Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /*
00002  * Copyright 2014 Open Source Robotics Foundation
00003  *
00004  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
00005  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
00006  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
00007  *
00008  *
00009  *
00010  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
00011  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
00012  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
00013  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
00014  * limitations under the License.
00015  *
00016 */
00017 /*
00018     This file has been modified from the original, by Devon Ash
00019 */ 
00021 #include <robotiq_s_model_articulated_msgs/SModelRobotInput.h>
00022 #include <robotiq_s_model_articulated_msgs/SModelRobotOutput.h>
00023 #include <ros/ros.h>
00024 #include <string>
00025 #include <vector>
00027 /*
00029 Due to necessity, I had to change the PID.hh file's definition from private members to public to allow public access of its members. They're private in 1.9 and getter functions aren't implemented until gazebo 3.0. I thought that was silly, and so I hacked around it. The functions directly access the private members by necessity. It can only change if Gazebo patches 1.9 and 2.2 to include getters for it.
00031 I'm not sure exactly where the dependency chain includes PID.hh for the first time, so I've encapsulated all of the gazebo includes. Not pretty, but it works. If you're reading this and know of a better soln', feel free to change it.
00033 */
00034 #define private public 
00035 #include <gazebo/common/Plugin.hh>
00036 #include <gazebo/common/Time.hh>
00037 #include <gazebo/math/Angle.hh>
00038 #include <gazebo/physics/physics.hh>
00039 #include <robotiq_s_model_articulated_gazebo_plugins/RobotiqHandPlugin.h>
00040 #undef private
00042 // Default topic names initialization.
00043 const std::string RobotiqHandPlugin::DefaultLeftTopicCommand  =
00044   "/left_hand/command";
00045 const std::string RobotiqHandPlugin::DefaultLeftTopicState    =
00046   "/left_hand/state";
00047 const std::string RobotiqHandPlugin::DefaultRightTopicCommand =
00048   "/right_hand/command";
00049 const std::string RobotiqHandPlugin::DefaultRightTopicState   =
00050   "/right_hand/state";
00053 RobotiqHandPlugin::RobotiqHandPlugin()
00054 {
00055   // PID default parameters.
00056   for (int i = 0; i < this->NumJoints; ++i)
00057   {
00058     this->posePID[i].Init(1.0, 0, 0.5, 0.0, 0.0, 60.0, -60.0);
00059     this->posePID[i].SetCmd(0.0);
00060   }
00062   // Default grasping mode: Basic mode.
00063   this->graspingMode = Basic;
00065   // Default hand state: Disabled.
00066   this->handState = Disabled;
00067 }
00070 RobotiqHandPlugin::~RobotiqHandPlugin()
00071 {
00072   gazebo::event::Events::DisconnectWorldUpdateBegin(this->updateConnection);
00073   this->rosNode->shutdown();
00074   this->rosQueue.clear();
00075   this->rosQueue.disable();
00076   this->callbackQueueThread.join();
00077 }
00080 void RobotiqHandPlugin::Load(gazebo::physics::ModelPtr _parent,
00081                              sdf::ElementPtr _sdf)
00082 {
00083   this->model = _parent;
00084   this->world = this->model->GetWorld();
00085   this->sdf = _sdf;
00087   if (!this->sdf->HasElement("side") ||
00088       !this->sdf->GetElement("side")->GetValue()->Get(this->side) ||
00089       ((this->side != "left") && (this->side != "right")))
00090   {
00091     gzerr << "Failed to determine which hand we're controlling; "
00092              "aborting plugin load. <Side> should be either 'left' or 'right'."
00093           << std::endl;
00094     return;
00095   }
00097   // Load the vector of all joints.
00098   std::string prefix;
00099   if (this->side == "left")
00100     prefix = "l_";
00101   else
00102     prefix = "r_";
00104   // Load the vector of all joints.
00105   if (!this->FindJoints())
00106     return;
00108   gzlog << "Prior to iterating.." << std::endl;
00109   // Initialize joint state vector.
00110   this->>jointNames.size());
00111   this->jointStates.position.resize(this->jointNames.size());
00112   this->jointStates.velocity.resize(this->jointNames.size());
00113   this->jointStates.effort.resize(this->jointNames.size());
00114   gzlog << "About to iterate things.." << std::endl;
00115   for (size_t i = 0; i < this->jointNames.size(); ++i)
00116   {
00117     this->[i] = this->jointNames[i];
00118     this->jointStates.position[i] = 0;
00119     this->jointStates.velocity[i] = 0;
00120     this->jointStates.effort[i] = 0;
00121   }
00122   gzlog << "Initialized the joint state vector" << std::endl;
00124   // Default ROS topic names.
