Public Member Functions | Private Attributes
mrpt_rbpf_slam::PFslamWrapper Class Reference

The PFslamWrapper class provides the ROS wrapper for Rao-Blackwellized Particle filter SLAM from MRPT libraries. More...

#include <mrpt_rbpf_slam_wrapper.h>

Inheritance diagram for mrpt_rbpf_slam::PFslamWrapper:
Inheritance graph

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

void callbackBeacon (const mrpt_msgs::ObservationRangeBeacon &msg)
 Callback function for the beacons.
bool getParams (const ros::NodeHandle &nh_p)
 Read the parameters from launch file.
bool init (ros::NodeHandle &nh)
 Initialize publishers subscribers and RBPF slam.
void laserCallback (const sensor_msgs::LaserScan &msg)
 Callback function for the laser scans.
void odometryForCallback (mrpt::obs::CObservationOdometry::Ptr &odometry, const std_msgs::Header &msg_header)
 Get the odometry for received observation.
 PFslamWrapper ()
void publishMapPose ()
 Publish beacon or grid map and robot pose.
void publishTF ()
 Publish tf tree.
bool rawlogPlay ()
 Play rawlog file.
void updateSensorPose (const std::string &frame_id)
 Update the pose of the sensor with respect to the robot.
void vizBeacons ()
 Correct visualization for ro slam.
bool waitForTransform (mrpt::poses::CPose3D &des, const std::string &target_frame, const std::string &source_frame, const ros::Time &time, const ros::Duration &timeout, const ros::Duration &polling_sleep_duration=ros::Duration(0.01))
 Wait for transform between odometry frame and the robot frame.
 ~PFslamWrapper ()

Private Attributes

std::string base_frame_id_
 robot frame
std::map< std::string,
mrpt::poses::CPose3D > 
 beacon poses with respect to the map
ros::Publisher beacon_viz_pub_
 publishers for map and pose particles
std::vector< std::pair
< mrpt::obs::CActionCollection,
mrpt::obs::CSensoryFrame > > 
std::string global_frame_id_
 /map frame
std::string ini_filename_
 name of ini file
std::map< std::string,
mrpt::poses::CPose3D > 
 laser scan poses with respect to the map
tf::TransformListener listenerTF_
 transform listener
std::string odom_frame_id_
 /odom frame
ros::Publisher pub_map_
ros::Publisher pub_metadata_
ros::Publisher pub_particles_
ros::Publisher pub_particles_beacons_
std::string rawlog_filename_
 true if rawlog file exists
double rawlog_play_delay_
 delay of replay from rawlog file
std::string sensor_source_
 2D laser scans
std::vector< ros::SubscribersensorSub_
 list of sensors topics
float t_exec_
 the time which take one SLAM update execution
tf::TransformBroadcaster tf_broadcaster_
 transform broadcaster
mrpt::utils::CTicTac tictac_
< mrpt::opengl::CEllipsoid::Ptr > 

Detailed Description

The PFslamWrapper class provides the ROS wrapper for Rao-Blackwellized Particle filter SLAM from MRPT libraries.

Definition at line 49 of file mrpt_rbpf_slam_wrapper.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Definition at line 16 of file mrpt_rbpf_slam_wrapper.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

Callback function for the beacons.

Given the range only observation wait for odometry, create the pair of action and observation, implement one SLAM update, publish map and pose.

msgthe beacon message

Definition at line 171 of file mrpt_rbpf_slam_wrapper.cpp.

Read the parameters from launch file.

Definition at line 20 of file mrpt_rbpf_slam_wrapper.cpp.

Initialize publishers subscribers and RBPF slam.

Create publishers///

Create subscribers///

Definition at line 52 of file mrpt_rbpf_slam_wrapper.cpp.

Callback function for the laser scans.

Given the laser scans wait for odometry, create the pair of action and observation, implement one SLAM update, publish map and pose.

msgthe laser scan message

Definition at line 141 of file mrpt_rbpf_slam_wrapper.cpp.

void mrpt_rbpf_slam::PFslamWrapper::odometryForCallback ( mrpt::obs::CObservationOdometry::Ptr &  odometry,
const std_msgs::Header msg_header 

Get the odometry for received observation.

[out]odometryodometry for received observation
[in]msg_headertimestamp of the observation

Definition at line 106 of file mrpt_rbpf_slam_wrapper.cpp.

Publish beacon or grid map and robot pose.

