Package node_manager_fkie :: Module capability_table :: Class CapabilityControlWidget
[frames] | no frames]

Class CapabilityControlWidget

source code

       object --+                    
sip.simplewrapper --+                
          sip.wrapper --+            
     PyQt4.QtCore.QObject --+        
           object --+       |        
                    |       |        
    sip.simplewrapper --+   |        
                        |   |        
 PyQt4.QtGui.QPaintDevice --+        
          PyQt4.QtGui.QWidget --+    
               PyQt4.QtGui.QFrame --+

The control widget contains buttons for control a capability. Currently this are On and Off buttons. Additionally, the state of the capability is color coded.

Nested Classes

Inherited from PyQt4.QtGui.QFrame: Shadow, Shape, StyleMask

Inherited from PyQt4.QtGui.QWidget: RenderFlag, RenderFlags

Inherited from PyQt4.QtGui.QPaintDevice: PaintDeviceMetric

Instance Methods
__init__(self, masteruri, cfg, ns, nodes, parent=None)
x.__init__(...) initializes x; see help(type(x)) for signature
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Returns: True, if a configurations for this widget are available.
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nodes(self, cfg='')
Returns: the list with nodes required by this capability.
source code
setNodeState(self, running_nodes, stopped_nodes, error_nodes)
Sets the state of this capability.
source code
removeCfg(self, cfg) source code
updateNodes(self, cfg, ns, nodes) source code
on_on_clicked(self) source code
on_off_clicked(self) source code

Inherited from PyQt4.QtGui.QFrame: changeEvent, drawFrame, event, frameRect, frameShadow, frameShape, frameStyle, frameWidth, lineWidth, midLineWidth, paintEvent, setFrameRect, setFrameShadow, setFrameShape, setFrameStyle, setLineWidth, setMidLineWidth, sizeHint

Inherited from PyQt4.QtGui.QWidget: acceptDrops, accessibleDescription, accessibleName, actionEvent, actions, activateWindow, addAction, addActions, adjustSize, autoFillBackground, backgroundRole, baseSize, childAt, childrenRect, childrenRegion, clearFocus, clearMask, close, closeEvent, contentsMargins, contentsRect, contextMenuEvent, contextMenuPolicy, create, cursor, customContextMenuRequested, destroy, devType, dragEnterEvent, dragLeaveEvent, dragMoveEvent, dropEvent, effectiveWinId, enabledChange, ensurePolished, enterEvent, find, focusInEvent, focusNextChild, focusNextPrevChild, focusOutEvent, focusPolicy, focusPreviousChild, focusProxy, focusWidget, font, fontChange, fontInfo, fontMetrics, foregroundRole, frameGeometry, frameSize, geometry, getContentsMargins, grabGesture, grabKeyboard, grabMouse, grabShortcut, graphicsEffect, graphicsProxyWidget, handle, hasFocus, hasMouseTracking, height, heightForWidth, hide, hideEvent, inputContext, inputMethodEvent, inputMethodHints, inputMethodQuery, insertAction, insertActions, isActiveWindow, isAncestorOf, isEnabled, isEnabledTo, isEnabledToTLW, isFullScreen, isHidden, isLeftToRight, isMaximized, isMinimized, isModal, isRightToLeft, isTopLevel, isVisible, isVisibleTo, isWindow, isWindowModified, keyPressEvent, keyReleaseEvent, keyboardGrabber, languageChange, layout, layoutDirection, leaveEvent, locale, lower, mapFrom, mapFromGlobal, mapFromParent, mapTo, mapToGlobal, mapToParent, mask, maximumHeight, maximumSize, maximumWidth, metric, minimumHeight, minimumSize, minimumSizeHint, minimumWidth, mouseDoubleClickEvent, mouseGrabber, mouseMoveEvent, mousePressEvent, mouseReleaseEvent, move, moveEvent, nativeParentWidget, nextInFocusChain, normalGeometry, overrideWindowFlags, overrideWindowState, paintEngine, palette, paletteChange, parentWidget, pos, previousInFocusChain, raise_, rect, releaseKeyboard, releaseMouse, releaseShortcut, removeAction, render, repaint, resetInputContext, resize, resizeEvent, restoreGeometry, saveGeometry, scroll, setAcceptDrops, setAccessibleDescription, setAccessibleName, setAttribute, setAutoFillBackground, setBackgroundRole, setBaseSize, setContentsMargins, setContextMenuPolicy, setCursor, setDisabled, setEnabled, setFixedHeight, setFixedSize, setFixedWidth, setFocus, setFocusPolicy, setFocusProxy, setFont, setForegroundRole, setGeometry, setGraphicsEffect, setHidden, setInputContext, setInputMethodHints, setLayout, setLayoutDirection, setLocale, setMask, setMaximumHeight, setMaximumSize, setMaximumWidth, setMinimumHeight, setMinimumSize, setMinimumWidth, setMouseTracking, setPalette, setParent, setShortcutAutoRepeat, setShortcutEnabled, setShown, setSizeIncrement, setSizePolicy, setStatusTip, setStyle, setStyleSheet, setTabOrder, setToolTip, setUpdatesEnabled, setVisible, setWhatsThis, setWindowFilePath, setWindowFlags, setWindowIcon, setWindowIconText, setWindowModality, setWindowModified, setWindowOpacity, setWindowRole, setWindowState, setWindowTitle, show, showEvent, showFullScreen, showMaximized, showMinimized, showNormal, size, sizeIncrement, sizePolicy, stackUnder, statusTip, style, styleSheet, tabletEvent, testAttribute, toolTip, topLevelWidget, underMouse, ungrabGesture, unsetCursor, unsetLayoutDirection, unsetLocale, update, updateGeometry, updateMicroFocus, updatesEnabled, visibleRegion, whatsThis, wheelEvent, width, winId, window, windowActivationChange, windowFilePath, windowFlags, windowIcon, windowIconText, windowModality, windowOpacity, windowRole, windowState, windowTitle, windowType, x, x11Info, x11PictureHandle, y