00125   std::string controlTopicName = this->DefaultLeftTopicCommand;
00126   std::string stateTopicName   = this->DefaultLeftTopicState;
00127   if (this->side == "right")
00128   {
00129     controlTopicName = this->DefaultRightTopicCommand;
00130     stateTopicName   = this->DefaultRightTopicState;
00131   }
00132   gzlog << "Using control topic " << controlTopicName << std::endl;
00134   for (int i = 0; i < this->NumJoints; ++i)
00135   {
00136     // Set the PID effort limits.
00137     this->posePID[i].SetCmdMin(-this->fingerJoints[i]->GetEffortLimit(0));
00138     this->posePID[i].SetCmdMax(this->fingerJoints[i]->GetEffortLimit(0));
00140     // Overload the PID parameters if they are available.
00141     if (this->sdf->HasElement("kp_position"))
00142       this->posePID[i].SetPGain(this->sdf->Get<double>("kp_position"));
00144     if (this->sdf->HasElement("ki_position"))
00145       this->posePID[i].SetIGain(this->sdf->Get<double>("ki_position"));
00147     if (this->sdf->HasElement("kd_position"))
00148     {
00149       this->posePID[i].SetDGain(this->sdf->Get<double>("kd_position"));
00150       std::cout << "dGain after overloading: " << this->posePID[i].dGain
00151                 << std::endl;
00152     }
00154     if (this->sdf->HasElement("position_effort_min"))
00155       this->posePID[i].SetCmdMin(this->sdf->Get<double>("position_effort_min"));
00157     if (this->sdf->HasElement("position_effort_max"))
00158       this->posePID[i].SetCmdMax(this->sdf->Get<double>("position_effort_max"));
00159   }
00161   // Overload the ROS topics for the hand if they are available.
00162   if (this->sdf->HasElement("topic_command"))
00163     controlTopicName = this->sdf->Get<std::string>("topic_command");
00165   if (this->sdf->HasElement("topic_state"))
00166     stateTopicName = this->sdf->Get<std::string>("topic_state");
00168   // Initialize ROS.
00169   if (!ros::isInitialized())
00170   {
00171     gzerr << "Not loading plugin since ROS hasn't been "
00172           << "properly initialized. Try starting gazebo with ROS plugin:\n"
00173           << " gazebo -s\n";
00174     return;
00175   }
00177   // Create a ROS node.
00178   this->rosNode.reset(new ros::NodeHandle(""));
00180   // Publish multi queue.
00181   this->pmq.startServiceThread();
00183   // Broadcasts state.
00184   this->pubHandleStateQueue = this->pmq.addPub<robotiq_s_model_articulated_msgs::SModelRobotInput>();
00185   this->pubHandleState = this->rosNode->advertise<robotiq_s_model_articulated_msgs::SModelRobotInput>(
00186     stateTopicName, 100, true);
00188   // Broadcast joint state.
00189   std::string topicBase = std::string("robotiq_hands/") + this->side;
00190   this->pubJointStatesQueue = this->pmq.addPub<sensor_msgs::JointState>();
00191   this->pubJointStates = this->rosNode->advertise<sensor_msgs::JointState>(
00192     topicBase + std::string("_hand/joint_states"), 10);
00194   // Subscribe to user published handle control commands.
00195   ros::SubscribeOptions handleCommandSo =
00196     ros::SubscribeOptions::create<robotiq_s_model_articulated_msgs::SModelRobotOutput>(
00197       controlTopicName, 100,
00198       boost::bind(&RobotiqHandPlugin::SetHandleCommand, this, _1),
00199       ros::VoidPtr(), &this->rosQueue);
00201   // Enable TCP_NODELAY since TCP causes bursty communication with high jitter.
00202   handleCommandSo.transport_hints =
00203     ros::TransportHints().reliable().tcpNoDelay(true);
00204   this->subHandleCommand = this->rosNode->subscribe(handleCommandSo);
00206   // Controller time control.
00207   this->lastControllerUpdateTime = this->world->GetSimTime();
00209   // Start callback queue.
