Public Member Functions | Private Types | Private Member Functions | Private Attributes
vcg::tri::PoissonSolver< MeshType > Class Template Reference

#include <poisson_solver.h>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

void FixDefaultVertices ()
void Init (bool _use_direction_field=false, bool _correct_fixed=true, ScalarType _fieldScale=1.0)
 intialize parameters and setup fixed vertices vector
bool IsFeaseable ()
 return true if is possible to
 PoissonSolver (MeshType &_mesh)
void SetBorderAsFixed ()
 set the border as fixed
void SetSelectedAsFixed ()
 set selected vertices as fixed
bool SolvePoisson (bool _write_messages=false, ScalarType fieldScale=1.0, bool solve_global_fold=true)
 solve the system, it return false if the matrix is singular

Private Types

typedef MeshType::CoordType CoordType
typedef MeshType::FaceType FaceType
typedef MeshType::template
< CoordType
typedef MeshType::ScalarType ScalarType
typedef MeshType::VertexType VertexType

Private Member Functions

void Add33Block (ScalarType val[3][3], int index[3][3][2])
void Add44Block (ScalarType val[4][4], int index[4][4][2])
void AddAreaTerm (int index[3][3][2], ScalarType ScaleFactor)
void AddRHS (ScalarType b[6], int index[3])
 add this values to the right hand side
void AddVertexIndex (VertexType *v, int index)
void AllocateSystem ()
void BuildLaplacianMatrix (double vfscale=1)
void FindFarthestVert (VertexType *&v0, VertexType *&v1)
void FindSizes ()
void FixPointLSquares ()
VertexTypeIndexVertex (int index)
void InitIndex ()
void InitMatrix ()
 intitialize the whole matrix
void MapCoords (bool normalize=true, ScalarType=1.0)
void perElementLHS (FaceType *f, ScalarType val[3][3], int index[3][3][2])
 return the LHS for a given face
void perElementRHS (FaceType *f, ScalarType b[6], ScalarType vector_field_scale=1)
 return the RHS for a given face
void PerElementSystemReal (FaceType *f, ScalarType val[3][3], int index[3][3][2], ScalarType b[6], ScalarType vector_field_scale=1.0)
 return the LHS and RHS for a given face
void SetDiagonal (ScalarType val[3][3])
void SetValA (int Xindex, int Yindex, ScalarType val)
 set the value of A of the system Ax=b
void SetValB (int Xindex, ScalarType val)
 set the value of b of the system Ax=b
bool Solve ()
int VertexIndex (VertexType *v)

Private Attributes

Eigen::SparseMatrix< double > A
 unknown vector
Eigen::VectorXd b
bool correct_fixed
ScalarType fieldScale
 size of the scalar field
bool fix_selected
std::map< int, VertexType * > IndToVertex
MeshType & mesh
 the mesh itself
unsigned int n_fixed_vars
 number of fixed variables
unsigned int n_vert_vars
std::vector< VertexType * > to_fix
 vertices to fix
unsigned int total_size
 total system size
bool use_direction_field
 if you intend to follow the cross field
std::map< VertexType *, int > VertexToInd
 solver data
Eigen::VectorXd x

Detailed Description

template<class MeshType>
class vcg::tri::PoissonSolver< MeshType >

Definition at line 37 of file poisson_solver.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

template<class MeshType>
typedef MeshType::CoordType vcg::tri::PoissonSolver< MeshType >::CoordType [private]

Definition at line 43 of file poisson_solver.h.

template<class MeshType>
typedef MeshType::FaceType vcg::tri::PoissonSolver< MeshType >::FaceType [private]

Definition at line 41 of file poisson_solver.h.

template<class MeshType>
typedef MeshType:: template PerFaceAttributeHandle<CoordType> vcg::tri::PoissonSolver< MeshType >::PerFaceCoordHandle [private]

Definition at line 44 of file poisson_solver.h.

template<class MeshType>
typedef MeshType::ScalarType vcg::tri::PoissonSolver< MeshType >::ScalarType [private]

Definition at line 40 of file poisson_solver.h.

template<class MeshType>
typedef MeshType::VertexType vcg::tri::PoissonSolver< MeshType >::VertexType [private]

Definition at line 42 of file poisson_solver.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

template<class MeshType>
vcg::tri::PoissonSolver< MeshType >::PoissonSolver ( MeshType &  _mesh) [inline]

Definition at line 746 of file poisson_solver.h.

