Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /*
00002  * Copyright 2014 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
00003  *
00004  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
00005  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
00006  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
00007  *
00008  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
00009  *
00010  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
00011  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
00012  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
00013  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
00014  * limitations under the License.
00015  */
00016 #include <string>
00018 #include "tango-gl/obj_loader.h"
00020 namespace tango_gl {
00021 bool obj_loader::LoadOBJData(const char* path, std::vector<GLfloat>& vertices,
00022                              std::vector<GLushort>& indices) {
00023   FILE *file = fopen(path, "r");
00024   if (file == NULL) {
00025     LOGE("Failed to open file: %s", path);
00026     return false;
00027   }
00029   while (1) {
00030     char lineHeader[128];
00031     int res = fscanf(file, "%s", lineHeader);
00032     if (res == EOF) break;
00033     if (strcmp(lineHeader, "v") == 0) {
00034       GLfloat vertex[3];
00035       int matches =
00036           fscanf(file, "%f %f %f\n", &vertex[0], &vertex[1], &vertex[2]);
00037       if (matches != 3) {
00038         LOGE("Format of 'v float float float' required for each vertice line");
00039         return false;
00040       }
00041       vertices.push_back(vertex[0]);
00042       vertices.push_back(vertex[1]);
00043       vertices.push_back(vertex[2]);
00044     } else if (strcmp(lineHeader, "f") == 0) {
00045       GLushort vertexIndex[3];
00046       int matches = fscanf(file, "%hu %hu %hu\n", &vertexIndex[0],
00047                            &vertexIndex[1], &vertexIndex[2]);
00048       if (matches != 3) {
00049         LOGE("Format of 'f int int int' required for each face line");
00050         return false;
00051       }
00052       indices.push_back(vertexIndex[0] - 1);
00053       indices.push_back(vertexIndex[1] - 1);
00054       indices.push_back(vertexIndex[2] - 1);
00055     }
00056     else {
00057       char comments_buffer[1000];
00058       fgets(comments_buffer, 1000, file);
00059     }
00060   }
00061   fclose(file);
00062   return true;
00063 }
00065 bool obj_loader::LoadOBJData(const char* path, std::vector<GLfloat>& vertices,
00066                              std::vector<GLfloat>& normals) {
00067   std::vector<unsigned int> vertexIndices, normalIndices;
00068   std::vector<GLfloat> temp_vertices, temp_normals;
00070   FILE* file = fopen(path, "r");
00071   if (file == NULL) {
00072     LOGE("Failed to open file: %s", path);
00073     return false;
00074   }
00076   while (1) {
00077     char lineHeader[128];
00078     int res = fscanf(file, "%s", lineHeader);
00079     if (res == EOF) break;
00080     if (strcmp(lineHeader, "v") == 0) {
00081       GLfloat vertex[3];
00082       int matches =
00083           fscanf(file, "%f %f %f\n", &vertex[0], &vertex[1], &vertex[2]);
00084       if (matches != 3) {
00085         LOGE("Format of 'v float float float' required for each vertice line");
00086         return false;
00087       }
00088       temp_vertices.push_back(vertex[0]);
00089       temp_vertices.push_back(vertex[1]);
00090       temp_vertices.push_back(vertex[2]);
00091     } else if (strcmp(lineHeader, "vn") == 0) {
00092       GLfloat normal[3];
00093       int matches =
00094           fscanf(file, "%f %f %f\n", &normal[0], &normal[1], &normal[2]);
00095       if (matches != 3) {
00096         LOGE("Format of 'vn float float float' required for each normal line");
00097         return false;
00098       }
00099       temp_normals.push_back(normal[0]);
00100       temp_normals.push_back(normal[1]);
00101       temp_normals.push_back(normal[2]);
00102     } else if (strcmp(lineHeader, "f") == 0) {
00103       GLushort vertexIndex[4];
00104       GLushort normalIndex[4];
00105       int matches = fscanf(file, "%hu//%hu %hu//%hu %hu//%hu %hu//%hu\n",
00106                            &vertexIndex[0], &normalIndex[0], &vertexIndex[1], &normalIndex[1],
00107                            &vertexIndex[2], &normalIndex[2], &vertexIndex[3], &normalIndex[3]);
00109       // .obj file is 1-indexed, so subtract 1 from all indices.
00110       if (matches == 6) {
00111         // If triangles provided.
00112         vertexIndices.push_back(vertexIndex[0] - 1);
00113         vertexIndices.push_back(vertexIndex[1] - 1);
00114         vertexIndices.push_back(vertexIndex[2] - 1);
00115         normalIndices.push_back(normalIndex[0] - 1);
00116         normalIndices.push_back(normalIndex[1] - 1);
00117         normalIndices.push_back(normalIndex[2] - 1);
00118       } else if(matches == 8) {
00119         // If quads provided.
00120         vertexIndices.push_back(vertexIndex[0] - 1);
00121         vertexIndices.push_back(vertexIndex[1] - 1);
00122         vertexIndices.push_back(vertexIndex[2] - 1);
00123         vertexIndices.push_back(vertexIndex[0] - 1);
00124         vertexIndices.push_back(vertexIndex[2] - 1);
00125         vertexIndices.push_back(vertexIndex[3] - 1);
00126         normalIndices.push_back(normalIndex[0] - 1);
00127         normalIndices.push_back(normalIndex[1] - 1);
00128         normalIndices.push_back(normalIndex[2] - 1);
00129         normalIndices.push_back(normalIndex[0] - 1);
00130         normalIndices.push_back(normalIndex[2] - 1);
00131         normalIndices.push_back(normalIndex[3] - 1);
00132       } else {
00133         LOGE("Format of 'f int//int int//int int//int' required for each face");
00134         return false;
00135       }
00136     } else {
00137       char comments_buffer[1000];
00138       fgets(comments_buffer, 1000, file);
00139     }
00140   }
00142   for (unsigned int i = 0; i < vertexIndices.size(); i++) {
00143     unsigned int vertexIndex = vertexIndices[i];
00144     unsigned int normalIndex = normalIndices[i];
00146     vertices.push_back(temp_vertices[vertexIndex * 3]);
00147     vertices.push_back(temp_vertices[vertexIndex * 3 + 1]);
00148     vertices.push_back(temp_vertices[vertexIndex * 3 + 2]);
00149     normals.push_back(temp_normals[normalIndex * 3]);
00150     normals.push_back(temp_normals[normalIndex * 3 + 1]);
00151     normals.push_back(temp_normals[normalIndex * 3 + 2]);
00152   }
00153   fclose(file);
00154   return true;
00155 }
00156 }  // namespace tango_gl

Author(s): Mathieu Labbe
autogenerated on Thu Jun 6 2019 21:59:21