/","DummyModule1Init");
00678         CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(::RTC::RTC_OK, ret);
00679         CPPUNIT_ASSERT(isFound(pman->get_loaded_modules(),
00680                                ".//.libs/"));
00681         ret = pman->load_module(".libs/","DummyModule2Init");
00682         CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(::RTC::RTC_OK, ret);
00683         CPPUNIT_ASSERT(isFound(pman->get_loaded_modules(),
00684                                ".//.libs/"));
00686         ::RTC::RTObject_ptr inobj;
00687         inobj = pman->create_component("DummyModule1");
00688         CPPUNIT_ASSERT(!::CORBA::is_nil(inobj));
00690         ::RTC::RTObject_ptr outobj;
00691         outobj = pman->create_component("DummyModule2");
00692         CPPUNIT_ASSERT(!::CORBA::is_nil(outobj));
00694         //Execute the functions
00695         ::RTC::RTCList *list;
00696         list = pman->get_components();
00697         CPPUNIT_ASSERT(list != NULL);
00698         ::RTC::RTCList rtclist(*list);
00699         delete list;
00701         ::CORBA::ULong len(rtclist.length());
00702         bool bflag;
00703         bflag = false;
00704         for (::CORBA::ULong ic = 0; ic < len; ++ic)
00705         {
00706             if( rtclist[ic] == inobj )
00707             {
00708                 bflag = true;
00709             }
00710         }
00711         CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL( bflag,true );
00713         bflag = false;
00714         for (::CORBA::ULong ic = 0; ic < len; ++ic)
00715         {
00716             if( rtclist[ic] == outobj )
00717             {
00718                 bflag = true;
00719             }
00720         }
00721         CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL( bflag,true );
00722         delete pman;
00723     }
00729     void test_get_component_profiles()
00730     {
00731         ::RTM::ManagerServant *pman = new ::RTM::ManagerServant();
00732         ::RTC::ReturnCode_t ret;
00733         ret = pman->load_module(".libs/","DummyModule1Init");
00734         CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(::RTC::RTC_OK, ret);
00735         CPPUNIT_ASSERT(isFound(pman->get_loaded_modules(),
00736                                ".//.libs/"));
00737         ret = pman->load_module(".libs/","DummyModule2Init");
00738         CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(::RTC::RTC_OK, ret);
00739         CPPUNIT_ASSERT(isFound(pman->get_loaded_modules(),
00740                                ".//.libs/"));
00742         //create components.
00743         ::RTC::RTObject_ptr inobj;
00744         inobj = pman->create_component("DummyModule1");
00745         CPPUNIT_ASSERT(!::CORBA::is_nil(inobj));
00747         ::RTC::RTObject_ptr outobj;
00748         outobj = pman->create_component("DummyModule2");
00749         CPPUNIT_ASSERT(!::CORBA::is_nil(outobj));
00751         //Execute the functions.
