Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 //
00002 // Object.cpp
00003 //
00005 #include "Object.hpp"
00006 #include "../tools/errorhandler.hpp"
00007 #include "../tools/MathToolbox.hpp"     // for NaN_double
00009 namespace datatypes
00010 {
00013 Object::Object()
00014         : m_objectId(0)
00015         , m_flags(0)
00016         , m_objectAge(0)
00017         , m_hiddenStatusAge(0)
00018         , m_timestamp()
00019         , m_classification(Object::Unclassified)
00020         , m_classificationAge(0)
00021         , m_classificationQuality(0.0f)
00022         , m_centerPoint(Point2D(0, 0))
00023         , m_centerPointSigma(Point2D(0, 0))
00024         , m_courseAngle(0.0f)
00025         , m_courseAngleSigma(0.0f)
00026         , m_relativeVelocity(Point2D(0, 0))
00027         , m_relativeVelocitySigma(Point2D(0, 0))
00028         , m_absoluteVelocity(Point2D(0, 0))
00029         , m_absoluteVelocitySigma(Point2D(0, 0))
00030         , m_objectBox(Point2D(0, 0))
00031         , m_objectBoxSigma(Point2D(0, 0))
00032         , m_boundingBoxCenter(Point2D(0, 0))
00033         , m_boundingBox(Point2D(0, 0))
00034         , m_closestPoint(Point2D(0, 0))
00035         , m_contourPoints()
00036         , m_vehicleWLANid(0)
00037         , m_objectHeight(0)
00038         , m_objectHeightSigma(0)
00039         , m_objectMass(0)
00040         , m_maxAbsoluteVelocity(NaN_double)
00041         , m_normalizedMeanPointDist(0)
00042         , m_totalTrackingDuration(0)
00043         , m_totalTrackedPathLength(0)
00044         , m_isValid(true)
00045 {
00046 }
00048 Object::~Object()
00049 {
00050 }
00052 bool Object::operator==(const Object& other) const
00053 {
00054         bool b =
00055                 m_objectId == other.m_objectId
00056                 && m_flags == other.m_flags
00057                 && m_objectAge == other.m_objectAge
00058                 && m_hiddenStatusAge == other.m_hiddenStatusAge
00059                 && m_timestamp == other.m_timestamp
00060                 && m_classification == other.m_classification
00061                 && m_classificationAge == other.m_classificationAge
00062                 && m_classificationQuality == other.m_classificationQuality
00063                 && m_centerPoint == other.m_centerPoint
00064                 && m_centerPointSigma == other.m_centerPointSigma
00065                 && m_courseAngle == other.m_courseAngle
00066                 && m_courseAngleSigma == other.m_courseAngleSigma
00067                 && m_relativeVelocity == other.m_relativeVelocity
00068                 && m_relativeVelocitySigma == other.m_relativeVelocitySigma
00069                 && m_absoluteVelocity == other.m_absoluteVelocity
00070                 && m_absoluteVelocitySigma == other.m_absoluteVelocitySigma
00071                 && m_objectBox == other.m_objectBox
00072                 && m_objectBoxSigma == other.m_objectBoxSigma
00073                 && m_boundingBoxCenter == other.m_boundingBoxCenter
00074                 && m_boundingBox == other.m_boundingBox
00075                 && m_closestPoint == other.m_closestPoint
00076                 && m_contourPoints == other.m_contourPoints
00077                 && m_objectHeight == other.m_objectHeight
00078                 && m_objectHeightSigma == other.m_objectHeightSigma
00079                 && m_objectMass == other.m_objectMass
00080                 ;
00081         return b;
00082 }
00085 Box2D Object::getBox() const
00086 {
00087         return Box2D(getCenterPoint(), getObjectBox(), getCourseAngle());
00088 }
00090 // The set-functions with checks for value ranges
00091 void Object::setClassificationQuality(double v)
00092 {
00093         assert(v >= 0);
00094         assert(v <= 1);
00095         m_classificationQuality = v;
00096 }
00098 void Object::setCenterPointSigma(const Point2D& v)
00099 {
00100         assert((v.getX() >= 0) || isNaN(v.getX()));
00101         assert((v.getY() >= 0) || isNaN(v.getY()));
00102         m_centerPointSigma = v;
