Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /****************************************************************************
00002 * VCGLib                                                            o o     *
00003 * Visual and Computer Graphics Library                            o     o   *
00004 *                                                                _   O  _   *
00005 * Copyright(C) 2004                                                \/)\/    *
00006 * Visual Computing Lab                                            /\/|      *
00007 * ISTI - Italian National Research Council                           |      *
00008 *                                                                    \      *
00009 * All rights reserved.                                                      *
00010 *                                                                           *
00011 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify      *
00012 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by      *
00013 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or         *
00014 * (at your option) any later version.                                       *
00015 *                                                                           *
00016 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,           *
00017 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of            *
00019 * GNU General Public License (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt)          *
00020 * for more details.                                                         *
00021 *                                                                           *
00022 ****************************************************************************/
00023 /****************************************************************************
00025 The sampling Class has a set of static functions, that you can call to sample the surface of a mesh.
00026 Each function is templated on the mesh and on a Sampler object s.
00027 Each function calls many time the sample object with the sampling point as parameter.
00029 Sampler Classes and Sampling algorithms are independent.
00030 Sampler classes exploits the sample that are generated with various algorithms.
00031 For example, you can compute Hausdorff distance (that is a sampler) using various
00032 sampling strategies (montecarlo, stratified etc).
00034 ****************************************************************************/
00039 #include <vcg/math/random_generator.h>
00040 #include <vcg/complex/algorithms/closest.h>
00041 #include <vcg/space/index/spatial_hashing.h>
00042 #include <vcg/complex/algorithms/hole.h>
00043 #include <vcg/complex/algorithms/stat.h>
00044 #include <vcg/complex/algorithms/create/platonic.h>
00045 #include <vcg/complex/algorithms/update/topology.h>
00046 #include <vcg/complex/algorithms/update/normal.h>
00047 #include <vcg/complex/algorithms/update/bounding.h>
00048 #include <vcg/complex/algorithms/update/flag.h>
00049 #include <vcg/space/segment2.h>
00050 #include <vcg/space/index/grid_static_ptr.h>
00051 namespace vcg
00052 {
00053 namespace tri
00054 {
00071 template <class MeshType>
00072 class TrivialSampler
00073 {
00074 public:
00075   typedef typename MeshType::ScalarType  ScalarType;
00076   typedef typename MeshType::CoordType  CoordType;
00077   typedef typename MeshType::VertexType VertexType;
00078   typedef typename MeshType::EdgeType   EdgeType;
00079   typedef typename MeshType::FaceType   FaceType;
00081   void reset()
00082   {
00083     sampleVec->clear();
00084   }
00086   TrivialSampler()
00087   {
00088     sampleVec = new std::vector<CoordType>();
00089     vectorOwner=true;
00090   }
00092   TrivialSampler(std::vector<CoordType> &Vec)
00093   {
00094     sampleVec = &Vec;
00095     vectorOwner=false;
00096     reset();
00097   }
00099   ~TrivialSampler()
00100   {
00101     if(vectorOwner) delete sampleVec;
00102   }
00104 private:
00105   std::vector<CoordType> *sampleVec;
00106   bool vectorOwner;
00107 public:
00109   void AddVert(const VertexType &p)
00110   {
00111     sampleVec->push_back(p.cP());
00112   }
00113   void AddEdge(const EdgeType& e, ScalarType u ) // u==0 -> v(0) u==1 -> v(1);
00114   {
00115     sampleVec->push_back(e.cV(0)->cP()*(1.0-u)+e.cV(1)->cP()*u);
00116   }
00118   void AddFace(const FaceType &f, const CoordType &p)
00119   {
00120     sampleVec->push_back(f.cP(0)*p[0] + f.cP(1)*p[1] +f.cP(2)*p[2] );
00121   }
00123   void AddTextureSample(const FaceType &, const CoordType &, const Point2i &, float )
00124   {
00125     // Retrieve the color of the sample from the face f using the barycentric coord p
00126     // and write that color in a texture image at position <tp[0], texHeight-tp[1]>
00127     // if edgeDist is > 0 then the corrisponding point is affecting face color even if outside the face area (in texture space)
00128   }
00129 }; // end class TrivialSampler
00131 template <class MeshType>
00132 class TrivialPointerSampler
00133 {
00134 public:
00135   typedef typename MeshType::CoordType  CoordType;
00136   typedef typename MeshType::VertexType VertexType;
00137   typedef typename MeshType::FaceType   FaceType;
00139   TrivialPointerSampler() {}
00140   ~TrivialPointerSampler()  {}
00142   void reset()
00143   {
00144     sampleVec.clear();
00145   }
00147 public:
00148   std::vector<VertexType *> sampleVec;
00150   void AddVert(VertexType &p)
00151   {
00152     sampleVec.push_back(&p);
00153   }
00154   // This sampler should be used only for getting vertex pointers. Meaningless in other case.
00155   void AddFace(const FaceType &, const CoordType &)   { assert(0); }
00156   void AddTextureSample(const FaceType &, const CoordType &, const Point2i &, float ) { assert(0); }
00157 }; // end class TrivialSampler
00160 template <class MeshType>
00161 class MeshSampler
00162 {
00163 public:
00164   typedef typename MeshType::VertexType  VertexType;
00165   typedef typename MeshType::FaceType    FaceType;
00166   typedef typename MeshType::CoordType   CoordType;
00168   MeshSampler(MeshType &_m):m(_m){
00169     perFaceNormal = false;
00170   }
00171   MeshType &m;
00173   bool perFaceNormal;  // default false; if true the sample normal is the face normal, otherwise it is interpolated
00175   void reset()
00176   {
00177     m.Clear();
00178   }
00180   void AddVert(const VertexType &p)
00181   {
00182     tri::Allocator<MeshType>::AddVertices(m,1);
00183     m.vert.back().ImportData(p);
00184   }
00186   void AddFace(const FaceType &f, CoordType p)
00187   {
00188     tri::Allocator<MeshType>::AddVertices(m,1);
00189     m.vert.back().P() = f.cP(0)*p[0] + f.cP(1)*p[1] +f.cP(2)*p[2];
00190     if(perFaceNormal) m.vert.back().N() = f.cN();
00191        else m.vert.back().N() = f.cV(0)->N()*p[0] + f.cV(1)->N()*p[1] + f.cV(2)->N()*p[2];
00192     if(tri::HasPerVertexQuality(m) )
00193        m.vert.back().Q() = f.cV(0)->Q()*p[0] + f.cV(1)->Q()*p[1] + f.cV(2)->Q()*p[2];
00194   }
00195 }; // end class BaseSampler
00199 /* This sampler is used to perform compute the Hausdorff measuring.
00200  * It keep internally the spatial indexing structure used to find the closest point
00201  * and the partial integration results needed to compute the average and rms error values.
00202  * Averaged values assume that the samples are equi-distributed (e.g. a good unbiased montecarlo sampling of the surface).
00203  */
00204 template <class MeshType>
00205 class HausdorffSampler
00206 {
00207   typedef typename MeshType::FaceType    FaceType;
00208   typedef typename MeshType::VertexType    VertexType;
00209   typedef typename MeshType::CoordType   CoordType;
00210   typedef typename MeshType::ScalarType   ScalarType;
00211   typedef GridStaticPtr<FaceType, ScalarType > MetroMeshFaceGrid;
00212   typedef GridStaticPtr<VertexType, ScalarType > MetroMeshVertexGrid;
00214 public:
00216   HausdorffSampler(MeshType* _m, MeshType* _sampleMesh=0, MeshType* _closestMesh=0 ) :markerFunctor(_m)
00217   {
00218     m=_m;
00219     init(_sampleMesh,_closestMesh);
00220   }
00222   MeshType *m;           
00223   MeshType *samplePtMesh;  
00224   MeshType *closestPtMesh; 
00226   MetroMeshVertexGrid   unifGridVert;
00227   MetroMeshFaceGrid   unifGridFace;
00229   // Parameters
00230   double          min_dist;
00231   double          max_dist;
00232   double          mean_dist;
00233   double          RMS_dist;   
00234   double          volume;
00235   double          area_S1;
00236   Histogramf hist;
00237   // globals parameters driving the samples.
00238   int             n_total_samples;
00239   int             n_samples;
00240   bool useVertexSampling;
00241   ScalarType dist_upper_bound;  // samples that have a distance beyond this threshold distance are not considered.
00242   typedef typename tri::FaceTmark<MeshType> MarkerFace;
00243   MarkerFace markerFunctor;
00246   float getMeanDist() const { return mean_dist / n_total_samples; }
00247   float getMinDist() const { return min_dist ; }
00248   float getMaxDist() const { return max_dist ; }
00249   float getRMSDist() const { return sqrt(RMS_dist / n_total_samples); }
00251   void init(MeshType* _sampleMesh=0, MeshType* _closestMesh=0 )
00252   {
00253     samplePtMesh =_sampleMesh;
00254     closestPtMesh = _closestMesh;
00255     if(m)
00256     {
00257       tri::UpdateNormal<MeshType>::PerFaceNormalized(*m);
00258       if(m->fn==0) useVertexSampling = true;
00259       else useVertexSampling = false;
00261       if(useVertexSampling) unifGridVert.Set(m->vert.begin(),m->vert.end());
00262       else  unifGridFace.Set(m->face.begin(),m->face.end());
00263       markerFunctor.SetMesh(m);
00264       hist.SetRange(0.0, m->bbox.Diag()/100.0, 100);
00265     }
00266     min_dist = std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
00267     max_dist = 0;
00268     mean_dist =0;
00269     RMS_dist = 0;
00270     n_total_samples = 0;
00271   }
00273   void AddFace(const FaceType &f, CoordType interp)
00274   {
00275     CoordType startPt = f.cP(0)*interp[0] + f.cP(1)*interp[1] +f.cP(2)*interp[2]; // point to be sampled
00276     CoordType startN  = f.cV(0)->cN()*interp[0] + f.cV(1)->cN()*interp[1] +f.cV(2)->cN()*interp[2]; // Normal of the interpolated point
00277     AddSample(startPt,startN); // point to be sampled);
00278   }
00280   void AddVert(VertexType &p)
00281   {
00282     p.Q()=AddSample(p.cP(),p.cN());
00283   }
00286   float AddSample(const CoordType &startPt,const CoordType &startN)
00287   {
00288     // the results
00289     CoordType       closestPt;
00290     ScalarType dist = dist_upper_bound;
00292     // compute distance between startPt and the mesh S2
00293     FaceType   *nearestF=0;
00294     VertexType   *nearestV=0;
00295     vcg::face::PointDistanceBaseFunctor<ScalarType> PDistFunct;
00296     dist=dist_upper_bound;
00297     if(useVertexSampling)
00298       nearestV =  tri::GetClosestVertex<MeshType,MetroMeshVertexGrid>(*m,unifGridVert,startPt,dist_upper_bound,dist);
00299     else
00300       nearestF =  unifGridFace.GetClosest(PDistFunct,markerFunctor,startPt,dist_upper_bound,dist,closestPt);
00302     // update distance measures
00303     if(dist == dist_upper_bound)
00304       return dist;
00306     if(dist > max_dist) max_dist = dist;        // L_inf
00307     if(dist < min_dist) min_dist = dist;        // L_inf
00309     mean_dist += dist;          // L_1
00310     RMS_dist  += dist*dist;     // L_2
00311     n_total_samples++;
00313     hist.Add((float)fabs(dist));
00314     if(samplePtMesh)
00315     {
00316       tri::Allocator<MeshType>::AddVertices(*samplePtMesh,1);
00317       samplePtMesh->vert.back().P() = startPt;
00318       samplePtMesh->vert.back().Q() = dist;
00319       samplePtMesh->vert.back().N() = startN;
00320     }
00321     if(closestPtMesh)
00322     {
00323       tri::Allocator<MeshType>::AddVertices(*closestPtMesh,1);
00324       closestPtMesh->vert.back().P() = closestPt;
00325       closestPtMesh->vert.back().Q() = dist;
00326       closestPtMesh->vert.back().N() = startN;
00327     }
00328     return dist;
00329   }
00330 }; // end class HausdorffSampler
00334 /* This sampler is used to transfer the detail of a mesh onto another one.
