A set of message filters which take in messages and may output those messages at a later time, based on the conditions that filter needs met.
message_filters is a set of message "filters" which take messages in, usually through a callback from somewhere else, and may or may not spit them out at some time in the future, depending on the conditions which need to be met for that filter to do so.
message_filters also sets up a common pattern for these filters, allowing you to chain them together, even though they have no explicit base class.
The filters currently implemented in this package are:
There is also a base-class provided for simple filters: message_filters::SimpleFilter. This provides callback management and disconnection for any filter that derives from it. A simple filter is defined as one that outputs a single message. message_filters::SimpleFilter provides the registerCallback() method for any of its derived classes. message_filters::Subscriber, message_filters::Cache and message_filters::TimeSequencer are all derived from message_filters::SimpleFilter.
Here's a simple example of using a Subscriber with a Cache:
void myCallback(const robot_msgs::Pose::ConstPtr& pose) {} ros::NodeHandle nh; message_filters::Subscriber<robot_msgs::Pose> sub(nh, "pose_topic", 1); message_filters::Cache<robot_msgs::Pose> cache(sub, 10); cache.registerCallback(myCallback);
The Subscriber here acts as the source of messages. Each message is passed to the cache, which then passes it through to the user's callback (myCallback)
Every filter can have up to two types of connections, input and output. Source filters (such as message_filters::Subscriber) only have output connections, whereas most other filters have both input and output connections.
The two connection types do not have to be identical. For example, message_filters::TimeSynchronizer's input connection takes one parameter, but its output connection has somewhere between 2 and 9 parameters, depending on the number of connections being synchronized.
Input connections are registered either in the filter's constructor, or by calling connectInput() on the filter. For example:
message_filters::Cache<robot_msgs::Pose> cache(10); cache.connectInput(sub);
This connects cache's input to sub's output.
Output connections are registered through the registerCallback() function.