Package node_manager_fkie :: Package editor :: Module text_search_frame :: Class TextSearchFrame
[frames] | no frames]

Class TextSearchFrame

source code

       object --+                    
sip.simplewrapper --+                
          sip.wrapper --+            
     PyQt4.QtCore.QObject --+        
           object --+       |        
                    |       |        
    sip.simplewrapper --+   |        
                        |   |        
 PyQt4.QtGui.QPaintDevice --+        
          PyQt4.QtGui.QWidget --+    
          PyQt4.QtGui.QDockWidget --+

A frame to find text in the Editor.

Nested Classes

Inherited from PyQt4.QtGui.QDockWidget: DockWidgetFeature, DockWidgetFeatures

Inherited from PyQt4.QtGui.QWidget: RenderFlag, RenderFlags

Inherited from PyQt4.QtGui.QPaintDevice: PaintDeviceMetric

Instance Methods
__init__(self, tabwidget, parent=None)
x.__init__(...) initializes x; see help(type(x)) for signature
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keyPressEvent(self, event)
Enable the shortcats for search and replace
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Initiate the new search or request a next search result.
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Slot to handle the search back function.
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on_search_result(self, search_text, found, path, index, linenr, line)
Slot to handle the signals for search result.
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on_warning_result(self, text) source code
on_replace_click(self) source code
Emits the replace signal, but only if currently selected text is equal to the searched one.
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on_itemActivated(self, item)
Go to the results for the selected file entry in the list.
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on_search_text_changed(self, _text)
Clear search result if the text was changed.
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file_changed(self, path)
Clears search results if for changed file are some search results are available :param path: changed file path :type path: str
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set_replace_visible(self, value) source code
is_replace_visible(self) source code
enable(self) source code

Inherited from PyQt4.QtGui.QDockWidget: allowedAreas, allowedAreasChanged, changeEvent, closeEvent, dockLocationChanged, event, features, featuresChanged, initStyleOption, isAreaAllowed, isFloating, paintEvent, setAllowedAreas, setFeatures, setFloating, setTitleBarWidget, setWidget, titleBarWidget, toggleViewAction, topLevelChanged, visibilityChanged, widget

Inherited from PyQt4.QtGui.QWidget: acceptDrops, accessibleDescription, accessibleName, actionEvent, actions, activateWindow, addAction, addActions, adjustSize, autoFillBackground, backgroundRole, baseSize, childAt, childrenRect, childrenRegion, clearFocus, clearMask, close, contentsMargins, contentsRect, contextMenuEvent, contextMenuPolicy, create, cursor, customContextMenuRequested, destroy, devType, dragEnterEvent, dragLeaveEvent, dragMoveEvent, dropEvent, effectiveWinId, enabledChange, ensurePolished, enterEvent, find, focusInEvent, focusNextChild, focusNextPrevChild, focusOutEvent, focusPolicy, focusPreviousChild, focusProxy, focusWidget, font, fontChange, fontInfo, fontMetrics, foregroundRole, frameGeometry, frameSize, geometry, getContentsMargins, grabGesture, grabKeyboard, grabMouse, grabShortcut, graphicsEffect, graphicsProxyWidget, handle, hasFocus, hasMouseTracking, height, heightForWidth, hide, hideEvent, inputContext, inputMethodEvent, inputMethodHints, inputMethodQuery, insertAction, insertActions, isActiveWindow, isAncestorOf, isEnabled, isEnabledTo, isEnabledToTLW, isFullScreen, isHidden, isLeftToRight, isMaximized, isMinimized, isModal, isRightToLeft, isTopLevel, isVisible, isVisibleTo, isWindow, isWindowModified, keyReleaseEvent, keyboardGrabber, languageChange, layout, layoutDirection, leaveEvent, locale, lower, mapFrom, mapFromGlobal, mapFromParent, mapTo, mapToGlobal, mapToParent, mask, maximumHeight, maximumSize, maximumWidth, metric, minimumHeight, minimumSize, minimumSizeHint, minimumWidth, mouseDoubleClickEvent, mouseGrabber, mouseMoveEvent, mousePressEvent, mouseReleaseEvent, move, moveEvent, nativeParentWidget, nextInFocusChain, normalGeometry, overrideWindowFlags, overrideWindowState, paintEngine, palette, paletteChange, parentWidget, pos, previousInFocusChain, raise_, rect, releaseKeyboard, releaseMouse, releaseShortcut, removeAction, render, repaint, resetInputContext, resize, resizeEvent, restoreGeometry, saveGeometry, scroll, setAcceptDrops, setAccessibleDescription, setAccessibleName, setAttribute, setAutoFillBackground, setBackgroundRole, setBaseSize, setContentsMargins, setContextMenuPolicy, setCursor, setDisabled, setEnabled, setFixedHeight, setFixedSize, setFixedWidth, setFocus, setFocusPolicy, setFocusProxy, setFont, setForegroundRole, setGeometry, setGraphicsEffect, setHidden, setInputContext, setInputMethodHints, setLayout, setLayoutDirection, setLocale, setMask, setMaximumHeight, setMaximumSize, setMaximumWidth, setMinimumHeight, setMinimumSize, setMinimumWidth, setMouseTracking, setPalette, setParent, setShortcutAutoRepeat, setShortcutEnabled, setShown, setSizeIncrement, setSizePolicy, setStatusTip, setStyle, setStyleSheet, setTabOrder, setToolTip, setUpdatesEnabled, setVisible, setWhatsThis, setWindowFilePath, setWindowFlags, setWindowIcon, setWindowIconText, setWindowModality, setWindowModified, setWindowOpacity, setWindowRole, setWindowState, setWindowTitle, show, showEvent, showFullScreen, showMaximized, showMinimized, showNormal, size, sizeHint, sizeIncrement, sizePolicy, stackUnder, statusTip, style, styleSheet, tabletEvent, testAttribute, toolTip, topLevelWidget, underMouse, ungrabGesture, unsetCursor, unsetLayoutDirection, unsetLocale, update, updateGeometry, updateMicroFocus, updatesEnabled, visibleRegion, whatsThis, wheelEvent, width, winId, window, windowActivationChange, windowFilePath, windowFlags, windowIcon, windowIconText, windowModality, windowOpacity, windowRole, windowState, windowTitle, windowType, x, x11Info, x11PictureHandle, y

