Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #include <safe_teleop_base/safe_trajectory_planner.h>
00003 using namespace std;
00004 using namespace costmap_2d;
00005 using namespace base_local_planner;
00007 namespace safe_teleop {
00008 SafeTrajectoryPlanner::SafeTrajectoryPlanner(WorldModel& world_model,
00009     const Costmap2D& costmap,
00010     std::vector<geometry_msgs::Point> footprint_spec,
00011     double inscribed_radius, double circumscribed_radius,
00012     double acc_lim_x, double acc_lim_y, double acc_lim_theta,
00013     double sim_time, double sim_granularity,
00014     int vx_samples, int vy_samples, int vtheta_samples,
00015     double userdist_scale, double occdist_scale,
00016     double max_vel_x, double min_vel_x,
00017     double max_vel_y, double min_vel_y,
00018     double max_vel_th, double min_vel_th,
00019     bool holonomic_robot, bool dwa)
00020 : map_(costmap.getSizeInCellsX(), costmap.getSizeInCellsY()), costmap_(costmap),
00021   world_model_(world_model), footprint_spec_(footprint_spec),
00022   inscribed_radius_(inscribed_radius), circumscribed_radius_(circumscribed_radius),
00023   sim_time_(sim_time), sim_granularity_(sim_granularity),
00024   vx_samples_(vx_samples), vy_samples_(vy_samples), vtheta_samples_(vtheta_samples),
00025   userdist_scale_(userdist_scale), occdist_scale_(occdist_scale),
00026   acc_lim_x_(acc_lim_x), acc_lim_y_(acc_lim_y), acc_lim_theta_(acc_lim_theta),
00027   max_vel_x_(max_vel_x), min_vel_x_(min_vel_x),
00028   max_vel_y_(max_vel_y), min_vel_y_(min_vel_y),
00029   max_vel_th_(max_vel_th), min_vel_th_(min_vel_th),
00030   holonomic_robot_(holonomic_robot), dwa_(dwa)
00031 {
00032 }
00034 SafeTrajectoryPlanner::~SafeTrajectoryPlanner(){}
00036 //create and score a trajectory given the current pose of the robot and selected velocities
00037 void SafeTrajectoryPlanner::generateTrajectory(
00038     double x, double y, double theta,
00039     double vx, double vy, double vtheta,
00040     double vx_samp, double vy_samp, double vtheta_samp,
00041     double acc_x, double acc_y, double acc_theta,
00042     double impossible_cost,
00043     double dx, double dy, double dtheta,
00044     Trajectory& traj){
00045   double x_i = x;
00046   double y_i = y;
00047   double theta_i = theta;
00049   double vx_i, vy_i, vtheta_i;
00051   vx_i = vx;
00052   vy_i = vy;
00053   vtheta_i = vtheta;
00055   //compute the magnitude of the velocities
00056   //    double vmag = sqrt(vx_samp * vx_samp + vy_samp * vy_samp);
00058   //compute the number of steps we must take along this trajectory to be "safe"
00059   int num_steps = int(sim_time_ / sim_granularity_ + 0.5);
00061   double dt = sim_time_ / num_steps;
00062   double time = 0.0;
00064   //create a potential trajectory
00065   traj.resetPoints();
00066   traj.xv_ = vx_samp;
00067   traj.yv_ = vy_samp;
00068   traj.thetav_ = vtheta_samp;
00069   traj.cost_ = -1.0;
00071   if(num_steps == 0)
00072     return;
00074   //initialize the costs for the trajectory
00075   double user_dist = 0.0;
00076   double occ_cost = 0.0;
00078   for(int i = 0; i < num_steps; ++i){
00079     //get map coordinates of a point
00080     unsigned int cell_x, cell_y;
00082     //we don't want a path that goes off the know map
00083     if(!costmap_.worldToMap(x_i, y_i, cell_x, cell_y)){
00084       traj.cost_ = -1.0;
00085       return;
00086     }
00088     //check the point on the trajectory for legality
00089     double footprint_cost = footprintCost(x_i, y_i, theta_i);
00091     //if the footprint hits an obstacle this trajectory is invalid
00092     if(footprint_cost < 0){
00093       traj.cost_ = -1.0;
00094       return;
00095     }
00097     occ_cost = std::max(std::max(occ_cost, footprint_cost), double(costmap_.getCost(cell_x, cell_y)));
00099     time += dt;
00101     //the point is legal... add it to the trajectory
00102     traj.addPoint(x_i, y_i, theta_i);
00104     //calculate velocities
00105     vx_i = computeNewVelocity(vx_samp, vx_i, acc_x, dt);
00106     vy_i = computeNewVelocity(vy_samp, vy_i, acc_y, dt);
00107     vtheta_i = computeNewVelocity(vtheta_samp, vtheta_i, acc_theta, dt);