Member Function Documentation

template<class MeshType>
void vcg::tri::PoissonSolver< MeshType >::Add33Block ( ScalarType  val[3][3],
int  index[3][3][2] 
) [inline, private]

add a 3x3 block matrix to the system matrix... indexes are specified in the 3x3 matrix of x,y pairs indexes must be multiplied by 2 cause u and v

add for both u and v

Definition at line 205 of file poisson_solver.h.

template<class MeshType>
void vcg::tri::PoissonSolver< MeshType >::Add44Block ( ScalarType  val[4][4],
int  index[4][4][2] 
) [inline, private]

add a 3x3 block matrix to the system matrix... indexes are specified in the 3x3 matrix of x,y pairs indexes must be multiplied by 2 cause u and v

add for both u and v

Definition at line 224 of file poisson_solver.h.

template<class MeshType>
void vcg::tri::PoissonSolver< MeshType >::AddAreaTerm ( int  index[3][3][2],
ScalarType  ScaleFactor 
) [inline, private]

add the area term, scalefactor is used to sum up and normalize on the overlap zones

add for both u and v

Definition at line 156 of file poisson_solver.h.

template<class MeshType>
void vcg::tri::PoissonSolver< MeshType >::AddRHS ( ScalarType  b[6],
int  index[3] 
) [inline, private]

add this values to the right hand side

Definition at line 190 of file poisson_solver.h.

template<class MeshType>
void vcg::tri::PoissonSolver< MeshType >::AddVertexIndex ( VertexType v,
int  index 
) [inline, private]

Definition at line 90 of file poisson_solver.h.

template<class MeshType>
void vcg::tri::PoissonSolver< MeshType >::AllocateSystem ( ) [inline, private]

Definition at line 446 of file poisson_solver.h.

template<class MeshType>
void vcg::tri::PoissonSolver< MeshType >::BuildLaplacianMatrix ( double  vfscale = 1) [inline, private]

then for each face

add right hand side

Definition at line 392 of file poisson_solver.h.

template<class MeshType>
void vcg::tri::PoissonSolver< MeshType >::FindFarthestVert ( VertexType *&  v0,
VertexType *&  v1 
) [inline, private]

Definition at line 108 of file poisson_solver.h.

template<class MeshType>
void vcg::tri::PoissonSolver< MeshType >::FindSizes ( ) [inline, private]

initialize matrix size

must be multiplied by 2 becasue of u and v

Definition at line 435 of file poisson_solver.h.

template<class MeshType>
void vcg::tri::PoissonSolver< MeshType >::FixDefaultVertices ( ) [inline]

fix default vertices no need if already border on other vertices are fixed you need at least 2 fixed for solving without field , while only 1 if you conforms to a given cross field

in this case there are already vertices fixed, so no need to fix by default

then fix only one vertex

then fix 2 vertices

Definition at line 606 of file poisson_solver.h.

template<class MeshType>
void vcg::tri::PoissonSolver< MeshType >::FixPointLSquares ( ) [inline, private]

take a vertex

add values to the B vector

Definition at line 350 of file poisson_solver.h.

template<class MeshType>
VertexType* vcg::tri::PoissonSolver< MeshType >::IndexVertex ( int  index) [inline, private]

Definition at line 83 of file poisson_solver.h.

template<class MeshType>
void vcg::tri::PoissonSolver< MeshType >::Init ( bool  _use_direction_field = false,
bool  _correct_fixed = true,
ScalarType  _fieldScale = 1.0 
) [inline]

intialize parameters and setup fixed vertices vector

Definition at line 640 of file poisson_solver.h.

template<class MeshType>
void vcg::tri::PoissonSolver< MeshType >::InitIndex ( ) [inline, private]

Definition at line 475 of file poisson_solver.h.

template<class MeshType>
void vcg::tri::PoissonSolver< MeshType >::InitMatrix ( ) [inline, private]

intitialize the whole matrix

Definition at line 456 of file poisson_solver.h.

template<class MeshType>
bool vcg::tri::PoissonSolver< MeshType >::IsFeaseable ( ) [inline]

return true if is possible to

Definition at line 544 of file poisson_solver.h.

template<class MeshType>
void vcg::tri::PoissonSolver< MeshType >::MapCoords ( bool  normalize = true,
ScalarType  = 1.0 
) [inline, private]

map back values to vertex if normalize==true then set the coordinates between 0 and 1

clear Visited Flag

then copy to faces

Definition at line 485 of file poisson_solver.h.

template<class MeshType>
void vcg::tri::PoissonSolver< MeshType >::perElementLHS ( FaceType f,
ScalarType  val[3][3],
int  index[3][3][2] 
) [inline, private]

return the LHS for a given face

initialize to zero

get the vertices

get the indexes of vertex instance (to consider cuts) for the current face

initialize the indexes for the block

initialize edges

then consider area but also considering scale factor dur to overlaps

set the matrix as diagonal

Definition at line 241 of file poisson_solver.h.

template<class MeshType>
void vcg::tri::PoissonSolver< MeshType >::perElementRHS ( FaceType f,
ScalarType  b[6],
ScalarType  vector_field_scale = 1 
) [inline, private]

return the RHS for a given face

then set the rhs



Definition at line 291 of file poisson_solver.h.