Definition at line 201 of file mrpt_rbpf_slam_wrapper.cpp.

Publish tf tree.

Definition at line 444 of file mrpt_rbpf_slam_wrapper.cpp.

Play rawlog file.

true if rawlog file exists and played

Definition at line 355 of file mrpt_rbpf_slam_wrapper.cpp.

void mrpt_rbpf_slam::PFslamWrapper::updateSensorPose ( const std::string &  frame_id)

Update the pose of the sensor with respect to the robot.

frame_idthe frame of the sensors

Definition at line 329 of file mrpt_rbpf_slam_wrapper.cpp.

Correct visualization for ro slam.

Definition at line 271 of file mrpt_rbpf_slam_wrapper.cpp.

bool mrpt_rbpf_slam::PFslamWrapper::waitForTransform ( mrpt::poses::CPose3D &  des,
const std::string &  target_frame,
const std::string &  source_frame,
const ros::Time time,
const ros::Duration timeout,
const ros::Duration polling_sleep_duration = ros::Duration(0.01) 

Wait for transform between odometry frame and the robot frame.

[out]desposition of the robot with respect to odometry frame
[in]target_framethe odometry tf frame
[in]source_framethe robot tf frame
[in]timetimestamp of the observation for which we want to retrieve the position of the robot
[in]timeouttimeout for odometry waiting
[in]polling_sleep_durationtimeout for transform wait
true if there is transform from odometry to the robot

Definition at line 122 of file mrpt_rbpf_slam_wrapper.cpp.

Member Data Documentation

robot frame

Definition at line 152 of file mrpt_rbpf_slam_wrapper.h.

std::map<std::string, mrpt::poses::CPose3D> mrpt_rbpf_slam::PFslamWrapper::beacon_poses_ [private]

beacon poses with respect to the map

Definition at line 158 of file mrpt_rbpf_slam_wrapper.h.

publishers for map and pose particles

Definition at line 170 of file mrpt_rbpf_slam_wrapper.h.

std::vector<std::pair<mrpt::obs::CActionCollection, mrpt::obs::CSensoryFrame> > mrpt_rbpf_slam::PFslamWrapper::data_ [private]

vector of pairs of actions and obsrvations from rawlog file

Definition at line 164 of file mrpt_rbpf_slam_wrapper.h.

/map frame

Definition at line 150 of file mrpt_rbpf_slam_wrapper.h.

name of ini file

Definition at line 149 of file mrpt_rbpf_slam_wrapper.h.

std::map<std::string, mrpt::poses::CPose3D> mrpt_rbpf_slam::PFslamWrapper::laser_poses_ [private]

laser scan poses with respect to the map

Definition at line 157 of file mrpt_rbpf_slam_wrapper.h.

transform listener

Definition at line 173 of file mrpt_rbpf_slam_wrapper.h.

/odom frame

Definition at line 151 of file mrpt_rbpf_slam_wrapper.h.

Definition at line 170 of file mrpt_rbpf_slam_wrapper.h.

Definition at line 170 of file mrpt_rbpf_slam_wrapper.h.

Definition at line 170 of file mrpt_rbpf_slam_wrapper.h.

Definition at line 170 of file mrpt_rbpf_slam_wrapper.h.

true if rawlog file exists

name of rawlog file

Definition at line 146 of file mrpt_rbpf_slam_wrapper.h.

delay of replay from rawlog file

Definition at line 145 of file mrpt_rbpf_slam_wrapper.h.

2D laser scans

Definition at line 155 of file mrpt_rbpf_slam_wrapper.h.

list of sensors topics

Definition at line 161 of file mrpt_rbpf_slam_wrapper.h.

the time which take one SLAM update execution

Definition at line 180 of file mrpt_rbpf_slam_wrapper.h.

transform broadcaster

Definition at line 174 of file mrpt_rbpf_slam_wrapper.h.

mrpt::utils::CTicTac mrpt_rbpf_slam::PFslamWrapper::tictac_ [private]

Definition at line 178 of file mrpt_rbpf_slam_wrapper.h.

std::vector<mrpt::opengl::CEllipsoid::Ptr> mrpt_rbpf_slam::PFslamWrapper::viz_beacons_ [private]

Definition at line 168 of file mrpt_rbpf_slam_wrapper.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:

Author(s): Vladislav Tananaev
autogenerated on Thu Jun 6 2019 21:40:36