Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /****************************************************************************
00002 * VCGLib                                                            o o     *
00003 * Visual and Computer Graphics Library                            o     o   *
00004 *                                                                _   O  _   *
00005 * Copyright(C) 2004                                                \/)\/    *
00006 * Visual Computing Lab                                            /\/|      *
00007 * ISTI - Italian National Research Council                           |      *
00008 *                                                                    \      *
00009 * All rights reserved.                                                      *
00010 *                                                                           *
00011 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify      *
00012 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by      *
00013 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or         *
00014 * (at your option) any later version.                                       *
00015 *                                                                           *
00016 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,           *
00017 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of            *
00019 * GNU General Public License (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt)          *
00020 * for more details.                                                         *
00021 *                                                                           *
00022 ****************************************************************************/
00024 #ifndef KDTREE_VCG_H
00025 #define KDTREE_VCG_H
00027 #include <vcg/space/point3.h>
00028 #include <vcg/space/box3.h>
00029 #include <vcg/space/index/kdtree/priorityqueue.h>
00031 #include <vector>
00032 #include <limits>
00033 #include <iostream>
00034 #include <cstdint>
00036 namespace vcg {
00038     template<typename _DataType>
00039     class ConstDataWrapper
00040     {
00041     public:
00042         typedef _DataType DataType;
00043         inline ConstDataWrapper()
00044             : mpData(0), mStride(0), mSize(0)
00045         {}
00046         inline ConstDataWrapper(const DataType* pData, int size, int64_t stride = sizeof(DataType))
00047             : mpData(reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char*>(pData)), mStride(stride), mSize(size)
00048         {}
00049         inline const DataType& operator[] (int i) const
00050         {
00051             return *reinterpret_cast<const DataType*>(mpData + i*mStride);
00052         }
00053         inline size_t size() const { return mSize; }
00054     protected:
00055         const unsigned char* mpData;
00056         int64_t mStride;
00057         size_t mSize;
00058     };
00060     template<class StdVectorType>
00061     class VectorConstDataWrapper :public  ConstDataWrapper<typename StdVectorType::value_type>
00062     {
00063     public:
00064         inline VectorConstDataWrapper(StdVectorType &vec):
00065         ConstDataWrapper<typename StdVectorType::value_type> ( &(vec[0]), vec.size(), sizeof(typename StdVectorType::value_type))
00066         {}
00067     };
00069     template<class MeshType>
00070     class VertexConstDataWrapper :public  ConstDataWrapper<typename MeshType::CoordType>
00071     {
00072     public:
00073         inline VertexConstDataWrapper(MeshType &m):
00074         ConstDataWrapper<typename MeshType::CoordType> ( &(m.vert[0].P()), m.vert.size(), sizeof(typename MeshType::VertexType))
00075         {}
00076     };
00082     template<typename _Scalar>
00083     class KdTree
00084     {
00085     public:
00087         typedef _Scalar Scalar;
00088         typedef vcg::Point3<Scalar> VectorType;
00089         typedef vcg::Box3<Scalar> AxisAlignedBoxType;
00091         typedef HeapMaxPriorityQueue<int, Scalar> PriorityQueue;
00093         struct Node
00094         {
00095             union {
00096                 //standard node
00097                 struct {
00098                     Scalar splitValue;
00099                     unsigned int firstChildId:24;
00100                     unsigned int dim:2;
00101                     unsigned int leaf:1;
00102                 };
00103                 //leaf
00104                 struct {
00105                     unsigned int start;
00106                     unsigned short size;
00107                 };
00108             };
00109         };
00110         typedef std::vector<Node> NodeList;
00112         // return the protected members which store the nodes and the points list
00113         inline const NodeList& _getNodes(void) { return mNodes; }
00114         inline const std::vector<VectorType>& _getPoints(void) { return mPoints; }
