Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 import copy
00003 import rospy
00004 import roslib.message
00006 from lama_msgs.msg import LamaObject
00007 from lama_msgs.srv import GetInterfaceInfo
00008 from lama_msgs.srv import GetInterfaceInfoResponse
00010 from lama_interfaces.core_interface import CoreDBInterface
00011 from lama_interfaces.map_agent import map_agent_name
00012 from lama_interfaces.srv import ActOnMap
00013 from lama_interfaces.srv import ActOnMapRequest
00014 from lama_interfaces.srv import ActOnMapResponse
00017 class LocalMapAgent(object):
00018     """Define callbacks for ActOnMap and possibly start the map agent service
00020     The class directly accesses the database.
00021     """
00022     def __init__(self, start=False):
00023         action_srv_type = 'lama_interfaces/ActOnMap'
00024         srv_action_class = roslib.message.get_service_class(action_srv_type)
00025         # Action class.
00026         self.action_service_name = map_agent_name()
00027         self.action_service_class = srv_action_class
00028         if start:
00029             self.map_agent = rospy.Service(self.action_service_name,
00030                                            self.action_service_class,
00031                                            self.action_callback)
00032             # Start the service for GetInterfaceInfo.
00033             rospy.Service('get_interface_info',
00034                           GetInterfaceInfo,
00035                           self._get_interface_info_callback)
00036         else:
00037             self.map_agent = None
00038         self.proxy = rospy.ServiceProxy(self.action_service_name, ActOnMap)
00040         self.core_iface = CoreDBInterface(start=start)
00042     def get_lama_object_list(self, lama_object):
00043         """Retrieve all elements that match the search criteria
00045         Search criteria are attributes of lama_object with non-default values
00046         (defaults are 0 or '').
00047         Return a list of LamaObject, or an empty list of no LamaObject matches.
00049         Parameters
00050         ----------
00051         - lama_object: an instance of LamaObject
00052         """
00053         # Reset references, because it happens to be a tuple.
00054         if lama_object.type == LamaObject.VERTEX:
00055             lama_object.references = [0, 0]
00057         coretable = self.core_iface.core_table
00058         query = coretable.select()
00059         # We exclude the undefined node.
00060         query = query.where(coretable.c['id'] != 0)
00061         for attr in self.core_iface.direct_attributes:
00062             v = getattr(lama_object, attr)
00063             if v:
00064                 # Only add a "where" clause, where the attribute is non-default
00065                 # (i.e. neither 0 nor '').
00066                 query = query.where(coretable.c[attr] == v)
00067         if lama_object.references[0]:
00068             query = query.where(coretable.c['v0'] == lama_object.references[0])
00069         if lama_object.references[1]:
00070             query = query.where(coretable.c['v1'] == lama_object.references[1])
00071         rospy.logdebug('SQL query: {}'.format(query))
00073         connection = self.core_iface.engine.connect()
00074         with connection.begin():
00075             results = connection.execute(query).fetchall()
00076         connection.close()
00077         if not results:
00078             return []
00079         objects = []
00080         for result in results:
00081             lama_object = self.core_iface._lama_object_from_query_result(result)
00082             objects.append(lama_object)
00083         return objects
00085     def action_callback(self, msg):
00086         """Callback of ActOnMap service
00088         Return an instance of ActOnMap response.
00090         Parameters
00091         ----------
00092         - msg: an instance of ActOnMap request.
00093         """
00094         # Raise an error if pushing the wrong type.
00095         if ((msg.action == msg.PUSH_VERTEX) and
00096             (msg.object.type not in [0, msg.object.VERTEX])):
00097             raise rospy.ServiceException(
00098                 'Action PUSH_VERTEX, LamaObject is not a vertex')
00099         if ((msg.action == msg.PUSH_EDGE) and
00100             (msg.object.type not in [0, msg.object.EDGE])):
00101             raise rospy.ServiceException(
00102                 'Action PUSH_EDGE, LamaObject is not an edge')
00104         # Force object type for PUSH_VERTEX and PUSH_EDGE.