00335  * It keep internally the spatial indexing structure used to find the closest point
00336  */
00337 template <class MeshType>
00338 class RedetailSampler
00339 {
00340   typedef typename MeshType::FaceType    FaceType;
00341   typedef typename MeshType::VertexType    VertexType;
00342   typedef typename MeshType::CoordType   CoordType;
00343   typedef typename MeshType::ScalarType   ScalarType;  
00344   typedef GridStaticPtr<FaceType, ScalarType > MetroMeshGrid;
00345   typedef GridStaticPtr<VertexType, ScalarType > VertexMeshGrid;
00347 public:
00349   RedetailSampler():m(0) {}
00351   MeshType *m;           
00352   CallBackPos *cb;
00353   int sampleNum;  // the expected number of samples. Used only for the callback
00354   int sampleCnt;
00355   MetroMeshGrid   unifGridFace;
00356   VertexMeshGrid   unifGridVert;
00357   bool useVertexSampling;
00359   // Parameters
00360   typedef tri::FaceTmark<MeshType> MarkerFace;
00361   MarkerFace markerFunctor;
00363   bool coordFlag;
00364   bool colorFlag;
00365   bool normalFlag;
00366   bool qualityFlag;
00367   bool selectionFlag;
00368   bool storeDistanceAsQualityFlag;
00369   float dist_upper_bound;
00370   void init(MeshType *_m, CallBackPos *_cb=0, int targetSz=0)
00371   {
00372     coordFlag=false;
00373     colorFlag=false;
00374     qualityFlag=false;
00375     selectionFlag=false;
00376     storeDistanceAsQualityFlag=false;
00377     m=_m;
00378     tri::UpdateNormal<MeshType>::PerFaceNormalized(*m);
00379     if(m->fn==0) useVertexSampling = true;
00380     else useVertexSampling = false;
00382     if(useVertexSampling) unifGridVert.Set(m->vert.begin(),m->vert.end());
00383     else  unifGridFace.Set(m->face.begin(),m->face.end());
00384     markerFunctor.SetMesh(m);
00385     // sampleNum and sampleCnt are used only for the progress callback.
00386     cb=_cb;
00387     sampleNum = targetSz;
00388     sampleCnt = 0;
00389   }
00391   // this function is called for each vertex of the target mesh.
00392   // and retrieve the closest point on the source mesh.
00393   void AddVert(VertexType &p)
00394   {
00395     assert(m);
00396     // the results
00397     CoordType       closestPt,      normf, bestq, ip;
00398     ScalarType dist = dist_upper_bound;
00399     const CoordType &startPt= p.cP();
00400     // compute distance between startPt and the mesh S2
00401     if(useVertexSampling)
00402     {
00403       VertexType   *nearestV=0;
00404       nearestV =  tri::GetClosestVertex<MeshType,VertexMeshGrid>(*m,unifGridVert,startPt,dist_upper_bound,dist); //(PDistFunct,markerFunctor,startPt,dist_upper_bound,dist,closestPt);
00405       if(cb) cb(sampleCnt++*100/sampleNum,"Resampling Vertex attributes");
00406       if(storeDistanceAsQualityFlag)  p.Q() = dist;
00407       if(dist == dist_upper_bound) return ;
00409       if(coordFlag) p.P()=nearestV->P();
00410       if(colorFlag) p.C() = nearestV->C();
00411       if(normalFlag) p.N() = nearestV->N();
00412       if(qualityFlag) p.Q()= nearestV->Q();
00413       if(selectionFlag) if(nearestV->IsS()) p.SetS();
00414     }
00415     else
00416     {
00417       FaceType   *nearestF=0;
00418       vcg::face::PointDistanceBaseFunctor<ScalarType> PDistFunct;
00419       dist=dist_upper_bound;
00420       if(cb) cb(sampleCnt++*100/sampleNum,"Resampling Vertex attributes");
00421       nearestF =  unifGridFace.GetClosest(PDistFunct,markerFunctor,startPt,dist_upper_bound,dist,closestPt);
00422       if(dist == dist_upper_bound) return ;
00424       CoordType interp;
00425       InterpolationParameters(*nearestF,(*nearestF).cN(),closestPt, interp);
00426       interp[2]=1.0-interp[1]-interp[0];
00428       if(coordFlag) p.P()=closestPt;
00429       if(colorFlag) p.C().lerp(nearestF->V(0)->C(),nearestF->V(1)->C(),nearestF->V(2)->C(),interp);
00430       if(normalFlag) p.N() = nearestF->V(0)->N()*interp[0] + nearestF->V(1)->N()*interp[1] + nearestF->V(2)->N()*interp[2];
00431       if(qualityFlag) p.Q()= nearestF->V(0)->Q()*interp[0] + nearestF->V(1)->Q()*interp[1] + nearestF->V(2)->Q()*interp[2];
00432       if(selectionFlag) if(nearestF->IsS()) p.SetS();
00433     }
00434   }
00435 }; // end class RedetailSampler
00450 template <class MeshType, class VertexSampler = TrivialSampler< MeshType> >
00451 class SurfaceSampling
00452 {
00453   typedef typename MeshType::CoordType       CoordType;
00454   typedef typename MeshType::BoxType         BoxType;
00455   typedef typename MeshType::ScalarType      ScalarType;
00456   typedef typename MeshType::VertexType      VertexType;
00457   typedef typename MeshType::VertexPointer   VertexPointer;
00458   typedef typename MeshType::VertexIterator  VertexIterator;
00459   typedef typename MeshType::EdgeType        EdgeType;
00460   typedef typename MeshType::EdgeIterator    EdgeIterator;
00461   typedef typename MeshType::FaceType        FaceType;
00462   typedef typename MeshType::FacePointer     FacePointer;
00463   typedef typename MeshType::FaceIterator    FaceIterator;
00464   typedef typename MeshType::FaceContainer   FaceContainer;
00466   typedef typename vcg::SpatialHashTable<FaceType, ScalarType> MeshSHT;
00467   typedef typename vcg::SpatialHashTable<FaceType, ScalarType>::CellIterator MeshSHTIterator;
00468   typedef typename vcg::SpatialHashTable<VertexType, ScalarType> MontecarloSHT;
00469   typedef typename vcg::SpatialHashTable<VertexType, ScalarType>::CellIterator MontecarloSHTIterator;
00470   typedef typename vcg::SpatialHashTable<VertexType, ScalarType> SampleSHT;
00471   typedef typename vcg::SpatialHashTable<VertexType, ScalarType>::CellIterator SampleSHTIterator;
00473   typedef typename MeshType::template PerVertexAttributeHandle<float> PerVertexFloatAttribute;
00475 public:
00477 static math::MarsenneTwisterRNG &SamplingRandomGenerator()
00478 {
00479     static math::MarsenneTwisterRNG rnd;
00480     return rnd;
00481 }
00483 // Returns an integer random number in the [0,i-1] interval using the improve Marsenne-Twister method.
00484 // this functor is needed for passing it to the std functions.
00485 static unsigned int RandomInt(unsigned int i)
00486 {
00487     return (SamplingRandomGenerator().generate(i));
00488 }
00490 // Returns a random number in the [0,1) real interval using the improved Marsenne-Twister method.
00491 static double RandomDouble01()
00492 {
00493     return SamplingRandomGenerator().generate01();
00494 }
00496 #define FAK_LEN 1024
00497 static double LnFac(int n) {
00498    // Tabled log factorial function. gives natural logarithm of n!
00500    // define constants
00501    static const double                 // coefficients in Stirling approximation
00502       C0 =  0.918938533204672722,      // ln(sqrt(2*pi))
00503       C1 =  1./12.,
00504       C3 = -1./360.;
00505    // C5 =  1./1260.,                  // use r^5 term if FAK_LEN < 50
00506    // C7 = -1./1680.;                  // use r^7 term if FAK_LEN < 20
00507    // static variables
00508    static double fac_table[FAK_LEN];   // table of ln(n!):
00509    static bool initialized = false;         // remember if fac_table has been initialized
00512    if (n < FAK_LEN) {
00513       if (n <= 1) {
00514          if (n < 0) assert(0);//("Parameter negative in LnFac function");
00515          return 0;
00516       }
00517       if (!initialized) {              // first time. Must initialize table
00518          // make table of ln(n!)
00519          double sum = fac_table[0] = 0.;
00520          for (int i=1; i<FAK_LEN; i++) {
00521             sum += log(double(i));
00522             fac_table[i] = sum;
00523          }
00524          initialized = true;
00525       }
00526       return fac_table[n];
00527    }
00528    // not found in table. use Stirling approximation
00529    double  n1, r;
00530    n1 = n;  r  = 1. / n1;
00531    return (n1 + 0.5)*log(n1) - n1 + C0 + r*(C1 + r*r*C3);
00532 }
00534 static int  PoissonRatioUniforms(double L) {
00535    /*
00537    This subfunction generates a integer with the poisson
00538    distribution using the ratio-of-uniforms rejection method (PRUAt).
00539    This approach is STABLE even for large L (e.g. it does not suffer from the overflow limit of the classical Knuth implementation)
00540    Execution time does not depend on L, except that it matters whether
00541    is within the range where ln(n!) is tabulated.
00543    Reference:
00545    E. Stadlober
00546    "The ratio of uniforms approach for generating discrete random variates".
00547    Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics,
00548    vol. 31, no. 1, 1990, pp. 181-189.
00550    Partially adapted/inspired from some subfunctions of the Agner Fog stocc library ( www.agner.org/random )
00551    Same licensing scheme.
00553    */
00554   // constants
00556   const double SHAT1 = 2.943035529371538573;    // 8/e
00557   const double SHAT2 = 0.8989161620588987408;   // 3-sqrt(12/e)
00558   double u;                                          // uniform random
00559   double lf;                                         // ln(f(x))
00560   double x;                                          // real sample
00561   int k;                                         // integer sample
00563   double   pois_a = L + 0.5;                               // hat center
00564   int mode = (int)L;                      // mode
00565   double   pois_g  = log(L);
00566   double    pois_f0 = mode * pois_g - LnFac(mode);          // value at mode
00567   double   pois_h = sqrt(SHAT1 * (L+0.5)) + SHAT2;         // hat width
00568   double   pois_bound = (int)(pois_a + 6.0 * pois_h);  // safety-bound
00570   while(1) {
00571       u = RandomDouble01();
00572       if (u == 0) continue;                           // avoid division by 0
00573       x = pois_a + pois_h * (RandomDouble01() - 0.5) / u;
00574       if (x < 0 || x >= pois_bound) continue;         // reject if outside valid range
00575       k = (int)(x);
00576       lf = k * pois_g - LnFac(k) - pois_f0;
00577       if (lf >= u * (4.0 - u) - 3.0) break;           // quick acceptance
00578       if (u * (u - lf) > 1.0) continue;               // quick rejection
00579       if (2.0 * log(u) <= lf) break;                  // final acceptance
00580    }
00581    return k;
00582 }
00596 static int Poisson(double lambda)
00597 {
00598   if(lambda>50) return PoissonRatioUniforms(lambda);
00599   double L = exp(-lambda);
00600   int k =0;
00601   double p = 1.0;
00602   do
00603   {
00604     k = k+1;
00605     p = p*RandomDouble01();
00606   } while (p>L);
00608   return k -1;
00609 }
00612 static void AllVertex(MeshType & m, VertexSampler &ps)
00613 {
00614         AllVertex(m, ps, false);
00615 }
00617 static void AllVertex(MeshType & m, VertexSampler &ps, bool onlySelected)
00618 {
00619         VertexIterator vi;
00620         for(vi=m.vert.begin();vi!=m.vert.end();++vi)
00621                 if(!(*vi).IsD())
00622                         if ((!onlySelected) || ((*vi).IsS()))
00623                         {
00624                                 ps.AddVert(*vi);
00625                         }
00626 }
00636 static void VertexWeighted(MeshType & m, VertexSampler &ps, int sampleNum)
00637 {
00638     ScalarType qSum = 0;
00639     VertexIterator vi;
00640     for(vi = m.vert.begin(); vi != m.vert.end(); ++vi)
00641             if(!(*vi).IsD())
00642                         qSum += (*vi).Q();
00644     ScalarType samplePerUnit = sampleNum/qSum;
00645     ScalarType floatSampleNum =0;
00646     std::vector<VertexPointer> vertVec;
00647     FillAndShuffleVertexPointerVector(m,vertVec);
00649     std::vector<bool> vertUsed(m.vn,false);
00651     int i=0; int cnt=0;
00652     while(cnt < sampleNum)
00653         {
00654             if(vertUsed[i])
00655                 {
00656                         floatSampleNum += vertVec[i]->Q() * samplePerUnit;
00657                         int vertSampleNum   = (int) floatSampleNum;
00658                         floatSampleNum -= (float) vertSampleNum;
00660                         // for every sample p_i in T...