00210   this->callbackQueueThread =
00211     boost::thread(boost::bind(&RobotiqHandPlugin::RosQueueThread, this));
00213   // Connect to gazebo world update.
00214   this->updateConnection =
00215     gazebo::event::Events::ConnectWorldUpdateBegin(
00216       boost::bind(&RobotiqHandPlugin::UpdateStates, this));
00218   // Log information.
00219   gzlog << "RobotiqHandPlugin loaded for " << this->side << " hand."
00220         << std::endl;
00221   for (int i = 0; i < this->NumJoints; ++i)
00222   {
00223     gzlog << "Position PID parameters for joint ["
00224           << this->fingerJoints[i]->GetName() << "]:"     << std::endl
00225           << "\tKP: "     << this->posePID[i].pGain  << std::endl
00226           << "\tKI: "     << this->posePID[i].iGain  << std::endl
00227           << "\tKD: "     << this->posePID[i].dGain  << std::endl
00228           << "\tIMin: "   << this->posePID[i].iMin   << std::endl
00229           << "\tIMax: "   << this->posePID[i].iMax   << std::endl
00230           << "\tCmdMin: " << this->posePID[i].cmdMin << std::endl
00231           << "\tCmdMax: " << this->posePID[i].cmdMax << std::endl
00232           << std::endl;
00233   }
00234   gzlog << "Topic for sending hand commands: ["   << controlTopicName
00235         << "]\nTopic for receiving hand state: [" << stateTopicName
00236         << "]" << std::endl;
00237 }
00240 bool RobotiqHandPlugin::VerifyField(const std::string &_label, int _min,
00241   int _max, int _v)
00242 {
00243   if (_v < _min || _v > _max)
00244   {
00245     std::cerr << "Illegal " << _label << " value: [" << _v << "]. The correct "
00246               << "range is [" << _min << "," << _max << "]" << std::endl;
00247     return false;
00248   }
00249   return true;
00250 }
00253 bool RobotiqHandPlugin::VerifyCommand(
00254     const robotiq_s_model_articulated_msgs::SModelRobotOutput::ConstPtr &_command)
00255 {
00256   return this->VerifyField("rACT", 0, 1,   _command->rACT) &&
00257          this->VerifyField("rMOD", 0, 3,   _command->rACT) &&
00258          this->VerifyField("rGTO", 0, 1,   _command->rACT) &&
00259          this->VerifyField("rATR", 0, 1,   _command->rACT) &&
00260          this->VerifyField("rICF", 0, 1,   _command->rACT) &&
00261          this->VerifyField("rICS", 0, 1,   _command->rACT) &&
00262          this->VerifyField("rPRA", 0, 255, _command->rACT) &&
00263          this->VerifyField("rSPA", 0, 255, _command->rACT) &&
00264          this->VerifyField("rFRA", 0, 255, _command->rACT) &&
00265          this->VerifyField("rPRB", 0, 255, _command->rACT) &&
00266          this->VerifyField("rSPB", 0, 255, _command->rACT) &&
00267          this->VerifyField("rFRB", 0, 255, _command->rACT) &&
00268          this->VerifyField("rPRC", 0, 255, _command->rACT) && 
00269          this->VerifyField("rSPC", 0, 255, _command->rACT) &&
00270          this->VerifyField("rFRC", 0, 255, _command->rACT) &&
00271          this->VerifyField("rPRS", 0, 255, _command->rACT) &&
00272          this->VerifyField("rSPS", 0, 255, _command->rACT) &&
00273          this->VerifyField("rFRS", 0, 255, _command->rACT);
00274 }
00277 void RobotiqHandPlugin::SetHandleCommand(
00278     const robotiq_s_model_articulated_msgs::SModelRobotOutput::ConstPtr &_msg)
00279 {
00280   boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(this->controlMutex);
00282   // Sanity check.
00283   if (!this->VerifyCommand(_msg))
00284   {
00285     std::cerr << "Ignoring command" << std::endl;
00286     return;
00287   }
00289   this->prevCommand = this->handleCommand;
00291   // Update handleCommand.
00292   this->handleCommand = *_msg;
00293 }
00296 void RobotiqHandPlugin::ReleaseHand()
00297 {
00298   // Open the fingers.
00299   this->handleCommand.rPRA = 0;
00300   this->handleCommand.rPRB = 0;
00301   this->handleCommand.rPRC = 0;
00303   // Half speed.
