Go to the documentation of this file.00001
00002 #include "PreviewController.h"
00004 using namespace hrp;
00005 using namespace rats;
00007 struct gait_parameter
00008 {
00009 double tm;
00010 hrp::Vector3 ref_zmp;
00011 gait_parameter (const double _tm, const hrp::Vector3& _ref_zmp)
00012 : tm(_tm), ref_zmp(_ref_zmp) {};
00013 };
00015 #include<cstdio>
00017 int main(int argc, char* argv[])
00018 {
00020 bool use_gnuplot = true;
00021 if (argc >= 2) {
00022 if ( std::string(argv[1])== "--use-gnuplot" ) {
00023 use_gnuplot = (std::string(argv[2])=="true");
00024 }
00025 }
00027 double dt = 0.01, max_tm = 8.0;
00028 std::queue<hrp::Vector3> ref_zmp_list;
00029 std::deque<double> tm_list;
00030 for (size_t i = 0; i < static_cast<size_t>(round(max_tm / dt)); i++) {
00031 double tmp_tm = i * dt;
00032 tm_list.push_back(tmp_tm);
00033 hrp::Vector3 v;
00034 if (tmp_tm < 2) {
00035 v << 0, 0, 0;
00036 } else if (tmp_tm < 4) {
00037 v << -0.02, 0.02, 0;
00038 } else if (tmp_tm < 6) {
00039 v << 0.02, -0.02, 0;
00040 } else {
00041 v << 0, -0.02, 0;
00042 }
00043 ref_zmp_list.push(v);
00044 }
00047 preview_dynamics_filter<extended_preview_control> df(dt, 0.8, ref_zmp_list.front());
00048 std::string fname("/tmp/plot.dat");
00049 FILE* fp = fopen(fname.c_str(), "w");
00050 double cart_zmp[3], refzmp[3];
00051 bool r = true;
00052 size_t index = 0;
00053 while (r) {
00054 hrp::Vector3 p, x;
00055 std::vector<hrp::Vector3> qdata;
00056 r = df.update(p, x, qdata, ref_zmp_list.front(), qdata, !ref_zmp_list.empty());
00057 if (r) {
00058 index++;
00059 df.get_cart_zmp(cart_zmp);
00060 df.get_current_refzmp(refzmp);
00061 fprintf(fp, "%f %f %f %f %f %f %f\n",
00062 tm_list[index],
00063 cart_zmp[0],
00064 x[0],
00065 refzmp[0],
00066 cart_zmp[1],
00067 x[1],
00068 refzmp[1]
00069 );
00070 } else if ( !ref_zmp_list.empty() ) r = true;
00071 if (!ref_zmp_list.empty()) ref_zmp_list.pop();
00072 }
00073 fclose(fp);
00074 if (use_gnuplot) {
00075 FILE* gp[3];
00076 std::string titles[2] = {"X", "Y"};
00077 for (size_t ii = 0; ii < 2; ii++) {
00078 gp[ii] = popen("gnuplot", "w");
00079 fprintf(gp[ii], "set title \"%s\"\n", titles[ii].c_str());
00080 fprintf(gp[ii], "plot \"%s\" using 1:%zu with lines title \"cart-table zmp\"\n", fname.c_str(), ( ii * 3 + 2));
00081 fprintf(gp[ii], "replot \"%s\" using 1:%zu with lines title \"cog\"\n", fname.c_str(), ( ii * 3 + 3));
00082 fprintf(gp[ii], "replot \"%s\" using 1:%zu with lines title \"refzmp\"\n", fname.c_str(), ( ii * 3 + 4));
00083 fflush(gp[ii]);
00084 }
00085 double tmp;
00086 std::cin >> tmp;
00087 for (size_t j = 0; j < 2; j++) pclose(gp[j]);
00088 }
00089 return 0;
00090 }