00661                         if(vertSampleNum > 1)
00662                             {
00663                                 ps.AddVert(*vertVec[i]);
00664                                 cnt++;
00665                                 vertUsed[i]=true;
00666                             }
00667                 }
00668             i = (i+1)%m.vn;
00669         }
00670 }
00674 static void VertexAreaUniform(MeshType & m, VertexSampler &ps, int sampleNum)
00675 {
00676     VertexIterator vi;
00677     for(vi = m.vert.begin(); vi != m.vert.end(); ++vi)
00678         if(!(*vi).IsD())
00679                         (*vi).Q() = 0;
00681     FaceIterator fi;
00682     for(fi = m.face.begin(); fi != m.face.end(); ++fi)
00683         if(!(*fi).IsD())
00684         {
00685             ScalarType areaThird = DoubleArea(*fi)/6.0;
00686             (*fi).V(0)->Q()+=areaThird;
00687             (*fi).V(1)->Q()+=areaThird;
00688             (*fi).V(2)->Q()+=areaThird;
00689         }
00691     VertexWeighted(m,ps,sampleNum);
00692 }
00694 static void     FillAndShuffleFacePointerVector(MeshType & m, std::vector<FacePointer> &faceVec)
00695 {
00696     for(FaceIterator fi=m.face.begin();fi!=m.face.end();++fi)
00697         if(!(*fi).IsD())        faceVec.push_back(&*fi);
00699     assert((int)faceVec.size()==m.fn);
00701     unsigned int (*p_myrandom)(unsigned int) = RandomInt;
00702     std::random_shuffle(faceVec.begin(),faceVec.end(), p_myrandom);
00703 }
00704 static void     FillAndShuffleVertexPointerVector(MeshType & m, std::vector<VertexPointer> &vertVec)
00705 {
00706     for(VertexIterator vi=m.vert.begin();vi!=m.vert.end();++vi)
00707                 if(!(*vi).IsD())        vertVec.push_back(&*vi);
00709     assert((int)vertVec.size()==m.vn);
00711     unsigned int (*p_myrandom)(unsigned int) = RandomInt;
00712     std::random_shuffle(vertVec.begin(),vertVec.end(), p_myrandom);
00713 }
00716 static void VertexUniform(MeshType & m, VertexSampler &ps, int sampleNum, bool onlySelected)
00717 {
00718         if (sampleNum >= m.vn) {
00719                 AllVertex(m, ps, onlySelected);
00720                 return;
00721         }
00723         std::vector<VertexPointer> vertVec;
00724         FillAndShuffleVertexPointerVector(m, vertVec);
00726         int added = 0;
00727         for (int i = 0; ((i < m.vn) && (added < sampleNum)); ++i)
00728                 if (!(*vertVec[i]).IsD())
00729                         if ((!onlySelected) || (*vertVec[i]).IsS())
00730                         {
00731                                 ps.AddVert(*vertVec[i]);
00732                                 added++;
00733                         }
00735 }
00738 static void VertexUniform(MeshType & m, VertexSampler &ps, int sampleNum)
00739 {
00740         VertexUniform(m, ps, sampleNum, false);
00741 }
00751 static void EdgeMeshUniform(MeshType &m, VertexSampler &ps, float radius, bool conservative = true)
00752 {
00753         tri::RequireEEAdjacency(m);
00754         tri::RequireCompactness(m);
00755         tri::RequirePerEdgeFlags(m);
00756         tri::RequirePerVertexFlags(m);
00757         tri::UpdateTopology<MeshType>::EdgeEdge(m);
00758         tri::UpdateFlags<MeshType>::EdgeClearV(m);
00760         for (EdgeIterator ei = m.edge.begin(); ei != m.edge.end(); ++ei)
00761         {
00762                 if (!ei->IsV())
00763                 {
00764                         edge::Pos<EdgeType> ep(&*ei,0);
00765                         edge::Pos<EdgeType> startep     = ep;
00766                         VertexPointer       startVertex = 0;
00767                         do // first loop to search a boundary component.
00768                         {
00769                                 ep.NextE();
00770                                 if (ep.IsBorder())
00771                                         break;
00772                         } while (startep != ep);
00773                         if (!ep.IsBorder())
00774                         {
00775                                 // it's a loop
00776                                 startVertex = ep.V();
00777                         }
00778                         else
00779                         {
00780                                 // to keep the uniform resampling order-independent
00781                                 // start from the border with 'lowest' point
00782                                 edge::Pos<EdgeType> altEp = ep;
00783                                 do {
00784                                         altEp.NextE();
00785                                 } while (!altEp.IsBorder());
00787                                 if (altEp.V()->cP() < ep.V()->cP())
00788                                 {
00789                                         ep = altEp;
00790                                 }
00791                         }
00793                         ScalarType totalLen = 0;
00794                         ep.FlipV();
00795                         // second loop to compute length of the chain.
00796                         do
00797                         {
00798                                 ep.E()->SetV();
00799                                 totalLen += Distance(ep.V()->cP(), ep.VFlip()->cP());
00800                                 ep.NextE();
00801                         } while (!ep.IsBorder() && ep.V() != startVertex);
00802                         ep.E()->SetV();
00803                         totalLen += Distance(ep.V()->cP(), ep.VFlip()->cP());
00805                         // Third loop actually perform the sampling.
00806                         int sampleNum = conservative ? floor(totalLen / radius) : ceil(totalLen / radius);
00808                         ScalarType sampleDist = totalLen / sampleNum;
00809 //                      printf("Found a chain of %f with %i samples every %f (%f)\n", totalLen, sampleNum, sampleDist, radius);
00811                         ScalarType curLen = 0;
00812                         int sampleCnt     = 1;
00813                         ps.AddEdge(*(ep.E()), ep.VInd() == 0 ? 0.0 : 1.0);
00814                         do
00815                         {
00816                                 ep.NextE();
00817                                 assert(ep.E()->IsV());
00818                                 ScalarType edgeLen = Distance(ep.V()->cP(), ep.VFlip()->cP());
00819                                 ScalarType d0      = curLen;
00820                                 ScalarType d1      = d0 + edgeLen;
00822                                 while (d1 > sampleCnt * sampleDist && sampleCnt < sampleNum)
00823                                 {
00824                                         ScalarType off = (sampleCnt * sampleDist - d0) / edgeLen;
00825 //                                      printf("edgeLen %f off %f samplecnt %i\n", edgeLen, off, sampleCnt);
00826                                         ps.AddEdge(*(ep.E()), ep.VInd() == 0 ? 1.0 - off : off);
00827                                         sampleCnt++;
00828                                 }
00829                                 curLen += edgeLen;
00830                         } while(!ep.IsBorder() && ep.V() != startVertex);
00832                         if(ep.V() != startVertex)
00833                                 ps.AddEdge(*(ep.E()), ep.VInd() == 0 ? 0.0 : 1.0);
00834                 }
00835         }
00836 }
00844 static void VertexBorderCorner(MeshType & m, VertexSampler &ps, float angleRad)
00845 {
00846   typename MeshType::template PerVertexAttributeHandle  <float> angleSumH = tri::Allocator<MeshType>:: template GetPerVertexAttribute<float> (m);
00848   for(VertexIterator vi=m.vert.begin();vi!=m.vert.end();++vi)
00849     angleSumH[vi]=0;
00851   for(FaceIterator fi=m.face.begin();fi!=m.face.end();++fi)
00852   {
00853     for(int i=0;i<3;++i)
00854     {
00855       angleSumH[fi->V(i)] += vcg::Angle(fi->P2(i) - fi->P0(i),fi->P1(i) - fi->P0(i));
00856     }
00857   }
00859   for(VertexIterator vi=m.vert.begin();vi!=m.vert.end();++vi)
00860   {
00861     if((angleSumH[vi]<angleRad && vi->IsB())||
00862        (angleSumH[vi]>(360-angleRad) && vi->IsB()))
00863         ps.AddVert(*vi);
00864   }
00866   tri::Allocator<MeshType>:: template DeletePerVertexAttribute<float> (m,angleSumH);
00867 }
00874 static void VertexBorder(MeshType & m, VertexSampler &ps)
00875 {
00876   VertexBorderCorner(m,ps,std::numeric_limits<ScalarType>::max());
00877 }
00885 static void VertexCrease(MeshType & m, VertexSampler &ps)
00886 {
00887   typedef typename UpdateTopology<MeshType>::PEdge SimpleEdge;
00888   std::vector< SimpleEdge > Edges;
00889   typename std::vector< SimpleEdge >::iterator ei;
00890   UpdateTopology<MeshType>::FillUniqueEdgeVector(m,Edges,false);
00892   typename MeshType::template PerVertexAttributeHandle  <int> hv = tri::Allocator<MeshType>:: template GetPerVertexAttribute<int> (m);
00894   for(ei=Edges.begin(); ei!=Edges.end(); ++ei)
00895   {
00896     hv[ei->v[0]]++;
00897     hv[ei->v[1]]++;
00898   }
00900   for(VertexIterator vi=m.vert.begin();vi!=m.vert.end();++vi)
00901   {
00902     if(hv[vi]>2)
00903         ps.AddVert(*vi);
00904   }
00905 }
00908 static void FaceUniform(MeshType & m, VertexSampler &ps, int sampleNum)
00909 {
00910     if(sampleNum>=m.fn) {
00911       AllFace(m,ps);
00912         return;
00913     }
00915     std::vector<FacePointer> faceVec;
00916     FillAndShuffleFacePointerVector(m,faceVec);
00918     for(int i =0; i< sampleNum; ++i)
00919         ps.AddFace(*faceVec[i],Barycenter(*faceVec[i]));
00920 }
00922 static void AllFace(MeshType & m, VertexSampler &ps)
00923 {
00924     FaceIterator fi;
00925     for(fi=m.face.begin();fi!=m.face.end();++fi)
00926                 if(!(*fi).IsD())
00927                 {
00928                     ps.AddFace(*fi,Barycenter(*fi));
00929                 }
00930 }
00933 static void AllEdge(MeshType & m, VertexSampler &ps)
00934 {
00935   // Edge sampling.
00936   typedef typename UpdateTopology<MeshType>::PEdge SimpleEdge;
00937   std::vector< SimpleEdge > Edges;
00938   typename std::vector< SimpleEdge >::iterator ei;
00939   UpdateTopology<MeshType>::FillUniqueEdgeVector(m,Edges);
00941   for(ei=Edges.begin(); ei!=Edges.end(); ++ei)
00942     ps.AddFace(*(*ei).f,ei->EdgeBarycentricToFaceBarycentric(0.5));
00943 }
00945 // Regular Uniform Edge sampling
00946 // Each edge is subdivided in a number of pieces proprtional to its length
00947 // Sample are choosen without touching the vertices.
00949 static void EdgeUniform(MeshType & m, VertexSampler &ps,int sampleNum, bool sampleFauxEdge=true)
00950 {
00951   typedef typename UpdateTopology<MeshType>::PEdge SimpleEdge;
00953   std::vector< SimpleEdge > Edges;
00954   UpdateTopology<MeshType>::FillUniqueEdgeVector(m,Edges,sampleFauxEdge);
00955   // First loop compute total edge length;
00956   float edgeSum=0;
00957   typename std::vector< SimpleEdge >::iterator ei;
00958   for(ei=Edges.begin(); ei!=Edges.end(); ++ei)
00959     edgeSum+=Distance((*ei).v[0]->P(),(*ei).v[1]->P());
00961   float sampleLen = edgeSum/sampleNum;
00962   float rest=0;
00963   for(ei=Edges.begin(); ei!=Edges.end(); ++ei)
00964   {
00965     float len = Distance((*ei).v[0]->P(),(*ei).v[1]->P());
00966     float samplePerEdge = floor((len+rest)/sampleLen);
00967     rest = (len+rest) - samplePerEdge * sampleLen;
00968     float step = 1.0/(samplePerEdge+1);
00969     for(int i=0;i<samplePerEdge;++i)
00970     {
00971       CoordType interp(0,0,0);
00972       interp[ (*ei).z     ]=step*(i+1);
00973       interp[((*ei).z+1)%3]=1.0-step*(i+1);
00974       ps.AddFace(*(*ei).f,interp);
00975     }
00976   }
00977 }
00979 // Generate the barycentric coords of a random point over a single face,
00980 // with a uniform distribution over the triangle.
00981 // It uses the parallelogram folding trick.
00982 static CoordType RandomBarycentric()
00983 {
00984   return math::GenerateBarycentricUniform<ScalarType>(SamplingRandomGenerator());
00985 }
00987 // Given a triangle return a random point over it
00988 static CoordType RandomPointInTriangle(const FaceType &f)
00989 {
00990     CoordType u = RandomBarycentric();
00991     return f.cP(0)*u[0] + f.cP(1)*u[1] + f.cP(2)*u[2];
00992 }
00994 static void StratifiedMontecarlo(MeshType & m, VertexSampler &ps,int sampleNum)
00995 {
00996     ScalarType area = Stat<MeshType>::ComputeMeshArea(m);
00997     ScalarType samplePerAreaUnit = sampleNum/area;
00998     // Montecarlo sampling.