00103 }
00105 void Object::setCourseAngle(double new_angle)
00106 {
00107         double normd_angle = normalizeRadians(new_angle);
00108         if (!fuzzyCompare(normd_angle, new_angle))
00109         {
00110                 printWarning("Object::setCourseAngle was called with angle " + ::toString(new_angle, 2) +
00111                                                 " which is outside of its [-pi,pi] definition range (but the calling function should have ensured to normalize into that interval) - normalizing it back into that range now (" +
00112                                                 ::toString(normd_angle, 2) + ").");
00113                 new_angle = normd_angle;
00114                 // Note: We intentionally do not throw an exception here
00115                 // because erroneous normalizations might occur very seldomly
00116                 // (especially the exact value of +PI), hence might go through
00117                 // development unnoticed, but an exception causes a crash in
00118                 // front of the customer, which is bad. Also, we *do* print
00119                 // the warning even though we also normalize it so that the
00120                 // developers have a chance to notice this problem and fix
00121                 // their calling code.
00122         }
00123         m_courseAngle = new_angle;
00124 }
00126 void Object::setCourseAngleSigma(double v)
00127 {
00128         assert(v >= 0);
00129         m_courseAngleSigma = v;
00130 }
00132 void Object::setAbsoluteVelocity(const Point2D&  v)
00133 {
00134         m_absoluteVelocity = v;
00135         double absolute = v.dist();
00136         if (isNaN(getMaxAbsoluteVelocity())
00137                 || absolute > getMaxAbsoluteVelocity())
00138         {
00139                 setMaxAbsoluteVelocity(absolute);
00140         }
00141 }
00143 void Object::setAbsoluteVelocitySigma(const Point2D& v)
00144 {
00145         assert((v.getX() >= 0) || isNaN(v.getX()));
00146         assert((v.getY() >= 0) || isNaN(v.getY()));
00147         m_absoluteVelocitySigma = v;
00148 }
00150 void Object::setObjectBox(const Point2D& v)
00151 {
00152         assert((v.getX() >= 0) || isNaN(v.getX()));
00153         assert((v.getY() >= 0) || isNaN(v.getY()));
00154         m_objectBox = v;
00155 }
00157 void Object::setObjectBoxSigma(const Point2D& v)
00158 {
00159         assert((v.getX() >= 0) || isNaN(v.getX()));
00160         assert((v.getY() >= 0) || isNaN(v.getY()));
00161         m_objectBoxSigma = v;
00162 }
00164 void Object::setBoundingBox(const Point2D& v)
00165 {
00166         assert((v.getX() >= 0) || isNaN(v.getX()));
00167         assert((v.getY() >= 0) || isNaN(v.getY()));
00168         m_boundingBox = v;
00169 }
00171 void Object::setBoundingBoxCenter(const Point2D& v)
00172 {
00173         m_boundingBoxCenter = v;
00174 }
00176 void Object::setObjectHeightSigma(double v)
00177 {
00178         assert(v >= 0);
00179         m_objectHeightSigma = v;
00180 }
00182 void Object::setObjectMass(double v)
00183 {
00184         assert(v >= 0);
00185         m_objectMass = v;
00186 }
00188 void Object::setContourPoints(const Polygon2D& v)
00189 {
00190         assert(v.size() <= 0xff);
00191         m_contourPoints = v;
00192 }
00194 void Object::addContourPoint(const Point2D cp)
00195 {
00196         assert(m_contourPoints.size() < 0xff);
00197         m_contourPoints.push_back(cp);
00198 }
00201 std::string Object::toString() const
00202 {
00203         std::string text = "Object: ";
00204         text += "id=" + ::toString(m_objectId);
00205         text += ", flags=" + ::toString(m_flags);
00206         text += ", objAge=" + ::toString(m_objectAge);
00207         text += ", hiddenStatusAge=" + ::toString(m_hiddenStatusAge);
00208         text += ", timestamp=" + m_timestamp.toString();
00209         text += std::string(", classification=") + objectClassificationToString(m_classification);
00211         text += ", classificationAge=" + ::toString(m_classificationAge);