00304   this->handleCommand.rSPA = 127;
00305   this->handleCommand.rSPB = 127;
00306   this->handleCommand.rSPC = 127;
00307 }
00310 void RobotiqHandPlugin::StopHand()
00311 {
00312   // Set the target positions to the current ones.
00313   this->handleCommand.rPRA = this->handleState.gPRA;
00314   this->handleCommand.rPRB = this->handleState.gPRB;
00315   this->handleCommand.rPRC = this->handleState.gPRC;
00316 }
00319 bool RobotiqHandPlugin::IsHandFullyOpen()
00320 {
00321   bool fingersOpen = true;
00323   // The hand will be fully open when all the fingers are within 'tolerance'
00324   // from their lower limits.
00325   gazebo::math::Angle tolerance;
00326   tolerance.SetFromDegree(1.0);
00328   for (int i = 2; i < this->NumJoints; ++i)
00329   {
00330     fingersOpen = fingersOpen &&
00331       (this->joints[i]->GetAngle(0) <
00332        (this->joints[i]->GetLowerLimit(0) + tolerance));
00333   }
00335   return fingersOpen;
00336 }
00339 void RobotiqHandPlugin::UpdateStates()
00340 {
00341   boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(this->controlMutex);
00343   gazebo::common::Time curTime = this->world->GetSimTime();
00345   // Step 1: State transitions.
00346   if (curTime > this->lastControllerUpdateTime)
00347   {
00348     this->userHandleCommand = this->handleCommand;
00350     // Deactivate gripper.
00351     if (this->handleCommand.rACT == 0)
00352     {
00353       this->handState = Disabled;
00354     }
00355     // Emergency auto-release.
00356     else if (this->handleCommand.rATR == 1)
00357     {
00358       this->handState = Emergency;
00359     }
00360     // Individual Control of Scissor.
00361     else if (this->handleCommand.rICS == 1)
00362     {
00363       this->handState = ICS;
00364     }
00365     // Individual Control of Fingers.
00366     else if (this->handleCommand.rICF == 1)
00367     {
00368       this->handState = ICF;
00369     }
00370     else
00371     {
00372       // Change the grasping mode.
00373       if (static_cast<int>(this->handleCommand.rMOD) != this->graspingMode)
00374       {
00375         this->handState = ChangeModeInProgress;
00376         lastHandleCommand = handleCommand;
00378         // Update the grasping mode.
00379         this->graspingMode =
00380           static_cast<GraspingMode>(this->handleCommand.rMOD);
00381       }
00382       else if (this->handState != ChangeModeInProgress)
00383       {
00384         this->handState = Simplified;
00385       }
00387       // Grasping mode initialized, let's change the state to Simplified Mode.
00388       if (this->handState == ChangeModeInProgress && this->IsHandFullyOpen())
00389       {
00390         this->prevCommand = this->handleCommand;
00392         // Restore the original command.
00393         this->handleCommand = this->lastHandleCommand;
00394         this->handState = Simplified;
00395       }
00396     }
00398     // Step 2: Actions in each state.
00399     switch (this->handState)
00400     {
00401       case Disabled:
00402         break;
00404       case Emergency:
00405         // Open the hand.
00406         if (this->IsHandFullyOpen())
00407           this->StopHand();
00408         else
00409           this->ReleaseHand();
00410         break;
00412       case ICS:
00413         std::cerr << "Individual Control of Scissor not supported" << std::endl;
00414         break;
00416       case ICF:
00417         if (this->handleCommand.rGTO == 0)
00418         {
00419           // "Stop" action.
00420           this->StopHand();
00421         }
00422         break;
00424       case ChangeModeInProgress:
00425         // Open the hand.
00426         this->ReleaseHand();
00427         break;
00429       case Simplified:
00430         // We are in Simplified mode, so all the fingers should follow finger A.
00431         // Position.
00432         this->handleCommand.rPRB = this->handleCommand.rPRA;
00433         this->handleCommand.rPRC = this->handleCommand.rPRA;
00434         // Velocity.
00435         this->handleCommand.rSPB = this->handleCommand.rSPA;
00436         this->handleCommand.rSPC = this->handleCommand.rSPA;
00437         // Force.
00438         this->handleCommand.rFRB = this->handleCommand.rFRA;
00439         this->handleCommand.rFRC = this->handleCommand.rFRA;
00441         if (this->handleCommand.rGTO == 0)
00442         {
00443           // "Stop" action.