00109     //calculate positions
00110     x_i = computeNewXPosition(x_i, vx_i, vy_i, theta_i, dt);
00111     y_i = computeNewYPosition(y_i, vx_i, vy_i, theta_i, dt);
00112     theta_i = computeNewThetaPosition(theta_i, vtheta_i, dt);
00114   }
00116   user_dist = sqrt((vx_samp - dx) * (vx_samp - dx) +
00117       (vy_samp - dy) * (vy_samp - dy) +
00118       (vtheta_samp - dtheta) * (vtheta_samp - dtheta));
00120   traj.cost_ = user_dist * userdist_scale_ + occdist_scale_ * occ_cost;
00121 }
00123 //calculate the cost of a ray-traced line
00124 double SafeTrajectoryPlanner::lineCost(int x0, int x1,
00125     int y0, int y1){
00126   //Bresenham Ray-Tracing
00127   int deltax = abs(x1 - x0);        // The difference between the x's
00128   int deltay = abs(y1 - y0);        // The difference between the y's
00129   int x = x0;                       // Start x off at the first pixel
00130   int y = y0;                       // Start y off at the first pixel
00132   int xinc1, xinc2, yinc1, yinc2;
00133   int den, num, numadd, numpixels;
00135   double line_cost = 0.0;
00136   double point_cost = -1.0;
00138   if (x1 >= x0)                 // The x-values are increasing
00139   {
00140     xinc1 = 1;
00141     xinc2 = 1;
00142   }
00143   else                          // The x-values are decreasing
00144   {
00145     xinc1 = -1;
00146     xinc2 = -1;
00147   }
00149   if (y1 >= y0)                 // The y-values are increasing
00150   {
00151     yinc1 = 1;
00152     yinc2 = 1;
00153   }
00154   else                          // The y-values are decreasing
00155   {
00156     yinc1 = -1;
00157     yinc2 = -1;
00158   }
00160   if (deltax >= deltay)         // There is at least one x-value for every y-value
00161   {
00162     xinc1 = 0;                  // Don't change the x when numerator >= denominator
00163     yinc2 = 0;                  // Don't change the y for every iteration
00164     den = deltax;
00165     num = deltax / 2;
00166     numadd = deltay;
00167     numpixels = deltax;         // There are more x-values than y-values
00168   }
00169   else                          // There is at least one y-value for every x-value
00170   {
00171     xinc2 = 0;                  // Don't change the x for every iteration
00172     yinc1 = 0;                  // Don't change the y when numerator >= denominator
00173     den = deltay;
00174     num = deltay / 2;
00175     numadd = deltax;
00176     numpixels = deltay;         // There are more y-values than x-values
00177   }
00179   for (int curpixel = 0; curpixel <= numpixels; curpixel++)
00180   {
00181     point_cost = pointCost(x, y); //Score the current point
00183     if(point_cost < 0)
00184       return -1;
00186     if(line_cost < point_cost)
00187       line_cost = point_cost;
00189     num += numadd;              // Increase the numerator by the top of the fraction
00190     if (num >= den)             // Check if numerator >= denominator
00191     {
00192       num -= den;               // Calculate the new numerator value
00193       x += xinc1;               // Change the x as appropriate
00194       y += yinc1;               // Change the y as appropriate
00195     }
00196     x += xinc2;                 // Change the x as appropriate
00197     y += yinc2;                 // Change the y as appropriate
00198   }
00200   return line_cost;
00201 }
00203 double SafeTrajectoryPlanner::pointCost(int x, int y){
00204   unsigned char cost = costmap_.getCost(x, y);
00205   //if the cell is in an obstacle the path is invalid
00207     return -1;
00208   }
00210   return cost;
00211 }
00213 //create the trajectories we wish to score
00214 Trajectory SafeTrajectoryPlanner::createTrajectories(double x, double y, double theta,
00215     double vx, double vy, double vtheta,
00216     double acc_x, double acc_y, double acc_theta,
00217     double dx, double dy, double dtheta){
00218   //compute feasible velocity limits in robot space
00219   double max_vel_x, max_vel_y, max_vel_theta;
00220   double min_vel_x, min_vel_y, min_vel_theta;
00222   //should we use the dynamic window approach?