00213         text += ", classificationQuality=" + ::toString(m_classificationQuality, 2);
00215         text += ", centerPoint=" + m_centerPoint.toString();
00216         text += ", centerPointSigma=" + m_centerPointSigma.toString();
00218         text += ", courseAngle=" + ::toString(m_courseAngle, 2);
00219         text += ", courseAngleSigma=" + ::toString(m_courseAngleSigma, 2);
00221         text += ", relativeVelocity=" + m_relativeVelocity.toString();
00222         text += ", relativeVelocitySigma=" + m_relativeVelocitySigma.toString();
00224         text += ", absoluteVelocity=" + m_absoluteVelocity.toString();
00225         text += ", absoluteVelocitySigma=" + m_absoluteVelocitySigma.toString();
00227         text += ", objectBox=" + m_objectBox.toString();
00228         text += ", objectBoxSigma=" + m_objectBoxSigma.toString();
00230         text += ", boundingBox=" + m_boundingBox.toString();
00231         text += ", closestPoint=" + m_closestPoint.toString();
00233         text += ", contourPointsNum=" + ::toString(m_contourPoints.size());
00234         text += ", contourPoints=" + Polygon2D(m_contourPoints).toString();
00236         text += ", vehicleWLANid=" + ::toString(m_vehicleWLANid, 2);
00237         text += ", objectHeight=" + ::toString(m_objectHeight, 2);
00238         text += ", objectHeightSigma=" + ::toString(m_objectHeightSigma, 2);
00239         text += ", objectMass=" + ::toString(m_objectMass, 2);
00241         text += ", maxAbsoluteVelocity=" + ::toString(m_maxAbsoluteVelocity, 2);
00242         text += ", normalizedMeanPointDist=" + ::toString(m_normalizedMeanPointDist, 2);
00243         text += ", totalTrackingDuration=" + ::toString(m_totalTrackingDuration, 2);
00244         text += ", totalTrackedPathLength=" + ::toString(m_totalTrackedPathLength, 2);
00246         return text;
00247 }
00249 #define TYPE_TO_STR(tstr) tstr : return #tstr
00251 const char* Object::objectClassificationToString(ObjectClassification v)
00252 {
00253         switch (v)
00254         {
00255         case TYPE_TO_STR ( Unclassified );
00256         case TYPE_TO_STR ( UnknownSmall );
00257         case TYPE_TO_STR ( UnknownBig );
00258         case TYPE_TO_STR ( Pedestrian );
00259         case TYPE_TO_STR ( Bike );
00260         case TYPE_TO_STR ( Car );
00261         case TYPE_TO_STR ( Truck );
00262         case TYPE_TO_STR ( Structure_Pylon );
00263         case TYPE_TO_STR ( Structure_Beacon );
00264         case TYPE_TO_STR ( Structure_GuardRail );
00265         case TYPE_TO_STR ( Structure_ConcreteBarrier );
00266         case TYPE_TO_STR ( NumClasses );
00267         case TYPE_TO_STR ( Unknown );
00268         default:
00269                 throw std::invalid_argument("Unknown object classification " + ::toString(int(v)));
00270                 return "<unknown>";
00271         }
00272 }
00274 Object::ObjectClassification Object::stringToObjectClassification(const std::string& s)
00275 {
00276         if (s == "Unclassified" || s == "Unclass")
00277                 return Unclassified;
00278         else if (s == "UnknownSmall" || s == "us")
00279                 return UnknownSmall;
00280         else if (s == "UnknownBig" || s == "UB")
00281                 return UnknownBig;
00282         else if (s == "Pedestrian" || s == "Ped")
00283                 return Pedestrian;
00284         else if (s == "Bike")
00285                 return Bike;
00286         else if (s == "Car")
00287                 return Car;
00288         else if (s == "Truck")
00289                 return Truck;
00290         else if (s == "Structure_Pylon" || s == "Pylon")
00291                 return Structure_Pylon;
00292         else if (s == "Structure_Beacon" || s == "Bcn")
00293                 return Structure_Beacon;
00294         else if (s == "Structure_GuardRail" || s == "GrdRl")
00295                 return Structure_GuardRail;
00296         else if (s == "Structure_ConcreteBarrier" || s == "CBar")
