Public Member Functions | Public Attributes | Protected Types | Protected Attributes | Private Types
vcg::tri::Resampler< OldMeshType, NewMeshType, DISTFUNCTOR >::Walker Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for vcg::tri::Resampler< OldMeshType, NewMeshType, DISTFUNCTOR >::Walker:
Inheritance graph

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

void Begin ()
template<class EXTRACTOR_TYPE >
void BuildMesh (OldMeshType &old_mesh, NewMeshType &new_mesh, EXTRACTOR_TYPE &extractor, vcg::CallBackPos *cb)
void ComputeConsensus (int, field_value *slice_values)
void ComputeSliceValues (int slice, field_value *slice_values)
field_value DistanceFromMesh (OldCoordType &pp)
 return true if the distance form the mesh is less than maxdim and return distance
bool Exist (const vcg::Point3i &p1, const vcg::Point3i &p2, NewVertexPointer &v)
int GetSliceIndex (int x, int z)
void GetXIntercept (const vcg::Point3i &p1, const vcg::Point3i &p2, NewVertexPointer &v)
 if there is a vertex in z axis of a cell return the vertex or create it
void GetYIntercept (const vcg::Point3i &p1, const vcg::Point3i &p2, NewVertexPointer &v)
 if there is a vertex in y axis of a cell return the vertex or create it
void GetZIntercept (const vcg::Point3i &p1, const vcg::Point3i &p2, NewVertexPointer &v)
 if there is a vertex in z axis of a cell return the vertex or create it
NewCoordType Interpolate (const vcg::Point3i &p1, const vcg::Point3i &p2, int dir)
field_value MultiDistanceFromMesh (OldCoordType &pp)
void NextSlice ()
template<class EXTRACTOR_TYPE >
void ProcessSlice (EXTRACTOR_TYPE &extractor)
NewScalarType V (const Point3i &p)
NewScalarType V (int x, int y, int z)
std::pair< bool, NewScalarTypeVV (int x, int y, int z)
 Walker (const Box3< NewScalarType > &_bbox, Point3i _siz)
 ~Walker ()

Public Attributes

bool AbsDistFlag
bool DiscretizeFlag
NewScalarType max_dim
bool MultiSampleFlag
NewScalarType offset

Protected Types

typedef std::pair< bool, float > field_value
typedef tri::FaceTmark
< OldMeshType > 

Protected Attributes

GridType _g
NewMeshType * _newM
OldMeshType * _oldM
int CurrentSlice
MarkerFace markerFunctor
int SliceSize

Private Types

typedef vcg::GridStaticPtr
< OldFaceType, OldScalarType
typedef int VertexIndex

Detailed Description

template<class OldMeshType, class NewMeshType, class DISTFUNCTOR = vcg::face::PointDistanceBaseFunctor<typename OldMeshType::ScalarType >>
class vcg::tri::Resampler< OldMeshType, NewMeshType, DISTFUNCTOR >::Walker

Definition at line 64 of file resampler.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:

Author(s): Roberto Martín-Martín
autogenerated on Sat Jun 8 2019 18:43:06