00223   if(dwa_){
00224     max_vel_x = min(max_vel_x_, vx + acc_x * .1);
00225     min_vel_x = max(min_vel_x_, vx - acc_x * .1);
00227     max_vel_y = min(max_vel_y_, vy + acc_y * .1);
00228     min_vel_y = max(min_vel_y_, vy - acc_y * .1);
00230     max_vel_theta = min(max_vel_th_, vtheta + acc_theta * .1);
00231     min_vel_theta = max(min_vel_th_, vtheta - acc_theta * .1);
00232   } else {
00233     max_vel_x = min(max_vel_x_, vx + acc_x * sim_time_);
00234     min_vel_x = max(min_vel_x_, vx - acc_x * sim_time_);
00236     max_vel_y = min(max_vel_y_, vy + acc_y * sim_time_);
00237     min_vel_y = max(min_vel_y_, vy - acc_y * sim_time_);
00239     max_vel_theta = min(max_vel_th_, vtheta + acc_theta * sim_time_);
00240     min_vel_theta = max(min_vel_th_, vtheta - acc_theta * sim_time_);
00241   }
00243   //keep track of the best trajectory seen so far
00244   Trajectory* best_traj = &traj_one;
00245   best_traj->cost_ = -1.0;
00247   Trajectory* comp_traj = &traj_two;
00248   comp_traj->cost_ = -1.0;
00250   Trajectory* swap = NULL;
00252   //any cell with a cost greater than the size of the map is impossible
00253   double impossible_cost = map_.obstacleCosts();
00255   // first sample the user suggested trajectory
00256   generateTrajectory(x, y, theta, vx, vy, vtheta, dx, dy, dtheta, acc_x, acc_y, acc_theta, impossible_cost, dx, dy, dtheta, *comp_traj);
00258   //if the new trajectory is better... let's take it
00259   if(comp_traj->cost_ >= 0 && (comp_traj->cost_ < best_traj->cost_ || best_traj->cost_ < 0)){
00260     swap = best_traj;
00261     best_traj = comp_traj;
00262     comp_traj = swap;
00263   }
00265   //we want to sample the velocity space regularly
00266   double dvx = (max_vel_x - min_vel_x) / (vx_samples_ - 1);
00267   double dvy = (max_vel_y - min_vel_y) / (vy_samples_ - 1);
00268   double dvtheta = (max_vel_theta - min_vel_theta) / (vtheta_samples_ - 1);
00270   double vx_samp = 0.0;
00271   double vy_samp = 0.0;
00272   double vtheta_samp = 0.0;
00274   if (holonomic_robot_) {
00275     //loop through all x velocities
00276     vx_samp = min_vel_x;
00277     for(int i = 0; i < vx_samples_; ++i){
00278       vy_samp = 0;
00279       vtheta_samp = 0;
00280       //first sample the straight trajectory
00281       generateTrajectory(x, y, theta, vx, vy, vtheta, vx_samp, vy_samp, vtheta_samp, acc_x, acc_y, acc_theta, impossible_cost, dx, dy, dtheta, *comp_traj);
00283       //if the new trajectory is better... let's take it
00284       if(comp_traj->cost_ >= 0 && (comp_traj->cost_ < best_traj->cost_ || best_traj->cost_ < 0)){
00285         swap = best_traj;
00286         best_traj = comp_traj;
00287         comp_traj = swap;
00288       }
00290       vy_samp = min_vel_y;
00291       for (int k = 0; k < vy_samples_; k++) {
00292         vtheta_samp = 0;
00293         //first sample the trajectory with no rotation
00294         generateTrajectory(x, y, theta, vx, vy, vtheta, vx_samp, vy_samp, vtheta_samp, acc_x, acc_y, acc_theta, impossible_cost, dx, dy, dtheta, *comp_traj);
00296         //if the new trajectory is better... let's take it
00297         if(comp_traj->cost_ >= 0 && (comp_traj->cost_ < best_traj->cost_ || best_traj->cost_ < 0)){
00298           swap = best_traj;
00299           best_traj = comp_traj;
00300           comp_traj = swap;
00301         }
00304         vtheta_samp = min_vel_theta;
