Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /*
00002  * Navigating jockey used to go away from a crossing center.
00003  *
00004  * This jockey takes an edge descriptor (with exit angles) to know in which
00005  * direction to go.
00006  * This jockey takes a crossing descriptor to know how far it should travel.
00007  * But this distance can also be given as parameter. If the parameter is
00008  * non-existent or its value is 0, the robot will travel a distance equal to
00009  * the crossing radius.
00010  * It supports the TRAVERSE action and is DONE when the distance is traveled.
00011  * As for now, the jockey is pretty stupid and does not stop before the
00012  * distance is traveled (it does not FAIL).
00013  *
00014  * Interaction with the map (created by this jockey):
00015  * - none
00016  *
00017  * Interaction with the map (created by other jockeys):
00018  * - Getter: lama_msgs/Crossing, "crossing"
00019  * - Getter: float64, "exit_angle"
00020  *
00021  * Subscribers (other than map-related):
00022  * - nav_msgs/Odometry, "~odometry", robot position
00023  * - std_msgs/Float32, "~direction", direction in which to escape.
00024  *     The direction must be in the same reference frame as ~odometry.
00025  *     This topic is used only if the requested edge does not exist or if it
00026  *     has no exit angle descriptor.
00027  *
00028  * Publishers (other than map-related):
00029  * - geometry_msgs/Twist, "~cmd_vel", set velocity
00030  *
00031  * Services used (other than map-related):
00032  * - none
00033  *
00034  * Parameters:
00035  * - ~/kp_v, Float, 0.05, proportional gain for the linear velocity (s^-1).
00036  * - ~/kp_w, Float, 0.2, proportional gain for the angular velocity (s^-1).
00037  * - ~/min_linear_velocity, Float, 0.020, minimum set linear velocity (m.s^-1)
00038  * - ~/min_angular_velocity, Float, 0.1, minimum set angular velocity (rad.s^-1).
00039  * - ~/escape_distance, Float, 0.0, distance to travel from crossing center
00040  *   (m). If set to 0, the radius value in the crossing descriptor will be used.
00041  * - ~/distance_reached, Float, 0.1, distance when considering reached target
00042  *     when going to the start vertex (m).
00043  * - ~/max_angle_turn_only, Float, 1,0, if dtheta is greater than this, only turn, do
00044  *     not go forward (rad).
00045  * - ~/crossing_interface_name, String, "crossing", name of the map interface for Crossing
00046  * - ~/exit_angle_interface_name, String "exit_angle", name of the map interface for exit angle
00047  * - ~/exit_angle_topic_name, String, "exit_angle", name of the optional topic
00048  *     for exit angle (or direction).
00049  */
00054 #include <cmath>
00055 #include <string>
00057 #include <angles/angles.h>  // for shortest_angular_distance().
00058 #include <geometry_msgs/Point.h>
00059 #include <geometry_msgs/Twist.h>
00060 #include <nav_msgs/Odometry.h>
00061 #include <ros/ros.h>
00062 #include <std_msgs/Float32.h>
00063 #include <tf/transform_datatypes.h>  // for getYaw()
00065 #include <lama_interfaces/GetDouble.h>
00066 #include <lama_jockeys/navigating_jockey.h>
00067 #include <lama_msgs/Crossing.h>
00068 #include <lama_msgs/GetCrossing.h>
00070 namespace nj_escape_crossing {
00072 class CrossingEscaper : public lama_jockeys::NavigatingJockey
00073 {
00074   public:
00076     CrossingEscaper(std::string name, double escape_distance = 0);
00078   protected:
00080     virtual void onTraverse();
00081     virtual void onStop();
00083     void direction_callback(const std_msgs::Float32& direction);
00084     void odometry_callback(const nav_msgs::Odometry& odometry);
00086   private:
00088     bool getDistanceToEscape();
00089     bool getCrossing();
00090     bool retrieveCrossingFromMap(int32_t descriptor_id);
00091     void getExitDirection();
00092     bool getExitAngleFromMap();
00093     bool turnToAngle(double direction, geometry_msgs::Twist& twist);
00094     bool goToGoal(const geometry_msgs::Point& goal, geometry_msgs::Twist& twist);
00095     geometry_msgs::Point goalFromOdometry(double dx, double dy);
00097     // Subscribers and publishers.
00098     ros::Subscriber odometry_subscriber_;
00099     ros::Publisher twist_publisher_;
00100     ros::ServiceClient crossing_getter_;
00101     ros::ServiceClient exit_angle_getter_;
00103     // Parameters shown outside.
00104     double kp_v_;  
00105     double kp_w_;  
00106     double min_linear_velocity_;  
00107     double max_linear_velocity_;  
00109     double min_angular_velocity_;  
00110     double max_angular_velocity_;  
00112     double escape_distance_;  
00113     double distance_reached_;  
00115     double max_angle_turn_only_;  
00116     double max_odometry_age_;  
00117     std::string exit_angle_topic_name_;  
00119     // Internals.
00120     bool start_reached_;
00121     bool angle_reached_;
00122     bool goal_reached_;
00123     bool has_odometry_;
00124     lama_msgs::Crossing crossing_;
00125     nav_msgs::Odometry odometry_;
00126     double direction_;
00127     bool has_direction_;
00128     nav_msgs::Odometry start_position_;
00129     double distance_to_escape_;  
00130     std::string crossing_interface_name_;  
00131     std::string exit_angle_interface_name_;  
00132     double last_dtheta_;  
00133 };
00135 } // namespace nj_escape_crossing

Author(s): Gaƫl Ecorchard
autogenerated on Thu Jun 6 2019 22:02:11