00040 import xml.dom.minidom
00041 from operator import add
00042 import sys
00043 import threading
00044 from moveit_ros_planning_interface._moveit_robot_interface import RobotInterface
00046 import rospy
00047 import roslib
00048 import numpy
00049 import time
00050 import tf
00051 from std_msgs.msg import Empty, String
00052 from sensor_msgs.msg import Joy
00053 from geometry_msgs.msg import PoseStamped
00054 from visualization_msgs.msg import InteractiveMarkerInit
00056 def signedSquare(val):
00057 if val > 0:
00058 sign = 1
00059 else:
00060 sign = -1
00061 return val * val * sign
00066 class JoyStatus():
00067 def __init__(self):
00068 self.center = False
00069 self.select = False
00070 self.start = False
00071 self.L3 = False
00072 self.R3 = False
00073 self.square = False
00074 self.up = False
00075 self.down = False
00076 self.left = False
00077 self.right = False
00078 self.triangle = False
00079 self.cross = False
00080 self.circle = False
00081 self.L1 = False
00082 self.R1 = False
00083 self.L2 = False
00084 self.R2 = False
00085 self.left_analog_x = 0.0
00086 self.left_analog_y = 0.0
00087 self.right_analog_x = 0.0
00088 self.right_analog_y = 0.0
00090 class XBoxStatus(JoyStatus):
00091 def __init__(self, msg):
00092 JoyStatus.__init__(self)
00093 if msg.buttons[8] == 1:
00094 self.center = True
00095 else:
00096 self.center = False
00097 if msg.buttons[6] == 1:
00098 self.select = True
00099 else:
00100 self.select = False
00101 if msg.buttons[7] == 1:
00102 self.start = True
00103 else:
00104 self.start = False
00105 if msg.buttons[9] == 1:
00106 self.L3 = True
00107 else:
00108 self.L3 = False
00109 if msg.buttons[10] == 1:
00110 self.R3 = True
00111 else:
00112 self.R3 = False
00113 if msg.buttons[2] == 1:
00114 self.square = True
00115 else:
00116 self.square = False
00117 if msg.buttons[1] == 1:
00118 self.circle = True
00119 else:
00120 self.circle = False
00121 if msg.axes[7] > 0.1:
00122 self.up = True
00123 else:
00124 self.up = False
00125 if msg.axes[7] < -0.1:
00126 self.down = True
00127 else:
00128 self.down = False
00129 if msg.axes[6] > 0.1:
00130 self.left = True
00131 else:
00132 self.left = False
00133 if msg.axes[6] < -0.1:
00134 self.right = True
00135 else:
00136 self.right = False
00137 if msg.buttons[3] == 1:
00138 self.triangle = True
00139 else:
00140 self.triangle = False
00141 if msg.buttons[0] == 1:
00142 self.cross = True
00143 else:
00144 self.cross = False
00145 if msg.buttons[4] == 1:
00146 self.L1 = True
00147 else:
00148 self.L1 = False
00149 if msg.buttons[5] == 1:
00150 self.R1 = True
00151 else:
00152 self.R1 = False
00153 if msg.axes[2] < -0.5:
00154 self.L2 = True
00155 else:
00156 self.L2 = False
00157 if msg.axes[5] < -0.5:
00158 self.R2 = True
00159 else:
00160 self.R2 = False
00161 self.left_analog_x = msg.axes[0]
00162 self.left_analog_y = msg.axes[1]
00163 self.right_analog_x = msg.axes[3]
00164 self.right_analog_y = msg.axes[4]
00165 self.orig_msg = msg
00167 class PS3Status(JoyStatus):
00168 def __init__(self, msg):
00169 JoyStatus.__init__(self)
00171 if msg.buttons[16] == 1:
00172 self.center = True
00173 else:
00174 self.center = False
00175 if msg.buttons[0] == 1:
00176 self.select = True
00177 else:
00178 self.select = False
00179 if msg.buttons[3] == 1:
00180 self.start = True
00181 else:
00182 self.start = False
00183 if msg.buttons[1] == 1:
00184 self.L3 = True
00185 else:
00186 self.L3 = False
00187 if msg.buttons[2] == 1:
00188 self.R3 = True
00189 else:
00190 self.R3 = False
00191 if msg.axes[15] < 0:
00192 self.square = True
00193 else:
00194 self.square = False
00195 if msg.axes[4] < 0:
00196 self.up = True
00197 else:
00198 self.up = False
00199 if msg.axes[6] < 0:
00200 self.down = True
00201 else:
00202 self.down = False
00203 if msg.axes[7] < 0:
00204 self.left = True
00205 else:
00206 self.left = False
00207 if msg.axes[5] < 0:
00208 self.right = True
00209 else:
00210 self.right = False
00211 if msg.axes[12] < 0:
00212 self.triangle = True
00213 else:
00214 self.triangle = False
00215 if msg.axes[14] < 0:
00216 self.cross = True
00217 else:
00218 self.cross = False
00219 if msg.axes[13] < 0:
00220 self.circle = True
00221 else:
00222 self.circle = False
00223 if msg.axes[10] < 0:
00224 self.L1 = True
00225 else:
00226 self.L1 = False
00227 if msg.axes[11] < 0:
00228 self.R1 = True
00229 else:
00230 self.R1 = False
00231 if msg.axes[8] < 0:
00232 self.L2 = True
00233 else:
00234 self.L2 = False
00235 if msg.axes[9] < 0:
00236 self.R2 = True
00237 else:
00238 self.R2 = False
00239 self.left_analog_x = msg.axes[0]
00240 self.left_analog_y = msg.axes[1]
00241 self.right_analog_x = msg.axes[2]
00242 self.right_analog_y = msg.axes[3]
00243 self.orig_msg = msg
00245 class PS3WiredStatus(JoyStatus):
00246 def __init__(self, msg):
00247 JoyStatus.__init__(self)
00249 if msg.buttons[16] == 1:
00250 self.center = True
00251 else:
00252 self.center = False
00253 if msg.buttons[0] == 1:
00254 self.select = True
00255 else:
00256 self.select = False
00257 if msg.buttons[3] == 1:
00258 self.start = True
00259 else:
00260 self.start = False
00261 if msg.buttons[1] == 1:
00262 self.L3 = True
00263 else:
00264 self.L3 = False
00265 if msg.buttons[2] == 1:
00266 self.R3 = True
00267 else:
00268 self.R3 = False
00269 if msg.buttons[15] == 1:
00270 self.square = True
00271 else:
00272 self.square = False
00273 if msg.buttons[4] == 1:
00274 self.up = True
00275 else:
00276 self.up = False
00277 if msg.buttons[6] == 1:
00278 self.down = True
00279 else:
00280 self.down = False
00281 if msg.buttons[7] == 1:
00282 self.left = True
00283 else:
00284 self.left = False
00285 if msg.buttons[5] == 1:
00286 self.right = True
00287 else:
00288 self.right = False
00289 if msg.buttons[12] == 1:
00290 self.triangle = True
00291 else:
00292 self.triangle = False
00293 if msg.buttons[14] == 1:
00294 self.cross = True
00295 else:
00296 self.cross = False
00297 if msg.buttons[13] == 1:
00298 self.circle = True
00299 else:
00300 self.circle = False
00301 if msg.buttons[10] == 1:
00302 self.L1 = True
00303 else:
00304 self.L1 = False
00305 if msg.buttons[11] == 1:
00306 self.R1 = True
00307 else:
00308 self.R1 = False
00309 if msg.buttons[8] == 1:
00310 self.L2 = True
00311 else:
00312 self.L2 = False
00313 if msg.buttons[9] == 1:
00314 self.R2 = True
00315 else:
00316 self.R2 = False
00317 self.left_analog_x = msg.axes[0]
00318 self.left_analog_y = msg.axes[1]
00319 self.right_analog_x = msg.axes[2]
00320 self.right_analog_y = msg.axes[3]
00321 self.orig_msg = msg
00323 class StatusHistory():
00324 def __init__(self, max_length=10):
00325 self.max_length = max_length
