Template Class SimpleSubscriberPlugin

Nested Relationships

Nested Types

Inheritance Relationships

Base Type

Class Documentation

template<class M>
class SimpleSubscriberPlugin : public point_cloud_transport::SubscriberPlugin

Base class to simplify implementing most plugins to Subscriber.

The base class simplifies implementing a SubscriberPlugin in the common case that all communication with the matching PublisherPlugin happens over a single ROS topic using a transport-specific message type. SimpleSubscriberPlugin is templated on the transport-specific message type.

A subclass needs to implement:

Template Parameters:

M – Type of the subscribed messages.

Public Functions

inline virtual ~SimpleSubscriberPlugin()
inline rclcpp::Logger getLogger() const
inline virtual std::string getTopic() const override

Get the transport-specific communication topic.

template<typename T>
inline bool getParam(const std::string &parameter_name, T &value) const

template function for getting parameter of a given type

template<typename T>
inline bool declareParam(const std::string parameter_name, const T value, const rcl_interfaces::msg::ParameterDescriptor &parameter_descriptor = rcl_interfaces::msg::ParameterDescriptor())
inline void setParamCallback(rclcpp::node_interfaces::NodeParametersInterface::OnSetParametersCallbackType param_change_callback)
inline virtual uint32_t getNumPublishers() const override

Returns the number of publishers this subscriber is connected to.

inline virtual void shutdown() override

Unsubscribe the callback associated with this SubscriberPlugin.

virtual DecodeResult decodeTyped(const M &compressed) const = 0

Decode the given compressed pointcloud into a raw message.


compressed[in] The input compressed pointcloud.


The raw cloud message (if encoding succeeds), or an error message.

inline virtual DecodeResult decode(const std::shared_ptr<rclcpp::SerializedMessage> &compressed) const override

Decode the given compressed pointcloud into a raw cloud.


compressed[in] The rclcpp::SerializedMessage of the compressed pointcloud to be decoded.


The decoded raw pointcloud (if decoding succeeds), or an error message.

Protected Functions

inline virtual void callback(const typename std::shared_ptr<const M> &message, const Callback &user_cb)

Process a message. Must be implemented by the subclass.

inline virtual std::string getTopicToSubscribe(const std::string &base_topic) const override

Return the communication topic name for a given base topic.

Defaults to <base topic>/<transport name>.

inline virtual void subscribeImpl(std::shared_ptr<rclcpp::Node> node, const std::string &base_topic, const Callback &callback, rmw_qos_profile_t custom_qos) override

Subscribe to a point cloud transport topic. Must be implemented by the subclass.

inline virtual void subscribeImpl(std::shared_ptr<rclcpp::Node> node, const std::string &base_topic, const Callback &callback, rmw_qos_profile_t custom_qos, rclcpp::SubscriptionOptions options) override