00116     public:
00118         KdTree(const ConstDataWrapper<VectorType>& points, unsigned int nofPointsPerCell = 16, unsigned int maxDepth = 64);
00120         ~KdTree();
00122         void doQueryK(const VectorType& queryPoint,  int k, PriorityQueue& mNeighborQueue);
00124         void doQueryDist(const VectorType& queryPoint, float dist, std::vector<unsigned int>& points, std::vector<Scalar>& sqrareDists);
00126         void doQueryClosest(const VectorType& queryPoint, unsigned int& index, Scalar& dist);
00128     protected:
00130         // element of the stack
00131         struct QueryNode
00132         {
00133             QueryNode() {}
00134             QueryNode(unsigned int id) : nodeId(id) {}
00135             unsigned int nodeId;  // id of the next node
00136             Scalar sq;            // squared distance to the next node
00137         };
00139         // used to build the tree: split the subset [start..end[ according to dim and splitValue,
00140         // and returns the index of the first element of the second subset
00141         unsigned int split(int start, int end, unsigned int dim, float splitValue);
00143         int createTree(unsigned int nodeId, unsigned int start, unsigned int end, unsigned int level, unsigned int targetCellsize, unsigned int targetMaxDepth);
00145     protected:
00147         AxisAlignedBoxType mAABB; //BoundingBox
00148         NodeList mNodes; //kd-tree nodes
00149         std::vector<VectorType> mPoints; //points read from the input DataWrapper
00150         std::vector<unsigned int> mIndices; //points indices
00151     };
00153     template<typename Scalar>
00154     KdTree<Scalar>::KdTree(const ConstDataWrapper<VectorType>& points, unsigned int nofPointsPerCell, unsigned int maxDepth)
00155         : mPoints(points.size()), mIndices(points.size())
00156     {
00157         // compute the AABB of the input
00158         mPoints[0] = points[0];
00159         mAABB.Set(mPoints[0]);
00160     for (unsigned int i=1 ; i<mPoints.size() ; ++i)
00161         {
00162             mPoints[i] = points[i];
00163             mIndices[i] = i;
00164             mAABB.Add(mPoints[i]);
00165         }
00167         mNodes.reserve(4*mPoints.size()/nofPointsPerCell);
00168     //first node inserted (no leaf). The others are made by the createTree function (recursively)
00169         mNodes.resize(1);
00170         mNodes.back().leaf = 0;
00171         /*int numLevel = */
00172         createTree(0, 0, mPoints.size(), 1, nofPointsPerCell, maxDepth);
00173     }
00175     template<typename Scalar>
00176     KdTree<Scalar>::~KdTree()
00177     {
00178     }
00197     template<typename Scalar>
00198     void KdTree<Scalar>::doQueryK(const VectorType& queryPoint, int k, PriorityQueue& mNeighborQueue)
00199     {
00200         mNeighborQueue.setMaxSize(k);
00201         mNeighborQueue.init();
00203         QueryNode mNodeStack[64];
00204         mNodeStack[0].nodeId = 0;
00205         mNodeStack[0].sq = 0.f;
00206         unsigned int count = 1;
00208         while (count)
00209         {
00210             //we select the last node (AABB) inserted in the stack
00211             QueryNode& qnode = mNodeStack[count-1];
00213             //while going down the tree qnode.nodeId is the nearest sub-tree, otherwise,
00214             //in backtracking, qnode.nodeId is the other sub-tree that will be visited iff
00215             //the actual nearest node is further than the split distance.
00216             Node& node = mNodes[qnode.nodeId];
00218             //if the distance is less than the top of the max-heap, it could be one of the k-nearest neighbours
00219                                                 if (mNeighborQueue.getNofElements() < k || qnode.sq < mNeighborQueue.getTopWeight())
00220                                                 {
00221                 //when we arrive to a leaf
00222                 if (node.leaf)
00223                 {
00224                     --count; //pop of the leaf
00226                     //end is the index of the last element of the leaf in mPoints
00227                     unsigned int end = node.start+node.size;
00228                     //adding the element of the leaf to the heap
00229                     for (unsigned int i=node.start ; i<end ; ++i)
00230                         mNeighborQueue.insert(mIndices[i], vcg::SquaredNorm(queryPoint - mPoints[i]));
00231                 }
00232                 //otherwise, if we're not on a leaf
00233                 else
00234                 {
00235                     // the new offset is the distance between the searched point and the actual split coordinate
00236                     float new_off = queryPoint[node.dim] - node.splitValue;
00238                     //left sub-tree
00239                     if (new_off < 0.)