00326 self.buffer = []
00327 def add(self, status):
00328 self.buffer.append(status)
00329 if len(self.buffer) > self.max_length:
00330 self.buffer = self.buffer[1:self.max_length+1]
00331 def all(self, proc):
00332 for status in self.buffer:
00333 if not proc(status):
00334 return False
00335 return True
00336 def latest(self):
00337 if len(self.buffer) > 0:
00338 return self.buffer[-1]
00339 else:
00340 return None
00341 def length(self):
00342 return len(self.buffer)
00343 def new(self, status, attr):
00344 if len(self.buffer) == 0:
00345 return getattr(status, attr)
00346 else:
00347 return getattr(status, attr) and not getattr(self.latest(), attr)
00349 class MoveitJoy:
00350 def parseSRDF(self):
00351 ri = RobotInterface("/robot_description")
00352 planning_groups = {}
00353 for g in ri.get_group_names():
00354 self.planning_groups_tips[g] = ri.get_group_joint_tips(g)
00355 planning_groups[g] = ["/rviz/moveit/move_marker/goal_" + l
00356 for l in self.planning_groups_tips[g]]
00357 for name in planning_groups.keys():
00358 if len(planning_groups[name]) == 0:
00359 del planning_groups[name]
00360 else:
00361 print name, planning_groups[name]
00362 self.planning_groups = planning_groups
00363 self.planning_groups_keys = planning_groups.keys()
00364 self.frame_id = ri.get_planning_frame()
00365 def __init__(self):
00366 self.initial_poses = {}
00367 self.planning_groups_tips = {}
00368 self.tf_listener = tf.TransformListener()
00369 self.marker_lock = threading.Lock()
00370 self.prev_time = rospy.Time.now()
00371 self.counter = 0
00372 self.history = StatusHistory(max_length=10)
00373 self.pre_pose = PoseStamped()
00374 self.pre_pose.pose.orientation.w = 1
00375 self.current_planning_group_index = 0
00376 self.current_eef_index = 0
00377 self.initialize_poses = False
00378 self.initialized = False
00379 self.parseSRDF()
00380 self.plan_group_pub = rospy.Publisher('/rviz/moveit/select_planning_group', String, queue_size=5)
00381 self.updatePlanningGroup(0)
00382 self.updatePoseTopic(0, False)
00383 self.joy_pose_pub = rospy.Publisher("/joy_pose", PoseStamped, queue_size=1)
00384 self.plan_pub = rospy.Publisher("/rviz/moveit/plan", Empty, queue_size=5)
00385 self.execute_pub = rospy.Publisher("/rviz/moveit/execute", Empty, queue_size=5)
00386 self.update_start_state_pub = rospy.Publisher("/rviz/moveit/update_start_state", Empty, queue_size=5)
00387 self.update_goal_state_pub = rospy.Publisher("/rviz/moveit/update_goal_state", Empty, queue_size=5)
00388 self.interactive_marker_sub = rospy.Subscriber("/rviz_moveit_motion_planning_display/robot_interaction_interactive_marker_topic/update_full",
00389 InteractiveMarkerInit,
00390 self.markerCB, queue_size=1)
00391 self.sub = rospy.Subscriber("/joy", Joy, self.joyCB, queue_size=1)
00392 def updatePlanningGroup(self, next_index):
00393 if next_index >= len(self.planning_groups_keys):
00394 self.current_planning_group_index = 0
00395 elif next_index < 0:
00396 self.current_planning_group_index = len(self.planning_groups_keys) - 1
00397 else:
00398 self.current_planning_group_index = next_index
00399 next_planning_group = None
00400 try:
00401 next_planning_group = self.planning_groups_keys[self.current_planning_group_index]
00402 except IndexError:
00403 msg = 'Check if you started movegroups. Exiting.'
