Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 import rosgraph
00002 import rosnode
00003 QUIET_NAMES = ['/rosout','/tf']
00005 from diarc.base_adapter import *
00006 from ros_topology import *
00007 from diarc.view import BlockItemAttributes
00008 from diarc.view import BandItemAttributes
00009 from diarc.view import SnapItemAttributes
00010 # from diarc.view_attributes import *
00013 class RosAdapter(BaseAdapter):
00014     """ Implements the Adapter interface for the View and provides hooks for 
00015     populating and implementing the ros specific version of the topology.
00016     """
00018     def __init__(self,view):
00019         super(RosAdapter,self).__init__(RosSystemGraph(),view)
00020         self._topology.hide_disconnected_snaps = True
00021         self._master = rosgraph.Master('/RosSystemGraph')
00023     def get_block_item_attributes(self, block_index):
00024         """ Overloads the BaseAdapters stock implementation of this method """
00025         block = self._topology.blocks[block_index]
00026         attrs = BlockItemAttributes()
00027         attrs.bgcolor = "white"
00028         attrs.border_color = "red"
00029         attrs.border_width = 0
00030         attrs.label =
00031         attrs.label_color = "red"
00032         attrs.spacerwidth = 20
00033         attrs.draw_debug = True
00034         return attrs
00036     def get_band_item_attributes(self, band_altitude):
00037         """ Overloads the BaseAdapters stock implementation of this method """
00038         band = self._topology.bands[band_altitude]
00039         attrs = BandItemAttributes()
00040         attrs.bgcolor = "white"
00041         attrs.border_color = "red"
00042         attrs.label =
00043         attrs.label_color = "red"
00044         attrs.width = 15
00045         attrs.draw_debug = True
00046         return attrs
00048     def get_snap_item_attributes(self, snapkey):
00049         """ Default method for providing some stock settings for snaps """
00050         attrs = SnapItemAttributes()
00051         attrs.bgcolor = "white"
00052         attrs.border_color = "red"
00053         attrs.border_width = 0
00054         attrs.label = ""
00055         attrs.label_color = "red"
00056         attrs.width = 20
00057         attrs.draw_debug = True
00058         return attrs
00060     def update_model(self):
00061         """ query the ros master for information about the state of the system """
00062         # Query master and compile a list of all published topics and their types
00063         allCurrentTopics = self._master.getPublishedTopics('/')
00064         allCurrentTopicNames = [x[0] for x in allCurrentTopics]
00065         # Get all the topics we currently know about
00066         rsgTopics = self._topology.topics
00068         # Remove any topics from Ros System Graph not currently known to master
00069         for topic in rsgTopics.values():
00070             if not in allCurrentTopicNames:
00071                 print "Removing Topic",, "not found in ",allCurrentTopicNames
00072                 topic.release()
00074         # Add any topics not currently in the Ros System Graph
00075         for topicName, topicType in allCurrentTopics:
00076             if topicName not in rsgTopics: # and topicName not in QUIET_NAMES:
00077                 topic = Topic(self._topology,topicName,topicType)
00079         # Compile a list of node names
00080         allCurrentNodes = rosnode.get_node_names()
00081         # Get all nodes we currently know about
00082         rsgNodes = self._topology.nodes
00084         # Remove any nodes from RosSystemGraph not currently known to master
00085         for node in rsgNodes.values():
00086             if not in allCurrentNodes:
00087                 print "Removing Node",, "not found in ",allCurrentNodes
00088                 node.release()
00090         # Add any nodes not currently in the Ros System Graph
00091         for name in allCurrentNodes:
00092             if name not in rsgNodes: # and name not in QUIET_NAMES:
00093                 node = Node(self._topology,name)
00094                 try:
00095                     node.location = self._master.lookupNode(name)
00096                 except socket.error:
00097                     raise Exception("Unable to communicate with master!")
00099         # Check for added or removed connections
00100         systemState = self._master.getSystemState()
00101         # Process publishers
00102         for topicName, publishersList in systemState[0]:
00103             if topicName in QUIET_NAMES: 
00104                 continue
00105             rsgPublishers = self._topology.topics[topicName].publishers
00106             # Remove publishers that don't exist anymore
00107             for publisher in rsgPublishers:
00108                 if not in publishersList:
00109                     publisher.release()
00110             # Add publishers taht are not yet in the RosSystemGraph
00111             for nodeName in publishersList:
00112                 if nodeName not in [ for pub in rsgPublishers]:
00113                     publisher = Publisher(self._topology,self._topology.nodes[nodeName],self._topology.topics[topicName])
00115         # Process subscribers
00116         for topicName, subscribersList in systemState[1]:
00117             if topicName in QUIET_NAMES: 
00118                 continue
00119             try:
00120                 rsgSubscribers = self._topology.topics[topicName].subscribers
00121             except:
00122                 print topicName,"not found in"
00123                 continue
00124             # Remove subscribers that don't exist anymore
00125             for subscriber in rsgSubscribers:
00126                 if not in subscribersList:
00127                     subscriber.release()
00128             # Add subscriber taht are not yet in the RosSystemGraph
00129             for nodeName in subscribersList:
00130                 if nodeName not in [ for sub in rsgSubscribers]:
00131                     subscriber = Subscriber(self._topology,self._topology.nodes[nodeName],self._topology.topics[topicName])
00133         self._update_view()

Author(s): Dan Brooks
autogenerated on Thu Jun 6 2019 20:29:31