00305         //next sample all theta trajectories
00306         for(int j = 0; j < vtheta_samples_ - 1; ++j){
00307           generateTrajectory(x, y, theta, vx, vy, vtheta, vx_samp, vy_samp, vtheta_samp, acc_x, acc_y, acc_theta, impossible_cost, dx, dy, dtheta, *comp_traj);
00309           //if the new trajectory is better... let's take it
00310           if(comp_traj->cost_ >= 0 && (comp_traj->cost_ < best_traj->cost_ || best_traj->cost_ < 0)){
00311             swap = best_traj;
00312             best_traj = comp_traj;
00313             comp_traj = swap;
00314           }
00315           vtheta_samp += dvtheta;
00316         }
00317         vy_samp += dvy;
00318       }
00319       vx_samp += dvx;
00320     }
00321   } else {
00322     vy_samp = 0.0;
00323     //loop through all x velocities
00324     vx_samp = min_vel_x;
00325     for(int i = 0; i < vx_samples_; ++i){
00326       vtheta_samp = 0;
00327       //first sample the straight trajectory
00328       generateTrajectory(x, y, theta, vx, vy, vtheta, vx_samp, vy_samp, vtheta_samp, acc_x, acc_y, acc_theta, impossible_cost, dx, dy, dtheta, *comp_traj);
00330       //if the new trajectory is better... let's take it
00331       if(comp_traj->cost_ >= 0 && (comp_traj->cost_ < best_traj->cost_ || best_traj->cost_ < 0)){
00332         swap = best_traj;
00333         best_traj = comp_traj;
00334         comp_traj = swap;
00335       }
00337       vtheta_samp = min_vel_theta;
00338       //next sample all theta trajectories
00339       for(int j = 0; j < vtheta_samples_ - 1; ++j){
00340         generateTrajectory(x, y, theta, vx, vy, vtheta, vx_samp, vy_samp, vtheta_samp, acc_x, acc_y, acc_theta, impossible_cost, dx, dy, dtheta, *comp_traj);
00342         //if the new trajectory is better... let's take it
00343         if(comp_traj->cost_ >= 0 && (comp_traj->cost_ < best_traj->cost_ || best_traj->cost_ < 0)){
00344           swap = best_traj;
00345           best_traj = comp_traj;
00346           comp_traj = swap;
00347         }
00348         vtheta_samp += dvtheta;
00350       }
00351       vx_samp += dvx;
00352     }
00353   }
00357   return *best_traj;
00358 }
00360 //given the current state of the robot, find a good trajectory
00361 Trajectory SafeTrajectoryPlanner::findBestPath(tf::Stamped<tf::Pose> global_pose, tf::Stamped<tf::Pose> global_vel,
00362     tf::Stamped<tf::Pose> user_vel, tf::Stamped<tf::Pose>& drive_velocities){
00364   double yaw = tf::getYaw(global_pose.getRotation());
00365   double vel_yaw = tf::getYaw(global_vel.getRotation());
00366   double dyaw = tf::getYaw(user_vel.getRotation());
00368   double x = global_pose.getOrigin().getX();
00369   double y = global_pose.getOrigin().getY();
00370   double theta = yaw;
00372   double vx = global_vel.getOrigin().getX();
00373   double vy = global_vel.getOrigin().getY();
00374   double vtheta = vel_yaw;
00376   double dx = user_vel.getOrigin().getX();
00377   double dy = user_vel.getOrigin().getY();
00378   double dtheta = dyaw;
00380   //reset the map for new operations
00381   map_.resetPathDist();
00383   //temporarily remove obstacles that are within the footprint of the robot
00384   vector<base_local_planner::Position2DInt> footprint_list = getFootprintCells(x, y, theta, true);
00386   //mark cells within the initial footprint of the robot
00387   for(unsigned int i = 0; i < footprint_list.size(); ++i){