00404 rospy.logfatal(msg)
00405 raise rospy.ROSInitException(msg)
00406 rospy.loginfo("Changed planning group to " + next_planning_group)
00407 self.plan_group_pub.publish(next_planning_group)
00408 def updatePoseTopic(self, next_index, wait=True):
00409 planning_group = self.planning_groups_keys[self.current_planning_group_index]
00410 topics = self.planning_groups[planning_group]
00411 if next_index >= len(topics):
00412 self.current_eef_index = 0
00413 elif next_index < 0:
00414 self.current_eef_index = len(topics) - 1
00415 else:
00416 self.current_eef_index = next_index
00417 next_topic = topics[self.current_eef_index]
00419 rospy.loginfo("Changed controlled end effector to " + self.planning_groups_tips[planning_group][self.current_eef_index])
00420 self.pose_pub = rospy.Publisher(next_topic, PoseStamped, queue_size=5)
00421 if wait:
00422 self.waitForInitialPose(next_topic)
00423 self.current_pose_topic = next_topic
00424 def markerCB(self, msg):
00425 try:
00426 self.marker_lock.acquire()
00427 if not self.initialize_poses:
00428 return
00429 self.initial_poses = {}
00430 for marker in msg.markers:
00431 if marker.name.startswith("EE:goal_"):
00433 if marker.header.frame_id != self.frame_id:
00434 ps = PoseStamped(header=marker.header, pose=marker.pose)
00435 try:
00436 transformed_pose = self.tf_listener.transformPose(self.frame_id, ps)
00437 self.initial_poses[marker.name[3:]] = transformed_pose.pose
00438 except (tf.LookupException, tf.ConnectivityException, tf.ExtrapolationException, e):
00439 rospy.logerr("tf error when resolving tf: %s" % e)
00440 else:
00441 self.initial_poses[marker.name[3:]] = marker.pose
00442 finally:
00443 self.marker_lock.release()
00444 def waitForInitialPose(self, next_topic, timeout=None):
00445 counter = 0
00446 while not rospy.is_shutdown():
00447 counter = counter + 1
00448 if timeout and counter >= timeout:
00449 return False
00450 try:
00451 self.marker_lock.acquire()
00452 self.initialize_poses = True
00453 topic_suffix = next_topic.split("/")[-1]
00454 if self.initial_poses.has_key(topic_suffix):
00455 self.pre_pose = PoseStamped(pose=self.initial_poses[topic_suffix])
00456 self.initialize_poses = False
00457 return True
00458 else:
00459 rospy.logdebug(self.initial_poses.keys())
00460 rospy.loginfo("Waiting for pose topic of '%s' to be initialized",
00461 topic_suffix)
00462 rospy.sleep(1)
00463 finally:
00464 self.marker_lock.release()
00465 def joyCB(self, msg):
00466 if len(msg.axes) == 27 and len(msg.buttons) == 19:
00467 status = PS3WiredStatus(msg)
00468 elif len(msg.axes) == 8 and len(msg.buttons) == 11:
00469 status = XBoxStatus(msg)
00470 elif len(msg.axes) == 20 and len(msg.buttons) == 17:
00471 status = PS3Status(msg)
00472 else:
00473 raise Exception("Unknown joystick")
00474 self.run(status)
00475 self.history.add(status)
00476 def computePoseFromJoy(self, pre_pose, status):
00477 new_pose = PoseStamped()
00478 new_pose.header.frame_id = self.frame_id
00479 new_pose.header.stamp = rospy.Time(0.0)
00481 dist = status.left_analog_y * status.left_analog_y + status.left_analog_x * status.left_analog_x
00482 scale = 200.0
00483 x_diff = signedSquare(status.left_analog_y) / scale
00484 y_diff = signedSquare(status.left_analog_x) / scale
00486 if status.L2:
00487 z_diff = 0.005
00488 elif status.R2:
00489 z_diff = -0.005
00490 else:
00491 z_diff = 0.0
00492 if self.history.all(lambda s: s.L2) or self.history.all(lambda s: s.R2):
00493 z_scale = 4.0
00494 else:
00495 z_scale = 2.0
00496 local_move = numpy.array((x_diff, y_diff,
00497 z_diff * z_scale,
00498 1.0))
00499 q = numpy.array((pre_pose.pose.orientation.x,
00500 pre_pose.pose.orientation.y,
00501 pre_pose.pose.orientation.z,
00502 pre_pose.pose.orientation.w))
00503 xyz_move = numpy.dot(tf.transformations.quaternion_matrix(q),
00504 local_move)
00505 new_pose.pose.position.x = pre_pose.pose.position.x + xyz_move[0]