00999     double  floatSampleNum = 0.0;
01001     FaceIterator fi;
01002     for(fi=m.face.begin(); fi != m.face.end(); fi++)
01003         if(!(*fi).IsD())
01004         {
01005             // compute # samples in the current face (taking into account of the remainders)
01006             floatSampleNum += 0.5*DoubleArea(*fi) * samplePerAreaUnit;
01007             int faceSampleNum   = (int) floatSampleNum;
01009             // for every sample p_i in T...
01010             for(int i=0; i < faceSampleNum; i++)
01011                     ps.AddFace(*fi,RandomBarycentric());
01012             floatSampleNum -= (double) faceSampleNum;
01013         }
01014 }
01030 static void MontecarloPoisson(MeshType & m, VertexSampler &ps,int sampleNum)
01031 {
01032   ScalarType area = Stat<MeshType>::ComputeMeshArea(m);
01033   ScalarType samplePerAreaUnit = sampleNum/area;
01035   FaceIterator fi;
01036   for(fi=m.face.begin(); fi != m.face.end(); fi++)
01037     if(!(*fi).IsD())
01038     {
01039       float areaT=DoubleArea(*fi) * 0.5f;
01040       int faceSampleNum = Poisson(areaT*samplePerAreaUnit);
01042       // for every sample p_i in T...
01043       for(int i=0; i < faceSampleNum; i++)
01044           ps.AddFace(*fi,RandomBarycentric());
01045 //      SampleNum -= (double) faceSampleNum;
01046     }
01047 }
01056 static void EdgeMontecarlo(MeshType & m, VertexSampler &ps, int sampleNum, bool sampleAllEdges)
01057 {
01058   typedef typename UpdateTopology<MeshType>::PEdge SimpleEdge;
01059   std::vector< SimpleEdge > Edges;
01060   UpdateTopology<MeshType>::FillUniqueEdgeVector(m,Edges,sampleAllEdges);
01062   assert(!Edges.empty());
01064   typedef  std::pair<ScalarType, SimpleEdge*> IntervalType;
01065   std::vector< IntervalType > intervals (Edges.size()+1);
01066   int i=0;
01067   intervals[i]=std::make_pair(0,(SimpleEdge*)(0));
01068   // First loop: build a sequence of consecutive segments proportional to the edge lenghts.
01069   typename std::vector< SimpleEdge >::iterator ei;
01070   for(ei=Edges.begin(); ei != Edges.end(); ei++)
01071   {
01072     intervals[i+1]=std::make_pair(intervals[i].first+Distance((*ei).v[0]->P(),(*ei).v[1]->P()), &*ei);
01073     ++i;
01074   }
01076   // Second Loop get a point on the line 0...Sum(edgeLen) to pick a point;
01077   ScalarType edgeSum = intervals.back().first;
01078   for(i=0;i<sampleNum;++i)
01079   {
01080     ScalarType val = edgeSum * RandomDouble01();
01081     // lower_bound returns the furthermost iterator i in [first, last) such that, for every iterator j in [first, i), *j < value.
01082     // E.g. An iterator pointing to the first element "not less than" val, or end() if every element is less than val.
01083     typename std::vector<IntervalType>::iterator it = lower_bound(intervals.begin(),intervals.end(),std::make_pair(val,(SimpleEdge*)(0)) );
01084     assert(it != intervals.end() && it != intervals.begin());
01085     assert( ( (*(it-1)).first < val ) && ((*(it)).first >= val) );
01086     SimpleEdge * ep=(*it).second;
01087     ps.AddFace( *(ep->f), ep->EdgeBarycentricToFaceBarycentric(RandomDouble01()) );
01088   }
01089 }
01097 static void Montecarlo(MeshType & m, VertexSampler &ps,int sampleNum)
01098 {
01099     typedef  std::pair<ScalarType, FacePointer> IntervalType;
01100     std::vector< IntervalType > intervals (m.fn+1);
01101     FaceIterator fi;
01102     int i=0;
01103     intervals[i]=std::make_pair(0,FacePointer(0));
01104     // First loop: build a sequence of consecutive segments proportional to the triangle areas.
01105     for(fi=m.face.begin(); fi != m.face.end(); fi++)
01106         if(!(*fi).IsD())
01107         {
01108             intervals[i+1]=std::make_pair(intervals[i].first+0.5*DoubleArea(*fi), &*fi);
01109             ++i;
01110         }
01111     ScalarType meshArea = intervals.back().first;
01112     for(i=0;i<sampleNum;++i)
01113         {
01114             ScalarType val = meshArea * RandomDouble01();
01115             // lower_bound returns the furthermost iterator i in [first, last) such that, for every iterator j in [first, i), *j < value.
01116             // E.g. An iterator pointing to the first element "not less than" val, or end() if every element is less than val.
01117             typename std::vector<IntervalType>::iterator it = lower_bound(intervals.begin(),intervals.end(),std::make_pair(val,FacePointer(0)) );
01118             assert(it != intervals.end());
01119             assert(it != intervals.begin());
01120             assert( (*(it-1)).first <val );
01121             assert( (*(it)).first >= val);
01122             ps.AddFace( *(*it).second, RandomBarycentric() );
01123         }
01124 }
01126 static ScalarType WeightedArea(FaceType &f, PerVertexFloatAttribute &wH)
01127 {
01128     ScalarType averageQ = ( wH[f.V(0)] + wH[f.V(1)] + wH[f.V(2)] )/3.0;
01129     return averageQ*averageQ*DoubleArea(f)/2.0;
01130 }
01140 static void WeightedMontecarlo(MeshType & m, VertexSampler &ps,int sampleNum, float variance)
01141 {
01142   tri::RequirePerVertexQuality(m);
01143   tri::RequireCompactness(m);
01144   PerVertexFloatAttribute rH = tri::Allocator<MeshType>:: template GetPerVertexAttribute<float> (m,"radius");
01145   InitRadiusHandleFromQuality(m, rH, 1.0, variance, true);
01147   ScalarType weightedArea = 0;
01148   for(FaceIterator fi = m.face.begin(); fi != m.face.end(); ++fi)
01149       weightedArea += WeightedArea(*fi,rH);
01151   ScalarType samplePerAreaUnit = sampleNum/weightedArea;
01152   // Montecarlo sampling.
01153   double  floatSampleNum = 0.0;
01154   for(FaceIterator fi=m.face.begin(); fi != m.face.end(); fi++)
01155     {
01156       // compute # samples in the current face (taking into account of the remainders)
01157       floatSampleNum += WeightedArea(*fi,rH) * samplePerAreaUnit;
01158       int faceSampleNum   = (int) floatSampleNum;
01160       // for every sample p_i in T...
01161       for(int i=0; i < faceSampleNum; i++)
01162         ps.AddFace(*fi,RandomBarycentric());
01164       floatSampleNum -= (double) faceSampleNum;
01165     }
01166 }
01169 // Subdivision sampling of a single face.
01170 // return number of added samples
01172 static int SingleFaceSubdivision(int sampleNum, const CoordType & v0, const CoordType & v1, const CoordType & v2, VertexSampler &ps, FacePointer fp, bool randSample)
01173 {
01174     // recursive face subdivision.
01175     if(sampleNum == 1)
01176     {
01177         // ground case.
01178         CoordType SamplePoint;
01179         if(randSample)
01180         {
01181             CoordType rb=RandomBarycentric();
01182             SamplePoint=v0*rb[0]+v1*rb[1]+v2*rb[2];
01183         }
01184         else SamplePoint=((v0+v1+v2)*(1.0f/3.0f));
01186         ps.AddFace(*fp,SamplePoint);
01187         return 1;
01188     }
01190     int s0 = sampleNum /2;
01191     int s1 = sampleNum-s0;
01192     assert(s0>0);
01193     assert(s1>0);
01195     ScalarType w0 = ScalarType(s1)/ScalarType(sampleNum);
01196     ScalarType w1 = 1.0-w0;
01197     // compute the longest edge.
01198     ScalarType  maxd01 = SquaredDistance(v0,v1);
01199     ScalarType  maxd12 = SquaredDistance(v1,v2);
01200     ScalarType  maxd20 = SquaredDistance(v2,v0);
01201     int     res;
01202     if(maxd01 > maxd12)
01203         if(maxd01 > maxd20)     res = 0;
01204     else                    res = 2;
01205     else
01206         if(maxd12 > maxd20)     res = 1;
01207     else                    res = 2;
01209     int faceSampleNum=0;
01210     // break the input triangle along the midpoint of the longest edge.
01211     CoordType  pp;
01212     switch(res)
01213     {
01214     case 0 :    pp = v0*w0 + v1*w1;
01215         faceSampleNum+=SingleFaceSubdivision(s0,v0,pp,v2,ps,fp,randSample);
01216         faceSampleNum+=SingleFaceSubdivision(s1,pp,v1,v2,ps,fp,randSample);
01217         break;
01218     case 1 :    pp =  v1*w0 + v2*w1;
01219         faceSampleNum+=SingleFaceSubdivision(s0,v0,v1,pp,ps,fp,randSample);
01220         faceSampleNum+=SingleFaceSubdivision(s1,v0,pp,v2,ps,fp,randSample);
01221         break;
01222     case 2 :    pp = v0*w0 + v2*w1;
01223         faceSampleNum+=SingleFaceSubdivision(s0,v0,v1,pp,ps,fp,randSample);
01224         faceSampleNum+=SingleFaceSubdivision(s1,pp,v1,v2,ps,fp,randSample);
01225         break;
01226     }
01227     return faceSampleNum;
01228 }
01232 static void FaceSubdivision(MeshType & m, VertexSampler &ps,int sampleNum, bool randSample)
01233 {
01235     ScalarType area = Stat<MeshType>::ComputeMeshArea(m);
01236     ScalarType samplePerAreaUnit = sampleNum/area;
01237     std::vector<FacePointer> faceVec;
01238     FillAndShuffleFacePointerVector(m,faceVec);
01239     vcg::tri::UpdateNormal<MeshType>::PerFaceNormalized(m);
01240     double  floatSampleNum = 0.0;
01241     int faceSampleNum;
01242     // Subdivision sampling.
01243     typename std::vector<FacePointer>::iterator fi;
01244     for(fi=faceVec.begin(); fi!=faceVec.end(); fi++)
01245     {
01246         const CoordType b0(1.0, 0.0, 0.0);
01247         const CoordType b1(0.0, 1.0, 0.0);
01248         const CoordType b2(0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
01249         // compute # samples in the current face.
01250         floatSampleNum += 0.5*DoubleArea(**fi) * samplePerAreaUnit;
01251         faceSampleNum          = (int) floatSampleNum;
01252         if(faceSampleNum>0)
01253             faceSampleNum = SingleFaceSubdivision(faceSampleNum,b0,b1,b2,ps,*fi,randSample);
01254         floatSampleNum -= (double) faceSampleNum;
01255     }
01256 }
01257 //---------
01258 // Subdivision sampling of a single face.
01259 // return number of added samples
01261 static int SingleFaceSubdivisionOld(int sampleNum, const CoordType & v0, const CoordType & v1, const CoordType & v2, VertexSampler &ps, FacePointer fp, bool randSample)
01262 {
01263     // recursive face subdivision.
01264     if(sampleNum == 1)
01265     {
01266         // ground case.
01267         CoordType SamplePoint;
01268         if(randSample)
01269         {
01270             CoordType rb=RandomBarycentric();
01271             SamplePoint=v0*rb[0]+v1*rb[1]+v2*rb[2];
01272         }
01273         else SamplePoint=((v0+v1+v2)*(1.0f/3.0f));
01275         CoordType SampleBary;
01276         InterpolationParameters(*fp,SamplePoint,SampleBary);
01277         ps.AddFace(*fp,SampleBary);
01278         return 1;
01279     }
01281     int s0 = sampleNum /2;
01282     int s1 = sampleNum-s0;
01283     assert(s0>0);
01284     assert(s1>0);
01286     ScalarType w0 = ScalarType(s1)/ScalarType(sampleNum);
01287     ScalarType w1 = 1.0-w0;
01288     // compute the longest edge.