00240                     {
00241                         mNodeStack[count].nodeId  = node.firstChildId;
00242                         //in the father's nodeId we save the index of the other sub-tree (for backtracking)
00243                         qnode.nodeId = node.firstChildId+1;
00244                     }
00245                     //right sub-tree (same as above)
00246                     else
00247                     {
00248                         mNodeStack[count].nodeId  = node.firstChildId+1;
00249                         qnode.nodeId = node.firstChildId;
00250                     }
00251                     //distance is inherited from the father (while descending the tree it's equal to 0)
00252                     mNodeStack[count].sq = qnode.sq;
00253                     //distance of the father is the squared distance from the split plane
00254                     qnode.sq = new_off*new_off;
00255                     ++count;
00256                 }
00257             }
00258             else
00259             {
00260                 // pop
00261                 --count;
00262             }
00263         }
00264     }
00272     template<typename Scalar>
00273     void KdTree<Scalar>::doQueryDist(const VectorType& queryPoint, float dist, std::vector<unsigned int>& points, std::vector<Scalar>& sqrareDists)
00274     {
00275         QueryNode mNodeStack[64];
00276         mNodeStack[0].nodeId = 0;
00277         mNodeStack[0].sq = 0.f;
00278         unsigned int count = 1;
00280         float sqrareDist = dist*dist;
00281         while (count)
00282         {
00283             QueryNode& qnode = mNodeStack[count-1];
00284             Node   & node  = mNodes[qnode.nodeId];
00286             if (qnode.sq < sqrareDist)
00287             {
00288                 if (node.leaf)
00289                 {
00290                     --count; // pop
00291                     unsigned int end = node.start+node.size;
00292                     for (unsigned int i=node.start ; i<end ; ++i)
00293                     {
00294                         float pointSquareDist = vcg::SquaredNorm(queryPoint - mPoints[i]);
00295                         if (pointSquareDist < sqrareDist)
00296                         {
00297                             points.push_back(mIndices[i]);
00298                             sqrareDists.push_back(pointSquareDist);
00299                         }
00300                     }
00301                 }
00302                 else
00303                 {
00304                     // replace the stack top by the farthest and push the closest
00305                     float new_off = queryPoint[node.dim] - node.splitValue;
00306                     if (new_off < 0.)
00307                     {
00308                         mNodeStack[count].nodeId  = node.firstChildId;
00309                         qnode.nodeId = node.firstChildId+1;
00310                     }
00311                     else
00312                     {
00313                         mNodeStack[count].nodeId  = node.firstChildId+1;
00314                         qnode.nodeId = node.firstChildId;
00315                     }
00316                     mNodeStack[count].sq = qnode.sq;
00317                     qnode.sq = new_off*new_off;
00318                     ++count;
00319                 }
00320             }
00321             else
00322             {
00323                 // pop
00324                 --count;
00325             }
00326         }
00327     }
00335     template<typename Scalar>
00336     void KdTree<Scalar>::doQueryClosest(const VectorType& queryPoint, unsigned int& index, Scalar& dist)
00337     {
00338         QueryNode mNodeStack[64];
00339         mNodeStack[0].nodeId = 0;
00340         mNodeStack[0].sq = 0.f;
00341         unsigned int count = 1;
00343         int minIndex = mIndices.size() / 2;
00344         Scalar minDist = vcg::SquaredNorm(queryPoint - mPoints[minIndex]);
00345         minIndex = mIndices[minIndex];
00347         while (count)
00348         {
00349             QueryNode& qnode = mNodeStack[count-1];
00350             Node   & node  = mNodes[qnode.nodeId];
00352             if (qnode.sq < minDist)
00353             {
00354                 if (node.leaf)
00355                 {
00356                     --count; // pop
00357                     unsigned int end = node.start+node.size;
00358                     for (unsigned int i=node.start ; i<end ; ++i)
00359                     {
00360                         float pointSquareDist = vcg::SquaredNorm(queryPoint - mPoints[i]);
00361                         if (pointSquareDist < minDist)
00362                         {
00363                             minDist = pointSquareDist;
00364                             minIndex = mIndices[i];
00365                         }
00366                     }
00367                 }
00368                 else
00369                 {
00370                     // replace the stack top by the farthest and push the closest
00371                     float new_off = queryPoint[node.dim] - node.splitValue;
00372                     if (new_off < 0.)