00297                 return Structure_ConcreteBarrier;
00298         else if (s == "NumClasses" || s == "#Classes")
00299                 return NumClasses;
00300         else if (s == "Unknown")
00301                 return Unknown;
00302         else
00303         {
00304                 throw std::invalid_argument("Unknown object classification string \"" + s + "\"");
00305                 return Unknown;
00306         }
00307 }
00309 std::string Object::objectClassificationToStringWithNum(ObjectClassification v)
00310 {
00311         const std::string s = objectClassificationToString(v);
00312         return s + " (" + ::toString((int)v) + ")";
00313 }
00315 const char* Object::objectClassificationToShortString(ObjectClassification v)
00316 {
00317         switch (v)
00318         {
00319         case Unclassified:
00320                 return "Unclass";
00321         case UnknownSmall:
00322                 return "us";
00323         case UnknownBig:
00324                 return "UB";
00325         case Pedestrian:
00326                 return "Ped";
00327         case Bike:
00328                 return "Bike";
00329         case Car:
00330                 return "Car";
00331         case Truck:
00332                 return "Truck";
00333         case Structure_Pylon:
00334                 return "Pylon";
00335         case Structure_Beacon:
00336                 return "Bcn";
00337         case Structure_GuardRail:
00338                 return "GrdRl";
00339         case Structure_ConcreteBarrier:
00340                 return "CBar";
00341         case NumClasses:
00342                 return "#Classes";
00343         case Unknown:
00344                 return "Unknown";
00345         default:
00346                 throw std::invalid_argument("Unknown object classification " + ::toString(int(v)));
00347                 return "<unknown>";
00348         }
00349 }
00351 // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
00353 void Object::getObjectBoxVarCovar(double &var_x, double &var_y, double &covar_xy) const
00354 {
00355         // Square the stored standard deviation to get the variances
00356         double var_x_obj = sqr(getObjectBoxSigma().getX());
00357         double var_y_obj = sqr(getObjectBoxSigma().getY());
00359         // Rotate the variances back by the angle given by the courseAngle
00360         double dCos = std::cos(getCourseAngle());
00361         double dSin = std::sin(getCourseAngle());
00362         double cos_sq = sqr(dCos);
00363         double sin_sq = sqr(dSin);
00364         double cos_sin = dCos * dSin;
00366         // And rotate the covariance matrix C_o: To rotate C_o by the
00367         // rotation matrix R, we need to calculate C_v = R * C_o * R^T
00368         var_x    =   cos_sq * var_x_obj +  sin_sq * var_y_obj;
00369         covar_xy = -cos_sin * var_x_obj + cos_sin * var_y_obj;
00370         var_y    =   sin_sq * var_x_obj +  cos_sq * var_y_obj;
00371 }
00373 /*
00374 void Object::compensateEgoMovement(const Point2D& deltaPos, double deltaAngle)
00375 {
00376         m_centerPoint -= deltaPos;
00377         m_centerPoint = m_centerPoint.rotated(-deltaAngle);
00379         m_centerPointSigma = m_centerPointSigma.rotated(-deltaAngle);
00381         m_courseAngle -= deltaAngle;
00382         m_courseAngleSigma -= deltaAngle;
00384         m_relativeVelocity = m_relativeVelocity.rotated(-deltaAngle);
00385         m_relativeVelocitySigma = m_relativeVelocitySigma.rotated(-deltaAngle);
00386         m_absoluteVelocity = m_absoluteVelocity.rotated(-deltaAngle);
00387         m_absoluteVelocitySigma = m_absoluteVelocitySigma.rotated(-deltaAngle);
00389         m_boundingBoxCenter -= deltaPos;
00390         m_boundingBoxCenter = m_boundingBoxCenter.rotated(-deltaAngle);
00392         // m_boundingBox TODO: anpassen
00393         m_closestPoint -= deltaPos;
00394         m_closestPoint = m_closestPoint.rotated(-deltaAngle);
00396         // transformation of the contour points - otherwise the contour points are invalid!