00752         ::RTC::ComponentProfileList *list;
00753         list = pman->get_component_profiles();
00754         CPPUNIT_ASSERT(list!=NULL);
00755         ::RTC::ComponentProfileList profiles(*list);
00756         delete list;
00758         //Execute the functions
00759         ::RTC::RTCList *plist;
00760         plist = pman->get_components();
00761         CPPUNIT_ASSERT(plist != NULL);
00762         ::RTC::RTCList rtclist(*plist);
00763         delete plist;
00765         ::CORBA::ULong len(rtclist.length());
00766         bool bflag;
00767         bflag = false;
00768         for (::CORBA::ULong ic = 0; ic < len; ++ic)
00769         {
00770             if( rtclist[ic] == inobj )
00771             {
00772                 bflag = true;
00773                 ::std::string str(profiles[ic].instance_name);
00774                 CPPUNIT_ASSERT(str.find("DummyModule1") != ::std::string::npos);
00775                 CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(::std::string("DummyModule1"),
00776                                      ::std::string(profiles[ic].type_name));
00777                 CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(::std::string("Console input component"),
00778                                      ::std::string(profiles[ic].description));
00779                 CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(::std::string("1.0"),
00780                                      ::std::string(profiles[ic].version));
00781                 CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(::std::string("Noriaki Ando, AIST"),
00782                                      ::std::string(profiles[ic].vendor));
00783                 CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(::std::string("example"),
00784                                      ::std::string(profiles[ic].category));
00785                 break;
00786             }
00787         }
00788         CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL( bflag,true );
00790         bflag = false;
00791         for (::CORBA::ULong ic = 0; ic < len; ++ic)
00792         {
00793             if( rtclist[ic] == outobj )
00794             {
00795                 bflag = true;
00796                 ::std::string str(profiles[ic].instance_name);
00797                 CPPUNIT_ASSERT(str.find("DummyModule2") != ::std::string::npos);
00798                 CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(::std::string("DummyModule2"),
00799                                      ::std::string(profiles[ic].type_name));
00800                 CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(::std::string("Console output component"),
00801                                      ::std::string(profiles[ic].description));
00802                 CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(::std::string("1.0"),
00803                                      ::std::string(profiles[ic].version));
00804                 CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(::std::string("Noriaki Ando, AIST"),
00805                                      ::std::string(profiles[ic].vendor));
00806                 CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(::std::string("example"),
00807                                      ::std::string(profiles[ic].category));
00808                 break;
00809             }
00810         }
00811         CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL( bflag,true );
00812         delete pman;
00813     }
00820     void test_get_profile()
00821     {
00822         typedef struct data_struct {
00823             ::std::string name;
00824             ::std::string value;
00825         } DATA_STRUCT;
00826         DATA_STRUCT manager_profile[] =
00827         {
00828             {"instance_name",            "manager"},
00829             {"name",                     "manager"},
00830             {"naming_formats",           "%h.host_cxt/%n.mgr"},
00831             {"pid",                      ""},
00832             {"refstring_path",           "/var/log/rtcmanager.ref"},
00833             {"modules.load_path",        ""},
00834             {"modules.abs_path_allowed", "YES"},
00835             {"modules.C++.manager_cmd",  ""},
00836             {"modules.C++.profile_cmd",  ""},
00837             {"modules.C++.suffixes",     ""},
00838             {"modules.C++.load_paths",   ""},
00839             {"modules.Python.manager_cmd",""},
00840             {"modules.Python.profile_cmd",""},
00841             {"modules.Python.suffixes",  ""},
00842             {"modules.Python.load_paths",""},
00843             {"modules.Java.manager_cmd", ""},
00844             {"modules.Java.profile_cmd", ""},
00845             {"modules.Java.suffixes",    ""},
00846             {"modules.Java.load_paths",  ""},
00847             {"modules.config_path",      ""},
00848             {"modules.download_allowed", ""},
00849             {"modules.init_func_suffix", ""},
00850             {"modules.init_func_prefix", ""},
00851 //            {"modules.config_ext",       ""},
00852             {"is_master",                ""},
00853             {"corba_servant",            "YES"},
00854             {"shutdown_on_nortcs",       "YES"},
00855             {"shutdown_auto",            "YES"},
00856             {"command",                  "rtcd"},
00857             {"supported_languages",     ""},
00858             {"",                  "Linux"},
00859             {"os.release",               ""},
00860             {"os.version",               ""},
00861             {"os.arch",                  ""},
00862             {"os.hostname",              ""},
00863             {"",""},
00864         };
00866         ::RTM::ManagerServant *pman = new ::RTM::ManagerServant();
00868         //Execute the functions.