01289     ScalarType  maxd01 = SquaredDistance(v0,v1);
01290     ScalarType  maxd12 = SquaredDistance(v1,v2);
01291     ScalarType  maxd20 = SquaredDistance(v2,v0);
01292     int     res;
01293     if(maxd01 > maxd12)
01294         if(maxd01 > maxd20)     res = 0;
01295     else                    res = 2;
01296     else
01297         if(maxd12 > maxd20)     res = 1;
01298     else                    res = 2;
01300     int faceSampleNum=0;
01301     // break the input triangle along the midpoint of the longest edge.
01302     CoordType  pp;
01303     switch(res)
01304     {
01305     case 0 :    pp = v0*w0 + v1*w1;
01306         faceSampleNum+=SingleFaceSubdivision(s0,v0,pp,v2,ps,fp,randSample);
01307         faceSampleNum+=SingleFaceSubdivision(s1,pp,v1,v2,ps,fp,randSample);
01308         break;
01309     case 1 :    pp =  v1*w0 + v2*w1;
01310         faceSampleNum+=SingleFaceSubdivision(s0,v0,v1,pp,ps,fp,randSample);
01311         faceSampleNum+=SingleFaceSubdivision(s1,v0,pp,v2,ps,fp,randSample);
01312         break;
01313     case 2 :    pp = v0*w0 + v2*w1;
01314         faceSampleNum+=SingleFaceSubdivision(s0,v0,v1,pp,ps,fp,randSample);
01315         faceSampleNum+=SingleFaceSubdivision(s1,pp,v1,v2,ps,fp,randSample);
01316         break;
01317     }
01318     return faceSampleNum;
01319 }
01323 static void FaceSubdivisionOld(MeshType & m, VertexSampler &ps,int sampleNum, bool randSample)
01324 {
01326     ScalarType area = Stat<MeshType>::ComputeMeshArea(m);
01327     ScalarType samplePerAreaUnit = sampleNum/area;
01328     std::vector<FacePointer> faceVec;
01329     FillAndShuffleFacePointerVector(m,faceVec);
01330     tri::UpdateNormal<MeshType>::PerFaceNormalized(m);
01331     double  floatSampleNum = 0.0;
01332     int faceSampleNum;
01333     // Subdivision sampling.
01334     typename std::vector<FacePointer>::iterator fi;
01335     for(fi=faceVec.begin(); fi!=faceVec.end(); fi++)
01336     {
01337         // compute # samples in the current face.
01338         floatSampleNum += 0.5*DoubleArea(**fi) * samplePerAreaUnit;
01339         faceSampleNum          = (int) floatSampleNum;
01340         if(faceSampleNum>0)
01341             faceSampleNum = SingleFaceSubdivision(faceSampleNum,(**fi).V(0)->cP(), (**fi).V(1)->cP(), (**fi).V(2)->cP(),ps,*fi,randSample);
01342         floatSampleNum -= (double) faceSampleNum;
01343     }
01344 }
01347 //---------
01349 // Similar Triangles sampling.
01350 // Skip vertex and edges
01351 // Sample per edges includes vertexes, so here we should expect  n_samples_per_edge >=4
01353 static int SingleFaceSimilar(FacePointer fp, VertexSampler &ps, int n_samples_per_edge)
01354 {
01355         int n_samples=0;
01356     int         i, j;
01357     float segmentNum=n_samples_per_edge -1 ;
01358         float segmentLen = 1.0/segmentNum;
01359         // face sampling.
01360     for(i=1; i < n_samples_per_edge-1; i++)
01361         for(j=1; j < n_samples_per_edge-1-i; j++)
01362         {
01363             //AddSample( v0 + (V1*(double)i + V2*(double)j) );
01364                         CoordType sampleBary(i*segmentLen,j*segmentLen, 1.0 - (i*segmentLen+j*segmentLen) ) ;
01365             n_samples++;
01366                         ps.AddFace(*fp,sampleBary);
01367         }
01368     return n_samples;
01369 }
01370 static int SingleFaceSimilarDual(FacePointer fp, VertexSampler &ps, int n_samples_per_edge, bool randomFlag)
01371 {
01372         int n_samples=0;
01373     float         i, j;
01374     float segmentNum=n_samples_per_edge -1 ;
01375         float segmentLen = 1.0/segmentNum;
01376         // face sampling.
01377     for(i=0; i < n_samples_per_edge-1; i++)
01378         for(j=0; j < n_samples_per_edge-1-i; j++)
01379         {
01380             //AddSample( v0 + (V1*(double)i + V2*(double)j) );
01381                         CoordType V0((i+0)*segmentLen,(j+0)*segmentLen, 1.0 - ((i+0)*segmentLen+(j+0)*segmentLen) ) ;
01382                         CoordType V1((i+1)*segmentLen,(j+0)*segmentLen, 1.0 - ((i+1)*segmentLen+(j+0)*segmentLen) ) ;
01383                         CoordType V2((i+0)*segmentLen,(j+1)*segmentLen, 1.0 - ((i+0)*segmentLen+(j+1)*segmentLen) ) ;
01384                         n_samples++;
01385                         if(randomFlag)  {
01386                                             CoordType rb=RandomBarycentric();
01387                                             ps.AddFace(*fp, V0*rb[0]+V1*rb[1]+V2*rb[2]);
01388                             } else  ps.AddFace(*fp,(V0+V1+V2)/3.0);
01390                 if( j < n_samples_per_edge-i-2 )
01391                             {
01392                                     CoordType V3((i+1)*segmentLen,(j+1)*segmentLen, 1.0 - ((i+1)*segmentLen+(j+1)*segmentLen) ) ;
01393                                     n_samples++;
01394                                     if(randomFlag)      {
01395                                                         CoordType rb=RandomBarycentric();
01396                                                         ps.AddFace(*fp, V3*rb[0]+V1*rb[1]+V2*rb[2]);
01397                                         } else  ps.AddFace(*fp,(V3+V1+V2)/3.0);
01398                             }
01399         }
01400     return n_samples;
01401 }
01403 // Similar sampling
01404 // Each triangle is subdivided into similar triangles following a generalization of the classical 1-to-4 splitting rule of triangles.
01405 // According to the level of subdivision <k> you get 1, 4 , 9, 16 , <k^2> triangles.
01406 // Depending on the kind of the sampling strategies we can have two different approach to choosing the sample points.
01407 // 1) you have already sampled both edges and vertices
01408 // 2) you are not going to take samples on edges and vertices.
01409 //
01410 // In the first case you have to consider only internal vertices of the subdivided triangles (to avoid multiple sampling of edges and vertices).
01411 // Therefore the number of internal points is ((k-3)*(k-2))/2. where k is the number of points on an edge (vertex included)
01412 // E.g. for k=4 you get 3 segments on each edges and the original triangle is subdivided
01413 // into 9 smaller triangles and you get (1*2)/2 == 1 only a single internal point.
01414 // So if you want N samples in a triangle you have to solve  k^2 -5k +6 - 2N = 0
01415 // from which you get:
01416 //
01417 //      5 + sqrt( 1 + 8N )
01418 // k = -------------------
01419 //             2
01420 //
01421 // In the second case if you are not interested to skip the sampling on edges and vertices you have to consider as sample number the number of triangles.
01422 // So if you want N samples in a triangle, the number <k> of points on  an edge (vertex included) should be simply:
01423 //      k = 1 + sqrt(N)
01424 // examples:
01425 // N = 4 -> k = 3
01426 // N = 9 -> k = 4
01430 //template <class MeshType>
01431 //void Sampling<MeshType>::SimilarFaceSampling()
01432 static void FaceSimilar(MeshType & m, VertexSampler &ps,int sampleNum, bool dualFlag, bool randomFlag)
01433 {
01434         ScalarType area = Stat<MeshType>::ComputeMeshArea(m);
01435         ScalarType samplePerAreaUnit = sampleNum/area;
01437         // Similar Triangles sampling.
01438     int n_samples_per_edge;
01439     double  n_samples_decimal = 0.0;
01440     FaceIterator fi;
01442     for(fi=m.face.begin(); fi != m.face.end(); fi++)
01443     {
01444         // compute # samples in the current face.
01445         n_samples_decimal += 0.5*DoubleArea(*fi) * samplePerAreaUnit;
01446         int n_samples          = (int) n_samples_decimal;
01447         if(n_samples>0)
01448         {
01449             // face sampling.
01450             if(dualFlag)
01451                             {
01452                                     n_samples_per_edge = (int)((sqrt(1.0+8.0*(double)n_samples) +5.0)/2.0); // original for non dual case
01453                                     n_samples = SingleFaceSimilar(&*fi,ps, n_samples_per_edge);
01454                             } else {
01455                                     n_samples_per_edge = (int)(sqrt((double)n_samples) +1.0);
01456                                     n_samples = SingleFaceSimilarDual(&*fi,ps, n_samples_per_edge,randomFlag);
01457                         }
01458         }
01459         n_samples_decimal -= (double) n_samples;
01460     }
01461 }
01464     // Rasterization fuction
01465     // Take a triangle
01466     // T deve essere una classe funzionale che ha l'operatore ()
01467     // con due parametri x,y di tipo S esempio:
01468     // class Foo { public void operator()(int x, int y ) { ??? } };
01470 // This function does rasterization with a safety buffer area, thus accounting some points actually outside triangle area
01471 // The safety area samples are generated according to face flag BORDER which should be true for texture space border edges
01472 // Use correctSafePointsBaryCoords = true to map safety texels to closest point barycentric coords (on edge).