00373                     {
00374                         mNodeStack[count].nodeId  = node.firstChildId;
00375                         qnode.nodeId = node.firstChildId+1;
00376                     }
00377                     else
00378                     {
00379                         mNodeStack[count].nodeId  = node.firstChildId+1;
00380                         qnode.nodeId = node.firstChildId;
00381                     }
00382                     mNodeStack[count].sq = qnode.sq;
00383                     qnode.sq = new_off*new_off;
00384                     ++count;
00385                 }
00386             }
00387             else
00388             {
00389                 // pop
00390                 --count;
00391             }
00392         }
00393         index = minIndex;
00394         dist = minDist;
00395     }
00404     template<typename Scalar>
00405     unsigned int KdTree<Scalar>::split(int start, int end, unsigned int dim, float splitValue)
00406     {
00407         int l(start), r(end-1);
00408         for ( ; l<r ; ++l, --r)
00409         {
00410             while (l < end && mPoints[l][dim] < splitValue)
00411                 l++;
00412             while (r >= start && mPoints[r][dim] >= splitValue)
00413                 r--;
00414             if (l > r)
00415                 break;
00416             std::swap(mPoints[l],mPoints[r]);
00417             std::swap(mIndices[l],mIndices[r]);
00418         }
00419         //returns the index of the first element on the second part
00420         return (mPoints[l][dim] < splitValue ? l+1 : l);
00421     }
00440     template<typename Scalar>
00441     int KdTree<Scalar>::createTree(unsigned int nodeId, unsigned int start, unsigned int end, unsigned int level, unsigned int targetCellSize, unsigned int targetMaxDepth)
00442     {
00443         //select the first node
00444         Node& node = mNodes[nodeId];
00445         AxisAlignedBoxType aabb;
00447         //putting all the points in the bounding box
00448         aabb.Set(mPoints[start]);
00449         for (unsigned int i=start+1 ; i<end ; ++i)
00450             aabb.Add(mPoints[i]);
00452         //bounding box diagonal
00453         VectorType diag = aabb.max - aabb.min;
00455         //the split "dim" is the dimension of the box with the biggest value
00456         unsigned int dim;
00457         if (diag.X() > diag.Y())
00458             dim = diag.X() > diag.Z() ? 0 : 2;
00459         else
00460             dim = diag.Y() > diag.Z() ? 1 : 2;
00462         node.dim = dim;
00463         //we divide the bounding box in 2 partitions, considering the average of the "dim" dimension
00464         node.splitValue = Scalar(0.5*(aabb.max[dim] + aabb.min[dim]));
00466         //midId is the index of the first element in the second partition
00467         unsigned int midId = split(start, end, dim, node.splitValue);
00470         node.firstChildId = mNodes.size();
00471         mNodes.resize(mNodes.size()+2);
00472     int leftLevel, rightLevel;
00474         {
00475             // left child
00476             unsigned int childId = mNodes[nodeId].firstChildId;
00477             Node& child = mNodes[childId];
00478             if (midId - start <= targetCellSize || level>=targetMaxDepth)
00479             {
00480                 child.leaf = 1;
00481                 child.start = start;
00482                 child.size = midId - start;
00483         leftLevel = level;
00484             }
00485             else
00486             {
00487                 child.leaf = 0;
00488                 leftLevel = createTree(childId, start, midId, level+1, targetCellSize, targetMaxDepth);
00489             }
00490         }
00492         {
00493             // right child
00494             unsigned int childId = mNodes[nodeId].firstChildId+1;
00495             Node& child = mNodes[childId];
00496             if (end - midId <= targetCellSize || level>=targetMaxDepth)
00497             {
00498                 child.leaf = 1;
00499                 child.start = midId;
00500                 child.size = end - midId;
00501         rightLevel = level;
00502             }
00503             else
00504             {
00505                 child.leaf = 0;
00506                 rightLevel = createTree(childId, midId, end, level+1, targetCellSize, targetMaxDepth);
00507             }
00508         }
00509     if (leftLevel > rightLevel)
00510       return leftLevel;
00511     return rightLevel;
00512     }
00513 }
00515 #endif

Author(s): Roberto Martín-Martín
autogenerated on Sat Jun 8 2019 18:32:31