00869         ::RTM::ManagerProfile *list;
00870         list = pman->get_profile();
00871         ::RTM::ManagerProfile profile(*list);
00872         delete list;
00873         int  len;
00874         len =; 
00875         CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(34,len);
00876         for(int ic = 0; ic < len; ++ic) 
00877         {
00878             CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(manager_profile[ic].name,
00879                                ::std::string([ic].name));
00880             const char* ch;
00881             if([ic].value >>= ch )
00882             {
00883                 if(!manager_profile[ic].value.empty())
00884                 {
00885                     CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(manager_profile[ic].value,
00886                                          ::std::string(ch)); 
00887                 }
00888             }
00889         }
00890         delete pman;
00891     }
00898     void test_get_configuration()
00899     {
00900         typedef struct data_struct {
00901             ::std::string name;
00902             ::std::string value;
00903         } DATA_STRUCT;
00904         DATA_STRUCT config[] =
00905         {
00906             {"config.version",                  "1.0.0"},
00907             {"openrtm.version",                 "OpenRTM-aist-1.0.0"},
00908             {"manager.instance_name",           "manager"},
00909             {"",                    "manager"},
00910             {"manager.naming_formats",          "%h.host_cxt/%n.mgr"},
00911             {"",                     ""},
00912             {"manager.refstring_path",          "/var/log/rtcmanager.ref"},
00913             {"manager.modules.load_path",       ""},
00914             {"manager.modules.abs_path_allowed","YES"},
00915             {"manager.modules.C++.manager_cmd",  ""},
00916             {"manager.modules.C++.profile_cmd",  ""},
00917             {"manager.modules.C++.suffixes",     ""},
00918             {"manager.modules.C++.load_paths",   ""},
00919             {"manager.modules.Python.manager_cmd",""},
00920             {"manager.modules.Python.profile_cmd",""},
00921             {"manager.modules.Python.suffixes",  ""},
00922             {"manager.modules.Python.load_paths",""},
00923             {"manager.modules.Java.manager_cmd", ""},
00924             {"manager.modules.Java.profile_cmd", ""},
00925             {"manager.modules.Java.suffixes",    ""},
00926             {"manager.modules.Java.load_paths",  ""},
00927             {"manager.modules.config_path",     ""},
00928             {"manager.modules.download_allowed",""},
00929             {"manager.modules.init_func_suffix",""},
00930             {"manager.modules.init_func_prefix",""},
00931             {"manager.is_master",               ""},
00932             {"manager.corba_servant",           "YES"},
00933             {"manager.shutdown_on_nortcs",      "YES"},
00934             {"manager.shutdown_auto",           "YES"},
00935             {"manager.command",                 "rtcd"},
00936             {"manager.supported_languages",     ""},
00937             {"",                 "Linux"},
00938             {"manager.os.release",              ""},
00939             {"manager.os.version",              ""},
00940             {"manager.os.arch",                 ""},
00941             {"manager.os.hostname",             ""},
00942             {"",                         ""},
00943             {"os.release",                      ""},
00944             {"os.version",                      ""},
00945             {"os.arch",                         ""},
00946             {"os.hostname",                     ""},
00947             {"logger.enable",                   ""},
00948             {"logger.file_name",                ""},
00949             {"logger.date_format",              "%b %d %H:%M:%S"},
00950             {"logger.log_level",                ""},
00951             {"logger.stream_lock",              "NO"},
00952             {"logger.master_logger",            ""},
00953             {"module.conf_path",                ""},
00954             {"module.load_path",                ""},
00955             {"naming.enable",                   "YES"},
00956             {"naming.type",                     "corba"},
00957             {"naming.formats",                  "%h.host_cxt/%n.rtc"},
00958             {"naming.update.enable",            "YES"},
00959             {"naming.update.interval",          "10.0"},
00960             {"timer.enable",                    "YES"},
00961             {"timer.tick",                      "0.1"},
00962             {"corba.args",                      ""},
00963             {"corba.endpoint",                  ""},
00964             {"",                        "omniORB"},
00965             {"corba.nameservers",               ""},
00966             {"corba.master_manager",            "localhost:2810"},
00967             {"corba.nameservice.replace_endpoint", "NO"},
00968 //            {"corba.endpoints",                  ""},
00969             {"exec_cxt.periodic.type",          "PeriodicExecutionContext"},