template<class MeshType>
void vcg::tri::PoissonSolver< MeshType >::PerElementSystemReal ( FaceType f,
ScalarType  val[3][3],
int  index[3][3][2],
ScalarType  b[6],
ScalarType  vector_field_scale = 1.0 
) [inline, private]

return the LHS and RHS for a given face

Definition at line 338 of file poisson_solver.h.

template<class MeshType>
void vcg::tri::PoissonSolver< MeshType >::SetBorderAsFixed ( ) [inline]

set the border as fixed

Definition at line 573 of file poisson_solver.h.

template<class MeshType>
void vcg::tri::PoissonSolver< MeshType >::SetDiagonal ( ScalarType  val[3][3]) [inline, private]

set the diagonal of the matrix (which is zero at the beginning) as the sum of the other element inverted by sign

Definition at line 178 of file poisson_solver.h.

template<class MeshType>
void vcg::tri::PoissonSolver< MeshType >::SetSelectedAsFixed ( ) [inline]

set selected vertices as fixed

Definition at line 588 of file poisson_solver.h.

template<class MeshType>
void vcg::tri::PoissonSolver< MeshType >::SetValA ( int  Xindex,
int  Yindex,
ScalarType  val 
) [inline, private]

set the value of A of the system Ax=b

Definition at line 96 of file poisson_solver.h.

template<class MeshType>
void vcg::tri::PoissonSolver< MeshType >::SetValB ( int  Xindex,
ScalarType  val 
) [inline, private]

set the value of b of the system Ax=b

Definition at line 147 of file poisson_solver.h.

template<class MeshType>
bool vcg::tri::PoissonSolver< MeshType >::Solve ( ) [inline, private]

Definition at line 462 of file poisson_solver.h.

template<class MeshType>
bool vcg::tri::PoissonSolver< MeshType >::SolvePoisson ( bool  _write_messages = false,
ScalarType  fieldScale = 1.0,
bool  solve_global_fold = true 
) [inline]

solve the system, it return false if the matrix is singular

Initializing Matrix

set vertex indexes

initialize the matrix ALLOCATING SPACE

build the laplacian system

then check if majority of faces are folded

Definition at line 661 of file poisson_solver.h.

template<class MeshType>
int vcg::tri::PoissonSolver< MeshType >::VertexIndex ( VertexType v) [inline, private]

Definition at line 76 of file poisson_solver.h.

Member Data Documentation

template<class MeshType>
Eigen::SparseMatrix<double> vcg::tri::PoissonSolver< MeshType >::A [private]

unknown vector

Definition at line 59 of file poisson_solver.h.

template<class MeshType>
Eigen::VectorXd vcg::tri::PoissonSolver< MeshType >::b [private]

Definition at line 60 of file poisson_solver.h.

template<class MeshType>
bool vcg::tri::PoissonSolver< MeshType >::correct_fixed [private]

Definition at line 70 of file poisson_solver.h.

template<class MeshType>
ScalarType vcg::tri::PoissonSolver< MeshType >::fieldScale [private]

size of the scalar field

Definition at line 72 of file poisson_solver.h.

template<class MeshType>
bool vcg::tri::PoissonSolver< MeshType >::fix_selected [private]

Definition at line 70 of file poisson_solver.h.

template<class MeshType>
std::map<int, VertexType*> vcg::tri::PoissonSolver< MeshType >::IndToVertex [private]

Definition at line 52 of file poisson_solver.h.

template<class MeshType>
MeshType& vcg::tri::PoissonSolver< MeshType >::mesh [private]

the mesh itself

Definition at line 47 of file poisson_solver.h.

template<class MeshType>
unsigned int vcg::tri::PoissonSolver< MeshType >::n_fixed_vars [private]

number of fixed variables

Definition at line 67 of file poisson_solver.h.

template<class MeshType>
unsigned int vcg::tri::PoissonSolver< MeshType >::n_vert_vars [private]

Definition at line 63 of file poisson_solver.h.

template<class MeshType>
std::vector<VertexType *> vcg::tri::PoissonSolver< MeshType >::to_fix [private]

vertices to fix

Definition at line 55 of file poisson_solver.h.

template<class MeshType>
unsigned int vcg::tri::PoissonSolver< MeshType >::total_size [private]

total system size

Definition at line 65 of file poisson_solver.h.

template<class MeshType>
bool vcg::tri::PoissonSolver< MeshType >::use_direction_field [private]

if you intend to follow the cross field

Definition at line 70 of file poisson_solver.h.

template<class MeshType>
std::map<VertexType*,int> vcg::tri::PoissonSolver< MeshType >::VertexToInd [private]

solver data

Definition at line 51 of file poisson_solver.h.

template<class MeshType>
Eigen::VectorXd vcg::tri::PoissonSolver< MeshType >::x [private]

Definition at line 60 of file poisson_solver.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:

Author(s): Roberto Martín-Martín
autogenerated on Sat Jun 8 2019 18:43:00