00105         if msg.action == msg.PUSH_EDGE:
00106             msg.object.type = msg.object.EDGE
00107         if msg.action == msg.PUSH_VERTEX:
00108             msg.object.type = msg.object.VERTEX
00110         callbacks = {
00111             msg.PUSH_VERTEX: self.push_lama_object,
00112             msg.PULL_VERTEX: self.pull_lama_object,
00113             msg.ASSIGN_DESCRIPTOR_VERTEX: (
00114                 self.assign_descriptor_to_lama_object),
00115             msg.PUSH_EDGE: self.push_lama_object,
00116             msg.PULL_EDGE: self.pull_lama_object,
00117             msg.ASSIGN_DESCRIPTOR_EDGE: (
00118                 self.assign_descriptor_to_lama_object),
00119             msg.GET_VERTEX_LIST: self.get_vertex_list,
00120             msg.GET_EDGE_LIST: self.get_edge_list,
00121             msg.GET_DESCRIPTOR_LINKS: self.get_descriptor_links,
00122             msg.GET_NEIGHBOR_VERTICES: self.get_neighbor_vertices,
00123             msg.GET_OUTGOING_EDGES: self.get_outgoing_edges,
00124         }
00125         if msg.action not in callbacks:
00126             raise rospy.ServiceException('Action {} not implemented'.format(
00127                 msg.action))
00128         callback = callbacks[msg.action]
00129         response = callback(msg)
00130         return response
00132     def _get_interface_info_callback(self, msg):
00133         response = GetInterfaceInfoResponse()
00134         response.interface_info = self.core_iface.get_interface_info(
00135             msg.interface_name)
00136         if response.interface_info is None:
00137             return
00138         return response
00140     def push_lama_object(self, msg):
00141         """Add a LaMa object to the database
00143         Callback for PUSH_VERTEX and PUSH_EDGE.
00144         Return an instance of ActOnMap response.
00146         Parameters
00147         ----------
00148         - msg: an instance of ActOnMap request.
00149         """
00150         lama_object = copy.copy(msg.object)
00151         lama_object.id = self.core_iface.set_lama_object(lama_object)
00152         response = ActOnMapResponse()
00153         response.objects.append(lama_object)
00154         return response
00156     def pull_lama_object(self, msg):
00157         """Retrieve a LaMa object from the database
00159         Callback for PULL_VERTEX and PULL_EDGE.
00160         The object id is given in msg.object.id.
00161         Return an instance of ActOnMap response. The field descriptor_links will
00162         be filled with all DescriptorLink associated with this LamaObject.
00163         An error is raised if more LaMa objects correspond to the search
00164         criteria.
00166         Parameters
00167         ----------
00168         - msg: an instance of ActOnMap request.
00169         """
00170         response = ActOnMapResponse()
00171         id_ = msg.object.id
00172         response.objects.append(self.core_iface.get_lama_object(id_))
00173         get_desc_links = self.core_iface.get_descriptor_links
00174         response.descriptor_links = get_desc_links(id_)
00175         return response
00177     def assign_descriptor_to_lama_object(self, msg):
00178         """Add a descriptor to a vertex
00181         Return an instance of ActOnMap response.
00183         Parameters
00184         ----------
00185         - msg: an instance of ActOnMap request.
00186         """
00187         # Ensure that the lama object exists in the core table.
00188         object_id = msg.object.id
00189         core_table = self.core_iface.core_table
00190         query = core_table.select(
00191             whereclause=(core_table.c.id == object_id))
00192         connection = self.core_iface.engine.connect()
00193         with connection.begin():
00194             result = connection.execute(query).fetchone()
00195         connection.close()
00196         if not result:
00197             err = 'No lama object with id {} in database table {}'.format(
00198                 object_id, core_table.name)
00199             raise rospy.ServiceException(err)
00201         # Ensure that the descriptor exists in the database.
