Classes | Functions | Variables
gtest_help_test Namespace Reference


class  GTestHelpTest


def RunWithFlag


string __author__ = ' (Zhanyong Wan)'
string DEATH_TEST_STYLE_FLAG = 'death_test_style'
string FLAG_PREFIX = '--gtest_'
string INTERNAL_FLAG_FOR_TESTING = 'internal_flag_for_testing'
string IS_LINUX = 'posix'
string IS_WINDOWS = 'nt'
string LIST_TESTS_FLAG = 'list_tests'
tuple PROGRAM_PATH = gtest_test_utils.GetTestExecutablePath('gtest_help_test_')
string STREAM_RESULT_TO_FLAG = 'stream_result_to'
string SUPPORTS_DEATH_TESTS = "DeathTest"
string UNKNOWN_FLAG = 'unknown_flag_for_testing'

Function Documentation

Runs gtest_help_test_ with the given flag.

  the exit code and the text output as a tuple.
  flag: the command-line flag to pass to gtest_help_test_, or None.

Definition at line 81 of file gmock/gtest/test/

Variable Documentation

string gtest_help_test::__author__ = ' (Zhanyong Wan)'

Definition at line 40 of file gmock/gtest/test/

string gtest_help_test::DEATH_TEST_STYLE_FLAG = 'death_test_style'

Definition at line 52 of file gmock/gtest/test/

string gtest_help_test::FLAG_PREFIX = '--gtest_'

Definition at line 51 of file gmock/gtest/test/

Initial value:
00001 re.compile(
00002     FLAG_PREFIX + r'list_tests.*' +
00003     FLAG_PREFIX + r'filter=.*' +
00004     FLAG_PREFIX + r'also_run_disabled_tests.*' +
00005     FLAG_PREFIX + r'repeat=.*' +
00006     FLAG_PREFIX + r'shuffle.*' +
00007     FLAG_PREFIX + r'random_seed=.*' +
00008     FLAG_PREFIX + r'color=.*' +
00009     FLAG_PREFIX + r'print_time.*' +
00010     FLAG_PREFIX + r'output=.*' +
00011     FLAG_PREFIX + r'break_on_failure.*' +
00012     FLAG_PREFIX + r'throw_on_failure.*' +
00013     FLAG_PREFIX + r'catch_exceptions=0.*',
00014     re.DOTALL)

Definition at line 65 of file gmock/gtest/test/

Initial value:
00001 [re.sub('^--', '-', LIST_TESTS_FLAG),
00002                            re.sub('^--', '/', LIST_TESTS_FLAG),
00003                            re.sub('_', '-', LIST_TESTS_FLAG)]

Definition at line 56 of file gmock/gtest/test/

string gtest_help_test::INTERNAL_FLAG_FOR_TESTING = 'internal_flag_for_testing'

Definition at line 59 of file gmock/gtest/test/

string gtest_help_test::IS_LINUX = 'posix'

Definition at line 47 of file gmock/gtest/test/

Definition at line 48 of file gmock/gtest/test/

string gtest_help_test::LIST_TESTS_FLAG = 'list_tests'

Definition at line 55 of file gmock/gtest/test/

Definition at line 50 of file gmock/gtest/test/

string gtest_help_test::STREAM_RESULT_TO_FLAG = 'stream_result_to'

Definition at line 53 of file gmock/gtest/test/

Definition at line 61 of file gmock/gtest/test/

string gtest_help_test::UNKNOWN_FLAG = 'unknown_flag_for_testing'

Definition at line 54 of file gmock/gtest/test/

Author(s): Denis Štogl
autogenerated on Sat Jun 8 2019 18:24:59