Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #include "hrpEC.h"
00002 #include "hrpsys/io/iob.h"
00004 #include <rtm/RTObjectStateMachine.h>
00005 #endif
00007 //#define ENABLE_DEBUG_PRINT (true)
00008 #define ENABLE_DEBUG_PRINT (false)
00010 namespace RTC
00011 {
00012     hrpExecutionContext::~hrpExecutionContext()
00013     {
00014         if (m_thread_pending)
00015             abort ();
00016     }
00017     int hrpExecutionContext::svc(void)
00018     {
00019         int ret = svc_wrapped ();
00020         m_thread_pending = false;
00021         return ret;
00022     }
00023     int hrpExecutionContext::svc_wrapped(void)
00024     {
00025         if (open_iob() == FALSE){
00026             std::cerr << "open_iob: failed to open" << std::endl;
00027             return 0;
00028         } 
00029         if (lock_iob() == FALSE){
00030             std::cerr << "failed to lock iob" << std::endl;
00031             close_iob();
00032             return 0;
00033         }
00035         long period_nsec = (m_period.sec()*1e9+m_period.usec()*1e3);
00036         double period_sec = period_nsec/1e9;
00037 #else
00038         coil::TimeValue period(getPeriod());
00039         double period_sec = (double)period;
00040         long period_nsec = period_sec*1e9;
00041 #endif
00042             int nsubstep = number_of_substeps();
00043         set_signal_period(period_nsec/nsubstep);
00044         std::cout << "period = " << get_signal_period()*nsubstep/1e6
00045                   << "[ms], priority = " << m_priority << ", cpu = " << m_cpu << std::endl;
00046         struct timeval debug_tv1, debug_tv2, debug_tv3, debug_tv4, debug_tv5;
00047         int loop = 0;
00048         int debug_count = 5000.0/(get_signal_period()*nsubstep/1e6); // Loop count for debug print. Once per 5000.0 [ms].
00050         if (!enterRT()){
00051             unlock_iob();
00052             close_iob();
00053             return 0;
00054         }
00055         do{
00056             loop++;
00057             if (loop % debug_count == 0 && ENABLE_DEBUG_PRINT) gettimeofday(&debug_tv1, NULL);
00058             if (!waitForNextPeriod()){
00059                 unlock_iob();
00060                 close_iob();
00061                 return 0;
00062             }
00063             struct timeval tv;
00064             gettimeofday(&tv, NULL);
00065             if (m_profile.count > 0){
00066 #define DELTA_SEC(start, end) (end.tv_sec - start.tv_sec + (end.tv_usec - start.tv_usec)/1e6)
00067                 double dt = DELTA_SEC(m_tv, tv);
00068                 if (dt > m_profile.max_period) m_profile.max_period = dt;
00069                 if (dt < m_profile.min_period) m_profile.min_period = dt;
00070                 m_profile.avg_period = (m_profile.avg_period*m_profile.count + dt)/(m_profile.count+1);
00071             }
00072             m_profile.count++;
00073             m_tv = tv;
00074             if (loop % debug_count == 0 && ENABLE_DEBUG_PRINT) gettimeofday(&debug_tv2, NULL);
00077             invoke_worker iw;
00078             struct timeval tbegin, tend;
00079                 std::vector<double> processes(m_comps.size());
00080             gettimeofday(&tbegin, NULL);
00081             for (unsigned int i=0; i< m_comps.size(); i++){
00082                 iw(m_comps[i]);
00083                 gettimeofday(&tend, NULL);
00084                 double dt = DELTA_SEC(tbegin, tend);
00085                 processes[i] = dt;
00086                 tbegin = tend;
00087             }
00088 #else
00089             struct timeval tbegin, tend;
00090             const RTCList& list = getComponentList();
00091             std::vector<double> processes(list.length());
00092             gettimeofday(&tbegin, NULL);
00093             for (unsigned int i=0; i< list.length(); i++){
00094                 RTC_impl::RTObjectStateMachine* rtobj = m_worker.findComponent(list[i]);
00095                 rtobj->workerDo(); 
00096                 gettimeofday(&tend, NULL);
00097                 double dt = DELTA_SEC(tbegin, tend);
00098                 processes[i] = dt;
00099                 tbegin = tend;
00100             }
00101 #endif
00102             if (loop % debug_count == 0 && ENABLE_DEBUG_PRINT &&
00103                 rtc_names.size() == processes.size()) {
00104               printRTCProcessingTime(processes);
00105             }
00106             if (loop % debug_count == 0 && ENABLE_DEBUG_PRINT) gettimeofday(&debug_tv3, NULL);
00108             gettimeofday(&tv, NULL);
00109             double dt = DELTA_SEC(m_tv, tv);
00110             if (dt > m_profile.max_process) m_profile.max_process = dt;
00111             if (m_profile.profiles.length() != processes.size()){
00112                 m_profile.profiles.length(processes.size());
00113                 for (unsigned int i=0; i<m_profile.profiles.length(); i++){
00114                     m_profile.profiles[i].count = 0;
00115                     m_profile.profiles[i].avg_process = 0;
00116                     m_profile.profiles[i].max_process = 0;
00117                 }
00118             }
00119             for (unsigned int i=0; i<m_profile.profiles.length(); i++){
00121                 LifeCycleState lcs = get_component_state(m_comps[i]._ref);
00122 #else
00123                 RTC_impl::RTObjectStateMachine* rtobj = m_worker.findComponent(list[i]);
00124                 LifeCycleState lcs = rtobj->getState();
00125 #endif
00126                 OpenHRP::ExecutionProfileService::ComponentProfile &prof 
00127                     = m_profile.profiles[i];
00128                 double dt = processes[i];
00129                 if (lcs == ACTIVE_STATE){
00130                     prof.avg_process = (prof.avg_process*prof.count + dt)/(++prof.count);
00131                 }
00132                 if (prof.max_process < dt) prof.max_process = dt;
00133             }
00134             if (dt > period_sec*nsubstep){
00135                 m_profile.timeover++; 
00136 #ifdef NDEBUG
00137                 fprintf(stderr, "[hrpEC][%d.%6.6d] Timeover: processing time = %4.2f[ms]\n",
00138                         tv.tv_sec, tv.tv_usec, dt*1e3);
00139                 // Update rtc_names only when rtcs length change.