00388     map_(footprint_list[i].x, footprint_list[i].y).within_robot = true;
00389   }
00391   //rollout trajectories and find the minimum cost one
00392   Trajectory best = createTrajectories(x, y, theta, vx, vy, vtheta, acc_lim_x_, acc_lim_y_, acc_lim_theta_, dx, dy, dtheta);
00393   ROS_DEBUG("Trajectories created");
00395   if(best.cost_ < 0) {
00396     drive_velocities.setIdentity();
00397     ROS_INFO("No safe trajectory found");
00398   }
00399   else {
00400     tf::Vector3 start(best.xv_, best.yv_, 0);
00401     drive_velocities.setOrigin(start);
00402     tf::Matrix3x3 matrix;
00403     matrix.setRotation(tf::createQuaternionFromYaw(best.thetav_));
00404     drive_velocities.setBasis(matrix);
00405   }
00407   return best;
00408 }
00410 Trajectory SafeTrajectoryPlanner::findPath(tf::Stamped<tf::Pose> global_pose, tf::Stamped<tf::Pose> global_vel,
00411     tf::Stamped<tf::Pose> user_vel){
00413   double yaw = tf::getYaw(global_pose.getRotation());
00414   double vel_yaw = tf::getYaw(global_vel.getRotation());
00415   double dyaw = tf::getYaw(user_vel.getRotation());
00417   double x = global_pose.getOrigin().getX();
00418   double y = global_pose.getOrigin().getY();
00419   double theta = yaw;
00421   double vx = global_vel.getOrigin().getX();
00422   double vy = global_vel.getOrigin().getY();
00423   double vtheta = vel_yaw;
00425   double dx = user_vel.getOrigin().getX();
00426   double dy = user_vel.getOrigin().getY();
00427   double dtheta = dyaw;
00429   //reset the map for new operations
00430   map_.resetPathDist();
00432   //temporarily remove obstacles that are within the footprint of the robot
00433   vector<base_local_planner::Position2DInt> footprint_list = getFootprintCells(x, y, theta, true);
00435   //mark cells within the initial footprint of the robot
00436   for(unsigned int i = 0; i < footprint_list.size(); ++i){
00437     map_(footprint_list[i].x, footprint_list[i].y).within_robot = true;
00438   }
00440   Trajectory traj;
00441   double impossible_cost = map_.obstacleCosts();
00442   generateTrajectory(x, y, theta, vx, vy, vtheta, dx, dy, dtheta,
00443       acc_lim_x_, acc_lim_y_, acc_lim_theta_, impossible_cost, dx, dy, dtheta, traj);
00445   return traj;
00446 }
00448 //we need to take the footprint of the robot into account when we calculate cost to obstacles
00449 double SafeTrajectoryPlanner::footprintCost(double x_i, double y_i, double theta_i){
00450   //build the oriented footprint
00451   double cos_th = cos(theta_i);
00452   double sin_th = sin(theta_i);
00453   vector<geometry_msgs::Point> oriented_footprint;
00454   for(unsigned int i = 0; i < footprint_spec_.size(); ++i){
00455     geometry_msgs::Point new_pt;
00456     new_pt.x = x_i + (footprint_spec_[i].x * cos_th - footprint_spec_[i].y * sin_th);
00457     new_pt.y = y_i + (footprint_spec_[i].x * sin_th + footprint_spec_[i].y * cos_th);
00458     oriented_footprint.push_back(new_pt);
00459   }
00461   geometry_msgs::Point robot_position;
00462   robot_position.x = x_i;
00463   robot_position.y = y_i;
00465   //check if the footprint is legal
00466   double footprint_cost = world_model_.footprintCost(robot_position, oriented_footprint, inscribed_radius_, circumscribed_radius_);
00468   return footprint_cost;
00469 }
00471 void SafeTrajectoryPlanner::getLineCells(int x0, int x1, int y0, int y1, vector<base_local_planner::Position2DInt>& pts){