01473     static void SingleFaceRaster(typename MeshType::FaceType &f,  VertexSampler &ps,
01474                             const Point2<typename MeshType::ScalarType> & v0,
01475                             const Point2<typename MeshType::ScalarType> & v1,
01476                             const Point2<typename MeshType::ScalarType> & v2,
01477                             bool correctSafePointsBaryCoords=true)
01478     {
01479     typedef typename MeshType::ScalarType S;
01480     // Calcolo bounding box
01481     Box2i bbox;
01482     Box2<S> bboxf;
01483     bboxf.Add(v0);
01484     bboxf.Add(v1);
01485     bboxf.Add(v2);
01487     bbox.min[0] = floor(bboxf.min[0]);
01488     bbox.min[1] = floor(bboxf.min[1]);
01489     bbox.max[0] = ceil(bboxf.max[0]);
01490     bbox.max[1] = ceil(bboxf.max[1]);
01492     // Calcolo versori degli spigoli
01493     Point2<S> d10 = v1 - v0;
01494     Point2<S> d21 = v2 - v1;
01495     Point2<S> d02 = v0 - v2;
01497     // Preparazione prodotti scalari
01498     S b0  = (bbox.min[0]-v0[0])*d10[1] - (bbox.min[1]-v0[1])*d10[0];
01499     S b1  = (bbox.min[0]-v1[0])*d21[1] - (bbox.min[1]-v1[1])*d21[0];
01500     S b2  = (bbox.min[0]-v2[0])*d02[1] - (bbox.min[1]-v2[1])*d02[0];
01501     // Preparazione degli steps
01502     S db0 = d10[1];
01503     S db1 = d21[1];
01504     S db2 = d02[1];
01505     // Preparazione segni
01506     S dn0 = -d10[0];
01507     S dn1 = -d21[0];
01508     S dn2 = -d02[0];
01510     //Calculating orientation
01511     bool flipped = !(d02 * vcg::Point2<S>(-d10[1], d10[0]) >= 0);
01513     // Calculating border edges
01514     Segment2<S> borderEdges[3];
01515     S edgeLength[3];
01516     unsigned char edgeMask = 0;
01518     if (f.IsB(0)) {
01519         borderEdges[0] = Segment2<S>(v0, v1);
01520         edgeLength[0] = borderEdges[0].Length();
01521         edgeMask |= 1;
01522     }
01523     if (f.IsB(1)) {
01524         borderEdges[1] = Segment2<S>(v1, v2);
01525         edgeLength[1] = borderEdges[1].Length();
01526         edgeMask |= 2;
01527     }
01528     if (f.IsB(2)) {
01529         borderEdges[2] = Segment2<S>(v2, v0);
01530         edgeLength[2] = borderEdges[2].Length();
01531         edgeMask |= 4;
01532     }
01534     // Rasterizzazione
01535     double de = v0[0]*v1[1]-v0[0]*v2[1]-v1[0]*v0[1]+v1[0]*v2[1]-v2[0]*v1[1]+v2[0]*v0[1];
01537     for(int x=bbox.min[0]-1;x<=bbox.max[0]+1;++x)
01538     {
01539         bool in = false;
01540         S n[3]  = { b0-db0-dn0, b1-db1-dn1, b2-db2-dn2};
01541         for(int y=bbox.min[1]-1;y<=bbox.max[1]+1;++y)
01542         {
01543             if( ((n[0]>=0 && n[1]>=0 && n[2]>=0) || (n[0]<=0 && n[1]<=0 && n[2]<=0))  && (de != 0))
01544             {
01545                 typename MeshType::CoordType baryCoord;
01546                 baryCoord[0] =  double(-y*v1[0]+v2[0]*y+v1[1]*x-v2[0]*v1[1]+v1[0]*v2[1]-x*v2[1])/de;
01547                 baryCoord[1] = -double( x*v0[1]-x*v2[1]-v0[0]*y+v0[0]*v2[1]-v2[0]*v0[1]+v2[0]*y)/de;
01548                 baryCoord[2] = 1-baryCoord[0]-baryCoord[1];
01550                 ps.AddTextureSample(f, baryCoord, Point2i(x,y), 0);
01551                 in = true;
01552             } else {
01553                 // Check whether a pixel outside (on a border edge side) triangle affects color inside it
01554                 Point2<S> px(x, y);
01555                 Point2<S> closePoint;
01556                 int closeEdge = -1;
01557                 S minDst = FLT_MAX;
01559                 // find the closest point (on some edge) that lies on the 2x2 squared neighborhood of the considered point
01560                 for (int i=0; i<3; ++i)
01561                 {
01562                     if (edgeMask & (1 << i))
01563                     {
01564                         Point2<S> close;
01565                         S dst;
01566                         if ( ((!flipped) && (n[i]<0)) ||
01567                              (  flipped  && (n[i]>0))   )
01568                         {
01569                             dst = ((close = ClosestPoint(borderEdges[i], px)) - px).Norm();
01570                             if(dst < minDst &&
01571                                close.X() > px.X()-1 && close.X() < px.X()+1 &&
01572                                close.Y() > px.Y()-1 && close.Y() < px.Y()+1)
01573                             {
01574                                 minDst = dst;
01575                                 closePoint = close;
01576                                 closeEdge = i;
01577                             }
01578                         }
01579                     }
01580                 }
01582                 if (closeEdge >= 0)
01583                 {
01584                     typename MeshType::CoordType baryCoord;
01585                     if (correctSafePointsBaryCoords)
01586                     {
01587                         // Add x,y sample with closePoint barycentric coords (on edge)
01588                         baryCoord[closeEdge] = (closePoint - borderEdges[closeEdge].P1()).Norm()/edgeLength[closeEdge];
01589                         baryCoord[(closeEdge+1)%3] = 1 - baryCoord[closeEdge];
01590                         baryCoord[(closeEdge+2)%3] = 0;
01591                     } else {
01592                         // Add x,y sample with his own barycentric coords (off edge)
01593                         baryCoord[0] =  double(-y*v1[0]+v2[0]*y+v1[1]*x-v2[0]*v1[1]+v1[0]*v2[1]-x*v2[1])/de;
01594                         baryCoord[1] = -double( x*v0[1]-x*v2[1]-v0[0]*y+v0[0]*v2[1]-v2[0]*v0[1]+v2[0]*y)/de;
01595                         baryCoord[2] = 1-baryCoord[0]-baryCoord[1];
01596                     }
01597                     ps.AddTextureSample(f, baryCoord, Point2i(x,y), minDst);
01598                     in = true;
01599                 }
01600             }
01601             n[0] += dn0;
01602             n[1] += dn1;
01603             n[2] += dn2;
01604         }
01605         b0 += db0;
01606         b1 += db1;
01607         b2 += db2;
01608     }
01609 }
01611 // check the radius constrain
01612 static bool checkPoissonDisk(SampleSHT & sht, const Point3<ScalarType> & p, ScalarType radius)
01613 {
01614     // get the samples closest to the given one
01615     std::vector<VertexType*> closests;
01616   typedef EmptyTMark<MeshType> MarkerVert;
01617   static MarkerVert mv;
01619     Box3f bb(p-Point3f(radius,radius,radius),p+Point3f(radius,radius,radius));
01620     GridGetInBox(sht, mv, bb, closests);
01622   ScalarType r2 = radius*radius;
01623     for(int i=0; i<closests.size(); ++i)
01624         if(SquaredDistance(p,closests[i]->cP()) < r2)
01625             return false;
01627     return true;
01628 }
01630 struct PoissonDiskParam
01631 {
01632   PoissonDiskParam()
01633   {
01634     adaptiveRadiusFlag = false;
01635     bestSampleChoiceFlag = true;
01636     bestSamplePoolSize = 10;
01637     radiusVariance =1;
01638     MAXLEVELS = 5;
01639     invertQuality = false;
01640     preGenFlag = false;
01641     preGenMesh = NULL;
01642     geodesicDistanceFlag = false;
01643     randomSeed = 0;
01644   }
01646   struct Stat
01647   {
01648     int montecarloTime;
01649     int gridTime;
01650     int pruneTime;
01651     int totalTime;
01652     Point3i gridSize;
01653     int gridCellNum;
01654     size_t sampleNum;
01655     int montecarloSampleNum;
01656   };
01658   bool geodesicDistanceFlag;
01659   bool bestSampleChoiceFlag; // In poisson disk pruning when we choose a sample in a cell, we choose the sample that remove the minimal number of other samples. This previlege the "on boundary" samples.
01660   int bestSamplePoolSize;
01661   bool adaptiveRadiusFlag;
01662   float radiusVariance;
01663   bool invertQuality;
01664   bool preGenFlag;            // when generating a poisson distribution, you can initialize the set of computed points with
01665                               // ALL the vertices of another mesh. Useful for building progressive//prioritize refinements.
01666   MeshType *preGenMesh;      // There are two ways of passing the pregen vertexes to the pruning, 1) is with a mesh pointer
01667                               // 2) with a per vertex attribute.
01668   int MAXLEVELS;
01669   int randomSeed;
01671   Stat pds;
01672 };
01675 // generate Poisson-disk sample using a set of pre-generated samples (with the Montecarlo algorithm)
01676 // It always return a point.
01677 static VertexPointer getSampleFromCell(Point3i &cell, MontecarloSHT & samplepool)
01678 {
01679     MontecarloSHTIterator cellBegin, cellEnd;
01680     samplepool.Grid(cell, cellBegin, cellEnd);
01681     return *cellBegin;
01682 }
01684 // Given a cell of the grid it search the point that remove the minimum number of other samples
01685 // it linearly scan all the points of a cell.
01687 static VertexPointer getBestPrecomputedMontecarloSample(Point3i &cell, MontecarloSHT & samplepool, ScalarType diskRadius, const PoissonDiskParam &pp)
01688 {
01689   MontecarloSHTIterator cellBegin,cellEnd;
01690   samplepool.Grid(cell, cellBegin, cellEnd);
01691   VertexPointer bestSample=0;
01692   int minRemoveCnt = std::numeric_limits<int>::max();
01693   std::vector<typename MontecarloSHT::HashIterator> inSphVec;
01694   int i=0;
01695   for(MontecarloSHTIterator ci=cellBegin; ci!=cellEnd && i<pp.bestSamplePoolSize; ++ci,i++)
01696   {
01697     VertexPointer sp = *ci;
01698     if(pp.adaptiveRadiusFlag)  diskRadius = sp->Q();
01699     int curRemoveCnt = samplepool.CountInSphere(sp->cP(),diskRadius,inSphVec);
01700     if(curRemoveCnt < minRemoveCnt)
01701     {
01702       bestSample = sp;
01703       minRemoveCnt = curRemoveCnt;
01704     }
01705   }
01706   return bestSample;
01707 }
01711 static ScalarType ComputePoissonDiskRadius(MeshType &origMesh, int sampleNum)
01712 {
01713     ScalarType meshArea = Stat<MeshType>::ComputeMeshArea(origMesh);
01714     // Manage approximately the PointCloud Case, use the half a area of the bbox.
01715     // TODO: If you had the radius a much better approximation could be done.
01716     if(meshArea ==0)
01717         {
01718                     meshArea = (origMesh.bbox.DimX()*origMesh.bbox.DimY() +
01719                                             origMesh.bbox.DimX()*origMesh.bbox.DimZ() +
01720                                             origMesh.bbox.DimY()*origMesh.bbox.DimZ());
01721         }
01722     ScalarType diskRadius = sqrt(meshArea / (0.7 * M_PI * sampleNum)); // 0.7 is a density factor
01723     return diskRadius;
01724 }
01726 static int ComputePoissonSampleNum(MeshType &origMesh, ScalarType diskRadius)
01727 {
01728     ScalarType meshArea = Stat<MeshType>::ComputeMeshArea(origMesh);
01729     int sampleNum = meshArea /  (diskRadius*diskRadius *M_PI *0.7)  ; // 0.7 is a density factor
01730     return sampleNum;
01731 }
01740 static void InitRadiusHandleFromQuality(MeshType &sampleMesh, PerVertexFloatAttribute &rH, ScalarType diskRadius, ScalarType radiusVariance, bool invert)
01741 {
01742   std::pair<float,float> minmax = tri::Stat<MeshType>::ComputePerVertexQualityMinMax( sampleMesh);
01743   float minRad = diskRadius ;
01744   float maxRad = diskRadius * radiusVariance;
01745   float deltaQ = minmax.second-minmax.first;
01746   float deltaRad = maxRad-minRad;
01747   for (VertexIterator vi = sampleMesh.vert.begin(); vi != sampleMesh.vert.end(); vi++)
01748     {
01749       rH[*vi] = minRad + deltaRad*((invert ? minmax.second - (*vi).Q() : (*vi).Q() - minmax.first )/deltaQ);
01750     }
01751 }
01753 // initialize spatial hash table for searching
01754 // radius is the radius of empty disk centered over the samples (e.g. twice of the empty space disk)
01755 // This radius implies that when we pick a sample in a cell all that cell probably will not be touched again.
01756 // Howvever we must ensure that we do not put too many vertices inside each hash cell
01758 static void InitSpatialHashTable(MeshType &montecarloMesh, MontecarloSHT &montecarloSHT, ScalarType diskRadius,
01759                                  struct PoissonDiskParam pp=PoissonDiskParam())
01760 {
01761   ScalarType cellsize = 2.0f* diskRadius / sqrt(3.0);
01762   float occupancyRatio=0;
01763   do
01764   {
01765     // inflating
01766     BoxType bb=montecarloMesh.bbox;
01767     assert(!bb.IsNull());
01768     bb.Offset(cellsize);
01770     int sizeX = std::max(1,int(bb.DimX() / cellsize));
01771     int sizeY = std::max(1,int(bb.DimY() / cellsize));
01772     int sizeZ = std::max(1,int(bb.DimZ() / cellsize));
01773     Point3i gridsize(sizeX, sizeY, sizeZ);
01775     montecarloSHT.InitEmpty(bb, gridsize);
01777     for (VertexIterator vi = montecarloMesh.vert.begin(); vi != montecarloMesh.vert.end(); vi++)
01778       if(!(*vi).IsD())
01779       {
01780         montecarloSHT.Add(&(*vi));
01781       }
01783     montecarloSHT.UpdateAllocatedCells();
01784     pp.pds.gridSize = gridsize;
01785     pp.pds.gridCellNum = (int)montecarloSHT.AllocatedCells.size();
01786     cellsize/=2.0f;
01787     occupancyRatio = float(montecarloMesh.vn) / float(montecarloSHT.AllocatedCells.size());
01788     //    qDebug(" %i / %i = %6.3f", montecarloMesh.vn , montecarloSHT.AllocatedCells.size(),occupancyRatio);
01789   }
01790   while( occupancyRatio> 100);
01791 }
01793 static void PoissonDiskPruningByNumber(VertexSampler &ps, MeshType &m,
01794                                        size_t sampleNum, ScalarType &diskRadius,
01795                                        PoissonDiskParam &pp,
01796                                        float tolerance=0.04,
01797                                        int maxIter=20)
01799 {
01800   size_t sampleNumMin = int(float(sampleNum)*(1.0f-tolerance));
01801   size_t sampleNumMax = int(float(sampleNum)*(1.0f+tolerance));
01802   float RangeMinRad = m.bbox.Diag()/50.0;
01803   float RangeMaxRad = m.bbox.Diag()/50.0;
01804   size_t RangeMinRadNum;
01805   size_t RangeMaxRadNum;
01806    // Note     RangeMinRad          <       RangeMaxRad
01807   //  but      RangeMinRadNum > sampleNum > RangeMaxRadNum
01808   do {
01809     ps.reset();
01810     RangeMinRad/=2.0f;
01811     PoissonDiskPruning(ps, m ,RangeMinRad,pp);
01812     RangeMinRadNum = pp.pds.sampleNum;
01813 //    qDebug("PoissonDiskPruning Iteratin Min (%6.3f:%5i) instead of %i",RangeMinRad,RangeMinRadNum,sampleNum);
01814   } while(RangeMinRadNum < sampleNum); // if the number of sample is still smaller you have to make radius larger.