00444           this->StopHand();
00445         }
00446         break;
00448       default:
00449         std::cerr << "Unrecognized state [" << this->handState << "]"
00450                   << std::endl;
00451     }
00453     // Update the hand controller.
00454     this->UpdatePIDControl((curTime - this->lastControllerUpdateTime).Double());
00456     // Gather robot state data and publish them.
00457     this->GetAndPublishHandleState();
00459     // Publish joint states.
00460     this->GetAndPublishJointState(curTime);
00462     this->lastControllerUpdateTime = curTime;
00463   }
00464 }
00467 uint8_t RobotiqHandPlugin::GetObjectDetection(
00468   const gazebo::physics::JointPtr &_joint, int _index, uint8_t _rPR,
00469   uint8_t _prevrPR)
00470 {
00471   // Check finger's speed.
00472   bool isMoving = _joint->GetVelocity(0) > this->VelTolerance;
00474   // Check if the finger reached its target positions. We look at the error in
00475   // the position PID to decide if reached the target.
00476   double pe, ie, de;
00477   this->posePID[_index].GetErrors(pe, ie, de);
00478   bool reachPosition = pe < this->PoseTolerance;
00480   if (isMoving)
00481   {
00482     // Finger is in motion.
00483     return 0;
00484   }
00485   else
00486   {
00487     if (reachPosition)
00488     {
00489       // Finger is at the requestedPosition.
00490       return 3;
00491     }
00492     else if (_rPR - _prevrPR > 0)
00493     {
00494       // Finger has stopped due to a contact while closing.
00495       return 2;
00496     }
00497     else
00498     {
00499       // Finger has stopped due to a contact while opening.
00500       return 1;
00501     }
00502   }
00503 }
00506 uint8_t RobotiqHandPlugin::GetCurrentPosition(
00507   const gazebo::physics::JointPtr &_joint)
00508 {
00509   // Full range of motion.
00510   gazebo::math::Angle range =
00511     _joint->GetUpperLimit(0) - _joint->GetLowerLimit(0);
00513   // The maximum value in pinch mode is 177.
00514   if (this->graspingMode == Pinch)
00515     range *= 177.0 / 255.0;
00517   // Angle relative to the lower limit.
00518   gazebo::math::Angle relAngle = _joint->GetAngle(0) - _joint->GetLowerLimit(0);
00520   return
00521     static_cast<uint8_t>(round(255.0 * relAngle.Radian() / range.Radian()));
00522 }
00525 void RobotiqHandPlugin::GetAndPublishHandleState()
00526 {
00527   // gACT. Initialization status.
00528   this->handleState.gACT = this->userHandleCommand.rACT;
00530   // gMOD. Operation mode status.
00531   this->handleState.gMOD = this->userHandleCommand.rMOD;
00533   // gGTO. Action status.
00534   this->handleState.gGTO = this->userHandleCommand.rGTO;
00536   // gIMC. Gripper status.
00537   if (this->handState == Emergency)
00538     this->handleState.gIMC = 0;
00539   else if (this->handState == ChangeModeInProgress)
00540     this->handleState.gIMC = 2;
00541   else
00542     this->handleState.gIMC = 3;
00544   // Check fingers' speed.
00545   bool isMovingA = this->joints[2]->GetVelocity(0) > this->VelTolerance;
00546   bool isMovingB = this->joints[3]->GetVelocity(0) > this->VelTolerance;
00547   bool isMovingC = this->joints[4]->GetVelocity(0) > this->VelTolerance;
00549   // Check if the fingers reached their target positions.
00550   double pe, ie, de;
00551   this->posePID[2].GetErrors(pe, ie, de);
00552   bool reachPositionA = pe < this->PoseTolerance;
00553   this->posePID[3].GetErrors(pe, ie, de);
00554   bool reachPositionB = pe < this->PoseTolerance;
00555   this->posePID[4].GetErrors(pe, ie, de);
00556   bool reachPositionC = pe < this->PoseTolerance;
00558   // gSTA. Motion status.
00559   if (isMovingA || isMovingB || isMovingC)
00560   {
00561     // Gripper is in motion.
00562     this->handleState.gSTA = 0;
00563   }
00564   else
00565   {
00566     if (reachPositionA && reachPositionB && reachPositionC)
00567     {
00568       // Gripper is stopped: All fingers reached requested position.