Inherited from PyQt4.QtCore.QObject: __getattr__, blockSignals, childEvent, children, connect, connectNotify, customEvent, deleteLater, destroyed, disconnect, disconnectNotify, dumpObjectInfo, dumpObjectTree, dynamicPropertyNames, emit, eventFilter, findChild, findChildren, inherits, installEventFilter, isWidgetType, killTimer, metaObject, moveToThread, objectName, parent, property, pyqtConfigure, receivers, removeEventFilter, sender, senderSignalIndex, setObjectName, setProperty, signalsBlocked, startTimer, thread, timerEvent, tr, trUtf8

Inherited from PyQt4.QtGui.QPaintDevice: colorCount, depth, heightMM, logicalDpiX, logicalDpiY, numColors, paintingActive, physicalDpiX, physicalDpiY, widthMM

Inherited from sip.simplewrapper: __new__

Inherited from object: __delattr__, __format__, __getattribute__, __hash__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __repr__, __setattr__, __sizeof__, __str__, __subclasshook__

Class Variables

Inherited from PyQt4.QtGui.QFrame: Box, HLine, NoFrame, Panel, Plain, Raised, Shadow_Mask, Shape_Mask, StyledPanel, Sunken, VLine, WinPanel

Inherited from PyQt4.QtGui.QWidget: DrawChildren, DrawWindowBackground, IgnoreMask

Inherited from PyQt4.QtCore.QObject: staticMetaObject

Inherited from PyQt4.QtGui.QPaintDevice: PdmDepth, PdmDpiX, PdmDpiY, PdmHeight, PdmHeightMM, PdmNumColors, PdmPhysicalDpiX, PdmPhysicalDpiY, PdmWidth, PdmWidthMM

Instance Variables
the signal is emitted to start on host(described by masteruri) the nodes described in the list, Parameter(masteruri, config, nodes).
source code
the signal is emitted to stop on masteruri the nodes described in the list.
source code

Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details

__init__(self, masteruri, cfg, ns, nodes, parent=None)

source code 

x.__init__(...) initializes x; see help(type(x)) for signature

Overrides: object.__init__
(inherited documentation)


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Returns: bool
True, if a configurations for this widget are available.

nodes(self, cfg='')

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Returns: [str]
the list with nodes required by this capability. The nodes are defined by ROS full name.

setNodeState(self, running_nodes, stopped_nodes, error_nodes)

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Sets the state of this capability.

  • running_nodes ([str]) - a list with running nodes.
  • stopped_nodes ([str]) - a list with not running nodes.
  • error_nodes ([str]) - a list with nodes having a problem.