00472   //Bresenham Ray-Tracing
00473   int deltax = abs(x1 - x0);        // The difference between the x's
00474   int deltay = abs(y1 - y0);        // The difference between the y's
00475   int x = x0;                       // Start x off at the first pixel
00476   int y = y0;                       // Start y off at the first pixel
00478   int xinc1, xinc2, yinc1, yinc2;
00479   int den, num, numadd, numpixels;
00481   base_local_planner::Position2DInt pt;
00483   if (x1 >= x0)                 // The x-values are increasing
00484   {
00485     xinc1 = 1;
00486     xinc2 = 1;
00487   }
00488   else                          // The x-values are decreasing
00489   {
00490     xinc1 = -1;
00491     xinc2 = -1;
00492   }
00494   if (y1 >= y0)                 // The y-values are increasing
00495   {
00496     yinc1 = 1;
00497     yinc2 = 1;
00498   }
00499   else                          // The y-values are decreasing
00500   {
00501     yinc1 = -1;
00502     yinc2 = -1;
00503   }
00505   if (deltax >= deltay)         // There is at least one x-value for every y-value
00506   {
00507     xinc1 = 0;                  // Don't change the x when numerator >= denominator
00508     yinc2 = 0;                  // Don't change the y for every iteration
00509     den = deltax;
00510     num = deltax / 2;
00511     numadd = deltay;
00512     numpixels = deltax;         // There are more x-values than y-values
00513   }
00514   else                          // There is at least one y-value for every x-value
00515   {
00516     xinc2 = 0;                  // Don't change the x for every iteration
00517     yinc1 = 0;                  // Don't change the y when numerator >= denominator
00518     den = deltay;
00519     num = deltay / 2;
00520     numadd = deltax;
00521     numpixels = deltay;         // There are more y-values than x-values
00522   }
00524   for (int curpixel = 0; curpixel <= numpixels; curpixel++)
00525   {
00526     pt.x = x;      //Draw the current pixel
00527     pt.y = y;
00528     pts.push_back(pt);
00530     num += numadd;              // Increase the numerator by the top of the fraction
00531     if (num >= den)             // Check if numerator >= denominator
00532     {
00533       num -= den;               // Calculate the new numerator value
00534       x += xinc1;               // Change the x as appropriate
00535       y += yinc1;               // Change the y as appropriate
00536     }
00537     x += xinc2;                 // Change the x as appropriate
00538     y += yinc2;                 // Change the y as appropriate
00539   }
00540 }
00542 //get the cellsof a footprint at a given position
00543 vector<base_local_planner::Position2DInt> SafeTrajectoryPlanner::getFootprintCells(double x_i, double y_i, double theta_i, bool fill){
00544   vector<base_local_planner::Position2DInt> footprint_cells;
00546   //if we have no footprint... do nothing
00547   if(footprint_spec_.size() <= 1){
00548     unsigned int mx, my;
00549     if(costmap_.worldToMap(x_i, y_i, mx, my)){
00550       Position2DInt center;
00551       center.x = mx;
00552       center.y = my;
00553       footprint_cells.push_back(center);
00554     }
00555     return footprint_cells;
00556   }
00558   //pre-compute cos and sin values
00559   double cos_th = cos(theta_i);
00560   double sin_th = sin(theta_i);
00561   double new_x, new_y;
00562   unsigned int x0, y0, x1, y1;