00569       this->handleState.gSTA = 3;
00570     }
00571     else if (!reachPositionA && !reachPositionB && !reachPositionC)
00572     {
00573       // Gripper is stopped: All fingers stopped before requested position.
00574       this->handleState.gSTA = 2;
00575     }
00576     else
00577     {
00578       // Gripper stopped. One or two fingers stopped before requested position.
00579       this->handleState.gSTA = 1;
00580     }
00581   }
00583   // gDTA. Finger A object detection.
00584   this->handleState.gDTA = this->GetObjectDetection(this->joints[2], 2,
00585     this->handleCommand.rPRA, this->prevCommand.rPRA);
00587   // gDTB. Finger B object detection.
00588   this->handleState.gDTB = this->GetObjectDetection(this->joints[3], 3,
00589     this->handleCommand.rPRB, this->prevCommand.rPRB);
00591   // gDTC. Finger C object detection
00592   this->handleState.gDTC = this->GetObjectDetection(this->joints[4], 4,
00593     this->handleCommand.rPRC, this->prevCommand.rPRC);
00595   // gDTS. Scissor object detection. We use finger A as a reference.
00596   this->handleState.gDTS = this->GetObjectDetection(this->joints[0], 0,
00597     this->handleCommand.rPRS, this->prevCommand.rPRS);
00599   // gFLT. Fault status.
00600   if (this->handState == ChangeModeInProgress)
00601     this->handleState.gFLT = 6;
00602   else if (this->handState == Disabled)
00603     this->handleState.gFLT = 7;
00604   else if (this->handState == Emergency)
00605     this->handleState.gFLT = 11;
00606   else
00607     this->handleState.gFLT = 0;
00609   // gPRA. Echo of requested position for finger A.
00610   this->handleState.gPRA = this->userHandleCommand.rPRA;
00611   // gPOA. Finger A position [0-255].
00612   this->handleState.gPOA = this->GetCurrentPosition(this->joints[2]);
00613   // gCUA. Not implemented.
00614   this->handleState.gCUA = 0;
00616   // gPRB. Echo of requested position for finger B.
00617   this->handleState.gPRB = this->userHandleCommand.rPRB;
00618   // gPOB. Finger B position [0-255].
00619   this->handleState.gPOB = this->GetCurrentPosition(this->joints[3]);
00620   // gCUB. Not implemented.
00621   this->handleState.gCUB = 0;
00623   // gPRC. Echo of requested position for finger C.
00624   this->handleState.gPRC = this->userHandleCommand.rPRC;
00625   // gPOC. Finger C position [0-255].
00626   this->handleState.gPOC = this->GetCurrentPosition(this->joints[4]);
00627   // gCUS. Not implemented.
00628   this->handleState.gCUC = 0;
00630   // gPRS. Echo of requested position of the scissor action
00631   this->handleState.gPRS = this->userHandleCommand.rPRS;
00632   // gPOS. Scissor current position [0-255]. We use finger B as reference.
00633   this->handleState.gPOS = this->GetCurrentPosition(this->joints[1]);
00634   // gCUS. Not implemented.
00635   this->handleState.gCUS = 0;
00637   // Publish robot states.
00638   this->pubHandleStateQueue->push(this->handleState, this->pubHandleState);
00639 }
00642 void RobotiqHandPlugin::GetAndPublishJointState(
00643                                            const gazebo::common::Time &_curTime)
00644 {
00645   this->jointStates.header.stamp = ros::Time(_curTime.sec, _curTime.nsec);
00646   for (size_t i = 0; i < this->joints.size(); ++i)
00647   {
00648     this->jointStates.position[i] = this->joints[i]->GetAngle(0).Radian();
00649     this->jointStates.velocity[i] = this->joints[i]->GetVelocity(0);
00650     // better to use GetForceTorque dot joint axis
00651     this->jointStates.effort[i] = this->joints[i]->GetForce(0u);
00652   }
00653   this->pubJointStatesQueue->push(this->jointStates, this->pubJointStates);
00654 }
00657 void RobotiqHandPlugin::UpdatePIDControl(double _dt)
00658 {
00659   if (this->handState == Disabled)
00660   {
00661     for (int i = 0; i < this->NumJoints; ++i)
00662       this->fingerJoints[i]->SetForce(0, 0.0);
00664     return;
00665   }
00667   for (int i = 0; i < this->NumJoints; ++i)
00668   {
00669     double targetPose = 0.0;
00670     double targetSpeed = (this->MinVelocity + this->MaxVelocity) / 2.0;
00672     if (i == 0)
00673     {
00674       switch (this->graspingMode)
00675       {
00676         case Wide:
00677           targetPose = this->joints[i]->GetUpperLimit(0).Radian();
00678           break;
00680         case Pinch:
00681           // --11 degrees.