00970             {"exec_cxt.periodic.rate",          "1000"},
00971             {"exec_cxt.evdriven.type",          "EventDrivenExecutionContext"},
00972             {"example.DummyModule10.config_file",  ""},
00973             {"example.DummyModule1.config_file",   ""},
00974             {"example.DummyModule20.config_file", ""},
00975             {"example.DummyModule2.config_file",  ""},
00976             {"example.DummyModule11.config_file",  ""},
00977             {"example.DummyModule21.config_file", ""},
00978             {"example.DummyModule12.config_file",  ""},
00979             {"example.DummyModule22.config_file", ""},
00980             {"",""},
00981         };
00983         ::RTM::ManagerServant *pman = new ::RTM::ManagerServant();
00984         ::RTM::NVList* list;
00985         list = pman->get_configuration();
00986         ::RTM::NVList conf(*list);
00987         delete list;
00988         ::CORBA::ULong  len;
00989         len = conf.length(); 
00990         CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL((::CORBA::ULong)73,len);
00991         for(::CORBA::ULong ic = 0; ic < len; ++ic) 
00992         {
00993             CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(config[ic].name,
00994                                ::std::string(conf[ic].name));
00995             const char* ch;
00996             if( conf[ic].value >>= ch )
00997             {
00998                 if(!config[ic].value.empty())
00999                 {
01000                     CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(config[ic].value,
01001                                          ::std::string(ch)); 
01002                 }
01003             }
01004         }
01005         delete pman;
01006     }
01013     void test_set_configuration()
01014     {
01015         typedef struct data_struct {
01016             ::std::string name;
01017             ::std::string value;
01018         } DATA_STRUCT;
01019         DATA_STRUCT config[] =
01020         {
01021             {"config.version",                  "1.0.0"},
01022             {"openrtm.version",                 "OpenRTM-aist-1.0.0"},
01023             {"manager.naming_formats",          "%n.rtc"},
01024             {"manager.modules.load_path",       "./,./.libs"},
01025             {"manager.modules.abs_path_allowed","NO"},
01026             {"manager.os.release",              "2.6.22-14-generic"},
01027             {"manager.os.version",              "2008"},
01028             {"manager.os.arch",                 "64"},
01029             {"manager.os.hostname",             "ubuntur810"},
01030         };
01031         ::RTM::ManagerServant *pman = new ::RTM::ManagerServant();
01032         ::RTC::ReturnCode_t ret;
01033         int len;
01034         len = sizeof config/sizeof config[0]; 
01035         for(int ic = 0; ic < len; ++ic) 
01036         {
01037             ret = pman->set_configuration(config[ic].name.c_str(), 
01038                                           config[ic].value.c_str());
01039             CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(::RTC::RTC_OK, ret);
01040         }
01042         ::RTM::NVList* list;
01043         list = pman->get_configuration();
01044         ::RTM::NVList conf(*list);
01045         delete list;
01046         ::CORBA::ULong  leng;
01047         leng = conf.length(); 
01048         CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL((::CORBA::ULong)73,leng);
01049         for(::CORBA::ULong ic = 0; ic < leng; ++ic) 
01050         {
01051             if(config[0].name == ::std::string(conf[ic].name))
01052             {
01053                 CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(config[ic].name,
01054                                      ::std::string(conf[ic].name));
01055                 const char* ch;
01056                 if( conf[ic].value >>= ch )
01057                 {
01058                     if(!config[ic].value.empty())
01059                     {
01060                         CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(config[ic].value,
01061                                              ::std::string(ch)); 
01062                     }
01063                 }
01064             }
01065         }
01066         delete pman;
01067     }
01075     void test_shutdown()
01076     {
01078         ::RTM::ManagerServant *pman = new ::RTM::ManagerServant();
01080         try
01081         {
01082             ::RTC::ReturnCode_t retcode;
01083             retcode = pman->shutdown();
01084             CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(::RTC::RTC_OK, retcode);
01085             ::coil::sleep(3);
01086             delete pman;
01087         }
01088         catch(...)
01089         {
01090             CPPUNIT_FAIL("Exception thrown.");
01091         }
01092         delete pman;
01093     }
01100     void test_get_loadable_modules()
01101     {
01102         ::RTM::ManagerServant *pman = new ::RTM::ManagerServant();
01104         //ロード可能なモジュールリストを取得する
01105         ::RTC::ReturnCode_t ret;
01106 //        ret = pman->set_configuration("manager.modules.load_path", "./.libs");
01107 // rtc.conf に入れないと有効にならないね!
