rocon_gateway_utils::resolvers Namespace Reference


def resolve_gateway_info
def resolve_local_gateway
 Gateway Existence.

Function Documentation

def rocon_gateway_utils.resolvers.resolve_gateway_info (   gateway_namespace = None)
  @param the local topic namespace to prepend to the 'gateway_info' identifier. Uses
  resolve_local_gateway if none is specified.
  @type str

  @return the local gateway info in all its gory detail.
  @rtype gateway_msgs.GatewayInfo

  @raise rocon_gateway.GatewayError: if no remote gateways or no matching gateways available.

Definition at line 56 of file

Gateway Existence.

  @param timeout : timeout on checking for the gateway, if None, it just makes a single attempt.
  @type rospy.rostime.Duration

  @raise rocon_python_comms.NotFoundException: if no remote gateways or no matching gateways available.

Definition at line 22 of file

Author(s): Daniel Stonier
autogenerated on Sat Jun 8 2019 18:48:41