This is the complete list of members for
SiftGPUWrapper, including all inherited members.
cvMatToSiftGPU(const cv::Mat &image, unsigned char *siftImage) const | SiftGPUWrapper | [private] |
data | SiftGPUWrapper | [mutable, private] |
destroyInstance() | SiftGPUWrapper | [static] |
detect(const cv::Mat &image, cv::vector< cv::KeyPoint > &keypoints, std::vector< float > &descriptors, const cv::Mat &mask=cv::Mat()) const | SiftGPUWrapper | |
error | SiftGPUWrapper | [private] |
getInstance() | SiftGPUWrapper | [static] |
gpu_mutex | SiftGPUWrapper | [mutable, private] |
imageHeight | SiftGPUWrapper | [mutable, private] |
imageWidth | SiftGPUWrapper | [mutable, private] |
initializeMatcher() | SiftGPUWrapper | [private] |
instance | SiftGPUWrapper | [private, static] |
isMatcherInitialized | SiftGPUWrapper | [private] |
match(const std::vector< float > &descriptors1, int num1, const std::vector< float > &descriptors2, int num2, std::vector< cv::DMatch > *matches) | SiftGPUWrapper | |
matcher | SiftGPUWrapper | [private] |
siftgpu | SiftGPUWrapper | [private] |
SiftGPUWrapper() | SiftGPUWrapper | [private] |
writePGM(FILE *fp, unsigned char *data, int width, int height) | SiftGPUWrapper | [private] |
~SiftGPUWrapper() | SiftGPUWrapper | [virtual] |