Inherited from PyQt4.QtCore.QObject: __getattr__, blockSignals, childEvent, children, connect, connectNotify, customEvent, deleteLater, destroyed, disconnect, disconnectNotify, dumpObjectInfo, dumpObjectTree, dynamicPropertyNames, emit, eventFilter, findChild, findChildren, inherits, installEventFilter, isWidgetType, killTimer, metaObject, moveToThread, objectName, parent, property, pyqtConfigure, receivers, removeEventFilter, sender, senderSignalIndex, setObjectName, setProperty, signalsBlocked, startTimer, thread, timerEvent, tr, trUtf8

Inherited from PyQt4.QtGui.QPaintDevice: colorCount, depth, heightMM, logicalDpiX, logicalDpiY, numColors, paintingActive, physicalDpiX, physicalDpiY, widthMM

Inherited from sip.simplewrapper: __new__

Inherited from object: __delattr__, __format__, __getattribute__, __hash__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __repr__, __setattr__, __sizeof__, __str__, __subclasshook__

Class Variables

Inherited from PyQt4.QtGui.QDockWidget: AllDockWidgetFeatures, DockWidgetClosable, DockWidgetFloatable, DockWidgetMovable, DockWidgetVerticalTitleBar, NoDockWidgetFeatures

Inherited from PyQt4.QtGui.QWidget: DrawChildren, DrawWindowBackground, IgnoreMask

Inherited from PyQt4.QtCore.QObject: staticMetaObject

Inherited from PyQt4.QtGui.QPaintDevice: PdmDepth, PdmDpiX, PdmDpiY, PdmHeight, PdmHeightMM, PdmNumColors, PdmPhysicalDpiX, PdmPhysicalDpiY, PdmWidth, PdmWidthMM

Instance Variables
A signal emitted after search_threaded was started.
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A signal emitted to replace string at given position.
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Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details

__init__(self, tabwidget, parent=None)

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x.__init__(...) initializes x; see help(type(x)) for signature

Overrides: object.__init__
(inherited documentation)

keyPressEvent(self, event)

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Enable the shortcats for search and replace

Overrides: PyQt4.QtGui.QWidget.keyPressEvent

on_search_result(self, search_text, found, path, index, linenr, line)

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Slot to handle the signals for search result. This signals are forwarded used search_result_signal.

Instance Variable Details


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A signal emitted after search_threaded was started. (search text, found or not, file, position in text) for each result a signal will be emitted.


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A signal emitted to replace string at given position. (search text, file, position in text, replaced by text)