Public Member Functions | Protected Attributes
swri_transform_util::TfTransform Class Reference

Specialization of swri_transform_util::TransformImpl that performs TF transformation. More...

#include <transform.h>

Inheritance diagram for swri_transform_util::TfTransform:
Inheritance graph

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

virtual tf::Quaternion GetOrientation () const
 Get the orientation component of this transform using TF.
virtual TransformImplPtr Inverse () const
 TfTransform (const tf::Transform &transform)
 Construct a TfTransform from a tf::Transform.
 TfTransform (const tf::StampedTransform &transform)
 Construct a TfTransform from a tf::StampedTransform.
virtual void Transform (const tf::Vector3 &v_in, tf::Vector3 &v_out) const
 Apply this transform to a 3D vector using TF.

Protected Attributes

tf::Transform transform_

Detailed Description

Specialization of swri_transform_util::TransformImpl that performs TF transformation.

Definition at line 247 of file transform.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Construct a TfTransform from a tf::Transform.

transformThe TF Transform that this TfTransform performs

Construct a TfTransform from a tf::StampedTransform.

transformThe TF StampedTransform that this TfTransform performs

Member Function Documentation

Get the orientation component of this transform using TF.

The orientation component of the transform

Reimplemented from swri_transform_util::TransformImpl.

virtual void swri_transform_util::TfTransform::Transform ( const tf::Vector3 v_in,
tf::Vector3 v_out 
) const [virtual]

Apply this transform to a 3D vector using TF.

[in]v_inInput vector
[out]v_outTransformed vector

Implements swri_transform_util::TransformImpl.

Member Data Documentation

Definition at line 278 of file transform.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:

Author(s): Marc Alban
autogenerated on Thu Jun 6 2019 20:35:01