00506 new_pose.pose.position.y = pre_pose.pose.position.y + xyz_move[1]
00507 new_pose.pose.position.z = pre_pose.pose.position.z + xyz_move[2]
00508 roll = 0.0
00509 pitch = 0.0
00510 yaw = 0.0
00511 DTHETA = 0.005
00512 if status.L1:
00513 if self.history.all(lambda s: s.L1):
00514 yaw = yaw + DTHETA * 2
00515 else:
00516 yaw = yaw + DTHETA
00517 elif status.R1:
00518 if self.history.all(lambda s: s.R1):
00519 yaw = yaw - DTHETA * 2
00520 else:
00521 yaw = yaw - DTHETA
00522 if status.up:
00523 if self.history.all(lambda s: s.up):
00524 pitch = pitch + DTHETA * 2
00525 else:
00526 pitch = pitch + DTHETA
00527 elif status.down:
00528 if self.history.all(lambda s: s.down):
00529 pitch = pitch - DTHETA * 2
00530 else:
00531 pitch = pitch - DTHETA
00532 if status.right:
00533 if self.history.all(lambda s: s.right):
00534 roll = roll + DTHETA * 2
00535 else:
00536 roll = roll + DTHETA
00537 elif status.left:
00538 if self.history.all(lambda s: s.left):
00539 roll = roll - DTHETA * 2
00540 else:
00541 roll = roll - DTHETA
00542 diff_q = tf.transformations.quaternion_from_euler(roll, pitch, yaw)
00543 new_q = tf.transformations.quaternion_multiply(q, diff_q)
00544 new_pose.pose.orientation.x = new_q[0]
00545 new_pose.pose.orientation.y = new_q[1]
00546 new_pose.pose.orientation.z = new_q[2]
00547 new_pose.pose.orientation.w = new_q[3]
00548 return new_pose
00549 def run(self, status):
00550 if not self.initialized:
00552 while True:
00553 self.updatePlanningGroup(self.current_planning_group_index)
00554 planning_group = self.planning_groups_keys[self.current_planning_group_index]
00555 topics = self.planning_groups[planning_group]
00556 next_topic = topics[self.current_eef_index]
00557 if not self.waitForInitialPose(next_topic, timeout=3):
00558 rospy.logwarn("Unable to initialize planning group " + planning_group + ". Trying different group.")
00559 rospy.logwarn("Is 'Allow External Comm.' enabled in Rviz? Is the 'Query Goal State' robot enabled?")
00560 else:
00561 rospy.loginfo("Initialized planning group")
00562 self.initialized = True
00563 self.updatePoseTopic(self.current_eef_index)
00564 return
00566 self.current_planning_group_index += 1
00567 if self.current_planning_group_index >= len(self.planning_groups_keys):
00568 self.current_planning_group_index = 0
00569 if self.history.new(status, "select"):
00570 self.updatePlanningGroup(self.current_planning_group_index + 1)
00571 self.current_eef_index = 0
00572 self.updatePoseTopic(self.current_eef_index)
00573 return
00574 elif self.history.new(status, "start"):
00575 self.updatePlanningGroup(self.current_planning_group_index - 1)
00576 self.current_eef_index = 0
00577 self.updatePoseTopic(self.current_eef_index)
00578 return
00579 elif self.history.new(status, "triangle"):
00580 self.updatePoseTopic(self.current_eef_index + 1)
00581 return
00582 elif self.history.new(status, "cross"):
00583 self.updatePoseTopic(self.current_eef_index - 1)
00584 return
00585 elif self.history.new(status, "square"):
00586 rospy.loginfo("Plan")
00587 self.plan_pub.publish(Empty())
00588 return
00589 elif self.history.new(status, "circle"):
00590 rospy.loginfo("Execute")
00591 self.execute_pub.publish(Empty())
00592 return
00593 self.marker_lock.acquire()
00594 pre_pose = self.pre_pose
00595 new_pose = self.computePoseFromJoy(pre_pose, status)
00596 now = rospy.Time.from_sec(time.time())
00598 if (now - self.prev_time).to_sec() > 1 / 30.0:
00600 self.pose_pub.publish(new_pose)
00601 self.joy_pose_pub.publish(new_pose)
00602 self.prev_time = now
00604 self.counter = self.counter + 1
00605 if self.counter % 10:
00606 self.update_start_state_pub.publish(Empty())
00607 self.pre_pose = new_pose
00608 self.marker_lock.release()
00610 self.marker_lock.acquire()
00611 self.initial_poses[self.current_pose_topic.split("/")[-1]] = new_pose.pose
00612 self.marker_lock.release()