01816   do {
01817     ps.reset();
01818     RangeMaxRad*=2.0f;
01819     PoissonDiskPruning(ps, m ,RangeMaxRad,pp);
01820     RangeMaxRadNum =  pp.pds.sampleNum;
01821 //    qDebug("PoissonDiskPruning Iteratin Max (%6.3f:%5i) instead of %i",RangeMaxRad,RangeMaxRadNum,sampleNum);
01822   } while(RangeMaxRadNum > sampleNum);
01825   float curRadius=RangeMaxRad;
01826   int iterCnt=0;
01827   while(iterCnt<maxIter &&
01828         (pp.pds.sampleNum < sampleNumMin || pp.pds.sampleNum  > sampleNumMax) )
01829   {
01830     iterCnt++;
01831     ps.reset();
01832     curRadius=(RangeMaxRad+RangeMinRad)/2.0f;
01833     PoissonDiskPruning(ps, m ,curRadius,pp);
01834 //    qDebug("PoissonDiskPruning Iteratin (%6.3f:%5lu %6.3f:%5lu) Cur Radius %f -> %lu sample instead of %lu",RangeMinRad,RangeMinRadNum,RangeMaxRad,RangeMaxRadNum,curRadius,pp.pds.sampleNum,sampleNum);
01835     if(pp.pds.sampleNum > sampleNum){
01836       RangeMinRad = curRadius;
01837       RangeMinRadNum = pp.pds.sampleNum;
01838     }
01839     if(pp.pds.sampleNum < sampleNum){
01840       RangeMaxRad = curRadius;
01841       RangeMaxRadNum =  pp.pds.sampleNum;
01842     }
01843   }
01844   diskRadius = curRadius;
01845 }
01852 static void PoissonDiskPruning(VertexSampler &ps, MeshType &montecarloMesh,
01853                                ScalarType diskRadius, PoissonDiskParam &pp)
01854 {
01855   tri::RequireCompactness(montecarloMesh);
01856   if(pp.randomSeed) SamplingRandomGenerator().initialize(pp.randomSeed);
01857   if(pp.adaptiveRadiusFlag)
01858     tri::RequirePerVertexQuality(montecarloMesh);
01859   int t0 = clock();
01860     // spatial index of montecarlo samples - used to choose a new sample to insert
01861     MontecarloSHT montecarloSHT;
01862     InitSpatialHashTable(montecarloMesh,montecarloSHT,diskRadius,pp);
01864     // if we are doing variable density sampling we have to prepare the handle that keeps the the random samples expected radii.
01865     // At this point we just assume that there is the quality values as sampled from the base mesh
01866     PerVertexFloatAttribute rH = tri::Allocator<MeshType>:: template GetPerVertexAttribute<float> (montecarloMesh,"radius");
01867     if(pp.adaptiveRadiusFlag)
01868         InitRadiusHandleFromQuality(montecarloMesh, rH, diskRadius, pp.radiusVariance, pp.invertQuality);
01870     unsigned int (*p_myrandom)(unsigned int) = RandomInt;
01871     std::random_shuffle(montecarloSHT.AllocatedCells.begin(),montecarloSHT.AllocatedCells.end(), p_myrandom);
01872     int t1 = clock();
01873     pp.pds.montecarloSampleNum = montecarloMesh.vn;
01874     pp.pds.sampleNum =0;
01875     int removedCnt=0;
01876     // Initial pass for pruning the Hashed grid with the an eventual pre initialized set of samples
01877     if(pp.preGenFlag)
01878     {
01879       if(pp.preGenMesh==0)
01880       {
01881         typename MeshType::template PerVertexAttributeHandle<bool> fixed;
01882         fixed = tri::Allocator<MeshType>:: template GetPerVertexAttribute<bool> (montecarloMesh,"fixed");
01883         for(VertexIterator vi=montecarloMesh.vert.begin();vi!=montecarloMesh.vert.end();++vi)
01884           if(fixed[*vi]) {
01885             pp.pds.sampleNum++;
01886             ps.AddVert(*vi);
01887             removedCnt += montecarloSHT.RemoveInSphere(vi->cP(),diskRadius);
01888           }
01889       }
01890       else
01891       {
01892         for(VertexIterator vi =pp.preGenMesh->vert.begin(); vi!=pp.preGenMesh->vert.end();++vi)
01893         {
01894           ps.AddVert(*vi);
01895           pp.pds.sampleNum++;
01896           removedCnt += montecarloSHT.RemoveInSphere(vi->cP(),diskRadius);
01897         }
01898       }
01899       montecarloSHT.UpdateAllocatedCells();
01900     }
01901     vertex::ApproximateGeodesicDistanceFunctor<VertexType> GDF;
01902     while(!montecarloSHT.AllocatedCells.empty())
01903     {
01904         removedCnt=0;
01905         for (size_t i = 0; i < montecarloSHT.AllocatedCells.size(); i++)
01906         {
01907             if( montecarloSHT.EmptyCell(montecarloSHT.AllocatedCells[i])  ) continue;
01908             ScalarType currentRadius =diskRadius;
01909             VertexPointer sp;
01910             if(pp.bestSampleChoiceFlag)
01911               sp = getBestPrecomputedMontecarloSample(montecarloSHT.AllocatedCells[i], montecarloSHT, diskRadius, pp);
01912             else
01913               sp = getSampleFromCell(montecarloSHT.AllocatedCells[i], montecarloSHT);
01915             if(pp.adaptiveRadiusFlag)
01916               currentRadius = rH[sp];
01918             ps.AddVert(*sp);
01919             pp.pds.sampleNum++;
01920             if(pp.geodesicDistanceFlag) removedCnt += montecarloSHT.RemoveInSphereNormal(sp->cP(),sp->cN(),GDF,currentRadius);
01921                             else        removedCnt += montecarloSHT.RemoveInSphere(sp->cP(),currentRadius);
01922         }
01923         montecarloSHT.UpdateAllocatedCells();
01924     }
01925     int t2 = clock();
01926     pp.pds.gridTime = t1-t0;
01927     pp.pds.pruneTime = t2-t1;
01928 }
01940 static void HierarchicalPoissonDisk(MeshType &origMesh, VertexSampler &ps, MeshType &montecarloMesh, ScalarType diskRadius, const struct PoissonDiskParam pp=PoissonDiskParam())
01941 {
01942 //  int t0=clock();
01943     // spatial index of montecarlo samples - used to choose a new sample to insert
01944     MontecarloSHT montecarloSHTVec[5];
01948     // initialize spatial hash table for searching
01949     // radius is the radius of empty disk centered over the samples (e.g. twice of the empty space disk)
01950     // This radius implies that when we pick a sample in a cell all that cell will not be touched again.
01951     ScalarType cellsize = 2.0f* diskRadius / sqrt(3.0);
01953     // inflating
01954     BoxType bb=origMesh.bbox;
01955     bb.Offset(cellsize);
01957   int sizeX = std::max(1.0f,bb.DimX() / cellsize);
01958   int sizeY = std::max(1.0f,bb.DimY() / cellsize);
01959   int sizeZ = std::max(1.0f,bb.DimZ() / cellsize);
01960     Point3i gridsize(sizeX, sizeY, sizeZ);
01962     // spatial hash table of the generated samples - used to check the radius constrain
01963     SampleSHT checkSHT;
01964     checkSHT.InitEmpty(bb, gridsize);
01967     // sampling algorithm
01968     // ------------------
01969     //
01970     // - generate millions of samples using montecarlo algorithm
01971     // - extract a cell (C) from the active cell list (with probability proportional to cell's volume)
01972     // - generate a sample inside C by choosing one of the contained pre-generated samples
01973     //   - if the sample violates the radius constrain discard it, and add the cell to the cells-to-subdivide list
01974     // - iterate until the active cell list is empty or a pre-defined number of subdivisions is reached
01975     //
01977     int level = 0;
01979     // initialize spatial hash to index pre-generated samples
01980     montecarloSHTVec[0].InitEmpty(bb, gridsize);
01981     // create active cell list
01982     for (VertexIterator vi = montecarloMesh.vert.begin(); vi != montecarloMesh.vert.end(); vi++)
01983         montecarloSHTVec[0].Add(&(*vi));
01984     montecarloSHTVec[0].UpdateAllocatedCells();
01986   // if we are doing variable density sampling we have to prepare the random samples quality with the correct expected radii.
01987     PerVertexFloatAttribute rH = tri::Allocator<MeshType>:: template GetPerVertexAttribute<float> (montecarloMesh,"radius");
01988     if(pp.adaptiveRadiusFlag)
01989             InitRadiusHandleFromQuality(montecarloMesh, rH, diskRadius, pp.radiusVariance, pp.invertQuality);
01991     do
01992     {
01993         MontecarloSHT &montecarloSHT = montecarloSHTVec[level];
01995         if(level>0)
01996         {// initialize spatial hash with the remaining points
01997             montecarloSHT.InitEmpty(bb, gridsize);
01998             // create active cell list
01999             for (typename MontecarloSHT::HashIterator hi = montecarloSHTVec[level-1].hash_table.begin(); hi != montecarloSHTVec[level-1].hash_table.end(); hi++)
02000                 montecarloSHT.Add((*hi).second);
02001             montecarloSHT.UpdateAllocatedCells();
02002         }
02003         // shuffle active cells
02004         unsigned int (*p_myrandom)(unsigned int) = RandomInt;
02005         std::random_shuffle(montecarloSHT.AllocatedCells.begin(),montecarloSHT.AllocatedCells.end(), p_myrandom);
02007         // generate a sample inside C by choosing one of the contained pre-generated samples
02009     int removedCnt=montecarloSHT.hash_table.size();
02010     int addedCnt=checkSHT.hash_table.size();
02011         for (int i = 0; i < montecarloSHT.AllocatedCells.size(); i++)
02012         {
02013             for(int j=0;j<4;j++)
02014             {
02015                 if( montecarloSHT.EmptyCell(montecarloSHT.AllocatedCells[i])  ) continue;
02017             // generate a sample chosen from the pre-generated one
02018             typename MontecarloSHT::HashIterator hi = montecarloSHT.hash_table.find(montecarloSHT.AllocatedCells[i]);
02020             if(hi==montecarloSHT.hash_table.end()) {break;}
02021             VertexPointer sp = (*hi).second;
02022             // vr spans between 3.0*r and r / 4.0 according to vertex quality
02023             ScalarType sampleRadius = diskRadius;
02024             if(pp.adaptiveRadiusFlag)  sampleRadius = rH[sp];
02025             if (checkPoissonDisk(checkSHT, sp->cP(), sampleRadius))
02026             {
02027                ps.AddVert(*sp);
02028                montecarloSHT.RemoveCell(sp);
02029                checkSHT.Add(sp);
02030                break;
02031             }
02032             else
02033                 montecarloSHT.RemovePunctual(sp);
02034         }
02035         }
02036         addedCnt = checkSHT.hash_table.size()-addedCnt;
02037         removedCnt = removedCnt-montecarloSHT.hash_table.size();
02039         // proceed to the next level of subdivision
02040         // increase grid resolution
02041         gridsize *= 2;
02043         //
02044         level++;
02045     } while(level < 5);
02046 }
02048 //template <class MeshType>
02049 //void Sampling<MeshType>::SimilarFaceSampling()
02051 // This function also generates samples outside faces if those affects faces in texture space.
