File: robotnik_msgs/InverterStatus.msg
Raw Message Definition
Header header
float32 ac_voltage # Output Voltage in Volts (Mandatory)
float32 dc_voltage # Input Voltage in Volts (If unmeasured NaN)
float32 load # Current percentage load on 0 to 1 range (If unmeasured NaN)
float32 percentage # Charge percentage on 0 to 1 range (If unmeasured NaN)
float32 temperature # Current temperature in centigrads (If unmeasured NaN)
bool on # True if the inverter is on
string serial_number # The best approximation of the battery serial number
Compact Message Definition
std_msgs/Header header
float32 ac_voltage
float32 dc_voltage
float32 load
float32 percentage
float32 temperature
bool on
string serial_number