Package node_manager_fkie :: Module discovery_listener :: Class MasterStatisticTopic
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Class MasterStatisticTopic

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       object --+            
sip.simplewrapper --+        
          sip.wrapper --+    
     PyQt4.QtCore.QObject --+

A class to receive the connections statistics from a ROS topic. The topic will be determine using master_discovery_fkie.interface_finder.get_stats_topic()

Instance Methods
registerByROS(self, masteruri, wait=False)
This method creates a ROS subscriber to received the notifications of connection updates.
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Unregister the subscribed topics.
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handlerMasterStatsMsg(self, msg)
The method to handle the received LinkStatesStamped messages.
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Inherited from PyQt4.QtCore.QObject: __getattr__, blockSignals, childEvent, children, connect, connectNotify, customEvent, deleteLater, destroyed, disconnect, disconnectNotify, dumpObjectInfo, dumpObjectTree, dynamicPropertyNames, emit, event, eventFilter, findChild, findChildren, inherits, installEventFilter, isWidgetType, killTimer, metaObject, moveToThread, objectName, parent, property, pyqtConfigure, receivers, removeEventFilter, sender, senderSignalIndex, setObjectName, setParent, setProperty, signalsBlocked, startTimer, thread, timerEvent, tr, trUtf8

Inherited from sip.simplewrapper: __init__, __new__

Inherited from object: __delattr__, __format__, __getattribute__, __hash__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __repr__, __setattr__, __sizeof__, __str__, __subclasshook__

Class Variables

Inherited from PyQt4.QtCore.QObject: staticMetaObject

Instance Variables
a signal with a list of link states to discovered ROS masters.
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Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details

registerByROS(self, masteruri, wait=False)

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This method creates a ROS subscriber to received the notifications of connection updates. The retrieved messages will be emitted as stats_signal.

  • masteruri (str) - the ROS master URI
  • wait (boolean) - wait for the topic
the topic name or an empty string

handlerMasterStatsMsg(self, msg)

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The method to handle the received LinkStatesStamped messages. The received message will be emitted as stats_signal.


Instance Variable Details


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a signal with a list of link states to discovered ROS masters. Paramter: master_discovery_fkie.msg.LinkStatesStamped