00682           targetPose = -0.1919;
00683           break;
00685         case Scissor:
00686           // Max position is reached at value 215.
00687           targetPose = this->joints[i]->GetUpperLimit(0).Radian() -
00688             (this->joints[i]->GetUpperLimit(0).Radian() -
00689              this->joints[i]->GetLowerLimit(0).Radian()) * (215.0 / 255.0)
00690             * this->handleCommand.rPRA / 255.0;
00691           break;
00692       }
00693     }
00694     else if (i == 1)
00695     {
00696       switch (this->graspingMode)
00697       {
00698         case Wide:
00699           targetPose = this->joints[i]->GetLowerLimit(0).Radian();
00700           break;
00702         case Pinch:
00703           // 11 degrees.
00704           targetPose = 0.1919;
00705           break;
00707         case Scissor:
00708         // Max position is reached at value 215.
00709           targetPose = this->joints[i]->GetLowerLimit(0).Radian() +
00710             (this->joints[i]->GetUpperLimit(0).Radian() -
00711              this->joints[i]->GetLowerLimit(0).Radian()) * (215.0 / 255.0)
00712             * this->handleCommand.rPRA / 255.0;
00713           break;
00714       }
00715     }
00716     else if (i >= 2 && i <= 4)
00717     {
00718       if (this->graspingMode == Pinch)
00719       {
00720         // Max position is reached at value 177.
00721         targetPose = this->joints[i]->GetLowerLimit(0).Radian() +
00722           (this->joints[i]->GetUpperLimit(0).Radian() -
00723            this->joints[i]->GetLowerLimit(0).Radian()) * (177.0 / 255.0)
00724           * this->handleCommand.rPRA / 255.0;
00725       }
00726       else if (this->graspingMode == Scissor)
00727       {
00728         targetSpeed = this->MinVelocity +
00729           ((this->MaxVelocity - this->MinVelocity) *
00730           this->handleCommand.rSPA / 255.0);
00731       }
00732       else
00733       {
00734         targetPose = this->joints[i]->GetLowerLimit(0).Radian() +
00735           (this->joints[i]->GetUpperLimit(0).Radian() -
00736            this->joints[i]->GetLowerLimit(0).Radian())
00737           * this->handleCommand.rPRA / 255.0;
00738       }
00739     }
00741     // Get the current pose.
00742     double currentPose = this->joints[i]->GetAngle(0).Radian();
00744     // Position error.
00745     double poseError = currentPose - targetPose;
00747     // Update the PID.
00748     double torque = this->posePID[i].Update(poseError, _dt);
00750     // Apply the PID command.
00751     this->fingerJoints[i]->SetForce(0, torque);
00752   }
00753 }
00756 bool RobotiqHandPlugin::GetAndPushBackJoint(const std::string& _jointName,
00757                                             gazebo::physics::Joint_V& _joints)
00758 {
00759   gazebo::physics::JointPtr joint = this->model->GetJoint(_jointName);
00761   if (!joint)
00762   {
00763     gzerr << "Failed to find joint [" << _jointName
00764           << "] aborting plugin load." << std::endl;
00765     return false;
00766   }
00767   _joints.push_back(joint);
00768   gzlog << "RobotiqHandPlugin found joint [" << _jointName << "]" << std::endl;
00769   return true;
00770 }
00773 bool RobotiqHandPlugin::FindJoints()
00774 {
00775   // Load up the joints we expect to use, finger by finger.
00776   gazebo::physics::JointPtr joint;
00777   std::string prefix;
00778   std::string suffix;
00779   if (this->side == "left")
00780     prefix = "l_";
00781   else
00782     prefix = "r_";
00784   // palm_finger_1_joint (actuated).
00785   suffix = "palm_finger_1_joint";
00786   if (!this->GetAndPushBackJoint(prefix + suffix, this->joints))
00787     return false;
00788   if (!this->GetAndPushBackJoint(prefix + suffix, this->fingerJoints))
00789     return false;
00790   this->jointNames.push_back(prefix + suffix);
00792   // palm_finger_2_joint (actuated).