00140                 if (processes.size() != rtc_names.size()){
00141                     rtc_names.clear();
00142                     for (unsigned int i=0; i< processes.size(); i++){
00144                         RTC::RTObject_var rtc = RTC::RTObject::_narrow(m_comps[i]._ref);
00145 #else
00146                         RTC::RTObject_var rtc = list[i];
00147 #endif
00148                         rtc_names.push_back(std::string(rtc->get_component_profile()->instance_name));
00149                     }
00150                 }
00151                 printRTCProcessingTime(processes);
00152 #endif
00153             }
00156             if (loop % debug_count == 0 && ENABLE_DEBUG_PRINT) {
00157               gettimeofday(&debug_tv4, NULL);
00158               fprintf(stderr, "[hrpEC] [%d.%6.6d] Processing time breakdown : waitForNextPeriod %f[ms], warker (onExecute) %f[ms], ExecutionProfile %f[ms], time from prev cicle %f[ms]\n",
00159                       tv.tv_sec, tv.tv_usec,
00160                       DELTA_SEC(debug_tv1, debug_tv2)*1e3,
00161                       DELTA_SEC(debug_tv2, debug_tv3)*1e3,
00162                       DELTA_SEC(debug_tv3, debug_tv4)*1e3,
00163                       DELTA_SEC(debug_tv5, debug_tv1)*1e3);
00164             }
00165             if (loop % debug_count == (debug_count-1) && ENABLE_DEBUG_PRINT) gettimeofday(&debug_tv5, NULL);
00166         } while (m_running);
00167 #else
00168         } while (isRunning());
00169 #endif
00170         exitRT();
00171         unlock_iob();
00172         close_iob();
00174         return 0;
00175     }
00177     OpenHRP::ExecutionProfileService::Profile *hrpExecutionContext::getProfile()
00178     {
00179         OpenHRP::ExecutionProfileService::Profile *ret 
00180             = new OpenHRP::ExecutionProfileService::Profile;
00181         *ret = m_profile;
00182         return ret;
00183     }
00185     OpenHRP::ExecutionProfileService::ComponentProfile hrpExecutionContext::getComponentProfile(RTC::LightweightRTObject_ptr obj)
00186     {
00188         for (size_t i=0; i<m_comps.size(); i++){
00189             if (m_comps[i]._ref->_is_equivalent(obj)){
00190 #else
00191         const RTCList& list = getComponentList();
00192         for(size_t i=0; i<list.length(); i++){
00193             RTC_impl::RTObjectStateMachine* rtobj = m_worker.findComponent(list[i]);
00194             if(rtobj->isEquivalent(obj)){
00195 #endif
00196                 return m_profile.profiles[i];
00197             }
00198         }
00199         throw OpenHRP::ExecutionProfileService::ExecutionProfileServiceException("no such component");
00200     }
00202     void hrpExecutionContext::activate ()
00203     {
00204         m_thread_pending = true;
00205         PeriodicExecutionContext::activate ();
00206     }
00208     void hrpExecutionContext::resetProfile()
00209     {
00210         m_profile.max_period = m_profile.avg_period = 0;
00211         m_profile.min_period = 1.0; // enough long 
00212         m_profile.max_process = 0.0;
00213         for( unsigned int i = 0 ; i < m_profile.profiles.length() ; i++ ){
00214             m_profile.profiles[i].count       = 0;
00215             m_profile.profiles[i].avg_process = 0;
00216             m_profile.profiles[i].max_process = 0;
00217         }
00218         m_profile.count = m_profile.timeover = 0;
00219     }
00220 };

Author(s): AIST, Fumio Kanehiro
autogenerated on Wed May 15 2019 05:02:18