Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #include <math.h>
00002 #include <vector>
00003 #include <stdio.h>
00004 #include "place_matcher_hist/hist.h"
00005 #include "geometry_msgs/PolygonStamped.h"
00006 #include "geometry_msgs/Point32.h"
00007 #define SHIFT 5 
00009 Hist hist(const sensor_msgs::LaserScan& scan, int anglebins)
00010 {
00011   int angleHistBin = anglebins;
00012   double bin_width = angleHistBin / ( 2*M_PI);
00013   Hist hist(angleHistBin,0);
00014   double px1;
00015   double px2;
00016   double py1;
00017   double py2;
00018   for (unsigned int shift = 1 ; shift < SHIFT; shift++)
00019   {
00020     px1 = scan.ranges[0] * sin(0 * scan.angle_increment + scan.angle_min);
00021     py1 = -scan.ranges[0] * cos(0 * scan.angle_increment + scan.angle_min);   
00023     for(unsigned int i = 1; i < scan.ranges.size() - SHIFT ; i++)
00024     {
00025       px2 = scan.ranges[i+SHIFT] * sin((i+SHIFT) * scan.angle_increment + scan.angle_min);
00026       py2 = -scan.ranges[i+SHIFT] * cos((i+SHIFT) * scan.angle_increment + scan.angle_min);   
00027       const double distance = std::sqrt((py1 - py2) * (py1 - py2) + (px1 - px2) * (px1 - px2));
00028       if (distance  < 0.1)
00029       {
00030         double ath = std::atan2(py1 - py2, px1 - px2);
00031         if (ath <0)
00032         {
00033           ath= ath + 2*M_PI;
00034         }
00035         hist[(int) floor(ath * bin_width)] += 1;
00036       }
00037       px1 = px2;
00038       py1 = py2;
00039       px1 = scan.ranges[i] * sin((i) * scan.angle_increment + scan.angle_min);
00040       py1 = -scan.ranges[i] * cos((i) * scan.angle_increment + scan.angle_min);   
00041     }
00042   }
00043   return hist;
00044 }
00046 int crossCorrelationHist(Hist x , Hist y)
00047 {
00048   double max = 0.0;
00049   int maxind = 0;
00050   for (unsigned int shift = 0; shift < x.size(); shift++)
00051   {
00052     double sum = 0; 
00053     for (unsigned int i = 0; i < x.size(); i++)
00054     {
00055       sum += x[i] * y[(i + shift) % y.size()];
00056     }
00057     if (sum > max)
00058     {
00059       max = sum;
00060       maxind = shift;
00061     }
00062   }
00063   return maxind;
00064 }
00067 geometry_msgs::Pose2D localize(sensor_msgs::LaserScan a, sensor_msgs::LaserScan b, int rot_bin_count)
00068 {
00069   double trans_bin_width = TRANSCOEF;
00070   double resolution = 2 * M_PI / a.ranges.size();
00071   double rot_bin_width = rot_bin_count / (2 * M_PI);
00073   Hist histA = hist(a, rot_bin_count);
00074   Hist histB = hist(b, rot_bin_count);
00075   int angleIndex = crossCorrelationHist(histA,histB);
00076   int histAngleMaxIndex=0; 
00077   int histMax = 0;
00078   for (unsigned int i = 0; i < histA.size(); i++)
00079   {
00080     if (histMax < histA[i]) {
00081       histMax = histA[i];
00082       histAngleMaxIndex = i;
00083     }
00084   }
00085   int histAngleMaxIndexB=0; 
00086   int histMaxB = 0;
00087   for (unsigned int i = 0; i < histB.size(); i++)
00088   {
00089     if (histMaxB < histB[i]) {
00090       histMaxB = histB[i];
00091       histAngleMaxIndexB = i;
00092     }
00093   }
00094   std::cout << "hist angle  A " << histAngleMaxIndex  << " B " << histAngleMaxIndexB << " cross " << angleIndex << " diff " << histAngleMaxIndex - histAngleMaxIndexB << std::endl;
00096   // compute projections into two perpendicular planes in direction of biggest peak in angle hist
00097   Hist histax (HISTSIZE ,0);
00098   Hist histay (HISTSIZE ,0);
00099   for (unsigned int i = 0; i < a.ranges.size(); i++)
00100   {
00101     if (a.ranges[i] < 7.9)
00102     {
00103       histax[(int) floor(trans_bin_width * a.ranges[i] * cos(a.angle_min + i * resolution - histAngleMaxIndex / rot_bin_width)) + HISTSIZEHALF]++;
00104       histay[(int) floor(trans_bin_width * a.ranges[i] * sin(a.angle_min + i * resolution - histAngleMaxIndex / rot_bin_width)) + HISTSIZEHALF]++;
00105     }
00106   }
