Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #!/usr/bin/env python
00002 """
00003 @file
00004 """
00005 import os
00006 import sys
00007 import unittest
00008 import time
00009 import rospy
00010 import rostest
00011 from rs_general.rs_general import get_camera_params_and_values, \
00012      is_log_contains_keyword, LOGFILE, shell_cmd_timeout
00014 PKG = "realsense_camera"
00015 NAME = "test_camera_transforms_publish_tf"
00018 class CheckCameraTransformsPublishTf(unittest.TestCase):
00019     """
00020     @class CheckCameraTransformsPublishTf: check whether message exist
00021            or not based on disable/enable publish tf
00022     """
00023     def test_camera_transforms_publish_tf(self):
00024         """
00025         @fn test_camera_transforms_publish_tf
00026         @param self
00027         @return
00028         """
00029         rospy.init_node(NAME, anonymous=True, log_level=rospy.DEBUG)
00030         time.sleep(10)
00031         messages = expected_message.split(',')
00032         indicator = 0
00033         cmd = "rm ~/.ros/test_rostopic.log >/dev/null 2>&1"
00034         os.system(cmd)
00035         cmd = "rostopic echo /tf_static > ~/.ros/test_rostopic.log"
00036         shell_cmd_timeout(cmd, 5)
00037         for message in messages:
00038             if is_log_contains_keyword("~/.ros/test_rostopic.log", message):
00039                 indicator = indicator + 1
00040         rospy.loginfo("***transforms publish info***: " + str(indicator))
00041         if indicator == len(messages) and is_log_contains_keyword(LOGFILE, publish_info):
00042             self.assertEqual('true', expected)
00043         elif indicator == 0 and not is_log_contains_keyword(LOGFILE, publish_info):
00044             self.assertEqual('false', expected)
00045         else:
00046             self.assertTrue(False)
00048 if __name__ == '__main__':
00049     param_dict = get_camera_params_and_values(sys.argv)
00050     expected_message = param_dict['expected_messages']
00051     expected = param_dict['expected']
00052     publish_info = param_dict['info'].replace('*', ' ')
00053     rostest.rosrun(PKG, NAME, CheckCameraTransformsPublishTf, sys.argv)

Author(s): Rajvi Jingar , Reagan Lopez , Matt Hansen , Mark Horn
autogenerated on Thu Jun 6 2019 21:15:58