Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 // This file is part of Eigen, a lightweight C++ template library
00002 // for linear algebra.
00003 //
00004 // Copyright (C) 2012 Désiré Nuentsa-Wakam <>
00005 // Copyright (C) 2012 Gael Guennebaud <>
00006 //
00007 // This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla
00008 // Public License v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed
00009 // with this file, You can obtain one at
00014 namespace Eigen {
00015 namespace internal {
00031 template <int SegSizeAtCompileTime> struct LU_kernel_bmod
00032 {
00033   template <typename BlockScalarVector, typename ScalarVector, typename IndexVector, typename Index>
00034   static EIGEN_DONT_INLINE void run(const int segsize, BlockScalarVector& dense, ScalarVector& tempv, ScalarVector& lusup, Index& luptr, const Index lda,
00035                                     const Index nrow, IndexVector& lsub, const Index lptr, const Index no_zeros);
00036 };
00038 template <int SegSizeAtCompileTime>
00039 template <typename BlockScalarVector, typename ScalarVector, typename IndexVector, typename Index>
00040 EIGEN_DONT_INLINE void LU_kernel_bmod<SegSizeAtCompileTime>::run(const int segsize, BlockScalarVector& dense, ScalarVector& tempv, ScalarVector& lusup, Index& luptr, const Index lda,
00041                                                                   const Index nrow, IndexVector& lsub, const Index lptr, const Index no_zeros)
00042 {
00043   typedef typename ScalarVector::Scalar Scalar;
00044   // First, copy U[*,j] segment from dense(*) to tempv(*)
00045   // The result of triangular solve is in tempv[*]; 
00046     // The result of matric-vector update is in dense[*]
00047   Index isub = lptr + no_zeros; 
00048   int i;
00049   Index irow;
00050   for (i = 0; i < ((SegSizeAtCompileTime==Dynamic)?segsize:SegSizeAtCompileTime); i++)
00051   {
00052     irow = lsub(isub); 
00053     tempv(i) = dense(irow); 
00054     ++isub; 
00055   }
00056   // Dense triangular solve -- start effective triangle
00057   luptr += lda * no_zeros + no_zeros; 
00058   // Form Eigen matrix and vector 
00059   Map<Matrix<Scalar,SegSizeAtCompileTime,SegSizeAtCompileTime>, 0, OuterStride<> > A( &([luptr]), segsize, segsize, OuterStride<>(lda) );
00060   Map<Matrix<Scalar,SegSizeAtCompileTime,1> > u(, segsize);
00062   u = A.template triangularView<UnitLower>().solve(u); 
00064   // Dense matrix-vector product y <-- B*x 
00065   luptr += segsize;
00066   const Index PacketSize = internal::packet_traits<Scalar>::size;
00067   Index ldl = internal::first_multiple(nrow, PacketSize);
00068   Map<Matrix<Scalar,Dynamic,SegSizeAtCompileTime>, 0, OuterStride<> > B( &([luptr]), nrow, segsize, OuterStride<>(lda) );
00069   Index aligned_offset = internal::first_aligned(, PacketSize);
00070   Index aligned_with_B_offset = (PacketSize-internal::first_aligned(, PacketSize))%PacketSize;
00071   Map<Matrix<Scalar,Dynamic,1>, 0, OuterStride<> > l(, nrow, OuterStride<>(ldl) );
00073   l.setZero();
00074   internal::sparselu_gemm<Scalar>(l.rows(), l.cols(), B.cols(),, B.outerStride(),, u.outerStride(),, l.outerStride());
00076   // Scatter tempv[] into SPA dense[] as a temporary storage 
00077   isub = lptr + no_zeros;
00078   for (i = 0; i < ((SegSizeAtCompileTime==Dynamic)?segsize:SegSizeAtCompileTime); i++)
00079   {
00080     irow = lsub(isub++); 
00081     dense(irow) = tempv(i);
00082   }
00084   // Scatter l into SPA dense[]
00085   for (i = 0; i < nrow; i++)
00086   {
00087     irow = lsub(isub++); 
00088     dense(irow) -= l(i);
00089   } 
00090 }
00092 template <> struct LU_kernel_bmod<1>
00093 {
00094   template <typename BlockScalarVector, typename ScalarVector, typename IndexVector, typename Index>
00095   static EIGEN_DONT_INLINE void run(const int /*segsize*/, BlockScalarVector& dense, ScalarVector& /*tempv*/, ScalarVector& lusup, Index& luptr,
00096                                     const Index lda, const Index nrow, IndexVector& lsub, const Index lptr, const Index no_zeros);
00097 };
00100 template <typename BlockScalarVector, typename ScalarVector, typename IndexVector, typename Index>
00101 EIGEN_DONT_INLINE void LU_kernel_bmod<1>::run(const int /*segsize*/, BlockScalarVector& dense, ScalarVector& /*tempv*/, ScalarVector& lusup, Index& luptr,
00102                                               const Index lda, const Index nrow, IndexVector& lsub, const Index lptr, const Index no_zeros)
00103 {
00104   typedef typename ScalarVector::Scalar Scalar;
00105   Scalar f = dense(lsub(lptr + no_zeros));
00106   luptr += lda * no_zeros + no_zeros + 1;
00107   const Scalar* a( + luptr);
00108   const /*typename IndexVector::Scalar*/Index*  irow( + no_zeros + 1);
00109   Index i = 0;
00110   for (; i+1 < nrow; i+=2)
00111   {
00112     Index i0 = *(irow++);
00113     Index i1 = *(irow++);
00114     Scalar a0 = *(a++);
00115     Scalar a1 = *(a++);
00116     Scalar d0 = dense.coeff(i0);
00117     Scalar d1 = dense.coeff(i1);
00118     d0 -= f*a0;
00119     d1 -= f*a1;
00120     dense.coeffRef(i0) = d0;
00121     dense.coeffRef(i1) = d1;
00122   }
00123   if(i<nrow)
00124     dense.coeffRef(*(irow++)) -= f * *(a++);
00125 }
00127 } // end namespace internal
00129 } // end namespace Eigen
00130 #endif // SPARSELU_KERNEL_BMOD_H

Author(s): Roberto Martín-Martín
autogenerated on Sat Jun 8 2019 18:36:07