00107   // compute projections into two perpendicular planes also for scan b 
00108   Hist histbx (HISTSIZE ,0);
00109   Hist histby (HISTSIZE ,0);
00110   for (unsigned int i = 0; i < b.ranges.size(); i++)
00111   {
00112     if (b.ranges[i] < 7.9)
00113     {
00114       histbx[(int) floor(trans_bin_width * b.ranges[i] * cos(b.angle_min + i * resolution - histAngleMaxIndex / rot_bin_width - (angleIndex) / rot_bin_width)) + HISTSIZEHALF]++;
00115       histby[(int) floor(trans_bin_width * b.ranges[i] * sin(b.angle_min + i * resolution - histAngleMaxIndex / rot_bin_width - (angleIndex) / rot_bin_width)) + HISTSIZEHALF]++;
00116     }
00117   }
00118   int xIndex = crossCorrelationHist(histax, histbx);
00119   int yIndex = crossCorrelationHist(histay, histby);
00120   if (xIndex > HISTSIZEHALF) xIndex -= HISTSIZE;
00121   if (yIndex > HISTSIZEHALF) yIndex -= HISTSIZE;
00122   std::cout << xIndex/trans_bin_width << " " << yIndex/trans_bin_width << " angle index " << angleIndex/rot_bin_width << " max hist angle " << histAngleMaxIndex/rot_bin_width <<  "cos " << cos(-histAngleMaxIndex / rot_bin_width) << " sin " << sin(-histAngleMaxIndex/rot_bin_width) << "\n";
00123   geometry_msgs::Pose2D ret ;
00124   //    double ty = cos(-histAngleMaxIndex / rot_bin_width) * yIndex / trans_bin_width - sin(-histAngleMaxIndex / rot_bin_width) * xIndex / trans_bin_width;
00125   //    double tx = (xIndex / trans_bin_width + sin(-histAngleMaxIndex / rot_bin_width) * ty) / cos(-histAngleMaxIndex / rot_bin_width);
00126   double x = xIndex / trans_bin_width;
00127   double y = yIndex / trans_bin_width;
00128   double cosin = cos(histAngleMaxIndex/rot_bin_width);
00129   double sinus = sin(histAngleMaxIndex/rot_bin_width);
00130   double xx = cosin*x - sinus* y;
00131   double yy = sinus*x + cosin*y;
00132   std::cout << "x " << x << " y " << y << " cos " << cosin << " sin " << sinus << " xx " <<xx << " YY " << yy<< std::endl;
00133   double tx = (cos(histAngleMaxIndex /rot_bin_width) * (xIndex / trans_bin_width)) - (sin( histAngleMaxIndex) * (yIndex / trans_bin_width));
00134   double ty = (sin(histAngleMaxIndex /rot_bin_width) * (xIndex / trans_bin_width)) + (cos( histAngleMaxIndex) * (yIndex / trans_bin_width));
00135   std::cout << " tx ty " << tx << " " << ty << std::endl; 
00136   ret.x = -yy;
00137   ret.y = -xx;
00138   ret.theta= 2*M_PI-angleIndex/rot_bin_width;
00139   /*  ret.px = ty;
00140       ret.py = -tx;*/
00142   return ret;
00143 }
00145 double error(sensor_msgs::LaserScan scan, sensor_msgs::LaserScan reference, geometry_msgs::Pose2D goal)
00146 {
00147   double rx, ry,sx,sy;
00148   double error = 0;
00149   double distance ;
00150   double min = 9000000;
00151   int count = 0;
00152   geometry_msgs::PolygonStamped poly;
00153   poly.header.frame_id="/mf";
00154   geometry_msgs::PolygonStamped poly2;
00155   poly2.header.frame_id="/mf";
00156   geometry_msgs::Point32 p;
00157   for (unsigned int i = 0 ; i < reference.ranges.size(); i++) {
00158     min = 90000000;
00159     if (reference.ranges[i] < 7.9) {
00160       rx = reference.ranges[i] * sin( (i * reference.angle_increment) + reference.angle_min + goal.theta )  + goal.x;
00161       ry =  -reference.ranges[i] * cos( (i * reference.angle_increment) + reference.angle_min + goal.theta) + goal.y;
00163       for (unsigned int  j = 0 ; j < scan.ranges.size(); j++) {
00164         if (scan.ranges[j] < 7.9){
00165           sx = scan.ranges[j] * sin( (j * scan.angle_increment) + scan.angle_min);
00166           sy =  -scan.ranges[j] * cos( (j * scan.angle_increment) + scan.angle_min); 
00167           distance = sqrt((rx-sx)*(rx-sx) + (ry-sy)*(ry-sy));
00168           if (distance < min) {
00169             min = distance;
00170           }
00171         }
00172       }
00173       error += min;
00174       count++;
00175     }
00176   }
00177   return error / count;
00178 }

autogenerated on Sat Jun 8 2019 19:53:03