00563   unsigned int last_index = footprint_spec_.size() - 1;
00565   for(unsigned int i = 0; i < last_index; ++i){
00566     //find the cell coordinates of the first segment point
00567     new_x = x_i + (footprint_spec_[i].x * cos_th - footprint_spec_[i].y * sin_th);
00568     new_y = y_i + (footprint_spec_[i].x * sin_th + footprint_spec_[i].y * cos_th);
00569     if(!costmap_.worldToMap(new_x, new_y, x0, y0))
00570       return footprint_cells;
00572     //find the cell coordinates of the second segment point
00573     new_x = x_i + (footprint_spec_[i + 1].x * cos_th - footprint_spec_[i + 1].y * sin_th);
00574     new_y = y_i + (footprint_spec_[i + 1].x * sin_th + footprint_spec_[i + 1].y * cos_th);
00575     if(!costmap_.worldToMap(new_x, new_y, x1, y1))
00576       return footprint_cells;
00578     getLineCells(x0, x1, y0, y1, footprint_cells);
00579   }
00581   //we need to close the loop, so we also have to raytrace from the last pt to first pt
00582   new_x = x_i + (footprint_spec_[last_index].x * cos_th - footprint_spec_[last_index].y * sin_th);
00583   new_y = y_i + (footprint_spec_[last_index].x * sin_th + footprint_spec_[last_index].y * cos_th);
00584   if(!costmap_.worldToMap(new_x, new_y, x0, y0))
00585     return footprint_cells;
00587   new_x = x_i + (footprint_spec_[0].x * cos_th - footprint_spec_[0].y * sin_th);
00588   new_y = y_i + (footprint_spec_[0].x * sin_th + footprint_spec_[0].y * cos_th);
00589   if(!costmap_.worldToMap(new_x, new_y, x1, y1))
00590     return footprint_cells;
00592   getLineCells(x0, x1, y0, y1, footprint_cells);
00594   if(fill)
00595     getFillCells(footprint_cells);
00597   return footprint_cells;
00598 }
00600 void SafeTrajectoryPlanner::getFillCells(vector<base_local_planner::Position2DInt>& footprint){
00601   //quick bubble sort to sort pts by x
00602   base_local_planner::Position2DInt swap, pt;
00603   unsigned int i = 0;
00604   while(i < footprint.size() - 1){
00605     if(footprint[i].x > footprint[i + 1].x){
00606       swap = footprint[i];
00607       footprint[i] = footprint[i + 1];
00608       footprint[i + 1] = swap;
00609       if(i > 0)
00610         --i;
00611     }
00612     else
00613       ++i;
00614   }
00616   i = 0;
00617   base_local_planner::Position2DInt min_pt;
00618   base_local_planner::Position2DInt max_pt;
00619   unsigned int min_x = footprint[0].x;
00620   unsigned int max_x = footprint[footprint.size() -1].x;
00621   //walk through each column and mark cells inside the footprint
00622   for(unsigned int x = min_x; x <= max_x; ++x){
00623     if(i >= footprint.size() - 1)
00624       break;
00626     if(footprint[i].y < footprint[i + 1].y){
00627       min_pt = footprint[i];
00628       max_pt = footprint[i + 1];
00629     }
00630     else{
00631       min_pt = footprint[i + 1];
00632       max_pt = footprint[i];
00633     }
00635     i += 2;
00636     while(i < footprint.size() && footprint[i].x == x){
00637       if(footprint[i].y < min_pt.y)
00638         min_pt = footprint[i];
00639       else if(footprint[i].y > max_pt.y)
00640         max_pt = footprint[i];
00641       ++i;
00642     }
00644     //loop though cells in the column
00645     for(unsigned int y = min_pt.y; y < max_pt.y; ++y){
00646       pt.x = x;
00647       pt.y = y;
00648       footprint.push_back(pt);
00649     }
00650   }
00651 }
00653 };

autogenerated on Thu Mar 14 2019 02:49:46