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This is a ROS package for
communicating with one or more
Muse Brushless Modules
module_discovery (muse_bldc_motor_drive/module_list.msg) Provides a *list *with all active Muse Modules


This is a ROS package for
communicating with one or more
Muse Brushless Modules
*muse_bldc_motor_drive that
are visible through current
network and the *number *of
them The *list *provides some
information for each module
module status *
< feedback_topic_name >
feedback msg Provides the
*name *of current Muse Module
This is a ROS package for
communicating with one or more
Muse Brushless Modules
*muse_bldc_motor_drive that
are visible through current
network and the *number *of
them The *list *provides some
information for each module 
This is a ROS package for
communicating with one or more
Muse Brushless Modules
*muse_bldc_motor_drive that
are visible through current
network and the *number *of
them The *list *provides some
information for each 

Function Documentation

This is a ROS package for communicating with one or more Muse Brushless Modules* muse_bldc_motor_drive module_discovery ( muse_bldc_motor_drive/module_list.  msg)

Variable Documentation

This is a ROS package for communicating with one or more Muse Brushless Modules* muse_bldc_motor_drive that are visible through current network and the* number* of them The* list* provides some information for each module module status*<feedback_topic_name> muse_bldc_motor_drive feedback msg Provides the* name* of current Muse Module and also

Definition at line 10 of file

This is a ROS package for communicating with one or more Muse Brushless Modules* muse_bldc_motor_drive that are visible through current network and the* number* of them The* list* provides some information for each module ip

Definition at line 10 of file

This is a ROS package for communicating with one or more Muse Brushless Modules* muse_bldc_motor_drive that are visible through current network and the* number* of them The* list* provides some information for each module

Definition at line 10 of file

Author(s): Maria Karageorgiou
autogenerated on Sat Jun 8 2019 18:46:20