01109         try
01110         {
01111             ret = pman->load_module(".libs/","DummyModule1Init");
01112             CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(::RTC::RTC_OK, ret);
01113             CPPUNIT_ASSERT(isFound(pman->get_loadable_modules(), 
01114                                    "DummyModule1"));
01115         }
01116         catch(...)
01117         {
01118             CPPUNIT_FAIL("Exception thrown.");
01119         }
01121         //
01122         try
01123         {
01124             ret = pman->load_module(".libs/","DummyModule2Init");
01125             CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(::RTC::RTC_OK, ret);
01126             CPPUNIT_ASSERT(isFound(pman->get_loadable_modules(), 
01127                                    "DummyModule2"));
01128         }
01129         catch(...)
01130         {
01131             CPPUNIT_FAIL("Exception thrown.");
01132         }
01134         //Execute the function
01135         ::RTM::ModuleProfileList* list;
01136         list = pman->get_loadable_modules();
01137         ::RTM::ModuleProfileList modlist(*list);
01138         delete list;
01140         //Check returns(ModuleProfileList).
01141         CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL((::CORBA::ULong)2, modlist.length());
01143         CORBA::Long long_ret = NVUtil::find_index(modlist[0].properties,"module_file_name");
01144         CPPUNIT_ASSERT(long_ret!=-1);
01146         const char* ch;
01147         if( modlist[0].properties[long_ret].value >>= ch )
01148         {
01149             CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(::std::string(""), 
01150                                  ::std::string(ch));
01151         }
01152         else
01153         {
01154             CPPUNIT_FAIL( "ModuleProfileList is illegal." );
01155         }
01157         long_ret = NVUtil::find_index(modlist[1].properties,"module_file_name");
01158         CPPUNIT_ASSERT(long_ret!=-1);
01160         if( modlist[1].properties[long_ret].value >>= ch )
01161         {
01162             CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(::std::string(""), 
01163                                  ::std::string(ch));
01164         }
01165         else
01166         {
01167             CPPUNIT_FAIL( "ModuleProfileList is illegal." );
01168         }
01169         delete pman;
01170     }
01179     void test_fork()
01180     {
01181       ::RTM::ManagerServant *pman = new ::RTM::ManagerServant();
01182       CPPUNIT_ASSERT(pman->fork() == ::RTC::RTC_OK);
01183       delete pman;
01184     }
01192     void test_restart()
01193     {
01194       ::RTM::ManagerServant *pman = new ::RTM::ManagerServant();
01195       CPPUNIT_ASSERT(pman->restart() == ::RTC::RTC_OK);
01196       delete pman;
01197     }
01205     void test_get_service()
01206     {
01207       std::string name("service0");
01208       ::RTM::ManagerServant *pman = new ::RTM::ManagerServant();
01209       CPPUNIT_ASSERT(CORBA::is_nil(pman->get_service(name.c_str())));
01210       delete pman;
01211     }
01219     void test_getObjRef()
01220     {
01221       ::RTM::ManagerServant *pman = new ::RTM::ManagerServant();
01222       m_objref = pman->getObjRef();
01223       //CPPUNIT_ASSERT(! CORBA::is_nil(m_objref));
01224       delete pman;
01225     }
01227   };
01228 }; // namespace ManagerServant
01230 /*
01231  * Register test suite
01232  */
01233 CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE_REGISTRATION(ManagerServant::ManagerServantTests);
01235 #ifdef LOCAL_MAIN
01236 int main(int argc, char* argv[])
01237 {
01238     CppUnit::TextUi::TestRunner runner;
01239     runner.addTest(CppUnit::TestFactoryRegistry::getRegistry().makeTest());
01240     CppUnit::Outputter* outputter = 
01241       new CppUnit::TextOutputter(&runner.result(), std::cout);
01242     runner.setOutputter(outputter);
01243     bool retcode =;
01244     return !retcode;
01245 }
01246 #endif // MAIN
01247 #endif // ManagerServant_cpp

Author(s): Noriaki Ando
autogenerated on Sun Mar 26 2017 03:37:16