00398         Point2DVector::iterator pt;
00399         for (pt = m_contourPoints.begin(); pt != m_contourPoints.end(); pt++)
00400         {
00401                 *pt -= deltaPos;
00402                 *pt = pt->rotated(-deltaAngle);
00403         }
00404 }
00405 */
00407 void Object::incrementObjectAge()
00408 {
00409         m_objectAge++;
00410 }
00412 void Object::setMaxAbsoluteVelocity(double v)
00413 {
00414 //      if (v < 0)
00415 //              throw InvalidArgumentException("setMaxAbsoluteVelocity called with negative argument " + ::toString(v, 2) + ", but must be non-negative.");
00416         m_maxAbsoluteVelocity = v;
00417 }
00418 void Object::setNormalizedMeanPointDist(double v)
00419 {
00420 //      if (v < 0)
00421 //              throw InvalidArgumentException("setNormalizedMeanPointDist called with negative argument " + ::toString(v, 2) + ", but must be non-negative.");
00422         m_normalizedMeanPointDist = v;
00423 }
00424 void Object::setTotalTrackingDuration(double v)
00425 {
00426 //      if (v < 0)
00427 //              throw InvalidArgumentException ("setTotalTrackingDuration called with negative argument " + ::toString(v, 2) + ", but must be non-negative.");
00428         m_totalTrackingDuration = v;
00429 }
00430 void Object::setTotalTrackedPathLength(double v)
00431 {
00432 //      if (v < 0)
00433 //              throw InvalidArgumentException("setTotalTrackedPathLength called with negative argument " + ::toString(v,2) + ", but must be non-negative.");
00434         m_totalTrackedPathLength = v;
00435 }
00437 double Object::getMeanAbsoluteVelocity() const
00438 {
00439         // mean velocity
00440         return (m_totalTrackingDuration > 0)
00441                    ? (m_totalTrackedPathLength / m_totalTrackingDuration)
00442                    : 0.0f;
00443 }
00446 //
00447 // ******************* ObjectList ***************************
00448 //
00451 ObjectList::ObjectList()
00452         : base_class()
00453 {
00454         m_datatype = Datatype_Objects;
00455         m_timestamp.set(0.0);
00456 }
00458 bool ObjectList::operator==(const ObjectList& other) const
00459 {
00460         return (m_timestamp == other.m_timestamp)
00461                    && (static_cast<const base_class&>(*this)
00462                            == static_cast<const base_class&>(other));
00463 }
00466 void ObjectList::setTimestamp(const Time& timestamp)
00467 {
00468         m_timestamp = timestamp;
00469 }
00471 /*
00472 void ObjectList::compensateEgoMovement(const Point2D& deltaPos, double deltaAngle)
00473 {
00474         iterator obj;
00475         for (obj = begin(); obj != end(); obj++)
00476         {
00477                 obj->compensateEgoMovement(deltaPos, deltaAngle);
00478         }
00479 }
00480 */
00482 //
00483 // Alter aller Objekte um 1 erhoehen.
00484 //
00485 void ObjectList::incrementObjectAge()
00486 {
00487         iterator obj;
00488         for (obj = begin(); obj != end(); obj++)
00489         {
00490                 obj->incrementObjectAge();
00491         }
00492 }
00494 }       // namespace datatypes

Author(s): SICK AG , Martin Günther , Jochen Sprickerhof
autogenerated on Thu Jun 6 2019 21:02:36