00793   suffix = "palm_finger_2_joint";
00794   if (!this->GetAndPushBackJoint(prefix + suffix, this->joints))
00795     return false;
00796   if (!this->GetAndPushBackJoint(prefix + suffix, this->fingerJoints))
00797     return false;
00798   this->jointNames.push_back(prefix + suffix);
00800   // We read the joint state from finger_1_joint_1
00801   // but we actuate finger_1_joint_proximal_actuating_hinge (actuated).
00802   suffix = "finger_1_joint_proximal_actuating_hinge";
00803   if (!this->GetAndPushBackJoint(prefix + suffix, this->fingerJoints))
00804     return false;
00805   suffix = "finger_1_joint_1";
00806   if (!this->GetAndPushBackJoint(prefix + suffix, this->joints))
00807     return false;
00808   this->jointNames.push_back(prefix + suffix);
00810   // We read the joint state from finger_2_joint_1
00811   // but we actuate finger_2_proximal_actuating_hinge (actuated).
00812   suffix = "finger_2_joint_proximal_actuating_hinge";
00813   if (!this->GetAndPushBackJoint(prefix + suffix, this->fingerJoints))
00814     return false;
00815   suffix = "finger_2_joint_1";
00816   if (!this->GetAndPushBackJoint(prefix + suffix, this->joints))
00817     return false;
00818   this->jointNames.push_back(prefix + suffix);
00820   // We read the joint state from finger_middle_joint_1
00821   // but we actuate finger_middle_proximal_actuating_hinge (actuated).
00822   suffix = "finger_middle_joint_proximal_actuating_hinge";
00823   if (!this->GetAndPushBackJoint(prefix + suffix, this->fingerJoints))
00824     return false;
00825   suffix = "finger_middle_joint_1";
00826   if (!this->GetAndPushBackJoint(prefix + suffix, this->joints))
00827     return false;
00828   this->jointNames.push_back(prefix + suffix);
00830   // finger_1_joint_2 (underactuated).
00831   suffix = "finger_1_joint_2";
00832   if (!this->GetAndPushBackJoint(prefix + suffix, this->joints))
00833     return false;
00834   this->jointNames.push_back(prefix + suffix);
00836   // finger_1_joint_3 (underactuated).
00837   suffix = "finger_1_joint_3";
00838   if (!this->GetAndPushBackJoint(prefix + suffix, this->joints))
00839     return false;
00840   this->jointNames.push_back(prefix + suffix);
00842   // finger_2_joint_2 (underactuated).
00843   suffix = "finger_2_joint_2";
00844   if (!this->GetAndPushBackJoint(prefix + suffix, this->joints))
00845     return false;
00846   this->jointNames.push_back(prefix + suffix);
00848   // finger_2_joint_3 (underactuated).
00849   suffix = "finger_2_joint_3";
00850   if (!this->GetAndPushBackJoint(prefix + suffix, this->joints))
00851     return false;
00852   this->jointNames.push_back(prefix + suffix);
00854   // palm_finger_middle_joint (underactuated).
00855   suffix = "palm_finger_middle_joint";
00856   if (!this->GetAndPushBackJoint(prefix + suffix, this->joints))
00857     return false;
00858   this->jointNames.push_back(prefix + suffix);
00860   // finger_middle_joint_2 (underactuated).
00861   suffix = "finger_middle_joint_2";
00862   if (!this->GetAndPushBackJoint(prefix + suffix, this->joints))
00863     return false;
00864   this->jointNames.push_back(prefix + suffix);
00866   // finger_middle_joint_3 (underactuated).
00867   suffix = "finger_middle_joint_3";
00868   if (!this->GetAndPushBackJoint(prefix + suffix, this->joints))
00869     return false;
00870   this->jointNames.push_back(prefix + suffix);
00872   gzlog << "RobotiqHandPlugin found all joints for " << this->side
00873         << " hand." << std::endl;
00874   return true;
00875 }
00878 void RobotiqHandPlugin::RosQueueThread()
00879 {
00880   static const double timeout = 0.01;
00882   while (this->rosNode->ok())
00883   {
00884     this->rosQueue.callAvailable(ros::WallDuration(timeout));
00885   }
00886 }
00888 GZ_REGISTER_MODEL_PLUGIN(RobotiqHandPlugin)

Author(s): Devon Ash , John Hsu
autogenerated on Thu Jun 6 2019 17:58:08