00202         if not msg.interface_name:
00203             raise rospy.ServiceException('Missing interface name')
00204         table_name = msg.interface_name
00205         if not self.core_iface.has_table(table_name):
00206             err = 'No interface "{}" in the database'.format(
00207                 msg.interface_name)
00208             raise rospy.ServiceException(err)
00209         table = self.core_iface.metadata.tables[table_name]
00210         desc_id = msg.descriptor_id
00211         query = table.select(
00212             whereclause=(table.c.id == desc_id))
00213         connection = self.core_iface.engine.connect()
00214         with connection.begin():
00215             result = connection.execute(query).fetchone()
00216         connection.close()
00217         if not result:
00218             err = 'No descriptor with id {} in database table {}'.format(
00219                 desc_id, table.name)
00220             raise rospy.ServiceException(err)
00222         # Add the descriptor to the descriptor table.
00223         time = rospy.Time.now()
00224         insert_args = {
00225             'object_id': object_id,
00226             'descriptor_id': desc_id,
00227             'interface_name': table_name,
00228             'timestamp_secs': time.secs,
00229             'timestamp_nsecs': time.nsecs,
00230         }
00231         connection = self.core_iface.engine.connect()
00232         with connection.begin():
00233             connection.execute(self.core_iface.descriptor_table.insert(),
00234                                insert_args)
00235         connection.close()
00237         response = ActOnMapResponse()
00238         return response
00240     def get_vertex_list(self, msg):
00241         """Retrieve all vertices from the database
00243         Callback for GET_VERTEX_LIST.
00244         Return an instance of ActOnMap response.
00246         Parameters
00247         ----------
00248         - msg: an instance of ActOnMap request.
00249         """
00250         msg.object.type = LamaObject.VERTEX
00251         response = ActOnMapResponse()
00252         response.objects = self.get_lama_object_list(msg.object)
00253         return response
00255     def get_edge_list(self, msg):
00256         """Retrieve edges from the database
00258         Callback for GET_EDGE_LIST.
00259         Retrieved all edges from the database that correspond to the search
00260         criteria given in msg.object.
00261         Search criteria are attributes with non-default values (0 or '').
00262         Return an instance of ActOnMap response.
00264         Parameters
00265         ----------
00266         - msg: an instance of ActOnMap request.
00267         """
00268         msg.object.type = LamaObject.EDGE
00269         response = ActOnMapResponse()
00270         response.objects = self.get_lama_object_list(msg.object)
00271         return response
00273     def get_descriptor_links(self, msg):
00274         """Retrieve DescriptorLink associated with a LamaObject and an interface
00276         Callback for GET_DESCRIPTOR_LINKS.
00277         Return an instance of ActOnMap response.
00279         Parameters
00280         ----------
00281         - msg: an instance of ActOnMap request.
00282         """
00283         response = ActOnMapResponse()
00284         response.objects.append(msg.object)
00285         get_desc_links = self.core_iface.get_descriptor_links
00286         response.descriptor_links = get_desc_links(msg.object.id,
00287                                                    msg.interface_name)
00288         return response
00290     def get_neighbor_vertices(self, msg):
00291         """Retrieve all neighbor vertices from the database
00293         Callback for GET_NEIGHBOR_VERTICES.
00294         Return an instance of ActOnMap response.
00296         Parameters
00297         ----------
00298         - msg: an instance of ActOnMap request.
00299         """
00300         # TODO: Discuss with Karel what this action does.
00301         rospy.logerr('GET_NEIGHBOR_VERTICES not implemented')
00302         response = ActOnMapResponse()
00303         return response
00305     def get_outgoing_edges(self, msg):
00306         """Retrieve edges starting at a given vertex
00308         Callback for GET_OUTGOING_EDGES.
00309         Return an instance of ActOnMap response containing edges (instances
00310         of LamaObject) starting at the given vertex.
00311         This is syntactic sugar because the functionality can be obtained with
00312         GET_EDGE_LIST.
00314         Parameters
00315         ----------
00316         - msg: an instance of ActOnMapRequest.
00317         """
00318         msg_get_edges = ActOnMapRequest()
00319         msg_get_edges.object.type = msg_get_edges.object.EDGE
00320         msg_get_edges.object.references[0] = msg.object.id
00321         return self.get_edge_list(msg_get_edges)

Author(s): Gaël Ecorchard , Karel Košnar
autogenerated on Sat Jun 8 2019 19:03:14