02052 // Use correctSafePointsBaryCoords = true to map safety texels to closest point barycentric coords (on edge)
02053 // otherwise obtained samples will map to barycentric coord actually outside face
02054 //
02055 // If you don't need to get those extra points clear faces Border Flags
02056 // vcg::tri::UpdateFlags<Mesh>::FaceClearB(m);
02057 //
02058 // Else make sure to update border flags from texture space FFadj
02059 // vcg::tri::UpdateTopology<Mesh>::FaceFaceFromTexCoord(m);
02060 // vcg::tri::UpdateFlags<Mesh>::FaceBorderFromFF(m);
02061 static void Texture(MeshType & m, VertexSampler &ps, int textureWidth, int textureHeight, bool correctSafePointsBaryCoords=true)
02062 {
02063 typedef Point2<ScalarType> Point2x;
02064         printf("Similar Triangles face sampling\n");
02065         for(FaceIterator fi=m.face.begin(); fi != m.face.end(); fi++)
02066             if (!fi->IsD())
02067             {
02068                 Point2x ti[3];
02069                 for(int i=0;i<3;++i)
02070                     ti[i]=Point2x((*fi).WT(i).U() * textureWidth - 0.5, (*fi).WT(i).V() * textureHeight - 0.5);
02071                     // - 0.5 constants are used to obtain correct texture mapping
02073                 SingleFaceRaster(*fi,  ps, ti[0],ti[1],ti[2], correctSafePointsBaryCoords);
02074             }
02075 }
02077 typedef GridStaticPtr<FaceType, ScalarType > TriMeshGrid;
02079 class RRParam
02080 {
02081 public:
02082 float offset;
02083 float minDiag;
02084 tri::FaceTmark<MeshType> markerFunctor;
02085 TriMeshGrid gM;
02086 };
02088 static void RegularRecursiveOffset(MeshType & m, std::vector<CoordType> &pvec, ScalarType offset, float minDiag)
02089 {
02090     Box3<ScalarType> bb=m.bbox;
02091     bb.Offset(offset*2.0);
02093     RRParam rrp;
02095     rrp.markerFunctor.SetMesh(&m);
02097     rrp.gM.Set(m.face.begin(),m.face.end(),bb);
02100     rrp.offset=offset;
02101     rrp.minDiag=minDiag;
02102     SubdivideAndSample(m, pvec, bb, rrp, bb.Diag());
02103 }
02105 static void SubdivideAndSample(MeshType & m, std::vector<CoordType> &pvec, const Box3<ScalarType> bb, RRParam &rrp, float curDiag)
02106 {
02107   CoordType startPt = bb.Center();
02109   ScalarType dist;
02110   // Compute mesh point nearest to bb center
02111   FaceType   *nearestF=0;
02112   ScalarType dist_upper_bound = curDiag+rrp.offset;
02113   CoordType closestPt;
02114   vcg::face::PointDistanceBaseFunctor<ScalarType> PDistFunct;
02115   dist=dist_upper_bound;
02116   nearestF =  rrp.gM.GetClosest(PDistFunct,rrp.markerFunctor,startPt,dist_upper_bound,dist,closestPt);
02117   curDiag /=2;
02118   if(dist < dist_upper_bound)
02119   {
02120     if(curDiag/3 < rrp.minDiag) //store points only for the last level of recursion (?)
02121     {
02122       if(rrp.offset==0)
02123         pvec.push_back(closestPt);
02124       else
02125       {
02126         if(dist>rrp.offset) // points below the offset threshold cannot be displaced at the right offset distance, we can only make points nearer.
02127         {
02128           CoordType delta = startPt-closestPt;
02129           pvec.push_back(closestPt+delta*(rrp.offset/dist));
02130         }
02131       }
02132     }
02133     if(curDiag < rrp.minDiag) return;
02134     CoordType hs = (bb.max-bb.min)/2;
02135     for(int i=0;i<2;i++)
02136       for(int j=0;j<2;j++)
02137         for(int k=0;k<2;k++)
02138           SubdivideAndSample(m, pvec,
02139                              BoxType(CoordType( bb.min[0]+i*hs[0],  bb.min[1]+j*hs[1],  bb.min[2]+k*hs[2]),
02140                                      CoordType(startPt[0]+i*hs[0], startPt[1]+j*hs[1], startPt[2]+k*hs[2]) ),
02141                              rrp,curDiag
02142               );
02144   }
02145 }
02146 }; // end sampling class
02148 template <class MeshType>
02149 typename MeshType::ScalarType ComputePoissonDiskRadius(MeshType &origMesh, int sampleNum)
02150 {
02151   typedef typename MeshType::ScalarType ScalarType;
02152   ScalarType meshArea = Stat<MeshType>::ComputeMeshArea(origMesh);
02153   // Manage approximately the PointCloud Case, use the half a area of the bbox.
02154   // TODO: If you had the radius a much better approximation could be done.
02155   if(meshArea ==0)
02156   {
02157     meshArea = (origMesh.bbox.DimX()*origMesh.bbox.DimY() +
02158                 origMesh.bbox.DimX()*origMesh.bbox.DimZ() +
02159                 origMesh.bbox.DimY()*origMesh.bbox.DimZ());
02160   }
02161   ScalarType diskRadius = sqrt(meshArea / (0.7 * M_PI * sampleNum)); // 0.7 is a density factor
02162   return diskRadius;
02163 }
02167 template <class MeshType>
02168 void MontecarloSampling(MeshType &m, // the mesh that has to be sampled
02169                      MeshType &mm, // the mesh that will contain the samples
02170                      int sampleNum) // the desired number sample, if zero you must set the radius to the wanted value
02171 {
02172   typedef tri::MeshSampler<MeshType> BaseSampler;
02173   MeshSampler<MeshType> mcSampler(&mm);
02174   tri::SurfaceSampling<MeshType,BaseSampler>::Montecarlo(m, mcSampler, sampleNum);
02175 }
02178 template <class MeshType>
02179 void MontecarloSampling(MeshType &m, // the mesh that has to be sampled
02180                      std::vector<Point3f> &montercarloSamples, // the vector that will contain the set of points
02181                      int sampleNum) // the desired number sample, if zero you must set the radius to the wanted value
02182 {
02183   typedef tri::TrivialSampler<MeshType> BaseSampler;
02184   BaseSampler mcSampler(montercarloSamples);
02185   tri::SurfaceSampling<MeshType,BaseSampler>::Montecarlo(m, mcSampler, sampleNum);
02186 }
02188 // Yet another simpler wrapper for the generation of a poisson disk distribution over a mesh.
02189 //
02190 template <class MeshType>
02191 void PoissonSampling(MeshType &m, // the mesh that has to be sampled
02192                      std::vector<typename MeshType::CoordType> &poissonSamples, // the vector that will contain the set of points
02193                      int sampleNum, // the desired number sample, if zero you must set the radius to the wanted value
02194                      typename MeshType::ScalarType &radius,  // the Poisson Disk Radius (used if sampleNum==0, setted if sampleNum!=0)
02195                      typename MeshType::ScalarType radiusVariance=1,
02196                      typename MeshType::ScalarType PruningByNumberTolerance=0.04f,
02197                      unsigned int randSeed=0)
02199 {
02200   typedef tri::TrivialSampler<MeshType> BaseSampler;
02201   typedef tri::MeshSampler<MeshType> MontecarloSampler;
02203   typename tri::SurfaceSampling<MeshType, BaseSampler>::PoissonDiskParam pp;
02204   int t0=clock();
02206 //  if(sampleNum>0) radius = tri::SurfaceSampling<MeshType,BaseSampler>::ComputePoissonDiskRadius(m,sampleNum);
02207   if(radius>0 && sampleNum==0) sampleNum = tri::SurfaceSampling<MeshType,BaseSampler>::ComputePoissonSampleNum(m,radius);
02209   pp.pds.sampleNum = sampleNum;
02210   pp.randomSeed = randSeed;
02211   poissonSamples.clear();
02212 //  std::vector<Point3f> MontecarloSamples;
02213   MeshType MontecarloMesh;
02215   // First step build the sampling
02216   MontecarloSampler mcSampler(MontecarloMesh);
02217   BaseSampler pdSampler(poissonSamples);
02219   if(randSeed) tri::SurfaceSampling<MeshType,MontecarloSampler>::SamplingRandomGenerator().initialize(randSeed);
02220   tri::SurfaceSampling<MeshType,MontecarloSampler>::Montecarlo(m, mcSampler, std::max(10000,sampleNum*40));
02221   tri::UpdateBounding<MeshType>::Box(MontecarloMesh);
02222 //  tri::Build(MontecarloMesh, MontecarloSamples);
02223   int t1=clock();
02224   pp.pds.montecarloTime = t1-t0;
02226   if(radiusVariance !=1)
02227   {
02228     pp.adaptiveRadiusFlag=true;
02229     pp.radiusVariance=radiusVariance;
02230   }
02231   if(sampleNum==0) tri::SurfaceSampling<MeshType,BaseSampler>::PoissonDiskPruning(pdSampler, MontecarloMesh, radius,pp);
02232   else tri::SurfaceSampling<MeshType,BaseSampler>::PoissonDiskPruningByNumber(pdSampler, MontecarloMesh, sampleNum, radius,pp,PruningByNumberTolerance);
02233   int t2=clock();
02234   pp.pds.totalTime = t2-t0;
02235 }
02240 //
02241 template <class MeshType>
02242 void PoissonPruning(MeshType &m, // the mesh that has to be pruned
02243                     std::vector<typename MeshType::VertexPointer> &poissonSamples, // the vector that will contain the chosen set of points
02244                     float radius, unsigned int randSeed=0)
02245 {
02246   typedef tri::TrivialPointerSampler<MeshType> BaseSampler;
02247   typename tri::SurfaceSampling<MeshType, BaseSampler>::PoissonDiskParam pp;
02248   pp.randomSeed = randSeed;
02250   tri::UpdateBounding<MeshType>::Box(m);
02251   BaseSampler pdSampler;
02252   tri::SurfaceSampling<MeshType,BaseSampler>::PoissonDiskPruning(pdSampler, m, radius,pp);
02253   std::swap(pdSampler.sampleVec,poissonSamples);
02254 }
02261 //
02262 template <class MeshType>
02263 void PoissonPruning(MeshType &m, // the mesh that has to be pruned
02264                     std::vector<Point3f> &poissonSamples, // the vector that will contain the chosen set of points
02265                     float radius, unsigned int randSeed=0)
02266 {
02267   std::vector<typename MeshType::VertexPointer> poissonSamplesVP;
02268   PoissonPruning(m,poissonSamplesVP,radius,randSeed);
02269   poissonSamples.resize(poissonSamplesVP.size());
02270   for(size_t  i=0;i<poissonSamplesVP.size();++i)
02271     poissonSamples[i]=poissonSamplesVP[i]->P();
02272 }
02281 template <class MeshType>
02282 void PoissonPruningExact(MeshType &m, 
02283                          std::vector<typename MeshType::VertexPointer> &poissonSamples, 
02284                          typename MeshType::ScalarType & radius,
02285                          int sampleNum,
02286                          float tolerance=0.04,
02287                          int maxIter=20,
02288                          unsigned int randSeed=0)
02289 {
02290   size_t sampleNumMin = int(float(sampleNum)*(1.0f-tolerance));  // the expected values range.
02291   size_t sampleNumMax = int(float(sampleNum)*(1.0f+tolerance));  // e.g. any sampling in [sampleNumMin, sampleNumMax] is OK
02292   float RangeMinRad = m.bbox.Diag()/10.0f;
02293   float RangeMaxRad = m.bbox.Diag()/10.0f;
02294   size_t RangeMinSampleNum;
02295   size_t RangeMaxSampleNum;
02296   std::vector<typename MeshType::VertexPointer> poissonSamplesTmp;
02298   do
02299   {
02300     RangeMinRad/=2.0f;
02301     PoissonPruning(m,poissonSamplesTmp,RangeMinRad,randSeed);
02302     RangeMinSampleNum = poissonSamplesTmp.size();
02303   } while(RangeMinSampleNum < sampleNumMin);
02305   do
02306   {
02307     RangeMaxRad*=2.0f;
02308     PoissonPruning(m,poissonSamplesTmp,RangeMaxRad,randSeed);
02309     RangeMaxSampleNum = poissonSamplesTmp.size();
02310   } while(RangeMaxSampleNum > sampleNumMax);
02312   float curRadius;
02313   int iterCnt=0;
02314   while(iterCnt<maxIter &&
02315         (poissonSamplesTmp.size() < sampleNumMin || poissonSamplesTmp.size() > sampleNumMax) )
02316   {
02317     curRadius=(RangeMaxRad+RangeMinRad)/2.0f;
02318     PoissonPruning(m,poissonSamplesTmp,curRadius,randSeed);
02319     //qDebug("(%6.3f:%5i %6.3f:%5i) Cur Radius %f -> %i sample instead of %i",RangeMinRad,RangeMinSampleNum,RangeMaxRad,RangeMaxSampleNum,curRadius,poissonSamplesTmp.size(),sampleNum);
02320     if(poissonSamplesTmp.size() > size_t(sampleNum))
02321       RangeMinRad = curRadius;
02322     if(poissonSamplesTmp.size() < size_t(sampleNum))
02323       RangeMaxRad = curRadius;
02324   }
02326   swap(poissonSamples,poissonSamplesTmp);
02327   radius = curRadius;
02328 }
02329 } // end namespace tri
02330 } // end namespace vcg
02332 #endif

Author(s): Roberto Martín-Martín
autogenerated on Sat Jun 8 2019 18:34:23