Public Types | Private Attributes
vcg::Plane3< T, NORM > Class Template Reference

#include <plane3.h>

List of all members.

Public Types

typedef Point3< TPointType
typedef T ScalarType

Public Member Functions

 Plane3 ()
 The empty constructor.
 Plane3 (const ScalarType &dist, const PointType &dir)
 The (distance, direction) constructor.
template<class Q >
void Import (const Plane3< Q, false > &b)
Members to access the distance or direction

Direction() cannot be assigned directly. Use SetDirection() or Set() instead. This is mandatory to make possible the automatic autonormalization template mechanism. Note that if you have to set both direction and offset it can be more efficient to set them toghether

const ScalarTypeOffset () const
ScalarTypeOffset ()
void SetOffset (const ScalarType &o)
 sets the origin
const PointTypeDirection () const
void SetDirection (const PointType &dir)
 sets the direction
void Set (const ScalarType &off, const PointType &dir)
 sets origin and direction.
void Set (const PointType &dir, const ScalarType &off)
bool operator== (Plane3 const &p) const
 Operator to compare two lines.
bool operator!= (Plane3 const &p) const
 Operator to dispare two lines.
PointType Projection (const PointType &p) const
 Project a point on the plane.
PointType Mirror (const PointType &p) const
 Mirror the point wrt the plane.
void Normalize ()
 Function to normalize direction.
void Init (const PointType &p0, const PointType &p1, const PointType &p2)
 Calculates the plane passing through three points (Rename this method)
void Init (const PointType &p0, const PointType &norm)
 Calculates the plane passing through a point and the normal (Rename this method.

Private Attributes

PointType _dir
 Direction (not necessarily normalized unless NORM is true)
ScalarType _offset

Detailed Description

template<class T, bool NORM = true>
class vcg::Plane3< T, NORM >

Templated class for 2D planes in 3D spaces. This is the class for infinite planes in 3D space. A Plane is stored just as a Point3 and a scalar: a direction (not necessarily normalized), an offset from the origin

Just to be clear, given a point P on a plane it always holds:

plane.Direction().dot(P) == plane.Offset()

T(template parameter) Specifies the type of scalar used to represent coords.
NORM,:if on, the direction is always Normalized

Definition at line 47 of file plane3.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:

Author(s): Roberto Martín-Martín
autogenerated on Sat Jun 8 2019 18:41:19